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Socialization Paper

Samantha Ermoian


November 16, 2015

Ivan Harrell

Socialization Paper

Attitude is a mix of certain factors which includes person’s behaviors, cognitions and his

own understanding and acceptance towards life different circumstances. It would become difficult

to check someone’s behavior or attitude just on your own understanding, as it may hurt you in

long turn and it may prove wrong. When a person repeatedly does the same thing, then only

people consider it as a consistent behavior and get the percent of an attitude of a person. We all

mostly works based on prejudice, whereas our opinion might get change after talking to that

person, in most of the circumstances opinions got change but in certain circumstances, it may

remain the same and it completely depends on one’s individual thinking and behavior. Aggression

would be required in each of us but to a certain level of degree to perform routine jobs, but

people who get aroused without any cause, will stuck into a trouble. Attraction would be a major

part of a social interaction, where people try to induce other people with their good and bad

behaviors and make their circle. This would not be possible if we fight always with each other.

Group plays are very important as per person’s individual behavior, as it actually helps individual

in learning what other people taught of the same subject and how they take it further while

suggesting solutions or creating awareness about it. Conformity comes when people think the

thought shared with them are appropriate and if they will go with that thought, it would not harm

them instead it will help them in building benefits for them, whereas obedience is a restriction or

rule which mostly people start following. Working in an environment of professionals need soft

skills with lots of knowledge and good interpersonal skills, this wouldn’t be possible if a person is

too aggressive and expressive in nature. People need to think and create and impression on the

society, where he can show that he is willing to learn and grow. It would be helpful if a person

contains traits which will not only benefit him but will definitely benefit society as well.

“Conformity” and “obedience” are two forms of social behaviors and influences that are evident

in   human   interactions   and   group   formations.   Both   allow   a   certain   degree   of   surrender   of   a

person’s innate nature to outside sources.

Conformity is the act or behavior of a person that matches that of a certain group of

people. It is adapting one’s own beliefs, attitudes, and even feelings to match or imitate the views

and beliefs of the people belonging to the group. Conformity comes with a subtle pressure and

indirect authority. Obedience, on the other hand, is simply an act of following directions or

instructions without question or protest. The order or instruction is given by a particular figure in

authority, someone who is assumed to be the leader or head. These figures in authority are often

created by standards of society. Obedience is practiced to avoid punishment or other unpleasant

outcomes due to disobedience or ignorance of the order. Usually it is done out of fear or respect.

Obedience allows people to have a system of order. Other standards of society like law, religion,

morality, and social norms reflect this attempt to have a centralized power that can control groups

of people by virtue of having a position.


Carter, K & Seifert, C. M. (2013) Learn psychology. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett


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