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1. 13th Abolishes and prohibits slavery 12. Hist 106 Quiz 1

13. History 106 Quiz 1
14. Industrialization & 1. New industries (steel, textiles,
2. 1865 End of Civil War (Indians/Federals won the
Urbanization in the cheap oil, railroads)
Civil War)
South 2. New social movement
Republicans in the past support
- Women's Christian Temperance
abolitionism & economics.
Democrats supported slavery (Very
- United Daughters of the
Southern based.)
Confederacy and the lost cause.
3. AA Responses 1. Community organizations and exodusters. 3. Confederate Army fought for the
to Legalized 2. Booker T. Washington (Compromise of Lost Cause to Ease Southern Society
Discrimination 1895) in the industrialization.
2. W.E.B. Du Bois
15. Jim Crow Laws Limited rights of blacks. Literacy
- The Souls of Black Folk (1903)
tests, grandfather clauses and poll
- The NAACP (1909)
taxes limited black voting rights and
4. Aftermath of 1. The 13th Amendment (1865) segregate colored and white people.
Civil War 2. Freedmen's Bureau (1865)
16. Labor Movement 1. The Great Railraod Strike of 1877
3. The rise of sharecropping.
(West Virginia)
5. Agrarian 1. Southern Farmer's Alliance (SFA) 2. Knights of Labor (1869)
Pushback 2. Subtreasury Plan (SP) 3. Haymarket Affair (1886)
3. Colored Farmer's Alliance (CFA)
American Federation of Labor
6. The Birth of 1. Corporation has limited liability.
- Conservative organization; craft
Corporate 2. Vertical and horizontal integration.
union that stayed out of politics
America 3. Monopolies and trust.
- Pullman strike joined by railway
7. Congressional 1. Civil Rights Act of 1866. union. Federal Policemen troops
Reconstruction 2. The 14th Amendment 1866 came to break the strike
8. The Election of 1. Hayes vs. Tilden - Workers look for other movements.
1876 2. Compromise of 1877
3. Democrats retract all their challenges 1. Homestead strike 1892
and federal government will retract all 2. Pullman Strike 1894
troops from the South. 17. Legalized 1. Poll taxes.
9. Freedmen's Government agency founded during Discrimination in the 2. Literacy tests.
Bureau (1865- Reconstruction to help former slaves South 3. Understanding clauses.
1872) Similar to refugee policy (Disenfranchisement ) 4. Grandfather clauses. (1867)

10. The Grant 1. Election of 1868 Grant & Seymour 18. Legalized 1. Civil Right cases (1883)
Administration 2. Credit Mobilier Discrimination in the 2. Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896)
(First Term) 3. Rise in KKK South (Segregation) 3. Jim Crow Laws

11. The Grant 1. Election of 1872; Grant vs. Greeley (Grant 19. The Limits of 1. Low wages and low capital.
Administration won the election.) Southern
(Second Term) 2. Panic of 1873. Industrialization
3. Redemption & Redeemers in the South
4. Mostly economic issue - Panic of 1873;
not enough gold and silver currency so
green money were printed causing inflation.
5. Great Chicago fire
6. Europe not investing, railroad blast,
Republicans lost in 1874.
7. South pursuing redemption (Removal of
8. 1876 only 3 Southern States have
republican government.
20. The Mississippi created by Andrew Johnson 29. Responses to 1. Naturalization Act 1870
Black Code Vagrant Law- if you are black and not Immigration: Nativism 2. Chinese Execution Act 1882
(1865) working, you will be fined and jailed 3. American Protective
right to own land, but only in an Organization.
incorporated city or town 4. Immigration Restriction League.
no right to intermarry with whites, those
30. Responses to the 1. Jacob Riis & How the Other Lives
who do so shall be deemed guilty of a
Gilded Age Economy (1890)
felony, same with the participating white
2. Jane Adams & Null House (1889)
right to participate as a witness in a trial,
3. Andrew Carnegie & The Gospel
but not if the trial consists of all whites
Wealth (1889)
must have annual employment contracts
4. Social Darwinism
may not quit job before work is done
without good reason 31. Sharecropping Slaves work at white people
may not own weapons or ammo of any plantation farm for (10% of the crop)
kind However, slaves are still trapped in
cannot drink or do drugs debt.
if fail to pay fines or do jail time, will be 32. Women and children 1. Child labor was a problem.
sold to a white and work off what they in the workforce 2. Women were not paid as much as
owe while the whit pays for them men.
21. The New 1. Workspace safety. 3. Women typically go for garment
Industrial 2. Sweatshops working.
Workforce 3. Tenements 4. Women typically go for college.

22. New industries 1. The second industrial revolution

2. Electricity, telephones and cheap steel
3. Mass production (sewing
4. Scientific management and Taylorism.
5. U.S. making her own technology and not
importing from Europe.
23. The "New 1. Gildin -> Great economic expansion.
South" and Jim 2. Racial discrimination always occur.
Crow 3. Era of unrest.
4. Southern Cities grew rapidly.
5. Starting of connection between North
and South industry.
6. No longer sharecropping/plantation.
South following the North.
7. 1900 Southerners have very little power.
24. Plessy vs. Separate but equal
25. Presidential 1. Lincoln's 10% plan.
Reconstruction 2. Lincoln's assassination.
3. Presidential Reconstruction under
Johnson (Black Codes)
26. Race in the Lynching was commonly practiced.
27. Radical 1. Reconstruction Act of 1867
Reconstruction 2. Command of the Army Act
3. Military Reconstruction Act (1870)
4. Impeachment of Johnson (1868)
28. Reconstructions 1. Presidential Reconstruction.
Components 2. Congressional Reconstruction.
3. Radical Reconstruction.

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