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Akapulko (Cassia Alata) Indication/s: Duration: Nursing


-Akapulko leaves
contain chrysophanic
acid, a fungicide that is
used to treat fungal
infections, like
ringworms, scabies and
-Akapulko leaves are
also known to be
sudorific, diuretic and
purgative, used to treat
intestinal problems
including intestinal
-Akapulko is also used
as herbal medicine to
treat bronchitis and
Contraindication/s: Peak:

-Akapulko have been

reported to cause
allergic reaction to
sensitive people.
-Akapulko contains
canavanine, an amino
acid that is known to
aggravate symptoms of
auto-immune diseases Onset:
such as lupus. Excess
intake of Akapulko can
also cause breakdown of
red blood cells which
maybe serious.
-Pregnancy and Breast
feeding. There is no
sufficient studies done
to investigate the
adverse or side effects of
Akapulko consumption
during pregnancy and
breast feeding. It is
recommended to avoid
its use.
Ampalaya (Momordica Indication/s: Duration: Nursing
Charantia) Responsibilities:
-Ampalaya or bitter gourd
is a widely used herbal
remedy to lower the blood
sugar levels for diabetic
-The juice of Amplaya is
used to alleviate
symptoms of fever,
headache and body pains.
-Amplaya juice is also
used to treat eye related
problems that include sty
and sore eyes. It is
thought to improve
eyesight and prevents the
development of cataract.
-Ampalaya is also used to
promote body metabolism
and the burning of fats
thus it is valued as a
weight loss supplement.
Contraindication/s: Peak:

-When under medications

for diabetes, hypertension,
heart problems, etc.,
Taking Ampalaya in
medicinal dosages may
counter-act or aggravate
its effectiveness. It is
advised to consult your
doctor before using this
-Pregnancy and Breast
feeding. There is a study
that suggests the abortive
action of Momordica
charantia in large doses
during pregnancy. It is
recommended to avoid its
use more than what is
found in food.
Bawang (Allium Sativum L.) Indication/s: Duration: Nursing
-Bawang juice is applied to
the afflicted area.
Scientifically ajoene 0.4%
cream when applied
topically, has been found
70% effective in certain
dermatologic fungal
infections. A 0.6% gel was
effective in tinea corporis
and tinea cruris.
-Bawang when eaten or
chewed raw. Studies
suggest ingestion of
Bawang has beneficial
antihypertensive effect but
blood-lowering effects
probably not dramatic.
Other studies show a
vascular benefit through
improvement of aortic
elasticity and possible
slowing of the rate of
atherosclerosis progression
-Bawang is studied to have
possible anticarcinogenic
properties, specifically for
colon, stomach and
prostate cancers. In
stomach cancers, probably
through its inhibitory effect
on H. pylori. In
epidemiologic studies on
stomach and colorectal
cancer prevention, the
garlic use was 3.5 grams to
30 grams of fresh or
cooked garlic per week.
Contraindication/s: Peak:

-While culinary quantities

of bawang are considered
safe for consumption, very
high quantities of bawang Onset:
and garlic supplements
have been linked with an
increased risk of bleeding,
particularly during
pregnancy and after
surgery and child birth.
Some breastfeeding
mothers have found their
babies slow to feed and
have noted a garlic odour
coming from their baby
when they have consumed
garlic or bawang. The
safety of bawang
supplements had not been
determined for children.
-Bawang can thin the blood
similar to the effect of
Lagundi (Vitex Negundo) Indication/s: Duration: Nursing
-Lagundi or Vitex
negundo has been
traditionally used as
herbal medicine by
Philippine and Indian
folks. It;'s main health
benefit is to ease
respiratory complaints.
Lagundi is generally
used for the treatment
of coughs, asthma
symptoms, and other
respiratory problems.
-Lagundi is used to
prevent and treat worm
-It has an analgesic
function to treat
rheumatism, muscle
pain and inflammation
of joints
-Lagundi is used for
anorexia, it is used to
treat Stomach problems
such as colic, spasms
and indisgeston.
Contraindication/s: Peak:

-Lagundi use is widely

acceptable as safe for Onset:
use for children and
adults and no adverse
reaction has been
reported. However,
moderate use is
recommended for
pregnant women, and
treatment should not
exceed one week. If
symptoms persist and
irritation occurs, stop
the use and consult
your doctor.
Saluyot (Corchorus Indication/s: Duration: Nursing
Olitorius) Responsibilities:
-Saluyot leaves are
very nutritious, it is
rich in calcium, iron,
protein, vitamin A, C
and E, thiamin,
riboflavin, niacin,
folate, and dietary
fibers. Saluyot is
usually cooked as
stew, forming a thick
slimy syrup similar
in consistency to
okra usually taken
with rice or other
starchy staple.
-Saluyot leaves are
rich in fiber and its
slimy consistency
when cooked is used
to treat various
digestive problems
such as diarrhea,
stomach ache,
constipation and
-Saluyot is used to
treat inflammation
and pain such as
arthritis , headache,
stomach ache and
Contraindication/s: Peak:
-Saluyot is an edible
vegetable considered Onset:
safe for human and
-In some cultures,
saluyot is used as
concoction, although
this is not yet
verifified. Studies
have shown that
saluyot contains
flavanoids has
antifertility activity.
-Pregnancy and
Saluyot is
considered safe for
pregnant women
and breast feeding
mothers when taken
in food.
Tanglad (Cymbopogon Indication/s: Duration: Nursing
Citratus) Responsibilities:
-To treat circulatory
disorders, some
recommend rubbing a
few drops of tanglad
oil on the skin of
affected areas; it is
believed to work by
improving blood flow.
-Tanglad has natural
properties, is an
antiseptic, suitable for
use on various types
of skin infections,
usually as a wash or
compress, and is
especially effective on
ringworm, infected
sores. Acne and
athlete's foot
-Tanglad is effective in
killing cancer cells.
-It is useful with
respiratory infections
such as sore throats,
laryngitis and fever
and helps prevent
spreading of infectious
-Tanglad is also used
as an insect repellant.
It helps to keep pets
clean of fleas, ticks
and lice.

Contraindication/s: Peak:
- Tanglad is not
known to be harmful Onset:
when taken in
dosages. However,
individuals should
always take caution
before using any
-Pregnancy and Breast
feeding. The essential
oil should not be used
internally by children,
women who are
pregnant or breast-
-Liver or kidney
disease. When used
for various
medication, There are
reports of the
following: burning
sensation(s), skin
Irritation, discomfort,
and rash, lowered
blood glucose
-Allergies. In rare
cases, tanglad
essential oil has
caused allergic
reactions when
applied to the skin. To
minimize skin
irritation, dilute the oil
in a carrier oil such as
safflower or sunflower
seed oil before
application. As with
all essential oils, small
amounts should be
used, and only for a
limited time.
Pansit-pansitan (Peperomia Indication/s: Duration: Nursing
Pellucida Linn) Responsibilities:
- Pansit-pansitan
has been
traditionally used to
treat fever, cough,
common cold,
headache and
arthritis. In a study
of aerial parts of
peperomia extract in
mice indicated that
that it exhibited
and analgesic
activities. The anti-
activity was
attributed to
interference with
synthesis. In
another study done
on rabbits, pansit-
pansitan extract
exhibited an anti-
pyretic activity
which indicates that
it is comparable to
standard aspirin.
- A study have
shown that extracts
from pansit-
pansitan combined
with ibuprofen
treatment has
improved the
associated with
arthritis. Particularly
that of knee joint
Contraindication/s: Peak:
-Pepperomia Onset:
Pellucida or pansit-
pansitan intake and
use has no reported
side effects for most
people. In a study
done on pansit-
pansitan extract
overdose in mice, it
was suggestive of a
moderately wide
margin of safety of
the plant
-Pregnancy and
Breast feeding.
There are no
sufficient studies
made to determine
the side effects of
Pellucida (Pansit-
pansitan) taken in
medicinal amounts
to infants and
babies. Stay on the
safe side, avoid
taking Pansit-
pansitan in herbal
medicine dosage
when pregnant and
while breast feeding.
-Allergies. In rare
cases, the herb has
caused allergic
reaction as side

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