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Rayleigh surface waves- both longitudinal and

Ex: ripples of waves on the surface of water
Oscillation- vibration; “wiggle” in time
Periodic motion- oscillation of an object around a point
Ex: periodic motion of pendulum
-motion that repeats itself regularly or at equal time
Wave- “wiggle” in both space and time
Ex: water waves, sound waves, waves on a string,
Ex: swing of the pendulum, movement of a rocking
electromagnetic waves
chair, heartbeat
Equilibrium point- initial position when it is at rest
*not all vibrations are periodic*
and in equilibrium
Frequency(f)- number of complete revolutions or
Equilibrium line- initial length of the string when the
cycles of the ball around a circle per unit of time
system is in a state of equilibrium and at rest
-number of cycles, revolutions or vibrations per second
Mechanical waves-requires a medium to propagate
-SI unit-Hertz (Hz)
Medium-material through which wave propagates
-reciprocal of period (T-amount of time required for a
Electromagnetic wave- does not require a medium
body to make one complete revolution)
3 important things about mechanical waves 1
1. The disturbance travels or propagates with a 𝑇
definite speed in a medium called wave Angular frequency-wave motion
2. Only the pattern or disturbance travels in *Angular frequency and angular speed are the same
space but no the medium itself quantities*
3. Energy is needed to set a mechanical wave into
Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)- acceleration is
motion; waves transport energy but not
proportional and oppositely directed to its position
Acceleration of harmonic oscillator is zero when x=0
Types of mechanical waves-based on directions of
(equilibrium point)
propagation and motion in particles
Acceleration has a maximum magnitude at points
1. Transverse-the direction of motion is
perpendicular to the direction of the
propagation of wave Simple pendulum- idealized model consisting of a
Parts of transverse waves point mass suspended by massless and nonstretchable
a. Equilibrium line string
b. Crest-highest point
Natural frequency- particular frequency at which an
c. Trough-lowest point
object oscillates for a given length
d. Amplitude-distance from the equilibrium
line to the crest or trough Resonance- phenomena of amplification that occurs
2. Longitudinal- the direction of motion and the when the frequency of a periodically applied force is in
direction of the propagation of waves are in the harmonic proportion to a natural frequency of the
same line(perpendicular) system on which it acts
Parts of transverse waves
Physical pendulum- more realistic system than a
Compression- region of high particle density;
simple pendulum
region of high pressure
Expansion- region of low particle density; Damped oscillation- amplitude reduce with time
region of low pressure
Sinusoidal wave-wave in which the particles move in Intensity(I) of sound waves- time average rate at
simple harmonic motion which energy is transported per unit area(A)
perpendicular to the direction of propagation; unit-
-characterized by the upward and downward
W/m² or J/m²
movement of particles
Threshold of hearing- 1 × 10−12 W/m²
Circle of reference- circle that serves as basis for the
motion of a sinusoidal wave Sound intensity levels(β)-relative to the threshold of
hearing; unit-decibel(dB)
Wavelength(λ)- distance between two successive
identical points in a sinusoidal wave; SI unit-mete -intensity level of 0 dB−corresponds to a very faint
sound that the ears could detect
*wave travels with constant wave speed
Doppler effect-apparent change in frequency of the
𝑣 = = λf sound
Pitch-associated with frequency
Wave function- mathematical expression that
describes the motion of a wave *high frequency corresponds to high pitch
Linear mass density-mass per unit length Loudness- associated with the amplitude of vibration;
energy of sound waves
*Increasing the linear mass density makes the motion
more languid, thus decreasing the wave speed *louder sounds have higher decibels than weaker ones
Interference-a wave comes together with another FLUID MECHANICS
Fluids-liquids and gases; take the shape of the
Superposition- resulting wave container and have the ability to flow
Standing waves- stationary wave; combination of two Fluid mechanics- studies the motion and properties of
waves moving in opposite directions, each having the fluids
same amplitude and frequency
Mass density(ρ)-ratio of the mass and volume
Nodes-points in a wave where the particles are
relatively at rest 𝜌=
Antinodes-the position of maximum transverse Density-intensive property; kg/m³
Specific gravity- ratio of the density of the substance
Normal modes/resonant frequencies- first four and the density of water at 4⁰C
outstanding waves
Specific gravity of water=1g/cm³ or 1 × 103 kg/m³
Fundamental frequency/first harmonic- first normal
mode with one antinode Pycnometer- specific gravity bottle
First overtone/Second harmonic-second normal Pressure- force (perpendicular to the surface A) per
mode with two antinodes unit area; SI unit−N/m² or Pa
Second overtone/third harmonic-second normal 𝐹
𝑝= = 𝜌𝑔ℎ
mode 𝐴
Harmonic content/timbre-frequencies are higher than Atmospheric pressure(𝒑𝟎 )-pressure exerted by
the fundamental frequency present Earth’s atmosphere to the bottom

Sound-longitudinal waves (𝒑𝟎 ) = 1 𝑎𝑡𝑚 = 1.013 × 105 𝑃𝑎 = 101.3𝑘𝑃𝑎

= 760 𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑟
Echo-reflected sound waves
Gauge pressure-excess pressure above the Bernoulli’s equation- expressed in a form of pressure
atmospheric pressure difference
Absolute pressure-total pressure *the size of air bubbles depends on the pressure of the
liquid. The size of the bubbles is bigger in the narrow
*Pressure of fluids has a uniform density that varies
portion than in the larger portion of a tube
with depth. The greater is the depth of the liquid, the
more pressure there is Torricelli’s theorem- the speed of efflux through an
opening at a distance below the top surface of a liquid
*pressure does not depend on the size of the container
is the same as the speed a body would have in falling
Pascal’s principle- “if an external pressure is applied freely through a height
to a confined fluid, the pressure at every point within
the fluid increases by the same amount”
𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝐹 𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝐴𝑜𝑢𝑡
= 𝐴𝑖𝑛 or =
𝐴𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝐹𝑖𝑛 𝐴𝑖𝑛

𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑡 /𝐹𝑖𝑛 -mechanical advantage; ratio of the cross-

sectional areas
Hydraulics-application of Pascal’s principle
Ex: hydraulic lift, brake system of cars
Buoyant Force-upward force exerted by a liquid
-pressure in a fluid increases with depth
Archimedes’ principle- “when an object is
completely or partially immersed in fluid, the fluid
exerts an upward force on the object that is equal to the
weight of the fluid displaced by the object
Hydrometer- device that can be used to measure the
density of a liquid
Fluid dynamics-fluids in motion
Hydrodynamics- fluid is water
Laminar flow- smooth flow of fluid
-particles follow smooth path called streamlines that do
not cross one another

Turbulent flow-irregular or chaotic flow

Mass flow rate- mass of a fluid that passes a given
point per unit time
Volume flow rate- product of area and velocity; SI
unit- m³/s
Bernoulli’s principle-increase in the speed of a fluid
occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure or a
decrease in the fluid's potential energy.

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