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MICHAEl'S INsTlnmoN, IPOH Pltyslcs 1

STPM Trial Examination - 2009 (960/1)
Upper Six Sciences 1 hr45 min

Instruction_ie> ~didaCM:
There are fifty questions in this tesl For each question. four suggested answers are
given. You are required to chooee one which is the best answer and marl< ~ on the separate
Multiple Choice Answer 5 _ provided.
At1ower ..t the questions. Mar1<s will not be deducted for wrong - . s. Your total
score in this leal w~1 be the number Qf questions correctly answered .
• If necessary, use the vlJiues of cons/ants provided on page 10.

Thi. question _ consists of 10 printed

1 Using the symbols L, M, T, Nand 0 as the dimensions for length, mass, time, amount of
substance and temperab,lre, What is the dimensions of R il the equation pV", = RT?
(p It pressure, Vrn is the molar vOlume. R is the gas c:onstaIlt, T is the thermodynamic temperature)
A ML7 ' e"' C ML7'2 N'1 e-t
B Mt.'r' 0" D ML'" N" 0"

Z A student uses a mia"ometer screw gauge Ie measure the diameter or a baU-bearing. Based on
five measurements, the fDlowfng results were obtained
minimum diameter 5.28 mm
maximum dlameter '"' 5.33 mm
mean value = 5.30 mm
It is known that thfi actual diameter is 5.24 mm. What Is the most probabte reason why the
mean value obtained differs from the actual diamete<? .
A There is I*'8I1ax Ofl'9r.
B The nu..- 01 readi1gs I;Iken is insutlldenl.
~ The m. ~ aItft:tg tnltr'umel1t is not sens~ enough.
o There is zero error in ~ measuring instrument

~ A wIlesl suddenly deta</Ied f!<)m a t!e\i!:oI>Ier wIlile n is j!1OVllg horizonlally 8\ 1.. krn h" at a
height of 500 m abOVo tho oaf1h. Wh$t is tho horizontal dillance travelled by tho """'" _ ~ Ms
tho ground? [T- g to be 10 m s" sod Ignore tho e1Iec:tsqr air resistance and wind!
A 200m B 300m C 400m 0 SOOm

4 M and P, _ are·of mass 3.0 kg and 5.0 kg respectively, are connected tog_ with an
I n _ string. M lo pulled by a horizontal force of 30 N.

3,0 kg
30 ''::=::::L
Iftho1l1dion - . MandPwllhthoftoor i04.0 N and 10 N respectively. what is tho tension
T In the sVtng?
A 4.0 N B 10,0 N C 11 .3 N D 16.0 N
- 2-

5 A truck of mass 2 600 kg is moving along a horizontal road. When its brake s are applied, heat
is produced at a steady rate of 58 .5 kW for 5.0 5 before the truck stops . Estimate the speed of the
truck just before the application of the brake s.
A 10.0 m 5. 1 C 15.0 m 5. 1 o 22.5 m 5 "

6 A steel ball of mass 0.005 kg fa lls vertically through a liquid at terminal speed 0.1 m 5", The
energy dissipated per second in the liquid by the ball 's motion, in mJ, is

A 0.025 B 5.0 C 10 o SO

7 The radius of curvature of the North-South Highway at a certain place is 200 m. At what angle
must its surface be banked so that a car moving with a speed of 108 km h- will not experience any
lateral strain on the wheel?

A zero B 24.6 ' C 61 .6 ' o 65.4 '

8 To what quantity in linear motion is the moment of inertia of a rotating body analogous?

A force B momentum C acceleration o mass

9 The diagram shows a metre rule which is placed on a smooth horizontal table.

smooth table metre rule

t t;!Ii:;!p9"&;;~*'i ~ bl

impulsive force

When a horizontal impulsiv~ force is applied to one end of the meter rule in a direction
perpendicular to its axis, the metre rule will experience

A translation only.
B rotation only.
C rotation and translation.
o vibration , rotation and translation .

10 A body of mass m is placed on a rough surface that is inclined at an angle of e to the


If the body remained stationary, the coefficient of static friction J.I is given
A ~=mg C ).1= mgkos 9
B ~=mg\an e o f1= tane

11 The escape velocity of a carbon dioxide molecule On 1

the Earth's surface is 1.1 x 10" m 5 . , What
will be its escape velocity at an altitude of O.4R, where R is the Earth's radius?
A 0.9 X10" m 5 . 1 C 1.3 x 10" m 5 "
B 1. 1 x 10"ms·
o 1.5 x 10" m 5"

12 The graph on the right shows the variation of u

the gravitational potential energy U of a spacecraft
with its distance r from the Earth's centre, The
R "
radius of the earth is R
- U, - ---f-
,, -- - - -.:;
--- ' - -
If the spacecraft is orbiting the Earth in an ,,
orbit of radius r 0 , the total energy of the spacecraft ,,
- U,

c ·2U ,

13 When the amplitude of a simple harmonic motion changes, which of the following quantities
does not change?

A period C acceleration
8 velocity D restoring force

14 A frictionless trolley of mass 1.0 kg is tied to two fix~ points, X and Y, using two stretched
sPrings· x~

c) 0=
- x
The trolley is displaced a small distance (0.050 m) towards Y by a force 5.0 N and then released .
The subsequence motion is represented by the equation a =.
oozx, where x is the displacement of the
trolley from its equilibrium position. What is the value of 00 2 ?
A 0.25 rad z s ' z C 100 rad z s'
B 1.0 rad z s""2 o 400 rad z S ' 2

15 Diagrams (a) and (b) show the displacement--distance and displacement·time graphs of a
transverse wave.
displacementlmm displacementfmm

o f \ J \ J distance/em
of\PJa (b)
.. tlme/ms

The velocity of the wave is

A 0.004 m s·, B 0.4 m s' \ o 4ms'\

16 Which of the following statements is not true about stationary waves?

A Particles between consecutive nodes vibrates in phase.

B Particles between consecutive nodes vibrates with the same velocity.
C Particles between consecutive nodes vibrates with different amplitude.
D Particles between consecutive nodes vibrates with the same frequency.

17 A spectator is standing by the side of a racing track. When a Formula·1 racing car passes him,
he observed that the pitch of the sound produced by the car decreases. This is due to

A Doppler effect. C damping.

B resonance. o reflection.
- 4-

18 A point source produces a sound at the rate of 120 W. What is the intensity level of the sound
at a distance of 2.0 m from the source? [threshold of hearing , 10 = 10.12 W m'2j

A 30dB B 124 dB C 130 dB D 141 dB

19 The diagram below shows the extension (x) of a wire varies when it is stretched by a force (F).

o LL-_--.l'-_ _ X
The shaded region represents the

A strain in the wire.

S stress on the wire.
C strain energy stored in the wire.
D strain energy per unit volume stored in the wire.

20 The graph shows how the potential

energy U between two atoms in a diatomk: u
moJecule changes with the distance of
separation r between them.
At a certain temperature T, each atom
vibrate~ between two positions which are o ,
represented by the points P and Q .
The maximum thermal energy of the E, Q
molecule at temperature T is Ii. ..

A E. B E, . E. C E, + Eo D

21 The r.m.s. speed of the molecules in an ideal gas of volume V and pressure p is Co. The gas is
heated until its volume becomes t V and its pressure becomes 6p. lNhat is the new r.m .s. speed of
the molecules?

A 2e. B 3e. C 4e. D Be.

22 The graph below represents the distribution of molecular speed in a gas at temperature T .
number of

z speed, v
The quantity z is the

A modal speed (most probable speed) .

B root mean square speed.
C mean square speed.
o mean speed .

23 Which of the following equations is not applicable to an ideal gas undergoing adiabatic

A dO=O
B pV=nRT
C pV =constant
o TV'" 1 =constant
- 5-

24 Two c:onduc:ling biocks are maintained at 8 temperature di1ference of 20 K. and are connected
through tW<i nicrS 01 length 0.4 m aoQ thermal conductivity 25 W m·' K' . The cross-sectional a"", of
one of the rods is 1.0 x 1~ tnI while that of the other is 4.0 x 10"" rn'-. The space between the
conducting bkidcS is filled will lagging.

The rate of heat flow between !he two blocks is

A 0.13W B 0.25W C 0.31 W o 0.63W

25 Two Identical metal spheres, X and Y. are given positive charges 01 ax and Qy respectively,
wt1efe C it > av.
'NtJich of the following statements is true about X and Y1
A The elecbic field strength inside both spherea is zero.
B The eloclric ~al inside both spheres is zero.
C The eloclric fteld strengiI1 on !he surface of both spheres is zero.
o The eIocIric potential inside both sphen!s is the same.

28 The diagnam shows two dlarges - q and + 3q at points A and B respectively.

Aa -q
. ".
(AS' BC :CA· 20 em;
M is the mid-point of AS )

r/ii-................. :,. C

If q • 5 iJC. calculate the potential difference belween points C and M .

A 1350 kV B 000 kV C 450 kV 0 4.5 kV

2'1' The flash ligll in a camera consisb of. xeoon diad1arge lube which is connected to a
cap8!Clor ""'!ch is charged by. 1 000 V SOUfCe. The ..... _ _ oupplied to the discharge tube
is 2 000 W and Ihe du!alion 01 the flash is O.Q.oIO s. Estimate Ihe capac:ilance of lie capacitoI.

A 40~F B 8O~F C 160~ 0 6O . ooo~

28 lead becomes • ~_ below its critical temP'!f"OlI!te. """'ich <!flhe foIIooIing

_ best explained this phenomenon?

A The conduction ele Alons n1OY8 in pains.

B The vibtatlon of the atoms stopped.
C The heat content of the materiaf is zero.
o The number of conduction ~s hed increased tremendously.

29 A milliammeter can be converted to a voltmeter by connecting

A a resistor of high value in parallel to it.
o a rc.istor of high value in series with it.
C & resistor of low value in parallel to it.
D a. resi_or of tow value in series with it.
- 6-

30 Six identical resistors, each of value 5 fl, are connected to a 2 V cell whose internal
resistance can be ignored.

2V r
yL-________- - - - - -______ ~

The potential difference across X and Y is

3. v B
Jlv c ±v o
) 9 )

31 The diagram shows a 40 em straight conductor

carrying a current 0[20 A in a 2.0 T field.
The magnetic field acts in the horizontal plane at
an angle of 8 with the direction of the current.
If the weight ofthe conductor is 8.0 N and the
magnetic force is just enough to balance the weight
of the conductor, what is the angle (f!

32 The figure shows the trajectories

of two charged particles P and Q
shot perpendicularly into a region of
uniform magnetic field w ith the p - - . --
same velocity. o - -+_-
If the radii of the trajectories are
the same, identify P and Q.

p Q
A a-particle electron
B electron a-particle
C electron positron
0 positron electron

33 The figure shows the side view of a circular Qrcularcol

coil of N turns and area A in a magnetic field B.
Ifthe normal to the plane of the coil makes
an angle q with the magnetic field , the total
magnetic flux through the coil is ,
_---.-:"~L--- B

A NBA casu B NBA sinu C BAcosu o BA sinn




1· Soft "'"

In the circuit above, switch S is closed and the current in the coil is increased gradually by
adjusting the rheostat. When the current is at its maximum, switch S is opened. The deftection
shown on the galvanometer is largest

A at the instant switch S is closed .

8 while the current in the coil is increasing.
C when the current is at its maximum.
o at the instant switch S is opened .

35 In a circuit, an alternating CUlTent of r.m.s. value 1.00 A flows through a resistor. In another
circuit, a steady current of magnitude I flows through an identical res istor. If the two resistors
dissipate heat at the same rate, the value of I is

A 0.71 A B 1.00 A C 1.41A o 2.00 A

36 A sinusoidal voltage of r.m.s. value 0.60 V is connected to a 30 mH inductor. If the peak current
flowing through the inductor is 45 mA, what is the frequency of the a.c.?

A 18 Hz B 100 Hz C 110 Hz o 630 Hz

37 The figure shows the symbol of an R

operational amplifier.
P ~--I
Which termina l and label do not s
correspond? o~--I'

Terminal Label
A P Inverting input
B Q Non-inverting input
C R Feedback output
0 S Signal output

38 The figure shows an operational amplifier circuit.



r-t:-r: I
V. _10V

- '-
Which graph represents the variation of the output voltage Va with the input voltage Vi?
- 8-


." ."
- >0 0 2.6 1 V;IV ~ 0
",,, Vi/V

_10 -10


." .10

,, -" , , V;IV


39 In photoelectric emission, the energy of the photon is used

A as the kinetic energy of the electron on ly.

e to release the electron from the lattice only.
C by the electron to produce a new electron called photoelectron
o to release the electron from the lattice and as the kinetic energy of the electron.

40 A proton and an electron have the same value of the de Broglie wavelength. If the K E. of the
proton and the electron -are. respectively, Kp and 1<.. which of the following is correct?

A Kp > K, C Kp=K, o K=-K
P ,

41 The fi gure shows some of the energy levels - - -- - - -- --£.

of an atom . ----------£,
The maximum number of spectral lines
produced by the transition of electrons from - - -- -- ----£,
these four energy levels is

A 3 B 4 C 5 o 6
- 9-

42 The graph shows the X-ray

spectra I and II produced by an X-ray
," I
tube when it is operated at two
different voltages.

Which statement explain s why the

minimum wavelength of spectrum II is
longer than that of spectrum I? Wavelength
A A higher voltage is used to produce spectrum II.
B A lower voltage is used to produce spectrum II.
C An element of smaller atomic number is used as the target material to produce
spectrum II.
o An element of bi gger atomic number is used as the target material to produce
spectrum II.

43 The penetration power o f o f X-rays produced from an X-ray lube can be increased by
A increasing the length of the X-ray tube .
B increasing the operating voltage of the X-ray tube .
C increasing the current flowing through the cathode .
o changing the target metal to an elem ent o f higher atom ic number.

44 The nucleus of iron l~ Fe is more stable than the nucleus o f bi smuth z:; Oi . Which of the
foll owing is true of the more stable nucleus?
A Smaller mass per nucleon
B Lower ratio o f proton to neutron
C Lowe r binding energy per nucleon
o Higher binding energy per nucleon

4S When a slow neutron is captured by a stationary I~~ Cd nucleus, a I::Cd nucleus is formed and
a 'Y 4ray photon is emitted. What is the wavelength of the y -ray?
[Mass of ~ n = 1.0087 u, mass of ':: Cd "" J 12.9044 U, mass o f I:; Cd "" 113 .9034 uJ
A 2.0SxlO-23 m C 1.37 X \0-1) m
B 6.63 X10- 16 m o 1.45 xlO-12 m

46 A radioactive sample consists of a nucl)de which emits a-particles at the rate as shown in the
graph below.

Determine the decay constant of the nuclide.

A 5.5)( 10-3 S· 1 B 9.2x 10 -3 5-' C 75s o 125 s
- 10 -

47 A radioactive e lement X decays to a radioactive element Y which then decays to element Z. If

the sample initially contains X only, which of the foll owing factors influences the ratio the or
number ory nuclei to the number of X nuclei after a certain time?
A Ha lf· life of e lement Y C Initial number of X nucle i
B Half·life of e le ment Z o Surro unding pressure

48 m"x -> 'io + ',Y

The equation above represents a nuclear reaction. What do the symbols m, nand Y represent?
!I! !L X
A 4 2 nucleon
B 2 4 neutron
C 2 4 proton
0 -1 0 helium nuclide

49 The antipartic le of the electron is the

A quark B meson C neutrino D positron

50 The strong fo rce is responsible for

A bela decay. C binding the nucleons together.
B a lpha decay. o holding the electrons in the atom.


Values of constants

Speed of light in free space c 3' 00X 1 0'ms~

.. =
Permeability of free space 1'0 41tx10 , T Hm ,!

Permittivity of free space = 8.85 x 10 . 12 Fm·


• ( 1/(36n)) x 10" F m"

Magnitude of electronic cha rge e = 1.60 x 10 , n C
Planck constant h = 6.63 x 10 , 3-4 Js
Unified atomic mass constant u = 1.66 x 10 · kg
Rest mass of electron m. = 9.11 x 10 , 31 kg
Rest mass of proton m, = 1.67 x 10'27 kg
Molar gas constant R = 8.31 J K ., mar I
Avogadro constant L. NA = 6.02 x 10 mol -'
Boltzmann constant k = 1.3Bx10 · JK-t
Gravitational constant G = 6.67 x 10 . 11 N m
2 kg · 2
Acceleration of free fall g = 9.B1ms -

Prepared by : Lee Ping Kew, Checked by: Endorsed by/?~

August, 2009
c;u", Kmrtm $aifU
SML St. Midwd


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