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Raipov Alibek, National expert on the Kyoto Protocol, RSE “Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of
Ecology and Climate”
Background Paper for Conference on the “The Environments of the Poor”,
24-26 Nov 2010, New Delhi

Special value in poverty decrease belongs to Strategy of long-term development

«Kazakhstan - 2030. Prosperity, safety and well-being improvement of all Kazakhstan people», to
government programs on struggle against poverty (2000-2001) and on poverty decrease (2002-2005)
in Kazakhstan. Since 2002 the Law «About the state address social help» operates, according to
which the address social help in the form of a difference between the per capita income and the
established poverty line (40 percent from a living wage) on each member of a family is paid to needy
As a result of Law’s realization, program documents on poverty decrease:
- The distributed database on the needy families, the automated system of appointment of
address social help are created;
- Set active (creation of workplaces, vocational training and conversion training, organization
of public works) and passive (increase in payment, the sizes of pensions and social benefits) methods
of decrease in poverty is defined and is used.
According to the National report on achievement of the Purposes of development of a
millennium 2005, Kazakhstan has carried out a problem on decrease twice of number of people
having the income below a living wage in 2004. Thus, one of cores of the Purposes of development of
a millennium - liquidation of extreme poverty and hunger is realized in the country.
Now the ideology and practice of rendering of the social help continues to develop taking into
account the saved up experience and recommendations of the international institutes.
Kazakhstan takes measures of perfection the system of rendering of the address social help,
introduction of the measures directed on stimulation of jobless citizens, receiving address social help,
to reception of a new trade, retraining and employment.
As a result of the reforms spent in social sphere, the mixed system of social protection
including welfare payments, memory provision of pensions and the social help, social insurance is
In 2005 the base pension - the guaranteed minimum for all reached pension age, irrespective
of the rights to solidary or memory pension is entered.
The state social standards are improved. Taking into account recommendations of
international experts of UNDP since 2006 the living wage design procedure - a parity of a share food
is improved and non-food consumer's basket is approached to actual expenses of needy categories of
citizens, more than the set of foodstuff of food basket that has led to living wage growth on 25 % is
twice increased.
Since 2008, the size of base pension has made 40 % from living wage size.
The system of social support of families with children has had the further development. In
2006 along with a lump sum in connection with a birth of the child (it is paid since 2003), grants are
entered: on care of the child about one year which size is differentiated depending on quantity of
children in a family (from one to four and more children) and children's allowance till 18 years to needy
families with the income below cost of a food basket.
In 2009 the sizes of pensions, grants, salaries of workers of budgetary sphere are raised on
25 %. On the average social benefits are increased by 9 %. Positive dynamics of growth of economy
last year has allowed to carry out 25 %-s' increase of grants and the salary to state employees in
Estimation of labour market’s condition
By data in May, 2010 have been occupied by 8,2 million persons in the Republic of
Kazakhstan. Concerning the similar period of 2009 their number has increased by 347,2 thousand
person or on 4,4 %. Number of hired workers in the specified period has made 5,5 million persons
(66,5 % from total number occupied). Number of the unemployed in May, 2010, by an estimation, has
made 533,6 thousand persons, a rate of unemployment - 6,1 %. Officially on the end of May, 2010 in
bodies of employment of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of Republic
Kazakhstan 85,7 thousand persons are registered. The share of the registered unemployed has made
1,0 % from economically active population (in May 2009 - 1,2 %).
Monitoring of the general social situation
According to preliminary data per capita nominal monetary incomes of the population have
made 38 992 tenge in April, 2010, having increased in comparison with the corresponding period of
2009 by 16,6 %. Real monetary incomes have grown on 8,9 %.
The nominal monetary income in April, 2010
Share of the country’s population having incomes below size of a living wage of 12 thousand
house economy has made 6,6 % in the first quarter of 2010 following the results of selective
inspection that on 4,5% points more low, than in the corresponding period of 2009.
Considerable differentiation of incomes in city and countryside remains. In the first quarter
poverty level has exceeded city level almost in 3 times in countryside. Nevertheless, in comparison
with the last quarter this rupture was a little reduced at the expense of growth of an indicator of poverty
in a city to 0,4% points and decrease in countryside on 0,3% points.
Along with considerable reduction of a share of the population with incomes below a living
wage, in the first quarter has decreased also factor of funds in comparison with the corresponding
period of previous year (on 0,5 points) that testifies to reduction of rupture of incomes of 10 % least
and 10 % of the most provided groups of the population.
The country sets task that the rate of unemployment did not exceed 5 %, and a share of the
population with incomes below a living wage - no more than 8 % by 2020.
Social services will be given only to needing citizens and to correspond to modern standards
and a standard of living in Kazakhstan.
By 2015 the size of base pension payment should be raised to level of 60 % from living wage
size, and the sizes of the state social benefits - are increased in 1,2 times in relation to 2010.

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