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Early Childhood Education Program (PG-PAUD)
Makassar Islamic University
Phone. 081241870936 email. person


Nasaruddin. 2019. Improving the Ability of Recognizing Numeral Symbols through Number Bars
Usage in the Children Aged 5-6 Years at Pembina Kindergarten Polewali Village Gantarang Sub-
District Bulukumba Regency.
The purpose of the study was to determine the use of number bars in improving the ability to recognize
numeral symbols of children aged 5-6 years at Pembina Kindergarten Polewali Village Gantarang Sub-
District Bulukumba Regency. The approach used in this study was qualitative approach and the type of
research was Class Action Research (CAR). The focus of this research was the ability to recognize the
numeral symbols and number bars. Research procedures included planning, implementing actions,
observing, and reflecting. The subjects in this study were group B Pembina Kindergarten Polewali
Village Gantarang Sub-District Bulukumba Regency. Data collection techniques used are observation
and documentation.
The results of the study showed that using number bars media could improve the ability to recognize
the numeral symbols of children in group B in the Pembina Kindergarten Polewali Village Gantarang
Sub-District Bulukumba Regency. In the first cycle, the percentage of children outcomes was 60% and
increased to 87% in cycle II.

Keywords: Ability to Recognize Numeral Symbols and Number Bars

Children cognitive development usually refers to the opinion of Piaget who divides
children cognitive development into four stages, namely "sensorimotor period (0-2 years
old), preoperiosional period (2-7 years), concrete operative period (7-11 years) and formal
operational period (age 11 to adulthood)". So cognitive is a process of thinking, namely the
ability of individuals to connect, assess, and consider an event or event. Cognitive processes
are related to the level of intelligence that marks a person with various interests especially
aimed at to ideas and learning Cognitive development which is intended for children to be
able to explore the world around them through their five senses, so that with the knowledge
they acquire, children will be able to live their lives and become whole human beings
according to their nature as God creatures who must empower what is in this world for his
sake and others. As expressed by the World Health Organization (in Belinda Blevins-Knabe,
et al., 2016, p. 53) in longitudinal studies that have been conducted, "early mathematics skills
strongly predict later mathematics skills" which means that early mathematical abilities
greatly predict mathematical abilities in later.
The difficulty of understanding the concept of numbers is indicated by a 5-year-old
child who needs guidance and mentoring by a parent (teacher). Parents and teachers play an
active role in helping children to understand the concept of a number. This can be done by
parents and teachers through fun activities for children, for example through various games
related to numbers. Parents or teachers can create various games that can encourage children
to learn to master numbers. Learning can be done not only in the classroom, but also can be
done outside the classroom, the important thing is that children feel happy and interested in
the activities they carry out which include the ability to master the concept of numbers.
Based on the description above between playing the number bars with the numeral
symbol there is a close relationship because with children playing the number bars, children
can recognize the numeral symbol on the bars. So that, children can develop cognitive, and
through playing the number bars children can think to arrange bars in accordance with the
numeral symbol sequence in the bars.
Many observations of learning in the field of cognitive development, at the time of the
initial observations in Pembina Kindergarten Polewali Village Gantarang Sub-District
Bulukumba Regency there were 5 children (25%) who were still unable to recognize the
concept of numerals. The child was still not able to mention the name of the number even
more to arrange the numbers given to them. The child did not recognize the numbers shown
to them. Children recognized the symbol of numbers as limited as memorization, so that the
child was still upside down in mentioning the numeral symbols. The process of counting of
children was less, namely the incompatibility between the pronunciations of the number of
objects calculated. Children were also still having difficulty distinguishing symbols between
6 and 9. This happened because the learning output was not in accordance with the learning
theory proposed by Piaget.
Learning activities in introducing the concept of numbers were still carried out with the
lecture and question and answer method without any interesting props. This made the child
less interested in learning, so that the children abilities to understand the concept of numbers
were less developed optimally. With the use of number bars, it was expected that children
learning interest would increase, so that it influenced children cognitive development. One of
the activities of free play was playing bars. The development of children abilities in playing
bars was an activity that aimed to develop the aspects of a children development which
included cognitive, physical motor, social, emotional aspects. Through playing bars children
could express their abstract imaginations into concrete things and get important concepts in
solving mathematical problems and so on.
Playing number bars is one of the construction tools that is useful for children, which is
not only for cognitive, motoric aspects, but also for improving children emotional
intelligence (EQ). Bars consist of various forms. There are triangles, rectangles, circles and
inside the bars there are numbers with various attractive colors. Barss can be played alone by
children or in groups with friends. Early childhood usually can not yet create meaningful
building forms, children can only stack with the bars. At this stage, the children are in the
stage of sensor-motor development.
Gilar Gandana, Oyon Haki Pranata, Tannie Yulia Danti (2017) prove that the use of
cuisenaire bars media is as one of the media usage that aims to improve the ability to
recognize the numeral symbol 110 in children aged 4-5 years in At-Toyyibah Kindergarten,
Sukarame District, Tasikmalaya Regency, the ability of teachers to use cuisenaire bars media
has increased from cycle I to cycle II, and from cycle II to cycle III. This happened because
of improvements in each cycle and reduced obstacles that might occur in the next cycle. The
abilities to recognize the numeral symbol 110 in children aged 4-5 years at At-Toyyibah
Kindergarten, Sukarame Subdistrict, Tasikmalaya Regency are known to increase after the
use of cuisenaire bars media. This could be proven by an increase from pre-action to cycle I,
from cycle I to cycle II, and from cycle II to cycle III
This research was conducted on children aged 5-6 years or children in group B
Pembina Kindergarten Polewali Village Gantarang Sub-District Bulukumba Regency. The
number of children was 15 children consisted of 8 girls and 7 boys. Based on this
background, the author were interested in depth study related to these problems, in writing
this thesis in the form of Class Action Research and took the title " Improving the ability of
recognizing numeral symbols through number bars usage in the children aged 5-6 years at
Pembina Kindergarten Polewali Village Gantarang Sub-District Bulukumba Regency ".
Based on the background above, the problem in this study was how is the use of number bars
in increasing the ability to recognize the numeral symbol of the aged of 5-6 Years at Pembina
Kindergarten Polewali Village Gantarang Sub-District Bulukumba Regency?
The purpose of this study was to find out the use of number bars in improving the ability of
recognizing numeral symbols through number bars usage in the children aged 5-6 years at
Pembina Kindergarten Polewali Village Gantarang Sub-District Bulukumba Regency.

The research used the qualitative research method to reveal how to improve the ability
of recognizing numeral symbols through number bars usage in the children aged 5-6 years at
Pembina Kindergarten Polewali Village Gantarang Sub-District Bulukumba Regency
This study used Classroom Action Research Design that examine and reflect deeply on
several aspects of teaching and learning activities, teacher and child interactions, interactions
between children to be able to answer research problems.
The setting used in this study was the Classroom Action Research with the subjects in
this study were children who were in the Pembina Kindergarten Polewali Village Gantarang
Sub-District Bulukumba Regency. Group B with a total of 15 children consisted of 8 girls
and 7 boys, and the number of teachers examined 1 teacher
Cycle I
1. Planning
a. Requested permission from the head of the school in the Pembina Kindergarten Polewali
Village Gantarang Sub-District Bulukumba Regency. This was done to get research
permission from the principal who wants to be researched. Without permission,
researchers could not possibly conduct research at the school.
b. The researcher carried out observations or observations about the condition of the
students in teaching and learning activities in the Pembina Kindergarten Polewali Village
Gantarang Sub-District Bulukumba Regency. From here, the researcher could draw
conclusions about the development of the ability to recognize the numeral symbol of
children, whether it was good or still needed to be developed.
c. Identified problems in the implementation of teaching related to learning activities using
bars in an effort to improve the ability to recognize the numeral symbol of the children
in the Pembina Kindergarten Polewali Village Gantarang Sub-District Bulukumba
d. Made Daily Activity Plan (DAP) that was related to the ability to recognize the numeral
symbol of children.
e. Formulated specifications of learning activities using bars media that were used in
teaching activities
f. The researcher discussed with the Kindergarten teacher of the Pembina Kindergarten
Polewali Village Gantarang Sub-District Bulukumba Regency in planning the activity of
using number bars which could improve the ability to recognize the numeral symbol of
the children
g. Developed research plan, so that, what was expected to be better, usually the
implementation would be smooth. Whereas if an action is not planned in advance, it
sometimes experiences obstacles in its implementation. Therefore researcher should
develop a research plan well.
h. Arranged or establish monitoring techniques at each stage of research using observation
format tools.
2. Implementation of Action
The implementation of the research is carried out through several stages as follows:
a. Identified the obstacles and ease factors faced by the teacher in the learning process that
activates students in the use of number bars
b. Formulated alternative learning measures using number bars as an effort to improve the
ability to recognize the numeral symbol of Children in Pembina Kindergarten Polewali
Village Gantarang Sub-District Bulukumba Regency
c. Arrange the design of action and scenario/steps for using numeral bars learning which
included: 1) compiling the topic of learning in a coherent and systematic manner that
was relevant to the interests and needs of the child, 2) determining strategies that were
effective in provoking and arousing children learning motivation and 3) structuring
learning activities that could provide opportunities and freedom for each child to
improve their ability to recognize the children numeral symbol
3. Observasi
Observations are made as follows:
a. The researcher evaluated the results of the number bars usage, then proceeded by
analyzing existing data based on the monitoring format. The aim was to determine the
effectiveness of successes and barriers to the use of number bars in learning activities.
b. Made improvements on how to use number bars based on evaluation of monitoring results that
could improve the ability to recognize children numeral symbols.
4. Reflection
Reflection is done at the end of all activities. Reflections on the first cycle were carried
out by conducting discussions with the Kindergarten Teachers of Pembina Kindergarten
Polewali Village Gantarang Sub-District Bulukumba Regency regarding: 1) the analysis of
the new taken actions, 2) reviewing and explaining the different plans and implementation of
the taken actions, 3) intervened, and concluded the obtained data.
Data collection used observation, and documentation
1. Observation Technique
The observation technique was carried out on the kindergarten students of Pembina
Kindergarten Polewali Village Gantarang Sub-District Bulukumba Regency, in the
school environment, both in the learning process and outside the learning process, by
observing the use of numerical bars and ability to recognize students numeral symbol.
2. Documentation Technique
The documentation technique was intended to obtain data that was relevant to the
development of the ability to recognize the numeral symbol of children in Pembina
Kindergarten Polewali Village Gantarang Sub-District Bulukumba Regency.

To ensure the consolidation and correctness of the collected and recorded data in the
research, the right methods were chosen and determined to improve the validity of the
obtained data. In this study, triangulation techniques would be used. Triangulation is a
technique of checking the validity of data that uses something else outside of the data for
checking or comparing data. This study used triangulation investigations by utilizing
researchers or reinforcement to re-examine 44 degrees of data trust. The use of other
observations in this case was the group B class teacher and the principal itself could help
repeat in data collection.
In this classroom action research, data was analyzed since the learning action carried
out and developed during the reflection process until the report preparation process. For
continuity and depth in teaching data, in this study used interactive analysis. The data were
analyzed qualitatively by interactive analysis which consisted of data reduction, data
presentation and conclusion drawn were in an interactive form with data collection as a
cycle process.
Data reduction is an activity to summarize, choose the main things, focus on
important things, look for themes and patterns and discard unnecessary things. Data
reduction is done through the selection of data, simplification of data and transformation of
raw data from the results of field notes. Data presentation is a technique of presenting data
that is organized, arranged in a relationship pattern, so that it will be more easily
understood. The presentation of data in this study was the result of assignment of tasks that
were arranged, so that it was easily understood and carried out in stages. Drawing
conclusions is decision making supported by valid and consistent evidence. In this study,
after the presentation of the data, conclusions were then made by means of discussions with
collaborative partners.
Analysis used is descriptive technique. The type of assessment used based on the
regulations of the Minister of National Education Number. 137 year 2014 as follows:

Table 3.1 Assessment of Learning Outcomes

No Category Symbol Assesment

1 Not Growing NG If the child is unable to perform the activity

2 Start Growing SG If the child is able to perform some of the
activities well although still help the teacher
3 Growing Up GUE if the child is able to carry out activities well
Expectation despite the help of teachers
4 Growth Very Good GVG if the child is able to carry out activities well
The indicator of success in this class action study if the ability to recognize the
numeral symbols of children has reached 75% after the use of number bars and the goal of
the curriculum indicator can be achieved.


A. Result
1. Overview of Research Sites
Pembina Kindergarten was Polewali Village Gantarang Sub-District Bulukumba
Regency. Educators in the Pembina Kindergarten were 11 people consisted of 1 Principal and
10 teachers. Has been established on April 14, 2007 until now.
2. The use of number block play in improving the ability to recognize the number
Implementation in the learning process to improve the ability to recognize the symbol
of numbers in children is very important. Based on the results of research carried out in the
Pembina Kindergarten Polewali Village Gantarang Sub-District Bulukumba Regency, that the
use of numerical bars playing activities in the implementation of learning could improve the
ability to recognize the numeral symbol of children. As for the steps in implementing learning
by using numerical block media, namely: The teacher prepared the playground props, the
teacher arranged the position of the children seat, the teacher stimulated the child with open
questions about the picture shown, the teacher gave the opportunity to the child to arrange
and organize the bars as expected. The implementation was carried out with 2 cycles, namely
cycle I and cycle II where in each cycle there were two meetings.
3. The overview number bars usage in increasing the ability to recognize the
numeral symbol
To illustrate the increase in the ability to recognize the numeral symbol of children
through learning by using number bars media in the first cycle can be seen in the following
a. Planning
At this stage the researcher conducts the following activities:
1. Prepared a Daily Learning Implementation Plan
2. Made an observation sheet about the ability to recognize the numeral symbol of
child through the activity of playing number bars.
b. Implementation
At this stage, it is divided into three activities, namely: initial activities, core activities, closing
activities, these will be described as follows:
Initial activities:
1) Performed Greetings, praying and singing
2) Mentioned the adopted Holy Book
3) Bercerita ketempat rekreasi Told the place of recreation
Core activities:
1) Created a lodging house form of bars
2) Counted the number of bars that the inn will make
3) Grouped images of rectangles, triangles, circles in the image of a lodging
Break activities:
1) Washed hands, prayed before and after meals
2) Went to toilet
3) Tidied up or arranged and cleaned the room and cutlery
4) Played
Closing Activities
1) Sang songs related to recreation
2) Appreciated God creation
3) Moral messages
4) Discussed about today's activities and information about tomorrow's activities
5) Prayed, sang song and greeted.

1) Initial Activity:
The initial activity was always marked by the implementation of habitual
activities or routine activities such as greeting the teacher and friends when
entering the classroom. Before carrying out the learning activities, children were
accustomed to always praying then the children were invited to sing so that the
children continued to be enthusiastic in participating in the learning activities
until it's over. After the habituation activities were carried out, the children were
then invited to answer questions in a simple manner such as mentioning the
adopted Holy Book.
2) Core activities:
The core activity was the implementation of learning activities which were the
focus of this research, namely the implementation of numerical bars learning in
improving the ability to recognize the symbol of numbers in children. First, the
teacher prepared the playground props, then the teacher arranged the position of
the child's seat, after that the teacher stimulated the child with open questions
about the symbol of numbers that were on the bars and then gave the child the
opportunity to arrange desired bars.
3) Final activities
In the final activity, the children were given the task to work alone until it was
finished. This was done so that children learnt to be responsible for the tasks
given to them. After that, the child and the teacher then carried out question and
answer activities about the day's activities starting from the initial activities to
the final activities of the learning. At the end of the meeting, the child then sang,
went home and greeted the teacher.
c. Observation
Observations carried out during the activity process took place in the form of
an assessment of the development of the ability to recognize the numeral symbols
of children through learning using number bars media and the implementation of
teacher activities.
1) Observation of teacher activities
The result of observation on the teacher showed that of the 3 items observed in
children in group B of the Pembina Kindergarten Polewali Village Gantarang Sub-
District Bulukumba Regency in learning 1, the first cycle showed that the
assessment received 0%, enough 25%, and less 75%.
a) The teacher prepared teaching aids to play a number block, in this step the
teacher got a less assessment because the teacher prepared number bars but
they were not maximal.
b) The teacher adjusted the position of the children seat. In this step the teacher
got a sufficient assessment because the teacher adjusted the position of the
children seats but they were not neat.
c) The teacher stimulated children with open questions about the symbol of
numbers that were on the bars. In this step the teacher got less assessment
because the teacher did not stimulate the child with open questions about the
numeral symbol that were on the bars.
d) Teachers provided opportunities for children to arrange and organize bars as
desired. In this step the teacher got a lack of assessment because the teacher
gave each child the opportunity to arrange and organize the bars as desired
but it was not clear.
2) Observation of the ability to recognize children numeral symbols
The result of observations in children showed that of the 3 items observed in
children in group B of the Pembina Kindergarten Polewali Village Gantarang Sub-
District Bulukumba Regency in learning 1 cycle I, got a very good developing
rating of 13%, Developed according to expectations of 13%, Started to develop
13% and not yet developed 53% can be described in the following table:

Table 4.1. The ability to recognize the symbol of the Child's number Cycle I Learning

Assesment Total
Indicator Observed
Number of Counts the number of bars 8 3 2 2 15
objects from 1- that will be made by an inn

On the indicator Counts the number of objects from 1-20, in this case that is the
number of bars that will be made by the inn. The results showed that 2 children
whose results developed very well, 2 children whose results developed according to
expectations, 2 children whose results began to develop, and 8 children who were
still in the undeveloped category.
d. Reflection
By looking at the results in learning 1 cycle I, the results of reflections found are:
1) Planning: still need to be prepared again, such as: children should be given more
opportunities so that children can be active in learning, and the learning atmosphere
in terms of increasing the ability to recognize the symbol of numbers in children
still seems less active, so that children feel bored and motivated in the process
learning done.
2) Implementation: the teacher does not explain the rules of playing activities in the
learning process by using numerical block media to be implemented in improving
the ability to recognize the symbol of numbers in children, children are still
confused in participating in learning activities, and lack of encouragement from
various sources, especially teachers and motivation needed child.
3) Observation: observations in research are still very difficult to do well because
between children and teachers have not been able to do activities well.
4. Overview of Using number bars play in Cycle I Pemb. 2
For the ability to recognize the symbol of the number of children in the first cycle
of learning 2 which was held on Tuesday, February 16, 2016 and the results can be
seen in the following stages:
a. Planning
At this stage the researcher conducts the following activities:
1. Prepare a Daily Learning Implementation Plan (RPPH).
2. Make an observation sheet regarding the ability to recognize the symbol of the
number of children through learning activities using numerical block media.
b. Implementation
At this stage it is divided into three activities, namely: initial activities, core activities,
closing activities, these will be described as follows:
Initial activity:
a) Greetings, prayers and singing.
b) Conversing about recreational clothing
a) Stand on one leg without falling

Core activities:
a) Make a rectangle to form a swimming pool
b) Matching pictures of swimming pools
c) Mention the sequence of numbers 1-20 according to the numeral Symbol
that are in the bars

Break Activity:
a) Wash hands pray before and after meals
b) Toilet
c) Tidy up or arrange and clean the room and cutlery
d) Play

End activities:
a) Tells about the rules when going to a place of recreation
b) Conversing about safety during recreation
c) Moral messages
d) Discussion about today's activities and information about tomorrow's activities
e) Pray, sing and greetings.

1) Initial activity
Routine activities or habituation activities are always carried out such as greeting
when entering the classroom, then praying before the learning begins and the teacher
invites the children to sing so that the children continue to be enthusiastic in
following the learning activities until they are finished. After a routine activity is
carried out, the child then does the activity Stand on one leg without falling. This is
done to train children's motor skills.
2) Core activities
In the core activities, learning activities are carried out which are the focus of this
research, namely increasing the ability to recognize the symbol of numbers in
children through the implementation of learning using numerical block media. In this
activity, children are also trained to make rectangles form swimming pools.

3) Final activity
At the end of the learning activities carried out activities to obey the rules when
going to the place of recreation. Then routine activities are carried out such as
delivering moral messages. Question and answer activities about today's activities.
Question and answer activities are carried out so that students remember what has
been done at the beginning of learning until the end of the learning activity. After
that, the child then sings together and prays before going home.
c. Observation
Observations carried out during the activity process took place in the form of an
assessment of the development of the ability to recognize the symbol of numbers in
children through learning using numerical block media and the implementation of
teacher activities.
1) Observation of teacher activities
The results of the observations on the teacher showed that of the 3 items observed in
child group B of the State Nursery School of the District of Gantarang, Bulukumba
District in learning 2, the first cycle showed that good assessors got 25%, enough
50%, and less 25%.
a) The teacher prepares teaching aids to play a number block, in this step the teacher
gets a less assessment because the teacher prepares a number block but is not
b) The teacher adjusts the position of the child's seat. In this step the teacher gets a
good assessment because the teacher adjusts the position of the child's seat neatly.
c) The teacher stimulates the child with open questions about the symbol of numbers
that are on the bars. In this step the teacher gets a sufficient assessment because the
teacher stimulates the child with open questions about the symbol of numbers that are
on the bars but not maximally.
d) Teachers provide opportunities for children to arrange and organize bars as
desired. In this step the teacher gets enough assessment because the teacher provides
an opportunity for each child to arrange and organize the bars as desired but not
2. Observation of the ability to recognize the child's number symbol
The results of observations in children showed that of the 3 items observed in
children in group B of the Pembina Kindergarten Polewali Village Gantarang Sub-
District Bulukumba Regency in learning II cycle I, received a very good developing
rating of 26%, Developed according to expectations of 20%, Started to develop 20%
and not yet developed 33% can be described in the following table

Table 4.2. Ability to recognize the symbol of Child number Cycle I Pemb. 2
Assement Total
Indicator Observed
Counting the Mentioning the number of 6 3 2 4 15
number of lines according to the
objects from 1- number on the bars

On the indicator Counts the number of objects from 1-20. The results showed 4
children whose results developed very well, 2 children whose results developed
according to expectations, 3 children whose results began to develop, and 6 children
who were still in the undeveloped category.
d. Reflection
By looking at the results in learning 2 cycle I, the results of the reflections found
1) Planning: still needs to be prepared again, such as: the teacher must prepare a
learning plan better by identifying the causal factors and symptoms in the child so
that the child's ability to recognize the number symbol is not increased. Reorder the
action plan and action scenario.
2) Implementation: giving attention and direction to each child so that the child can
understand the task given properly. In addition, the atmosphere of learning must be
done pleasantly so that children feel not bored and they are motivated in the
learning process carried out.
3) Observation: observations in research are still very difficult to do well because
children have not been able to do activities well so learning needs to be done by
doing the second cycle.
5. Overview of the use of number bars play in improving the ability to recognize
number symbols in Cycle II Learning 1
For the ability to recognize the symbol of the number of children in the second
cycle of learning 1 carried out at the following stages:
a. Planning
At this stage the researcher conducts the following activities:
1. Prepare a Daily Learning Implementation Plan
2. Make an observation sheet about the ability to recognize the number symbol of a
child through the activity of playing number bars.
b. Implementation
At this stage it is divided into three activities, namely: initial activities, core activities,
closing activities, these will be described as follows:
Initial activity:
a) Greetings, pray and sing
b) Mention places of worship
c) Move freely to the music
Core activities:
a) Make scribbles to form a mountain
b) Collage of mountain images using coconut pulp
c) Sort the order of 1-20 numbers through the number bars

Break Activity:
a) Wash hands pray before and after meals
b) Toilet
c) Tidy up or arrange and clean the room and cutlery
d) Play
Closing Activity
a) Repeating the sentence is prohibited from cutting down trees
b) Cooperate with friends in completing tasks
c) Moral messages
d) Discussion about today's activities and information about tomorrow's activities
e) Pray, sing and greet

1) Initial activity
At the beginning of learning some routine habituation activities are carried out such
as greeting when entering the room or meeting with the teacher and friends. Then
pray before learning and singing so that the children continue to be enthusiastic
about participating in learning activities. After doing habituation activities, students
then carry out free activities to the music. The activity aims to train children's motor
skills and children's ability to keep up with the music.
2) Core activities
This core activity is a learning activity that is the focus of this research, namely
increasing the ability to recognize the symbol of numbers in students through
learning using numerical block media. In the implementation of learning using
numerical block media children are given the task to sort the order of 1-20 numbers
through the number bars.
3) Final activity
In the final activity the child is trained to cooperate with friends in completing
tasks. After tidying up the game, the child then does a routine activity that is asking
and answering questions about the activities that have been done that day.
c. Observation
Observations carried out during the activity process took place in the form of an
assessment of the development of the ability to recognize the symbol of numbers in
children through learning using numerical block media and the implementation of
teacher activities.
1. Observation of teacher activities
The results of the observations on the teacher showed that of the 3 items
observed in child group B of the State Nursery School of the District of
Gantarang, Bulukumba District, in learning 1 the second cycle showed that good
assessors got 75%, enough 25%, and less 0%.
(a) The teacher prepares teaching aids to play the number bars, in this step the
teacher gets a sufficient assessment because the teacher prepares a number
block but is not maximal.
(b) The teacher adjusts the position of the child's seat. In this step the teacher
gets a good assessment because the teacher adjusts the position of the child's
seat neatly.
(c) The teacher stimulates the child with open questions about the symbol of the
number that is on the bars. In this step the teacher gets a good assessment
because the teacher stimulates the child with open questions about the
symbol of the number on the bars.
(d) Teachers provide opportunities for children to arrange and organize bars as
desired. In this step the teacher gets a good assessment because the teacher
provides an opportunity for each child to arrange and arrange the bars as
2. Observation of the ability to recognize the child's number symbol
The results of observations in children showed that of the 2 items observed in
children in group B of the State Nursery School of the District of Gantarang,
Bulukumba District in learning I cycle II, received a very good developing
rating of 46%, Developing according to expectations of 20%, Starting to
develop 13% and not yet developed 20% can be described in the following

Table 4.3. Ability to recognize the symbol of the Child's number Cycle II Learning 1

Assesment Total
Indicator Yang Diamati
Counting Sorting 1-20 number bars 3 2 3 7 15
recognizes the
concept of

D. Reflection
By looking at the results in learning 1 cycle II, the results of reflections found are:
1) Planning: in the first lesson of the second cycle the ability of the child begins to
improve well even though there are still some children who still need treatment so the
teacher needs to prepare a learning plan better by identifying the causes and symptoms in
some children who experience delays in their increased ability to recognize the symbol of
numbers. Reorder the action plan and action scenario.
2) Implementation: giving attention and direction to each child so that the child can
understand the task given properly. In addition, the atmosphere of learning must be done
pleasantly so that children feel not bored and they are motivated in the learning process
carried out.
3) Observation: the observations in this study have been done correctly, this is because
there is a good increase in the ability to recognize the symbol of numbers in children, but
still needs to be improved again.
5. Overview of the use of number bars play in improving the ability to recognize
number symbols in Cycle II Learning 2
For the ability to recognize the symbol of the number of children in the second cycle of
learning 2, it can be seen in the following stages:
a. Planning
At this stage the researcher conducts the following activities:
1. Prepare a Daily Learning Implementation Plan.
2. Make an observation sheet regarding the ability to recognize the symbol of the number
of children through learning activities using numerical block media.
b. Implementation
At this stage it is divided into three activities, namely: initial activities, core activities, closing
activities, these will be described as follows:
Initial activity:
a) Greetings, pray and sing
b) Conversation about disposing of garbage is not permitted
c) Storytelling Using Series Drawings About Children Climbing While Swinging in
the Request
Core activities:
a) Creating large tree shapes from plasticine
b) Coloring tree pictures
c) Make a sequence of numbers from 1-20 using number bars
Break Activity:
a) Wash hands pray before and after meals
b) Toilet
c) Play
End activities
a) Tells stories about coastal life
b) Say hello when you meet the fisherman in the coastal area
c) Moral messages
d) Discussion about today's activities and information about tomorrow's activities
e) Pray, sing and greet
1) Initial activity
The initial activities are carried out by several routine activities which are habituation
to students such as greeting when entering the room, reading prayers before learning
and singing so that the children continue to be enthusiastic in participating in learning
activities. After habituation activities, the child is then invited to climb while
swinging on the tree. The activity is to train students' motor skills.
2) Core activities
In the core activities carried out learning activities that became the focus of this
research is to make a sequence of numbers from numbers 1-20 using number bars.
3) Final activity
In the final activity the child is taught to always say hello when meeting other people
around him. After that, the children are invited to do question and answer activities
about the activities that have been done that day so that the children keep in mind the
activities that have been carried out from the beginning to the end of the meeting.

a. Observation
Observations carried out during the activity process took the form of an
assessment of the development of the ability to recognize the concept of numbers in
children through learning using numerical block media and the implementation of
teacher activities.
1. Observation of teacher activities
The results of the observations on the teacher showed that of the 3 items observed in child
group B of the Pembina Kindergarten Polewali Village Gantarang Sub-District Bulukumba
Regency in learning 1, the second cycle showed that the assessors were 100%, quite 0%,
and less 0%.
(a) The teacher prepared teaching aids to play number bars, in this step the teacher got a
good rating because the teacher prepares a number block.
(b) The teacher adjusted the position of the children seats. In this step the teacher got a
good assessment because the teacher adjusted the position of the children seats
(c) The teacher stimulated the child with open questions about the symbol of the number
that was on the bars. In this step the teacher got a good assessment because the
teacher stimulatedthe child with open questions about the symbol of the number on
the bars.
(d) Teachers provided opportunities for children to arrange and organize bars as desired.
In this step the teacher gets a good assessment because the teacher provides an
opportunity for each child to arrange and arrange the bars as desired.

2. Observation of the ability to recognize the children numeral symbol

The results of observations in children showed that of the 3 items observed in

children in group B of the State Nursery School of Gantarang Subdistrict, Bulukumba
District in learning II cycle II, getting a very good rating 60%, Developing according
to expectations 13%, Starting to develop 13% and not developing 13% can be
described in the following table:

Table 4.4. The ability to recognize the symbol of the Child's number Cycle II Pemb. 2
Assessment Total
Indicator Observed
Counting the Make a sequence of 2 2 2 9 15
number of numbers from the
objects from 1- numbers 1-20 by using
20 the number bars
The indicators make a sequence of numbers 1-20, in this case, they make a sequence
of numbers from the smallest to the largest using a number block. The results showed 9
children whose results developed very well, 2 children whose results developed according to
expectations, 2 children whose results began to develop, and 2 children who were still in the
undeveloped category
b. Reflection
By looking at the results in learning 2 cycle II, the results of the reflections found
1. Planning: in the second lesson of the second cycle the teacher has prepared a good
learning activity so that it gets very good results where the ability to recognize the
symbol of numbers in children has a significant increase. This can be seen from the
results of observations obtained
2. Implementation: giving attention and direction given by the teacher to each child is one
good strategy so that the child can understand the task given well. In addition, the
learning atmosphere is done pleasantly so that children feel not bored and they are
motivated in the learning process carried out.
3. Observation: observations in this study have been carried out correctly, this is because
there is a good increase in the ability to recognize the symbol of numbers in children.
B. Discussion
1. Learning Implementation Use of Number Barss to Improve the Ability to Recognize
The development of being able to recognize the symbol of numbers in children is very
important to be developed in order to obtain readiness in following learning at a higher
level, especially in mastering mathematical concepts. According to Munandar that
Ability is the power to carry out an action as a result of carrying out and practicing. A
person can do something because of the ability he has. In view of Munandar, this
ability is the potential of a person who is innate from birth and developed with the
habituation and training, so that he is able to do something so that the ability to
recognize the symbol of numbers already exists in children and to develop it, the
teacher provides stimulus and stimulation to children so the ability to recognize
number symbols can develop well and optimally.

2. The Increasing ability to recognize symbol numbers Through the use of Number Barss in
Cycle I
The development of the ability to recognize the numeral symbol Group B students in
the Pembina Kindergarten Polewali Village Gantarang Sub-District Bulukumba
Regency is still categorized as less capable and not optimal.
The results of the research in the first cycle also showed that the development of the
ability to recognize the symbol of numbers in students still needed to be improved
because it needed a method or method that was suitable for children. Therefore, seeing
the results of the three learning activities carried out in the first cycle which are not
optimal, because there are still many children who fall into the category of
underprivileged, so children really need stimulation and stimulation in accordance with
the stage of child development and material characteristics to be taught and
improvements need to be made in the learning process by using number bars in an
effort to improve the development of the ability to recognize the number symbol of
children in the second cycle.

2. The Increased ability to recognize the symbol of numbers through the use of numbers
bars in Cycle II

The results of the data analysis showed that in the second cycle of learning I and II
regarding the development of the ability to recognize the symbol of numbers in
children through learning activities using number barss, there was an increase in the
three indicators. In the first indicator for the second cycle of meeting 1, 7 students were
able to carry out activities well with indicators developing very well and experiencing
an increase in the second meeting to 5 students. For the indicators for the first two
meetings there were also 3 students at the first meeting. and increased to 9 students at
the second meeting. This shows that through learning activities using number bars in
improving the development of the ability to recognize the number symbol in children
can be improved well.

The results of the above study indicate that of the 3 items observed in general it has
been included in the good category because the ability of children on average is in the
category of very capable and capable, even though there are still a small number of
children who develop the ability to recognize the symbol number is still in the category
has not been able to. This shows that the development of the ability to recognize the
symbol of numbers in children is increasing after being given treatment through
learning activities using numerical block media.

Increased ability to recognize the numeral symbol of children will increase and good if
parents and teachers will not feel bored guiding and stimulating the ability of each
child in accordance with the stage of child development and the characteristics of the
material to be taught.


A. Conclusion
The conclusion of this study was the ability to recognize the numeral symbol of children
in group B of the Pembina Kindergarten Polewali Village Gantarang Sub-District Bulukumba
Regency. This could be seen from the results of the study, after the application of learning
actions using number bars media carried out repeatedly in the first cycle, in the category both
at the percentage of 60% and the second cycle was in good category, in the form of 87%. So
that, the ability to recognize of the children, in form of numeral symbol had improved in
terms of making a sequence of numbers from the smallest to the largest by using bars and
mentioning the numeral symbol in accordance with the numbers on the bars.
B. Recommendation
Based on the above conclusion, the following are recommended:
1. To the teachers, it is expected that the process of learning activities is always carried out
by using number bars media in an effort to improve the ability to recognize the numeral
symbol of children in kindergarten.
2. To schools, in order to improve their guidance to teachers in the effort of the learning
process by using number bars media appropriately in the teaching and learning process.


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