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Activities must be in support educational Provide lists of a wide variety of websites

goals. students may visit.
Monitor students when conducting research.

Users may not violate student or staff rights to Educators may not discuss individual students
privacy. on any online platform.

Users may not use profanity, offensive Holding high behavior expectations, a
language, graphics, or other forms of culturally responsive practice, to eliminate
communication. bias information and hurtful or offensive
Students will be taught to immediately report
inappropriate or harmful behavior to a

Users may not use technology resources in Students may participate in teacher-
support of private or personal business. sanctioned activities and teachers may use
county hardware and networks for
professional purposes only.

Users may not misuse or share passwords. Students will keep their passwords
confidential. Students can have individual
notecards of login information that they can
access when necessary.
Students will be taught to logout after each
online session.
Users may not share or use personally Users may not post photos or full names.
identifiable information.
Teachers will create login information that is
Teachers will not share student work on any
online platform without explicit permission.

Users may not share or use individually Teachers must follow all copyright laws.
owned or copyrighted material without
author’s explicit consent. Students will learn to discern copyrighted
material and site it appropriately when

Users must be properly authorized. Students must have parental authorization to

use network via the Student Internet Use /
Access Permission Form.
Teachers must have proper county login.

Users may not use another individual’s Students will logout after each online session.
Students may not log in for another student or
complete work.
Teachers will use their personal county login

Students may not access social media for Students will utilize websites and resources
personal use. provided by the teacher.
Teachers will carefully select material to
present to students and consider the source.

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