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9/14/2019 How to Use Affirmations with Reality Transurfing - Aaron Doughty

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How to Use Affirmations with Reality


Today, I'm going to show you how to use affirmations with Reality Transurfing. This very well could be
the missing link to you really getting what you want by letting go of parts of affirmations that no longer
serve you.

So, come on and watch the video below: 1/8
9/14/2019 How to Use Affirmations with Reality Transurfing - Aaron Doughty

How to Use A rmations with Reality Transur ng (New Law of Attract…


00:00 14:38

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

I really believe that what I’m going to share with you can totally be a game changer when it comes to
you creating what you want in your life, understanding affirmations at a deeper level and
understanding it more at an energetic level than anything else. This involves understanding the
energy part of affirmations.

Let's look at the old way that we go about the law of attraction. Now, the old way of a law of attraction.
What it is we have a desire in what we do is we say the affirmations to hopefully get us to that end
desire to that kind of goal.

In a way, normally we think of affirmations as a means to an end. Our affirmations will get us the
results that we want. Now there's a couple ways to tweak that and one thing we could do is simply say
our affirmations in the present moment, so whereas normally people are saying, I will attract your
relationship, will is presupposed that's going to be in the future, which isn't right now and since the
only moment that really does exist is right now is right now.

What we then do is we say, I am whole and complete, or I am in a relationship and that will get you a
certain benefit. However, what I believe is even more powerful is this understanding of how to use it
with what is called Reality Transurfing. If you've been following my channel, you know that this is a
powerful manifestation process that I've taught quite a bit about and more so than even just a
manifestation process is actually more of a philosophy or a way for seeing the world that when you
start to adopt it, it can completely transform your life. 2/8
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I'm going to share with you a little bit about Reality Transurfing in general before I get into it. Just to
give context for this blog and with Reality Transurfing, it's about understanding that it's about intention
more than anything else. Reality Transurfing is a book that was written in Russia by a quantum
physicist named Vadim Zeland, and this book is now getting much more popularity.

I've been sharing it on my channel. I've had so many people text me pictures of the books or email me
or direct message me on social media like pictures of the books that they'd got it, saying that they're
loving it. It's changing their lives and there's a couple of key principles that change everything and the
guy that wrote it is a quantum physicist, which means he has more of a perspective of understanding
parallel realities and this is something I've talked about before as well as the power of parallel realities
to really create what you want in your life and understanding that awareness that the only moment
that exists is this moment right now.

When we're projecting ourselves to the future, we're not creating the residents with the reality that we
want right now in the present moment. Under Reality Transurfing, there's two or three main ideas that
can really help you understand that more, the first one has to do intentions. If we simply set more
intentions, we will create more of what we want our life think of intention as the direction and if you set
an intention, you're giving your boat metaphorically speaking, some type of direction.

The intention is the sale. Without it, you just kind of remain stagnant. Now, the idea is that as you set
an intention, you start to more so flow to the reality that you want to experience. Now, there's another
part of understanding that every possible reality you can possibly imagine exists right now in the
present moment. We're just shifting through these different parallel realities with every choice that we
make with the intentions that we set, and then there's another part of Reality Transurfing that has to do
with understanding what are called pendulums.

Now, pendulums are these thoughts, structures that are created when we are thinking similar thoughts
and when people think the same thoughts or have the same beliefs, these thoughts, structures come
together and create an overarching belief for society. Because we're co creating our lives with other
people, the idea is a collective level.

The idea is that there are pendulums around every idea you can imagine, and many times we think
that we're having our own thoughts when in reality we're having the thoughts of a pendulum. There
are pendulums, Yvonne being Republican or Democrat, about being this for this nationality, against 3/8
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this nationality, for this football team, against this team. Any time you feel a rush of energy and a lot of
times you may find that it's actually the thoughts of a pendulum.

The power of this is to observe your thoughts, to take your power back, and then to transcend that. In
a way, you can say that that is social conditioning. As we take our power back, we start to create from
a much more powerful place. Now the third part and the most important part, I would say it's funny, it's
the most important part of Reality Transurfing is about decreasing importance, so anytime we give
something excess importance, meaning we make it very important that we give it excess, meaning we
create what is called excess potential.

Now when we do that, there are balancing forces that come into play that have to neutralize that
energy, and the way that it neutralizes it is by giving it the opposite of what it wants. When it's very
important. You may have experienced this if you want it to be in a relationship with someone and you
put them on a pedestal and the moment you put them on a pedestal, you distance yourself from them
and then you couldn't actually connect to them.

They either felt that as resistance or just circumstances come into play to where it did not happen. This
is that awareness that those ideas are the main parts of Reality Transurfing. Now, when it comes to
affirmations, because we're setting intentions, what we begin to do is realize that when we set
intentions, we are literally bringing in the probability of those parallel realities that exist right now.

Now, affirmations with Reality Transurfing being there, there's a couple of key differences between
that and the regular Law of Attraction process we might use. Now the first off, we must connect to
something we're passionate about when we are saying our affirmation, so under the old way of
thinking about it may be that we want the idea of money. We're saying I have 100,000 dollars in the
bank or I have $10,000 or even $10,000, whatever it is, we say that in the present moment.

Cool. We're saying it in the present moment with Reality Transurfing However, Reality
Transurfing is about more so connecting to the goal itself rather than having money be the goal.
You see money as a side effect. Money is a side effect of the value we can give to other people
or have us doing our passion for living.

We have to be honest with what we want and we have to connect it to our heart.

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We start to feel more connected to it and we see it from a real place of passion. This means that we
have to be honest with what we want and we have to connect it to our heart. You see, the mind
doesn't understand that the money equals the freedom or the money. He goes to security. 

The mind understands that the heart does not. So we must connect. First off, our affirmations must be
something that we are actually passionate about.

So, make sure it's something that's your real goal. Like my real goal for example, is me traveling the
world, going to amazing places, meeting people, speaking in front of people, having people that love
what I'm saying, love what I'm doing, going to a really great restaurants, filming in exotic places. Those
are all my goals and I can feel that when I say it, but it's not like I want to manifest, you know,
$300,000 so that I can travel for a year. You know, it's not, that isn't.

The translation is more than that. I go straight to the goal itself and I say it as if it's in the present
moment. So, the first part of reality, transformative with affirmations is to first off, say something you're
passionate about. Now the next one is going to be something that maybe you've never heard of
before and I've just kind of mentioned earlier, but once you want to do is say it in the present tense
because you're doing it from the awareness that parallel reality exists right now.

Right now, there's a version of me that exists because everything exists here and now of me traveling
the world, doing what I love to do and what I do is I imagine that at that exists. So first off, have that
awareness because having that awareness makes it that much more probable for you and then saying
it and feeling it as if in the present moment.

So, I view it almost like that is already happening. So that can happen for me if I resonate with it, by
aligning my beliefs, my thoughts, my actions, and knowing that that is something that can be. Now the
other part is understanding decreasing the level of importance.

I can give myself right now the permission to love what I'm doing because I'm doing this at a different
level. Like I'm speaking to you guys right now through this camera and I could go travel right now and
do pretty much whatever I want. However, it's already a way I'm doing it and as I recognize that, I bring
more so that energy, that resonance into what I do and it makes it so much more powerful. So that I
actually experienced it in my life. Now, the key to this and the part that I'm getting at is we must
decrease the level of importance. 5/8
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We give our affirmations and we must make it more so comfortable. Now, this sounds a little bit
paradoxical, but what we do is we must see our affirmations, state them in the present moment and
say them as something that is comfortable.

The reality that you are doing whatever you're seeing in your affirmations is natural. It's comfortable for
you so you had as comfortable because if you view it as comfortable, you know sometimes there's a
negative connotation around something being comfortable. If you expand your comfort zone, that then
becomes your level of comfort.

If you do something you haven't done before or you say something as an affirmation, you start to
know that you can do it. It starts to become natural for you. So, say it as if that is the case, and then
start to see yourself as that type of person.

Change yourself image with your affirmations so it's a part of who I am to travel the world and speak
and paradoxically enough and a couple of days I'm going to La to give a talk. One of my first talks in La
in front of 50 different people with another YouTuber, buddy of mine, so that's exactly what I mean is
in the present moment, it's already happening. I've been saying this and this is why I think now I'm
having these kinds of experiences in my life.

The last thing I'll talk about is something that is called a reality amalgam. Back in the day, the Venetian
times. It's paradoxical because I used to actually work at the Venetian hotel when I had a job or like
you know, a nine to five job, the Venetian and the Venetian times. What they would do is in nears, they
would put hints of gold so that when you looked into this mirror, you look slightly more attractive.

This is what an amalgam is. It's that golden. It's the underlying belief that we can put around
everything that we do. It's this underlying belief that if we say repetitively begins to become so
conscious and starts to influence us in a subconscious way, these are overlaying beliefs such as the
world always takes care of me.

Everything is always working out for me. Everything has a positive meaning. If I choose to see it that
way, I feel lucky. I am lucky. I'm a lucky type person. Thankfully. Think, think I'm thankful that that
happened. It's an overarching belief or an overarching affirmation that we say repetitively, that if we do
it again, we think and we say it repetitively, it starts to shape our world. So first off, let me ask you a
question. How do you see affirmations in general? 6/8
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Do you use affirmations as they don't work? Well? If so, then they won't work for you. It's all a self-
fulfilling prophecy. Start to see the whole manifestation process as something that does work for you,
and as you do that, guess what? You will start to get the benefit that you want. Start to see things as
working out for you. Start to see that you're always in the right place at the right time, that every day
gets better and better.

That's a common one and once you want to do is you want to set these reality amalgams, which is this
overarching belief, and say it four or five times a day, this isn't a way an affirmation, but remember we
say it as if it's comfortable. We allow it to be there in a powerful way and we see ourselves as natural
with the process, so this is something that is sort of like an affirmation that when you start to really
apply it, it will help you to transform your results with affirmations.

Now, remember that with affirmations and Reality Transurfing of the major differences are that it's
more about an overarching belief that you can say that can start to shape your whole experience with
the manifestation process. That beyond that you want to see your goals as something connected to
your heart.

When you do that, you connect to it in a much more powerful way and then what you do is you
see it as natural. You see it as a part of who you are. You start to give yourself permission right
now to increase your state of being, to give yourself permission to feel like you are who you
choose to be, and as you increase your state of being, your affirmations, then have much more
power and you're much more likely to shift to the reality that you want because it already exists
here in the present moment and simply add a different resonance. And we must get ourselves
to feel that way by knowing we are already holding complete and using what I shared today.
Posted by
August 11, 2018 in Uncategorized
My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of
interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment.
The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience
more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that
have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve
always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route
to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention. 7/8
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