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NAME: __________________________________ GRADE & SECTION:________________

Activity No. ____ Mirror, mirror, on the wall…

• Determine the height, width, and the distance from the mirror of the image formed by plane mirrors.
• Compare the actual height, width and the distance from the mirror of the object with that of the image formed
by plane mirror.
 1 (10 cm x 15 cm) plane mirror  modeling clay
 1 graphing paper  pen
 10 one–peso coins

1. Let the mirror stand vertically along a line on a graphing paper. Use the modeling clay to support the plane
2. Using a pen, make three (3) different marks along the intersections on the graphing paper in front of a mirror.
3. Measure the distance of each mark from the mirror by counting the number of parallel lines between the mark
and the base of the plane mirror. Record your data in table 1.
Mark Number of Parallel Lines

Between the Mark and the Mirror Between the Image and the Mirror

Mark 1

Mark 2

Mark 3

4. Look at the images of the marks formed by the mirror. Measure the distance of each image from the mirror
by counting the number of parallel lines between the image and the base of the mirror. Record this also in Table

Q1. Refer to Table 1, compare the distance (number of parallel lines) from the mirror of the object with that of
the image.

5. Stack 10 pieces of one-peso coin in front of the plane mirror as in Figure 2. Using a ruler, measure the height
and width of the stack of coins. Measure also the height and width of the image as seen on the mirror. Enter
your measurements in a table similar to Table 2.
Description Object Image

Height (cm)

Width (cm)

Q2. How do the height and width of the object compare with the height and width of the image?
NAME: __________________________________ GRADE & SECTION:________________

Activity No. ____ Mirror Left-Right Reversal

• Describe the images formed by plane mirror.
• Show an understanding of reversal effect in mirrors by writing laterally inverted letters and words.

• alphabet chart • 1 plane mirror

1. Place the alphabet chart in front of the plane mirror. Identify all capital letters in the alphabet that can be read
properly in front of the mirror.

2. Write at least 3 words (all in capital letters) that can be read properly both with a mirror and without a mirror
in front of it.

Q1.What are the letters of the alphabet (in capital) that can be read properly in front of a mirror?

Q2. Think of words (in capital letters) that can be read properly both with a mirror and without a mirror. What
are these words?

Q3. Write the sentence below on a clear sheet of paper in such a way that it can be read properly in front of a
mirror: “Honesty is the best policy”
NAME: __________________________________ GRADE & SECTION:________________

Activity No. ____ Who wants to be a Millionaire?

• Identify the relationship between the number of images formed and the angle between the two mirrors.
• Use the gathered data to derive the formula for determining the number of images formed when two mirrors
are kept at a certain angle.

• 1 one-peso coin • 1 paper protractor • 2 plane mirrors

1. Place two plane mirrors at an angle of 90o and place the one-peso coin between the mirrors as shown below.

2. Count the number of images formed. Record this on the table below.
3. Try to vary the angle between the mirrors.

Q1. What happens to the number of images formed as you vary the angle between the mirrors?

4. Set the angle between the mirrors to 60o. Count and record again the number of images formed.
5. Do again step 4 for angles 45o and 30o. Enter all the values in a table below.

Angle Number of Images





Q2. Refer to Table 4. What relationship exists between the number of images formed and the angle between two

Q3. Use the data in Table 4 to derive the formula for determining the number of images formed by two mirrors?

Q4. How should the mirrors be arranged such that an infinite number of images will be formed or seen?

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