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1718-SH301-DCC -V1 Level H Science Diagnostic Term 3 Exam to be done on Wednesday Apr 11

Week 1 Period 1-2

Duration: 30 mins

Sample Questions Exam

1. Energy is the ability to cause a______________________

2. Energy stored in fuel or in food is called _____________________energy.

3. Wind is air particles moving in one direction, so ________________ carries kinetic energy.

4. An object moving in one direction, like a ball, is said to have kinetic energy. But when the particles of an
objects jostle about at random, we do not say that they have kinetic energy. We say they have

5. _____________________ is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the ______________in matter.

6. Heat, or ______________ energy, refers to energy carried by an object due to the random motion of its

7. Temperature is measured using a _______________________________

8. We define 100°C (Celsius) to be the temperature at which water normally _______________] at sea level.
We define
0.0°C to be the temperature at which ice normally _____________ at sea level.

9. In USA, they use °F (Fahrenheit) temperature scale. We define 212°F (Fahrenheit) to be the temperature at
which water normally _________ at sea level. We define 32.0°F to be the temperature at which ice
normally ____________ at sea level.

10. When two objects touch each other, heat always flows from the hotter object (at the higher temperature) to
the colder object (at lower temperature). ___________ flows until both objects are at the same temperature.

11. When you place one end of a copper rod in a flame, the other end of the rod heats up by _____________

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1718-SH301-DCC -V1 Level H Science Diagnostic Term 3 Exam to be done on Wednesday Apr 11
Week 1 Period 1-2
Duration: 30 mins

12. A good [conductor] is a material that conducts thermal energy or electric current. e.g. silver, copper,

13. A good [insulator] is a material that does not conduct thermal energy or electric current.
14. A good insulator wrapped around an object can keep a hot object [hot] or a cold object [cold].

15. _________________ is the transfer of thermal energy by the movement of liquid or gas.

16. Radiant energy that can be seen by human eyes is called _________________

17. Some radiant energy, like _______________, is visible, but some radiant energy, like X-rays, cannot be
seen by humans.

18. Some radiant energy, like radiant heat that comes out of the walls of the oven to cook food, is invisible, and
is called _______________ radiation.

19. Photons of ultraviolet light burn our skin and after several exposures may cause _________________.

20. Photons of X-rays pass through flesh and leave _________________of bones or metal on a film.

21. Photons of visible light come in six ranges, from least to most energetic:
22. Light generally moves in ____________________ but when it crosses the boundary between two
transparent materials, it bends.

23. The bending of light when it passes from one material to another is called_______________].

24. Refraction happens when light passes into a new material at ___________________

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1718-SH301-DCC -V1 Level H Science Diagnostic Term 3 Exam to be done on Wednesday Apr 11
Week 1 Period 1-2
Duration: 30 mins

25. Light travels fastest in [_________________ (and slower in air).

26. A clear, curved piece of material that refracts light is a ___________________.

27. _________________is produced by vibrating objects like a guitar string or vocal cords of a person.

28. Sound waves are produced by ______________________

29. Sound travels in air, in water and in solids. Sound does not travel in ____________ because there are no
particles in vacuum to transfer the motion energy from one particle to another.

30. The material through which sound travels is called a ____________ Air is a medium in which sound

31. The ______________________ or ___________________of a sound gives the number of vibrations per

32. Women’s voices have a ________________ pitch than men’s voices.

33. A loud sound has a _________________ and a soft sound has a low volume.

34. The ______________________ of a sound is related to the volume of that sound.

35. A vibrating object sends sound waves to _______________, which vibrate back and forth, carrying
vibrations to three bones in the middle ear, then to a fluid in the inner ear and then to nerve cells that send
signals to the brain.

36. Human ears can hear sounds between 20 and 20,000 ______________per second. Vibrations slower or
faster than this will not be detected as sound.

37. An atom consists of a nucleus containing positively charged _______________ (plus other particles)

surrounded by rapidly moving negatively charged ___________________

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1718-SH301-DCC -V1 Level H Science Diagnostic Term 3 Exam to be done on Wednesday Apr 11
Week 1 Period 1-2
Duration: 30 mins

38. An atom is neutral if it has _______________________ of protons and electrons.

39. _____________________, being mobile (moving), being negatively charged and attracted to the positively
charged nucleus, can be pulled away from atoms by supplying energy, or can be added to other atoms.

40. Neutral objects that gain electrons become _______________ charged. Neutral objects that lose
_____________become positively charged.

41. Objects of like charge (both positive or both negative) _______________ each other.

42. Objects of opposite charges (one positive and one negative) _____________________ each other.
43. Electrically _______________________objects neither attract nor repel each other.

44. A charged object (like a comb rubbed against hair or wool) ______________ neutral objects (like a small
piece of paper).

45. Two objects with similar charges (both positive or both negative) _________________ each other, but
oppositely charged objects __________________ each other.

46. Charges fixed on objects are called static electricity. Charges moving in one direction are
_______________electricity, or an electric current. (static means it does not move)

47. Current electricity is usually delivered to appliances through electric wires the inner part of an electric wire
is made of _______________________

48. An ____________________is a material that normally does not allow an electric current to pass through it,
like plastic, wood, paper, air, glass or rubber. Insulators are poor ________________________

49. ____________________________ decrease the value of the electric current and change the energy carried
by the electric current to heat.

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1718-SH301-DCC -V1 Level H Science Diagnostic Term 3 Exam to be done on Wednesday Apr 11
Week 1 Period 1-2
Duration: 30 mins

50. An _____________________________is a device that changes stored chemical energy into energy carried
by electric current.

51. A circuit that has a single pathway for electrons to flow is a ________________________ circuit (where all
devices are connected to make a single loop).

52. A series circuit becomes ________________________ if one of the devices or wires is disconnected.

53. A circuit that has more than one pathway for electrons to flow is a _________________ circuit (where
devices may be found on different loops).

54. If one device or wire is disconnected, current may still pass in a ___________________ circuit.

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