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Unit 1: Recreation and Leisure

Recreation Leisure
1. __________________ is a Latin term by 1. Productive, creative or contemplative use of
Torkildsen meaning restoration to health _____________
2. Life enhancing treatment. 2. Freedom provided by cessation (ending) of
3. activities.
4. Play that amuses, diverts, or stimulates 3.

B. Types of Recreation
1. _____________________________ - activities that do not require prepared facilities like sports
fields or pavilions. Examples: ___________________________________
2. _____________________________ - structured individual or team activity that requires the use of
facilities, courses, fields or equipment. Examples: __________

C. Need for Travel: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

1. ___________________ - air, water, food, shelter, sleep, clothing, reproduction.
a.______________________ - tension relief by giving in or submitting to the surrounding
environment. Returning refreshed and renewed.
b. ______________________ - Achieves tension reduction through physical activity.
2. ___________________ - personal security, employment, resources, health, property. Travels for
health, to take care of body or mind, people protect and assure their longevity.
3. ____________________________ - friendship, intimacy, family, sense of connection, desire for
affection (giving and receiving love) .
*______________________ - method to encourage and satisfy the needs for companionship and
social interaction.
4. _______________________ - respect, self-esteem, status, recognition, strength, freedom.
a._________________ - needs to exhibit strength, achievement, mastery, competence and
b. _________________ - manifests concerning reputation, prestige, status and recognition.
Boosting one’s ego at the destination and from return.
5. _______________________ - desire to become the most that one can be. This is also the end goal
of leisure.
* ________________ - this offers an opportunity to reevaluate and discover more about the self
(correct and modify self-image).

D. Recreational Guests Motivation

1. _______________________________ - visit family & relatives on familiar surroundings and does not
participate on any activities.
2. _______________________________ - visit family & relatives on familiar surroundings inclined to
see sights, shops, and engage in cultural activities.
3. ______________________ - looks for new vacation places that accommodates children.
4. ______________________ - wants clean air, quiet and beautiful scenery.
5. ______________________ - travel driven by the image, name and prestige of a resort. Interested in
water sports and good weather.
6. ______________________ - visit places they’ve never been to before.

Unit 1: Recreation and Leisure

E. Recreational Guest Behavior

1. __________________________________ - non-active vacationers, family sightseers, and outdoor
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
2. ____________________________________ - Foreign vacationers
- -
- -
- -
3. ___________________________________ - Resort Vacationers
- -
- -
- -

F. Guest Activities: Adventure Travel

________________________ - according to _________________________________________, may be
any tourist activity including at least two of any of the three components:

Types of Adventure Travel

1. ______________________ - requires greater levels of skill and incorporates more of significant risk.
a. _____________________ – extended journey or walk with a backpack and uses all kinds of
b. _____________________ – outdoor water activity that uses an inflatable raft to navigate a
river or bodies of rough water.
c. _____________________ – the use of a kayak in moving across the water.
d. ____________________ – include exceptional quiet place, lack of feeling of movement and
the bird’s eye view.
e. _____________________– activity of climbing up, down or across natural rock walls.
f. _____________________– reaching a summit of a very high place usually of a landform like
g. ________________________________– the sport of riding bicycles often over rough terrain,
using specially designed mountain bikes.
h. _____________________– air sport where pilot flies a light and non-motorized foot-launch
aircraft called hang glider.

Unit 1: Recreation and Leisure

i. _____________________ – kiting activity where a person is towed behind a vehicle (usually

a boat) while attached to a specially designed canopy wing.
j. _____________________– water sport that combines surfing and sailing.
k. ____________________ – the action sport of exiting an aircraft and returning to Earth with
the aid of gravity.
l. ____________________ – involves riding and performing tricks using a specially designed
Maplewood board.
m. ____________________ – a winter sport that involves descending to a snow-covered slope.
n. ____________________– hockey played on a dry surface using roller skates.
o. ____________________ – an activity that involves jumping from a tall structure while
connected to a large elastic cord.
p. ____________________– participants jump from fixed objects and use a parachute to break
their fall. (BASE means ___________, ___________, _______, and ________)
q. ____________________– user is propelled by gravity to travel from top to the bottom of an
inclined cable attached on a freely moving pulley.
r. ____________________ – cave exploration.
s. ____________________ – swimming on or through a body of water while equipped with a
diving mask
t. ____________________– a form of underwater activity exploration.
u. ____________________ – eliminating opponents with a spherical non-metallic pellets
launched via a firearms replica.

2. ______________________ - little or no experience and is low risk.

a. _________________– an outdoor activity leaving urban areas, home or civilization and enjoy
nature for one or more nights.
b. _________________– sport of riding a bicycle.
c. _________________ – long vigorous walk on trails.
d. _________________ – a wildlife observation in which the observation of birds by the naked
eye or binoculars or telescopes.
e. _________________ – sport of managing a boat, as for racing.
f. _________________ – the skill of riding, driving, steeplechasing, or vaulting with horses.
g. ________________ – competitive sport in which the participant uses skis to glide on snow.
h. ________________ – surface water sport being pulled behind a boat or a cable ski installation
over a body of water.
i. ________________ – paddle sport in which you kneel or sit facing forward in an open or
closed-decked canoe.
j. ________________– overland journey for wildlife hiking and sightseeing.
k. ________________ – touring on natural environments that has not been significantly
modified by civilized human activities. Requires a command of survival.

G. Factors Affecting the Growth of Recreation


Unit 1: Recreation and Leisure

H. Types of Organized Recreation

1. ______________________________________________ – These are the federal, state,
provincial agencies, and local departments
2. ______________________________________________ – These are non-governmental, non-
profit agencies, both sectarian and non-sectarian
3. ______________________________________________– Provides recreational and social
activities for their own members, some cases assist community needs.
4. ______________________________________________– privately owned business which
operate to make a profit.
5. ______________________________________________ – They serve those who work for
companies or employers as a part of a total personnel benefit
6. ______________________________________________– government sponsored activity for
members of the military.
7. ______________________________________________– includes intramural athletics or sports
clubs, social activities, travel programs, performing arts groups, etc. that focuses on college and
university campuses.
8. ______________________________________________- includes any type of program designed
to meet the needs of persons with Physical or mental disabilities, poor health, dependent aging
persons, social deviants in correctional facilities, and/or other similar special groups.


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