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Identifying the factors that affect the tardiness of

Senior High School Students in San Vicente National High School Commented [u1]: Use uppercase in writing the research title

Vicilla , Lizbeth P.

Rio , Rancel

Rago , Erwin Shem Commented [u2]: Write the names in full; first name, middle
initial & Surname…


Submitted to:

Sir Elden D. Orbeta PhD

Research Adviser

September 2019
Chapter I

Background of the study


Lateness is a form of disorderly behavior. Many students are tardy since they

had turned tardiness to be a habit. The habit of being late to school is an unwritten

behavior that may be passed on with each student. Lauby (2009) defined tardiness

as when “people not showing up on time.” tardiness is the quality of being late.

When people don't show up on time, they're guilty of tardiness. When you're late for

something, you're tardy, so tardiness refers to the habit of being late. Because of

their tardiness, some people almost never arrive at work, school, or other places

when they're expected.09) defined tardiness as when “people not showing up on

time. ”(Oct t 8, 2018)

Giving the importance of being punctual, this study aims to explore and find out

Tardiness affect the punctuality of the SHS Students in SVNHS. Several studies

have shown that school tardiness has a negative impact on learning outcomes. ...

But not only does a student who is consistently arriving late to school establish bad

punctuality habits, their tardiness also disrupts the learning of other students in their

classes. (Feb 1, 2017) Tardiness causes students to feel disconnected with school,

leading to behavior problems and dropouts. Students who are frequently tardy to
school are also more apt to be fired from a job for showing up late. When students

are tardy, they negatively impact their teachers and other students.

Student's attendance is also part of the education. Some students are late in going to

school due to many reasons that are not understandable. When students come late

in class, they disturb the flow of a lecture and discussion, disturb other students, and

impede learning.

Chronic tardiness is when students are consistently late to class and can have

dramatic results on a student's future education and career. (Sep. 12, 2018)

Excessive tardiness is defined as “being late to work and coming back late from

breaks, or lunch, more than six times in any three month period. An employee may

be terminated for tardiness after they have been cautioned for the need for

improvement.”( Whitlock v.)

Tardiness has already become a habit of the senior high school students of San

Vicente National High School. Most of them come to school, attend their classes and

scheduled appointments not on time. They all have their own reasons; traffic,

working slow, waking up late, etc. Most of the students in San Vicente National High

School , are even residents of Baranggay San Vicente. They are residents who have

been probably living in the village, or subdivision all their lives, who should have

already put into consideration the usual problems they would encounter when they

go to school.

According to the recent study by a Serbia-based research firm, revealed that

the Philippines ranked ninth in having a deplorable traffic situation in the world. In the
number collated data on the traffic situation of 88 countries for its 2015 Traffic Index,

it shows that the Philippines obtained a “traffic index” of 202.31.Trailing after

Bangladesh, Jordan and Iran, the Philippines also ranked fourth in having the worst

traffic situation in Asia. For decades, Metro Manila traffic managers have focused

almost exclusively on volume control and engineering-based solutions to congestion.

I believe this is simply the wrong approach.

Although the number of vehicles on the roadway is the major contributor

to congestion, it is also the one factor that cannot be countered significantly. It is not

realistically possible to either reduce the number of vehicles in the city or to increase

the amount of road space (i.e. wider roads, elevated roads, etc.) enough to have any

lasting impact on congestion. In the science of traffic management there is a

phenomenon called0triple convergence, which essentially means that the volume of

traffic will always expand to meet the available capacity. Additional road capacity will

produce temporary improvement in flow rate, but congestion will always return to the

previous levels, usually within only a few years. (Michael Brown,2012)

In this topic , we could know the reasons why the student got late in the school

and can identify what are the possible factors that could affect on them. Commented [u3]: Rephrase these statements to avoid
Chapter II

Literature Review

The Literature Review focused on the tardiness of the Senior High School

Students of San Vicente National High School. Being always late in class can affect

the learning of a student as well as she/ he can disturb other students and also the

teacher who are having a class. According to breeze et al. (2010) lateness is

synonymous to “Tardiness”, which implies being slow to act or being slow to

respond, thus not meeting up with proper or usual timing. Habitual tardiness can also

be learned from other members of the family especially from the older ones. Film

watching at night can also affect the tardiness of a students.

According to Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011), waking up late in the morning are

one of the most factors of lateness why they go to school late is because of heavy

traffic, household chores, vehicle breakdowns and lack of responsibility are some

reasons why students arrive late to class. One of the most recurring and most

“Frustrating problem” that the school nowadays are having tardiness (Sprick and

Daniels,2007). If a student sleep late at night she/he forget that on the next day

she/he need to be on the school. Parents that untimely tasks and commands are

also reasons that a student come late to school.

The distance between the student’s home from school or the school’s

location is also considered as the cause of tardiness. Lack of firm and consistent

policy can also encourages the students to come late at school since there is no

consequences attached to lateness or tardiness. A student is considered tardy when

she/he is not present when the school bell ring when the teacher start to give

instruction for the first subject in the morning class. According to weade (2004),

defined tardiness “being late for any measurable length of time past the stated or

schedule start school. Our study intends to find out the tardiness of the Senior High

School students in San Vicente National High School and the reasons and factors

that may influence this tardiness.

With documents necessary to assist the researchers as they conduct

this action research, further research is necessary to answer possible questions and

ensure validity. Furthermore, a guide is a necessity as one must be accurate as they

gather the important data that would lead to the conclusion of the action research.

Below are theories, articles and studies that would enlighten people regarding the

research and would serve as pieces of evidence that they conducted the action

research properly and efficiently.

School Tardiness and Absences Can Make a Child Fall Behind

According to an article by New York Schools, parents seem to underestimate the

importance of getting their child to school on time, thinking that it is better to be late

than never. With classroom work starting at the moment the bell rings, it would be

difficult if the child, who will miss what may be important information, who isn’t there.

Occasional tardiness is not the end of the world but repeated tardiness and

absences can make the child fall behind especially if the child is of a young age

when learning to read is very important with being late possibly hindering them to

develop the skill.

This could affect the child’s work in other subject areas as well especially if the

topic at hand is similar to a topic discussed earlier. Overall, being absent and tardy is

acceptable but should be avoided whenever possible.

2. Reasons Why Being Tardy to School is Bad According to Leyla Norman, author

of the article, tardiness affects not only the child’s attendance record and ability learn

but also the school environment and the parent. Tardiness can also add up to

absences in many schools like at Brier Elementary School in Brier, Washington, after

three times of being tardy, it is equal to already one absence.

A possible effect of being tardy might result to legal problems for the parent in

some places in which the states have laws that require attendance at school. Older

students can be arrested for being truant. Another is the child’s learning for being

tardy makes him or her miss important instructions. Tardiness forces her to catch up

with what other students are doing thus falling behind.

Other students can also suffer because once a child is late; they will have to

wait with a lesson because the teacher is trying to assist the child in catching up with

the lesson or instruction. The interruption of the door opening and asking of

permission by the late child from the teacher will destroy the flow of the discussion

and also waste time.

Finally, being on time prepares the child for the school and if he or she is

frequently late, he or she will have problems in dealing with the real world especially

when it comes to showing up to job interviews on time.

3. Time Management Theory: Maslow’s Theory According to Abraham Harold

Maslow, an American psychology professor, as long as the efficient use of time aid

us to meet higher goals of fulfillment, spirituality and well being, we perceive it as

helpful. But in the interests of greater efficiency, if we sacrifice bigger things like

purpose, meaning and satisfaction with our lives, then it is a moot victory. This theory

teaches the importance of matching time management with our other needs.

4. Habit-Related Theory: Einstein’s Theory of Relative Tardiness

Here we have the missing "X" factor that only Einstein could grasp: Why are people

who are habitually late unable to start getting ready 20 minutes earlier? The real

reason, as laid out by Einstein, is that their internal clocks move more slowly or not

at all because of (a) the curvature of the earth and (b) their inability to get off the

phone. In extreme cases, such people have no internal clocks at all, don't realize

clocks will tell you how much time remains between 3 and 4 o'clock and prefer to

operate totally by the seat of their pants.

This study can help us to determine the causes of being tardy of a students and

in order for him/her to change his/her behavior he/she should have time

management and values the importance of time that can’t be wasted. Commented [u4]: Paraphrase this and properly acknowledge
the source and proponents for each paragraphs/statements to
nullify academic dishonesty…

Academic-Performance/345909 Commented [u5]: This is so wrong.

The Purpose Statement

First, you can’t fix a problem that isn’t understood fully. A teacher in one

school might know the reasons and consequence behind tardiness in their school.

So to fully understand the issue it must be seen from both the micro and macro

views. Issues such as 1) is the parents who create tardiness or students, 2) is it

intentional tardiness on the part of either the parent or the student, 3) it is functional -

meaning the parent cannot get the child to school because their car has issues, or

the parent works early shift and is not there to get the child off to the bus, the child

has been banned from using the bus due to behavior and either has to walk or get a

parental ride,4) does the child have an issue with anxiety or other condition that

makes being in a crowded hall a problem (you would be amazed at how many

students are late for this reason), and many, many other considerations. In middle

and high school, many tardies are from class to class, not getting to school for first

hour.. In many classrooms the most important part of a class is the first 15 minutes.

For instance, in a senior high school classroom the first thing we do is discuss the

objectives, describe what the students will be doing that day and any activities that

will be given. They write important details or take a picture of everything, they then

do a “big picture” introduction to the lesson that includes all of the major “stuff” we

will be learning that day. It is also a huge distraction to some classrooms for students

to come in late. Sometimes tardies have just lack of time management, The third

issue to study is what can be done to fix the problem. You can’t implement

consequences to punish the student if the parents are the issue. Commented [u6]: Rephrase this.. follow Creswell’s format in
writing the Purpose Statement. Commented [u7]: This is so wrong!
Research Questions
Time is gold, if you do not value it you will not be productive. People

find it hard to really balance time. Especially if students are always late for class

every day, it can be said that this is caused by crap or negligence. After all, there

are also students with justifiable reasons such as road traffic, home problems and

jobs that need to be addressed before going to class. When students enter a class

late, it can lead to teacher discussion, classmates' disruption and disturbing the

teaching process. If class delays are too frequent, this may adversely affect students'

performance. Commented [u8]: Rephrase this statements…

Q1: What are the factors that affects the students in going to school late?

Q2: How do these students manage their tardiness?

Q3: Does being tardy affect them negatively or positively?

Q4: What are the reasons of senior high school students in san vicente national high

school of being tardy? Commented [u9]: Reconstruct the RQs & follow the
standards…. Commented [u10]: This is so worng!

Scope & Delimitation

The scope of this study is to find the causes and effects of lateness to

student academic performance. The study is delimited only for the Grade 11 and 12

student of San Vicente National High School. This research only studies the causes

and effects of lateness to students’ academic performance. This study examines

only the case of lateness of Grade 12 students in San Vicente National High School

of Baranggay San Vicente through the instrument of a questionnaire administered to

those who were selected by the researcher as representatives of each section. It is

possible some of the recipients will not have understood what response is required

from them. Every attempt was made to prevent the influence of views or responses.

Only one school was investigated in the case study. Commented [u11]: Paraphrase this…. Keep it short & simple…
Theoritical Perspective

Everyone is late sometimes. Stuff happens.

Some of us, though, are always late. For everything. “Traffic” isn’t an adequate

excuse when you’re late for events in your own home, or when you’re the headliner

of a concert scheduled to hit at 8PM and you roll in, unflustered, at 8:45PM. There’s

an underlying reason. Commented [u12]: This is so wrong…

We propose three theories of chronic lateness:

1) Deeply Rooted Passive-Aggressive/Anal-Retentive Syndrome. Only by

withholding that which is desired — the late person’s presence — can the child

control and monopolize the attention of his parents. Or colleagues. Or audience


2) Incompetence. Some folks just can’t get it together. In any area of life. These folks

are functionally dysfunctional, and their chronic lateness is a reflection of the chaos

and disorganization in every other facet of their existence.

3) Misanthropy. Blithely disregarding the consequences of one’s tardiness is a sign

of disregard and contempt for others. They don’t matter.

The worst thing responsible and considerate folks can do when interacting with

discourteous chronic latecomers is to say, “It’s OK.”

It’s not OK. It’s a sign of something wrong. Exactly what we’re still deciding. Commented [u13]: Paraphrase this paragraphs to avoid
plagiarism…. Commented [u14]: This is so wrong.

Several studies have shown that school tardiness has a negative impact on learning


By the mere nature of arriving late and missing school hours, students receive fewer

hours of instruction than students who are in class when the bell sounds.

But not only does a student who is consistently arriving late to school establish bad

punctuality habits, their tardiness also disrupts the learning of other students in their


A study by Hammill Institute on Disabilities (Caldarella, Christensen, Young &

Densley, 2011), looked at decreasing tardiness in primary school-aged students

using teacher-written praise notes.

The researchers found that students who are frequently late to school often miss out

on important opening announcements and academic activities.

‘Teachers can become frustrated as late students disrupt instruction, often requiring

reteaching of what they have missed. Tardy behavior can also negatively affect the

overall classroom environment,’ the study says.

Arriving late to school can also mean that students miss out on activities designed to

build connections with their peers, potentially impacting their social interactions and

creating a greater sense of alienation from their classmates. Commented [u15]: What is this???? Recheck the content & try
to fit everything in the context of this study….
Significance of the Study

First, you can’t fix a problem that isn’t understood fully. A teacher in one

school might know the reasons and ramifications behind tardiness in their school

fully but not comprehend the reasons for another school’s issues. Rural schools

have tardiness issues that differ greatly from those in the inner city. So to fully

understand the issue it must be seen from both the micro and macro views.

The second part is studying what the ramifications of tardiness are. Again, they vary

greatly. In many classrooms the most important part of a class is the first 15 minutes.

For instance, in my classroom the first thing we do is discuss the objectives, describe

what we will be doing that day and any assignments that will be given. My students

write everything in a planner (as required by our school). We then do a “big picture”

introduction to the lesson that includes all of the major “stuff” we will be learning that

day. So, if a student misses this they are several steps behind. It is also a huge

distraction to some classrooms for students to come in late. Others, not so much.

Some students are more of a distraction than others. . . etc. Some students actually

use tardiness as an attention seeking tool. Sometimes tardies are intentional,

sometimes just lack of time management, and others incidental to things outside the

student’s control. Try being a girl and dealing with menstrual issues during a four

minute passing.

Commented [u16]: This is so wrong.

Definition of Terms

Tardiness is the quality of being late. When people don't show up on

time, they're guilty of tardiness.

When you're late for something, you're tardy, so tardiness refers to the habit of being

late. Because of their tardiness, some people almost never arrive at work, school, or

other places when they're expected. Tardiness is very annoying for the people

waiting for the tardy person, and too much tardiness at work could get you fired.

Tardiness comes from the Latin word tardus, "slow, sluggish, dull, or stupid." Commented [u17]: Rephrase this…. Kay mali jud.,..


Definition of tardiness

: the quality or state of being tardy or late Students might be sent to Saturday school

for any of various infractions, such as tardiness, truancy, smoking, failure to deliver

class-work, or creating a disturbance.— Anne H. Soukhanov What you really need is

a story that will not only excuse tardiness but encourage your boss to give you the

entire day off.— Jeff Foxworthy His habitual tardiness got him fired from job after job,

yet he couldn't see the consequences of his actions.— June Kinoshita

First Known Use of tardiness

1608, in the meaning defined above

Tardiness Defined

Lateness is a form of disorderly behavior. Many students are tardy since they

had turned tardiness to be a habit. The habit of being late to school is an unwritten

behavior that may be passed on with each student. ... Lauby (2009) defined

tardiness as when “people not showing up on time.”Oct 8, 2018 tardiness. ... When

you're late for something, you're tardy, so tardiness refers to the habit of being late.

Because of their tardiness, some people almost never arrive at work, school, or other

places when they're expected. Tardiness is the habit of being late or delaying arrival.

Being late as a form of misconduct may be formally punishable in various

arrangements, such as workplace, school, etc. An opposite personality trait is

punctuality. Tardiness causes students to feel disconnected with school, leading to

behavior problems and dropouts. Students who are frequently tardy to school are

also more apt to be fired from a job for showing up late. When students are tardy,

they negatively impact their teachers and other students.

Commented [u18]: Provide conceptual & operational definition

for each term. Define only 5-8 terms for the study….
Research Design



NOTE: Your grade for this output is 83%.

This is incomplete manuscript also.
Pls. revise & follow some suggestions to improve this
study. Final submission of the concept paper will be on the
2nd week of October.
Good luck!

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