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#14 Angeli Mariel M.

Bacalso STEM 11-A


The utilization of electronic devices for medical purposes over a distance can be
defined as “telemedicine” which was later called “telehealth” during the latter part
of the 90s. In the Philippines, the first documented telehealth activity was during
1985. The country became part of the SateLife/Healthnet project which which
provided e-mail communications and other services through the LEO Healthsat
satellites. Makati Med started a series of videoconferences with Stanford University
Hospital. And in 1993, Dr. Arturo Pesigan held a series of audioconferences with
health professionals in the Southern Philippines in coordination with the Memorial
University of Newfoundland Canada. As the Philippines adapts to technological
development, Filipinos learn to utilize electronic devices for a more accessible and
convenient medical procedures.


Telehealth, according to the studies is very beneficial since it promises to enhance
access to healthcare to patients in remote settings, such as rural areas, prison, outer
space, combat zones, and etc. It allows enhanced access to health care information
to both the healthcare provider and patient. Especially considering the Philippines’
scattered archipelagic geography. It may also allow Filipino health professionals to
increase access in continuing medical education opportunities.

Though despite these benefits, there are numerous disadvantages as well. Such as
the financial sustainability of telehealth programs of which a significant portion is
devoted to the bandwith. Unlike developed countries, the Philippines has a poor
internet penetration. And Philhealth does not recognize telemedicine as
reimbursable, so there are no laws which governs the practice of telemedicine or
cross-border licensure. Related to licensure are legal issues such as malpractice
especially between different countries who provided consultation through the
internet. Technical difficulties cannot be avoided of different versions and brands.
And only a few professional associations adopted standard and protocols pertaining
to this.


Telemedicine is both an art and science. It must be thoroughly studied and practiced
through observation and precision since it’s more accessible the information must
be as much as possible accurate and miscommunication must also be avoided. It’s
an art because the human mind’s capacity to come up with technology and to
ponder upon utilizing it for medical purpose for a coordinated progress globally is
very innovative. And since telemedicine covers a wider scope of different kinds of
people the procedures of which certain concepts or situations must be explained in
a way that is understandable to possibly everyone.


Technology for medical use may be simpler and more accessible over a distance.
Face-to-face diagnosis is still more accurate and reliable. Since a thorough
observation is possible. And one would be more secure consulting from a
professional personally. Many still doubt or hesitate the use of technology in this
Technology may be deemed accessible and simpler, but what about those who can’t
afford these luxury. Like those in rural areas who are much more in need of this. It
can be amazing but has a number downfalls as well. To apply telemedicine you need
to be constantly connected to a wifi source. Gadgets needs to be charged so it won’t
be available at all times. And these are prone to malfunctioning and delay.

Telemedicine may pertain several disadvantages but it is wise to utilize today’s
technological advancements. As our materials continue to progress our ways and
practices should adapt as well. Technology will continue to progress and this
program can still be improved and adjusted towards changes.

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