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Gold Kingship, Majesty, glory of Heaven, the Holy Spirit,

joy, wisdom & the loving nature of God
speaks of Jesus’ preciousness as the ransom for sinners
(opp. = cowardice)
Silver God’s gifts - as in the Holy Spirit - Levitically known in association with blood,
First born redeemed on the 40th day for 5 pieces of silver – babe (Numbers 18v16)
30pieces – women / 50 pieces – man (Lev 27)
Judas was paid 30 pieces for betraying Jesus
(opp. = betrayal)
Red/Scarlet Salvation, the blood of Christ, sacrifice, of sin, of death, colour that belongs to the earth.
‘Though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as …….. as snow’ Is. 1:18
Jesus the suffering one - our sacrifice
(opp. = anger / rage -‘I saw red’)
Blue Heaven, water, splendour
Typifies Christ as the manifestation of God’s grace and love
Jesus - heavenly in nature and origin John 3:12.13
Eternity & healing
(opp. = depression - ‘I feel blue’)
White Holiness, purity, cleansing, righteousness
Fine twisted linen - God’s righteousness
(opp. = fear – As white as a sheet)
Purple Majesty, kingship, the “purple robe”, grace
This speaks of Jesus - of His Kingly glory of Him who was a God-man, God manifest in flesh
Justice & royalty
(opp. = rage ‘ he turned purple with rage’)
Orange Fire, power Holy Spirit – to cleanse and empower
(opp. Destruction)
Yellow Light, joy, celebration
The color of glory, which is the glow or shining of something that is releasing energy.
There was a glow associated with the Shekinah Glory in the Tabernacle and the Golden
(opp. = cowardice – ‘A yellow belly’)
Green Creation, new life, healing
refers to man's perfect environment of the Garden of Eden.
Green is the color of plant life, which covers the earth in abundant luxury.
It is associated with healthy plant life, and, therefore, with happiness
(opp. = envy – ‘Green with envy’)
Black Dark hidden secrets
Out of primordial colour all goodness comes
(opp. = evil, depressing, loss of hope)
Bronze Strength, judgement
Turquoise [or Opal] Healing
Brown God’s good earth

Remember, these are guides and not hard and fast rules.
The inner witness of the Holy Spirit will direct you more perfectly in all interpretations.
There are 4 colours often found together in the Scriptures - Blue, Purple, Scarlet, White

Let’s look at the colours God tells Moses to use in the making of the Tabernacle.

Exodus 26:

The ten tabernacle curtains were twisted linen with coloured yarn: ____________________________ (v1)
With what colour clasps? ______________ (v6)
The entrance curtains were to be what colours: ______________________________ (v 31)

The purple dye was so expensive that only royalty and the wealthy could afford garments coloured with it.

The bases & threshold were to be made of bronze. Why bronze? ……………………………………
Lintel to be made of silver - indicating what? ……….………………………………………………
Curtains were held up by poles made of ………….…… wood (Ex 26v15) and set in ………………..……
bases (27 v18)

Fine twisted linen for the curtains speaks to us of;

Rev 19:8…………………………………………………………………………………………..

The Blue represents………………………..… Can you find out where this dye came from? ………….…..
The Purple represents…………………………Where did this dye come from?………………………….…
And Scarlet speaks to us of ………………………….……
Discovering the source of this dye will open up understanding of many scriptures to you.
eg. Ps 22:6 Job 25:6 Is 41:14

Now have a look at the Saviour described in Revelation Chapter 1.

How many candlesticks? …………………. v12

The no. 7 speaks to us of spiritual perfection / completeness.
The Golden sash speaks to us of His …………………………….………
His hair was…………………………………..……… speaks to us of the P ………… of Jesus
Eyes like……………………………………………… - nothing escapes His gaze.
His feet were like…………………..……………… - that had been purified in the fire of judgment.

Look and see what other references you can remember, or find, to colours in the Bible and discover what is
being shown through them by God.

Daniel 5:29 What colour was Daniel’s robe? __________

Mark 15:17 What colour was Jesus’ robe? ____________
Luke 16:19 What colour robe was the rich man wearing? ____________
Acts 16:14 What did Lydia deal with? _______________________

What about the Rainbow? Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet - 7 colours !!!

‘I have set my rainbow in the clouds,

and it will be the sign of the covenant between
me and the earth.’
Genesis 9 v13

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