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Discover the beauty of life after widowhood

Widowhood is a transitional moment in everybody's life. The fact of not having near you that companion that was next
to us leaves us helpless and, to the feeling of sadness for your loss, it adds up the feeling of being confused. This is a
feeling of not being sure what to do now that we are alone.

Actually, this feeling of security and containment ends up when widowhood arrives. Suddenly, we find ourselves alone
to decide and do things that we normally did the both of us together. This situation gives us a feeling not only of
loneliness but of confusion.

How will I do to appreciate life and live it now that I am one and not two anymore?

In general, marriage merge us with the other. Married couples become a team. Death, when it arrives, splits this team.
And, even though this is something natural that happens in life, that won't make the pain go away. However,
widowhood is also an opportunity to completely rediscover ourselves and, if we dare to take the first steps, we start to
recover and find again our inner self.

We start making new decisions, sometimes they are simple decisions, sometimes they go deeper. The ways are infinite,
just because these decisions depend on our own personality. However, the important thing is to take those first steps
and have faith that soon these feelings will pass, and little by little, we will be able to appreciate life and rediscover
ourselves, making new decisions and rediscovering our life once again.

Social Networks: Widowhood is a transitional moment in everybody's life. Rediscover the beauty of life after


Being thankful after separation, is it possible?

Sometimes it happens that we've been so sad, angry or confused after a separation, that we cannot see the good
things that this relationship has left us, all the things we had learn by being next to that person that has pushed us to
the edge. To find a way to learn from the experience lived, it is necessary to step out from sadness, to move aside and
look at your situation as an observer.

The best way to observe what happened is from the witness point of view. As if we were our own friend. Which advice
or opinion would you have about your situation, if this very same situation would be living some other person that you
know and appreciate? Which positive things can you extract from that relationship? What not so positive things have
pushed new and better attitudes in you, because of your own learning from that experience?

It is important to do this, to put yourself in the place of an observer and witness of the situation, as if we weren't us
who are living that experience. This is the best way to take a less emotional perspective. But, why do we need to cut
with the emotional vision? Because it is known that when emotions are at surface and managing our behavior, we
cannot be objective and see things as they really are.

Be thankful for the relationship you've had. Be thankful for being over too. That means you have learn what you had to
learn, and that the need for you both to be interacting as a couple has finished, you have accomplished whatever
mission you had regarding both of you. Now is the moment to take our own path and start rediscovering yourselves.
Now is the moment to rescue your happiness. Now is the moment to dare to live!

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