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Phonics ELA Lesson Plan Alexis Mayhall

Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Topic: What sound does Dd say?

Grade: Kindergarten
Subject Area: Phonics, ELA
Student Body: This classroom is a general education inclusion classroom of 22 students.
Because this is an inclusion classroom there are various students who have IEPs. This classroom
also contains three ELL students. Two students have scored in the intermediate range on the
WIDA test given by the Clark County School district. The other is a fictitious student whose
description is attached and used for the purpose of this assignment. There are many students who
are higher achieving and understand content easily where as there are 5 students who struggle in
the whole group setting.

Goals, Objectives, and Learning California Common Core State Standards:

Outcomes: - RF.K.1d Recognize and name all upper- and
-My goal in this lesson is for students to lowercase letters of the alphabet.
identify the letter Dd and its corresponding
sound. -Supporting standards: RF.K.3a Demonstrate
- Objective: Students will be able to identify basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound
the letter Dd and its corresponding sound after correspondences by producing the primary or
multiple exposures with words that have the many of the most frequent sounds for each
same beginning sound. consonant.
-Learning Outcomes: By the end of the
lesson, students should be able to identify a
word that begins with the sound /d/ and write
the corresponding letter.
Materials and Tools:
-Letter Dd Alpha Chant Book
-Large Circle Map graphic organizer (teacher’s chart)
-Individual Circle Map graphic organizer (student paper)
-Pencils, crayons, markers
-We will always start our phonics lessons off with a song that serves as a review of previous
skills learned. For this lesson the students will sing their Alphabet Song. This will help
students identify the letter and its sound in a rhythmic way so that it becomes automatic when
they are asked to produce them individually. I will ask the students to stand and use their Eye
Glue (eyes on the letters) and Muscle Mouth (saying the sound loud and proud) to encourage
participation. The song is sung to the tune of Row Your Boat. Students will say “Dd says /d/,
/d/,/d/,/d/,/d/,/d/” and so on throughout the alphabet. For each vowel, students will also
produce the long vowel sound as well.
-After reviewing our alphabet I will tell students, “These past few weeks, we have been doing
an alphabet study in which we have been looking at each letter in the alphabet. Today we are
going to study a new letter. You all are readers! Did you know that? So I would like for you to
try your best and read the letter I am going to write in the middle of our circle map. Ready?”
The students will respond.
Phonics ELA Lesson Plan Alexis Mayhall

Content Presentation (Direct Instruction):

After introducing the letter, I will point to the letter on the alphabet chart in the front of our
room. I will then explicitly tell them this is Dd. We will sing the song for Dd, “Dd says /d/,
After singing the song, I will then tell the students that we are going to search for words that
begin with the /d/ sound. I will then show the students the Dd Alpha Chant book for a listening
activity. I will tell the students, “We are going to read this book about the letter Dd. When Ms.
Mayhall is reading I want you to be the detective and give me a thumbs up when you hear a
word that begins with the /d/ sound.” During the reading I will be sure to stress the /d/ sound
in words. I will also model my thinking through a think aloud for students who are struggling
to identify beginning sounds in words.
I will model how I would like to students to think about words that start with the sound for Dd.
“I want to focus on the letter Dd. I know that Dd says /d/ like in dog. Hmm… I’m going to
think of some other words that start with the /d/ sound. Oh! in our story they talked about the
word dip.” I will then ask students to think in their brains of words that begin with those
sounds. I will ask the students to turn to their shoulder partner and discuss all the words they
can think of that begin with /d/. I will listen in on their conversations to see who is struggling
to produce words and who is not. For students who are struggling to produce words, I will
refer them to the story and let them look through it for ideas if necessary. For higher students, I
will ask them to produce their own Dd word.
Guided Practice (Teacher and students practice the activity together):
Next, I will tell the students that we will record our words onto our graphic organizers.
Students will gather their materials (pencil, clipboard, and paper). Before we start I will ask
the students to write their name on the outside of their map. This is when I will ask if any
student’s name begins with the /d/ sound. I will encourage students to do this on their map as
well. I will ask students to raise their hands and tell me a word that begins with the sound for
Dd. When we have a word with the correct sound, I will direct students how to draw the
picture for the word on the map. This will help build the student’s confidence in their drawing
skills. After we have drawn the picture, we will then write the word. This is the most crucial
part because we are practicing the strategy of stretching out the sounds in a word and
identifying the letters that are making those sounds. This strategy is used throughout the day in
various content areas because I encourage students to write words often and when applicable.
Independent Practice:
After we have completed our circle map, I will ask students to review their map. I will tell
students that if they can think of another word that begins with /d/, that they should add it to
their map during coloring time. I will tell the students that they will have 4 minutes to color
their maps. During this time, I will walk the room and assess who is struggling to write the
beginning sound, and who needs acceleration or to add another word to their map.
Assessment and Evaluation:
In this lesson, I am looking to see who is meeting the objective of identifying the sound for the
letter Dd and who can identify that sound in a word. Therefore, while observing students
during the Content Presentation and Guided practice portions of the lesson I will be looking
for these factors:
-Who is producing the sound correctly?
-How are students producing words (relying on the text, independently, or not at all)
Phonics ELA Lesson Plan Alexis Mayhall

During the Independent practice portion of the lesson, I will be assessing the students circle
maps, their conversations about the words, and their writing skills:
-Are the students forming the letter correctly?
-Are they attempting to draw the pictures?
-Are they engaging in a discussion about the letter?
I will have the students come to the carpet with their maps. I will tell the students that we will
do a Hand Up, Stand Up, Pair Up so that they can share their writing and drawings with a new
partner. The students will mingle around the room for 5 seconds and find a partner. I will give
the taller partner 30 seconds to share their map with their friend. Then I will ask them to
switch and have the shorter partner share their map.
After reading their maps, I will ask the students what letter they learned today. and what sound
that letter makes.
I will tell the students that tomorrow we will learn a new letter in the alphabet.
-The homework will be located on the back of the circle map. I will ask student to take their
maps home and discuss their work with their parents. I will then asked the students and their
parents to look around their house for one or two objects that begin with the sound /d/. I will
tell the students that they can draw that object or bring it in to share with the class before
tomorrow’s lesson.
Where the learning outcomes met? How so?
How did the students perform throughout the lesson? Think in terms of the 1/3 model.
What should I change for next time to meet the needs of my learners?

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