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Title: Effect of Chicken Manure as an Organic Fertilizer to the Growth of Pechay (Brassica rapa)

Members: Hannah Jane M. Nasi & Mitzi M. Adot

Review of Related Literature

This section provides the related literature and studies done after a thorough

and in-depth search done by the researchers. This will also present the effect of chicken

manure as a fertilizer to Pechay (Brassic rapa) and the effect of manure in the fertility

of the soil.

Purpose of using chicken manure as a fertilizer

According to Rhoades (2018), fertilizing is one of the most important part in

gardening. Chicken manure is an organic fertilizer that is rich in nitrogen and with no

doubt consist a good amount of the elements potassium and phosphorus.

Potassium present in chicken manure help regulates the opening and closing of

the stomata and also regulates carbon dioxide uptake. It also activates enzymes and

essential for the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), which is an important

energy source (Potassium in Plants and Soil, n.d).

Phosphorus which is also present in chicken manure have a great role in the

growth of a plant. It helps a plant converts other nutrients into usable building blocks

to grow (Rhoades, 2018).

Having nitrogen which is also a primary component of chicken manure have a

specific development in plants. It supports plants rapid growth and health development.
With nitrogen present, the growth and development of vital plant tissues and cells like

the cell membrane and chlorophyll is formed.

Chicken manure has all the right nutrients to keep your plants and crops in

high-yielding. It consists some micronutrients like calcium, copper, and iron that which

is also necessary to the plant health and can aid any diseases that will may occur to

the plants.

This kind of organic fertilizer can improve also the soil structure. It will

increase the organic matter content of the soil. It can also help to loosen clay soils and

will also provide more aeration.

The amount of manure as a source of nutrients to plants has recognize since

then. The poultry manure concentrated the plants food consist of 1 to 2 times as much

nitrogen 3 to 4 times as much as phosphorus and equal amount of potassium. In addition of

being a reliable source of plant nutrients, chicken manure is vital to soil conditioner and it

enrich the soil’s nutrients holding and moisture-holding capacity.

Pechay (Brassica rapa)

Pechay (Brassica rapa) belongs to the Brassiceae family and one of the most

widely known vegetable in the Philippines. It plays an important role in the Philippine

economy and as well as the nutrition of the Filipino people.

This vegetable is high in folic acid and rich in vitamin k. It also have a good

calcium source that keeps the bones strong. Whether it will be serve in salad or to be

added in a smoothie (Renee, 2018).

Characterization of soil sampling

In this study the soil is use as a medium of plant growth where it is a

combination of organic matter, minerals, gases and organisms. It is required that alkaline

soil pH level will be used in adjusting the acidity and basicity of soil.

According to Schlegel (2007); Duriugbo et al., (2007), Calcium (Ca) observed

in all types and chicken manure compare to the exchangeable basis. Otherwise, soil pH

has indirect but far-reaching effects on plants specifically on pechay plant. It can be a

plant regulator to the nutrients that will become available and unavailable. Yellow

between the veins of leaves signify of an iron deficiency of pechay. This form that arise

from insufficient soil acidity is to put iron into a form that a plant can absorb but it is

not from lack of iron in a soil

Soil pH can also influence the organisms and well-being that affect soil

condition and plant health. According to Kanjua et al., (2002), in Kenya the agricultural

land can be classified as acidic. Some can cause soil acidification is the natural process

like anthropogenic activities. The soil sampling will be used in the entire

experimentation in the study.

Characterization of chicken manure

Chicken manure could be the help of plant in fertilizing. When the age of

chicken manure will decrease, they have the little nutritive value for several years old.

But the manure will be used in organic soil fertilizers. Organic and inorganic forms of

plant nutrients is contain by the chicken manure.

The causes of offensive door coming from the manure is when the nitrogen

occurs as ammonia and uric acid. And the acid converts to urea. Chicken manure are

higher in nitrogen, potassium, rich in organic matter and calcium compared to the other

animal manure (Zublena, 1993). There is two kinds of chicken manure; uncomposted

(fresh) and composted (aged).

The composition of manure varies according to age of the chicken, wet

content and age of the manure, kind and quantity of litter, and storage and handling


Water (H2O)

Water here as the positive controlled variable. It is essential in making the

plants grow. Plants can’t grow when water is absent, and it will also droop.

If a plant’s soil has too much water, the roots will rot and it can’t get enough

oxygen from the soil, and if the roots does not have enough water the nutrients can’t

travel through the plant. A plant can’t totally grow if it doesn’t have strong healthy

roots, so water here is the balance of plant growing.

Land Preparation and Planting Pechay Plant

The researchers will need a plot composition containing one type of soil that

is used as the medium of plant growth. In collecting peachay. The pechay seed will be

planted in one location where the plot composition is located. It will be planted directly
in the soil. After that, you will water the plants after sowing and the following days

every morning and afternoon.

Application of chicken manure to Pechay (Brassica rapa) plant

Chicken manure can cause burn or damage to the plant leaves so it must be

applied slowly, with care if it is used as large amount of fertilizer for chicken manure

contains big amount of nitrogen.

In general, the fertilizer will be pour directly to the soil to avoid the effects

of its contents.

Effect of manure on Pechay (Brassica rapa)

Organic fertilizers is thoroughly a good source of nutrients to the soil and

even also to the leaf. It improves the soil’s physical, chemical, and even its biological


Chicken manure as a recommended organic fertilizer is rich in nitrogen and

contains a good amount of potassium and phosphorus, it will thoroughly provide the

best growth and health performance of pechay in terms of its leafs and its fresh weight.

Fertilization of Chicken Manure to Pechay Plant

The researchers will have three (3) pechay plant in this experimentation.

Chicken manure and water (control variable) will be mix together. The chicken manure
with water will be pour on the roots of pechay plant not on the leaves to avoid any

effect of pathogens. The researchers will apply chicken manure in a week before

planting to ensure microbial activity occur. For the rest of fertilization process, the

chicken manure will be apply one day in a week.

Preparation and collection of chicken manure

The chicken manure is the best source of nitrogen that can help the plant to

have a green leafy growth. The fresh chicken manure will be collected in poultry farm

by the use of pail. The chicken manure will serve as the stabilizer to the plants

specifically pechay (Brassica rapa). Poultry manure as an organic material is suitable in

making organic fertilizer (Adekiya and Agbede, 2009; Akanni and Ojeniyi, 2007; Ewulo

et al., 2008).

Nutrient content of chicken manure

Poultry manure contains 13 of the important plant nutrients that are used by

plants. This involves nitrogen (N), chlorine (Cl), boron (B), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe),

phosphorus (P), zinc (Zn), potassium (K), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), molybdenum

(Mo), magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S).

The plant will intake from the different forms such as supplements medication

and water consumed by chicken that produce manure. The amount of nutrients will

depend on the applied manure.

Composting and Aging

Chicken litter is really high in nitrogen that could be composted within five

to six. Composting helps lessen the ammonia content that can no longer burn the plants.

It also stabilizes nutrients enabling a slow, long-term release over a few years. Also,

the temperature generated in composting can kill most of the pathogens.

Getting rid of the moisture of the manure inhibits a microbial growth and

decomposition, preventing the foul odor. The drying pile should be protected from

precipitation or other water sources or decomposition (odor) may occur.

Chemical and Organic Fertilizer

There is a big help of fertilizer in crop yields in in farmers. However,

chemical fertilizer is made of synthetic forms of macronutrients. Which is crop can have

negative effect on waterways cause by chemical fertilizer. It reduces the of oxygen

because of over-abundance of nutrients. Therefore, there is proposed chicken manures as

organic fertilizer . It reduces soil erosion, and decreases fertilizer leaching.

Risk and Safety

Researchers will be much careful in conducting this study because it can harm

the plants. Fresh chicken manure will attract rodents and other animals to be

experimented plants and some raw chicken can burn and damage plants.
However, aging and litter will only of chicken manures decreases the numbers

of disease- causing microbes by giving unfavorable growing conditions that causes them

to die gradually depend on changes in moisture content, and nutrient availability.

The pathogen are not killed by aging, slow decline of population inhibit them

from reproducing.

Agricultural impact of Chicken Manure

Chicken manure has some numbers of short coming. In agricultural fields,

recycling waste from the livestock industry prevents environmental contamination and

reduces treatment costs.

Some studies reported that the use of chicken manure have decreases the

damage that can be induced by the chicken manure and also improves crops


Moisture Content

A quantity of water that is used in a wide range of technical also in scientific

areas that is expressed in ratio. To calculate the amount that will be used in making up

the soil sample is subtracted by the weight of soil and multiply 12 by 400 by 100.

Its factor present can influence the physical, biological characteristics of the


The application of chicken manure has a great effect on pechay (Brassica

rapa). With this manure it enhances the growth of performance and health development

of the vegetables. It improves its leaf area and its weight growth.


The application of chicken manure as an organic fertilizer is recommended for

lettuce, broccoli, and carrot to enhance the growth and production of yields of plants

and crops.


1. Adekiya, A.O., Agbede, T.M., (2009). Growth and yield of tomato (Lycopersion

esculentum Mill) as influenced by poultry manure and NPK fertilizer. Emir. J. Food

Agric. 21 (1), 10-20.

2. Kanyajua, S.M., Ireri, L., Wambua, S., Nandwa, S.M., (2002). Acidic soils in Kenya:

Constrains and remedial options. Kari Technical Note No.11

3. Potassium in plants (n.d). Retrieved from

4. Renee, J., (2018). The nutrients of pechay. Retrieved from

5. Rhoades, H., (2018). Using chicken manure fertilizer in your garden. Retrieved from
6. Zublena, J.P., Barker, J.C., Carter, T.A., (1993) Poultry manure as a fertilizer source.

Publication AG-439-5. North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. Retrieved at

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