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The role of sarjana mengajar’s teachers for student’s outcomes on vocational high

Riana Nurmalasari, Poppy Puspitasari, Mardji, Lativa Hartiningtyas, and Hary Suswanto

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1778, 030042 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4965776

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The Role of Sarjana Mengajar’s Teachers for Student’s
Outcomes on Vocational High School

Riana Nurmalasari1,a)㸪Poppy Puspitasari1㸪Mardji1, Lativa

Hartiningtyas1㸪and Hary Suswanto2
Mechanical Engineering Department,Engineering Faculty, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Electrical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract: Recent developments of education in Indonesia shows that the government keep on develop secondary
education, especially vocational education by continually increasing the number of vocational high schools in
various parts of Indonesia until 14%. Furthermore, in an effort to offset the increasing number of vocational high
schools in Indonesia, the government continues to add vocational high school teachers until 13.6%. Every year
Indonesia still lacks productive teacher until 7000 teachers and Institutions of Higher Education Personnel only
provided 4000 teachers. This is indicates that there are many vocational high schools in Indonesia who lack
productive teacher. Directly these conditions will result for geminating the task of teachers, provision of teaching
assignments to teachers who are not authorized, and can not be convening an educational program. This would
prevent the implementation of programs to improve the quality and equity of education. In response to the problem
of shortage and uneven distribution of teachers in some parts of Indonesia, one of the government's efforts is by
rolling the sarjana mengajar program. The goals of this research is to obtain the relationship role of sarjana
mengajar’s teacher and student’ outcomes on Vocational High School. This research is correlation research. The
techniques of data analysis is simple analysis of linear regression. Based on the data analysis results, there is a
positive and significant relationship between role of sarjana mengajar’s teacher and student’ outcomes on
Vocational High School. This rate was (R 0,618and sig. 0,000).

Recent developments of education in Indonesia shows that the government keep on develop secondary
education, especially vocational education by continually increasing the number of vocational high schools in
various parts of Indonesia. According to statistics from the Ministry of Education and Culture since 2012 to
2014 the number of vocational high schools in Indonesia increase 14%. Furthermore, in an effort to offset the
increasing number of vocational high schools in Indonesia, the government continues to add vocational high
school teachers. According to statistics from the Ministry of Education and Culture since 2012 to 2014 the
number of vocational high school teachers in Indonesia increase 13.6%.

The statistical data is a mix between a number of normative teacher, adaptive and productive in
vocational high school entire territory of Indonesia. Furthermore, information from the Director of the
Directorate of Technical and Vocational Education, Drs. Mustaghfirin M. Amin, M.B.A states that every year
Indonesia still lacks productive teacher until 7000 teachers, but every year only provided 4000 teachers from
across Institutions of Higher Education Personnel in Indonesia [1]. The statement indicates that there are
many vocational high schools in Indonesia who lack productive teacher. This is in line with the opinion that
the lack of teachers and the equal distribution of teachers is one of the issues in the education system in
Indonesia [2]. Directly these conditions will result for geminating the task of teachers, provision of teaching
assignments to teachers who are not authorized, and can not be convening an educational program. This
would prevent the implementation of programs to improve the quality and equity of education. Conversely,
excess teachers meant wasting the country's financial and human resources.
In response to the problem of shortage and uneven distribution of teachers in some parts of Indonesia,

Proceedings of the International Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education Conferences (IMEEEC 2016)
AIP Conf. Proc. 1778, 030042-1–030042-3; doi: 10.1063/1.4965776
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1440-2/$30.00

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one of the government's efforts is by rolling the sarjana mengajar program. Definition of sarjana mengajar or
previously called Sarjana mengajar based guidebook workshop debriefing fulfillment vocational teachers [3]
is a program conducted by the Higher Education Institutions that have experience and competence to provide
guidance and services for development vocational high school, improving the quality of learning,
development of innovation and learning tools, build learning resources, help extracurricular activities and
school administrative arrangement. The goals of this research is to obtain the relationship between the role of
sarjana mengajar’s teacher and student’s outcomes on Vocational High School.

This research used a correlation research. This study consisted of two variables: role of sarjana
mengajar’s teacher and student’s outcomes. The population of this research is X class at SMKN 3 Boyolangu
Tulungagung, SMKN 4 Bojonegoro, SMKN 1 Tuban, and SMKN 3 Tuban as many as 164 students . The
instrument used in this study is a questionnaire with Likert Scale 1-4. The trials instrument using validity and
reliability test. Test requirements analysis using normality and linearity test. The techniques of data analysis is
simple analysis of linear regression.


There is a positive and significant relationship between the role of sarjana mengajar’s teacher and
student’s outcomes on Vocational High School. This rate was (R 0,618 and sig. 0,000). One of study about
sarjana mengajar program was researched by Iskandar[4] who obtained finding that the implementation of
sarjana mengajar program in general has been pretty good. However, there was still need for improvement in
some aspects in order to provide optimum benefit to vocational high school that were targeted.
Sarjana mengajar program that adopts the concept of PPL allows its implementation as the
implementation of PPL in general. Mulyaningsih [5] conducted a study on the readiness of students to manage
learning in the implementation of PPL. Research results show that most of the students of Mechanical
Engineering Department FT UM was ready to manage the learning during the PPL at the school. Another
study conducted by Pramuningdita [6] which shows there was a relationship between students' perception of
classroom management with learning outcomes. This study reinforced by Ichsan [7] which showed that there
was a significant relationship between students' perception of the implementation of learning with learning
outcomes. In this case, student’ perception closely related to the role of teacher for learning process.
Studies conducted by Heynemen & Loxley 1983 in 29 countries found that among the various inputs
that determine education (indicated by learning outcomes) was determined by one-third of teachers [8].
Sanjaya [9] suggests that the main role of a teacher is to present science as a cultural heritage of the past that
are considered useful and should be preserved. This is supported by the opinion of Toth [10] which states that
effective learning can only happen if the teacher determines the method, form, and meaning of learning that
will be delivered to students by taking into account the characteristics of the students. Furthermore Bandura
(in Magno [11]) found that effective learning can affect reception theory knowledge to students.
Teacher is one important aspect in ensuring the ongoing quality learning [12]. According to the
Education Management Team Malang [13] ideal ratio between teachers and students is a teacher versus 24 to
26 students. The ideal size is a guarantee for the service provided by the teacher to the student. Service
teachers to students is a form of teachers' role in ensuring the quality of teaching quality in the classroom [14].
This is in line with the opinion of Wang and Fwu [15] which states that impossible to create a good education
without quality teachers are able to perform learning effective to achieve educational goals.


We gratefully thank to Postgraduate Program Departmennt, Mechanical Engineering

Department, and all subject who contribute on this research.


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