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Brief for GSDR 2015

Anthropological perspectives on climate change and sustainability:

Implications for policy and action
Hans A. Baer and Thomas Reuter, University of Melbourne*

Introduction While Margaret Mead was a Visiting Scholar at

the Fogarty International Center, she persuaded
Natural science disciplines ranging from the Center to sponsor a conference that would
climatology to oceanography and from geophysics explore ways to contribute to a healthy
to biogeography have been involved in research atmosphere. This early climate conference,
on climate change and its implications for entitled “The Atmosphere: Endangered and
sustainability, but over the past few decades Endangering,” took place at the National Institute
anthropologists have examined these same issues of Environmental Health Sciences in North
from a rather different perspective. Even earlier, Carolina in April 1975. Mead appears to have
physical anthropologists and archaeologists had been the only anthropologist at the conference
begun examining the role of primarily natural and perhaps the only social scientist as well, in a
climate change in the bio-cultural evolution of meeting largely attended by physical and natural
humans in Africa and their subsequent dispersal scientists and public health experts. While Mead
to Eurasia, Australia, and the Americas. Climate did not encourage fellow anthropologists to work
change appears to have played a prominent role on climate change per se, her involvement in the
in the formation of various civilizations, the conference foreshadowed the beginning of the
occupation or abandonment of different regions anthropology of environmental change.
over time, and the collapse of major civilizations
and indigenous societies. During the 1990s anthropologists Steve Rayner
(Rayner and Malone 1998) and Mary Douglas
This brief focuses on the recent work of socio- (Douglas et al. 1998) as well as archaeologists
cultural anthropologists on anthropogenic climate Carol Crumley (1994) and Brian Fagan (2000) laid
change, a phenomenon that began with the the foundations for the anthropology of climate
Industrial Revolution and is characterized by change. Since then this field of anthropology has
heavy reliance on fossil fuels and emphasis on matured into a diverse and robust effort
persistently enduring economic growth. exemplified by four perspectives: (1) the cultural
Particularly after World War II, the global ecological; (2) the cultural interpretive; (3) the
economy began to promote and rely on relentless critical anthropological perspective; and (4) the
consumption of manufactured products. This applied anthropology perspective.
economic model has diffused from the first
industrialized countries to the developing world Many anthropologists are now asking questions
through trade, foreign investment, aid and from a cultural ecological perspective, examining
development programs, and its sustainability all facets of human-environment relations. As part
implications are not confined to anthropogenic of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment project,
climate change. Mark Nuttall and his colleagues (Nuttall et al.
2004) examine the impact of climate change on
Unique theoretical perspectives within the subsistence patterns and adaptive strategies of
anthropology of climate change indigenous Arctic peoples in the past and present.
Ben Orlove (2005) examines climate variability in

*Submitted on behalf of IUAES and WCAA. The views and opinions expressed are the authors’ and do not
represent those of the Secretariat of the United Nations. Online publication or dissemination does not imply
endorsement by the United Nations.
three frequently mentioned historical cases, degradation. It argues that global capitalism has
namely the Mayan civilization of Mesoamerica, come to embody so many contradictions that it
the Norse settlement of Greenland, and the U.S. must be transcended to ensure the survival of
Dust Bowl. Orlove (2005) and colleagues created humanity on a sustained basis. This perspective
the Initiative on Climate Adaptation Research and calls for an alternative world system, committed
Understanding through the Social Sciences to meeting people’s basic needs, social equity and
(ICARES). In her work on horse and cattle justice, democracy, environmental sustainability,
breeders in north-eastern Siberia, Susan Crate and a safe climate.
(2008) critiques what she regards as an excessive
reliance on the concept of adaptation among In terms of applied work, anthropologists have
policy makers as a way of avoiding serious been looking at sustainability issues at two broad
mitigation efforts and global climate justice and quite distinct levels, namely by participating
issues. in the formulation of environmental policies and
by studying and becoming involved in the
Most cultural interpretive or phenomenological environmental movement which supports social,
examinations of climate change tend to focus on technological, and economic changes toward
change perceptions on the part of diverse long-term sustainable practices. It is evident that
peoples, often through the lens of their “local more and more anthropologists will become
knowledge.” This perspective is the predominant involved as observers and engaged scholars in
one, given that it flows naturally from prior work applied initiatives, seeking to respond to
that socio-cultural anthropologists have done on environmental change at the local, regional,
small-scale societies or local communities where national, and global level. This requires us to work
they tend to gather data on people’s “emic” as advisors in tangent with international climate
(insider) views. While local knowledge may regimes, national and state or provincial
recognize the reality of climate change and other governments, NGOs and environmental groups,
sustainability issues, for large segments of people, concerned communities, or climate action and
perhaps particularly the privileged, their specific sustainability movements.
cultural perceptions may also serve to downplay
or even deny what is occurring, or that human Towards an integrated understanding
activities have anything to do with it (Milton
1996). This creates a need to address culture Anthropologists and other social scientists are not
specific change resistance (Reuter 2010). seeking to become climate scientists, agricultural
scientists or ecologists. Conversely, natural
The critical anthropology of climate change is scientists generally are not in a good position to
guided by an eco-social perspective and by develop a detailed understanding of the ways
political ecology theory with its understanding of social systems operate, either at the macro- or
the politicized nature of human interaction with the micro-levels, or how they contribute to
the environment (Baer and Singer 2009). It asks climate change and various other forms of
questions about the relationship of the capitalist environmental damage. Efforts to examine and
mode of production to planetary sustainability, respond to the adverse impacts of human
the role of power in the production and control practice on nature and, conversely, of
(or non-control) of pollution, the unequal and environmental degradation on humanity, has to
unjust distribution of climate change effects, the be a multi-disciplinary one that entails
contradictions of existing carbon mitigation and collaboration between natural scientists and
sustainability regimes and “green capitalism,” and social scientists, including anthropologists,
the many social movements that have emerged in archaeologists, sociologists, political scientists,
opposition to corporate environmental economists, and human geographers.

The reality is that natural scientists and Baer, H.A. Singer, M. (2009). Global Warming and
economists continue to dominate much of the the Political Ecology of Health. Left
discourse on change, as is evidenced by the
Coast Press, Walnut Creek, CA.
composition of the IPCC. Newer initiatives, such
as Future Earth, established by ISSC and ICSU, Crate, S. A. 2008. Gone the bull of winter? Current
already show a more balanced composition. Anthropology 49:569-595.
Anthropologists and other social scientists are Douglas, M. et al. 1998. Human needs and wants.
now playing a critical role in providing their In Human Choice and Climate Change:
analytical skills and insights to a larger struggle to
create a world in which we learn to live in Volume One. Rayner, S. and Malone, E.,
harmony with one another and the planet. eds. Pp. 195-263. Batelle Press, Columbus.
Crumley, C. 1994. Historical ecology. In Historical
Implications for Sustainable Development Policy: Ecology. Crumley, C., ed. Pp. 1-16.
 Continual economic growth must be
recognized as environmentally School of American Research Press, Santa
unsustainable Fe, N.M.
 A definitively clear-cut distinction needs to Fagan, B. 2000. The Little Age. Basic Books, New
be made between “development” and Work.
Milton, K. 1996. Environmentalism and Culture
 Development should aim to provide
Theory. Routledge, London.
wellbeing rather than just growth, and its
success should be measured in terms of Nuttall, M. et al. 2004. Hunting, herding, fishing
improvements in environmentally and gathering. In Impacts of a Warming
sustainable provision of adequate food, Arctic. Symon C., Arris, L. and Heal, B. eds.
clothing, shelter, education and health care Pp. 649-690. Cambridge University
to everyone.
 In order to achieve environmental justice, Press, Cambridge.
which would appear to be a precondition Orlove, B. 2005. Human adaptation to climate
for global cooperation on sustainability change. Environmental Science & Policy,
measures, there needs to be a
redistribution of global resources to people 8:589-600.
in developing countries who are least Rayner, S. and Malone, E. 1998. Why study
responsible for environmental change, and human choice and climate change. In Human
are often also the least well equipped to
Choice and Climate Change, Volume One.
adjust to it
Rayner, S. and Malone, E., eds. Pp. xiii-
 Sustainable human development should
take into account variation in cultural xlii. Batelle Press, Columbus.
values and knowledge around the world, Reuter, Thomas A. 2010. Anthropological theory
both as an asset and as a potential and the alleviation of anthropogenic
impediment to sustainability programs climate change: understanding the
 Sustainable resource management and Cultural causes of Systemic Change
carbon pollution mitigation projects must Resistance. World Anthropology Network
integrate (rather than displace or E-Journal, Issue 5, June 2010, pp 5-27.
marginalise) local and indigenous people http://www.ram-
and consider their needs and traditional
rights l-5/2-reuter.pdf.

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