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San Francisco, Agusan del Sur


Earth and Life Science
S.Y. 2019-2020

Name: ______________________________________ Section: _______________ Score: ________

Teacher : ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Directions: Read and answer each question carefully. Shade the letter of your answer provided before each number.

1. Which statement below is NOT true about the universe that we know today?
a. The universe is 13.8 billion years old. c. Normal matter makes up most of the universe.
b. The universe is continuously expanding. d. Redshift proves galaxies move away from each other.

2. Which theory below stated that as the universe expands, matter is constantly created?
a. Big Bang b. Heliocentric c. Solar Nebula d. Steady State

3. Which of the following statements correctly describes the Big Bang Theory?
a. The universe has been continuously contracting and expanding.
b. The universe has no beginning or end.
c. The universe came from a dense ball of mass that suddenly expanded.
d. All of these.
4. The following statements are the events according to the Big Bang Theory. Which is the correct order?
I. The dense ball underwent rapid inflation, space and time existed.
II. Baryons like protons and neutrons were first formed.
III. Photons were able to radiate in space.
IV. Quarks, hadrons and leptons first existed.
V. All matter and energy are packed in a singularity.

5. Which of the following hypotheses below stated that the solar system was formed as two stars pass by each other?
a. Encounter b. Geocentric c. Protoplanet d. Solar Nebula

6. The following statements are the events during the Protoplanet Hypothesis. Which is the correct order?
I. High-speed collisions led to the formation of larger bodies called protoplanets.
II. Slowly rotating gas and dust cloud contract due to gravity.
III. Remaining materials formed a disc and eventually became planetesimals.
IV. Further processes led to the formation of Sun and planets.
V. Matter concentrated at the center formed into proto-Sun.

7. Which is NOT a condition that makes life on Earth possible?

a. the presence of human beings c. the presence of liquid water
b. the right Sun-Earth distance d. the presence of an atmosphere
8. Which is NOT a role of the atmosphere?
a. traps heat from the Sun c. holds important gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide
b. protects the Earth from space rocks d. helps the Earth to revolve around the Sun
9. Suppose you are directed to transfer to another planet. Based on their profile, which planet would you choose with
the best condition to support life?
Mass: 1.5 (Earth = 1) Mass: 1.5 Gas giant with Gas giant with two large moons.
Tectonics: Active Tectonics: Active four large, Moon 1: Thick methane atmosphere
volcanoes and seismic rocky satellites with high enough pressure to keep a
volcanoes and seismic
activity detected. (moons). potential methane ocean liquid
activity detected. Moons have no underneath.
Atmosphere: N, O2, ozone
Atmosphere: CO2, N, H20 Average Temperature: 2°C appreciable Temperature: -200°C
Average Temperature: Description: Cold oceans, atmosphere. Ice Moon 2: Covered in water ice. Ice
651°C covered with ice along detectable on appears cracked and re-frozen in
Description: Thick clouds much of the globe. Some one. parts, indicating a potential liquid
surround the planet. No open water around equator. ocean underneath. Surface
surface is visible through temperature -100°C.
the clouds.

10. Glaciers belong to which sphere?

a. atmosphere b. biosphere c. geosphere d. hydrosphere

11. What two elements are the most abundant in the Earth’s crust?
a. O and Si b. Fe and Ni c. N and O d. Fe and O

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12. Referring to the illustration at the right, what gases (marked
as x, y) are involved in the exchange between plants and
animals? x
a. x = oxygen; y =carbon dioxide
b. x = carbon dioxide; y = oxygen
c. x = oxygen; y = nitrogen
d. x = nitrogen; y = oxygen

13. Which are the correct labels of the parts of the diagram below?
A a. A = core; B = mantle; C = crust
b. A = crust; B = mantle; C = core
B c. A = crust; B = core; C = mantle
d. A = core; B = crust; C = mantle

14. What makes up the lithosphere?

a. crust only b. crust & lower mantle c. crust & upper mantle d. mantle only

15. Which of the following best describes the materials found in the asthenosphere?
a. solid but could flow c. liquid and could flow
b. solid and could not flow d. liquid but could not flow

16. The outer core is liquid while the inner core is solid. Which statement best explain this?
a. The outer core is hotter than the inner core.
b. The outer core is not really part of the core.
c. The inner core receives more pressure than the outer core.
d. The inner and outer core are made up of different elements.

17. Which of the following is NOT considered a mineral?

a. table salt b. water c. talc d. gypsum

18. What physical property of minerals refers to its tendency to reflect light?
a. hardness b. fracture c. luster d. streak

For items 19-20, refer to the properties presented in table at the right.
olivine hematite
19. Which of the following inference is true about the two minerals? Chemical
(Mg, Fe)2SiO4 Fe2O3
a. Olivine can scratch hematite. formula
b. Hematite can scratch olivine. Hardness
7 6
c. The two minerals can scratch each other. (max)
d. Neither of the two could scratch the other.

20. What chemical groups do the two minerals belong?

a. olivine = oxide; hematite = sulfate c. olivine = sulfate; hematite = oxide
b. olivine = silicate; hematite = oxide d. olivine = oxide; hematite = silicate

21. Which is NOT an example of igneous rock?

a. andesite b. basalt c. granite d. sandstone

22. Study the diagrams of textures of two igneous rocks below. Which of the following correctly classifies these
a. X = intrusive; Y = extrusive
b. X = extrusive; Y = intrusive
c. X = intrusive; Y = intrusive
d. X = extrusive; Y = extrusive

23. Which is NOT an example of sedimentary rock?

a. gypsum b. limestone c. rhyolite d. salt

24. Which of these areas do most sedimentary rocks usually form?

a. volcanoes b. mountains c. bodies of water d. plain lands

25. Which is NOT an example of metamorphic rock?

a. conglomerate b. gneiss c. schist d. slate

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26. Which of the following conditions lead to the formation of metamorphic rocks?
a. compaction of sediments c. exposure to heat and pressure
b. death of living organisms d. solidification of magma

27. Which term refers to the breaking down or decomposition of rock into smaller pieces?
a. cementation b. deposition c. erosion d. weathering

28. Which terms refers to the transportation of broken pieces of rock through water, wind, and etc.?
a. cementation b. deposition c. erosion d. weathering

29. Which of the following correctly describes physical/mechanical weathering?

a. A carabao steps on and crushes a limestone.
b. A year of acid rain deforms a rock monument.
c. A rock was exposed to repeated freezing and melting.
d. Running water transports rock to other places.

30. Which of the following is not a direct agent of erosion?

a. air b. glaciers c. running water d. wind

31. What term refers to the heat generated during the formation of the Earth as a result of collision of planetesimals?
a. gravitational/frictional heat c. primordial heat
b. global warming d. radiogenic heat

32. What type of melting occurs when the rock experiences lower pressure as it goes upward?
a. decompression melting b. flux melting c. partial melting d. total melting

33. What type of stress is experienced by the rock as shown in the diagram below?

a. compression
b. fault
c. shear
d. tension

34. Horizontal movements (folding and faulting) often result to the formation of __________.
a. rivers b. mountains c. typhoons d. organisms

35. The continental drift theory was the belief that continents have __________.
a. quickly moved apart to their current locations c. always been located at their current locations
b. slowly moved apart to their current locations d. emerged from the bodies of water

36. The following are the evidences that support the continental drift theory, except __________.
a. presence of land bridges that connect continents c. puzzle-like fit of continents
b. the same fossils of animals across continents d. similar rock structures across continents

37. What geological feature with a lowland situated between several highlands that usually happens on a divergent
plate boundary?
a. mountain range b. rift valley c. trench d. volcano

38. What geological feature is formed when two plates collide with each other resulting to the folding of rocks in it?
a. mountain range b. rift valley c. trench d. volcano

39. What geological feature can be formed in converging plates, allowing magma to go up the surface?
a. mountain range b. rift valley c. trench d. volcano

40. Who was the proponent of the seafloor spreading?

a. Alex du Toit b. Alfred Wegener c. Georges Lemaitre d. Harry Hess

41. What is the main reason for the seafloor to spread?

a. convection current b. earthquakes c. solar energy d. volcanic eruptions

42. This is the stage on the evolution of an ocean basin where subduction eliminates much of the ocean floor and
ocean basins start to get smaller.
a. embryonic b. juvenile c. declining d. suturing

43. This ocean basin structure is found at plate boundaries where they are spreading as magma rises up.
a. abyssal plain b. oceanic ridge c. seamount d. guyot

44. What type of dating involves the use of radiometric techniques which gives the exact age of a rock?
a. absolute dating b. cross dating c. geologic dating d. relative dating

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45. Based on the picture on the right,
which are the three oldest rock layers?
a. Q, P, O c. P, O, N
b. Q, O, N d. O, N, M

46. How was the Geologic Time Scale divided into subdivisions?
a. divided equally into thousand years each c. flipping of magnetic poles
b. decisions of the scientists d. major geologic events that occurred

47. How are marker/index fossils most useful to geologists?

a. Marker fossils give an idea of the age of the rock they are found in.
b. Marker fossils represent the kind of climate they once lived in.
c. Marker fossils describe the type of rock present in their area.
d. None of these.

48. Study the diagram below. Which could be considered a marker fossil?

a. b. c. d.

49. The Geologic Time Scale is subdivided into 4 groups. Which of the following is the correct order from the
largest to smallest subdivisions?
a. eon, period, epoch, era c. epoch, period, era, eon
b. era, eon, period, epoch d. eon, era, period, epoch

50. Which statement is NOT true according to the geologic time scale?
a. Dinosaurs came first than the ancient humans. c. Plants were never part of the study.
b. Fishes came first than the first reptiles. d. Precambrian era was the longest division.


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