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Types of Communication Strategies

Communication Strategies Reduction Strategies

Achievement Strategies


Reduction Strategies Topic Avoidance

NS: ... Do you ah... do you consider yourself ah...
part of the.. what they call the new breed of
Japanese young people.
Topic avoidance NNS: Un.. yes, I think so, but.. I am the... between..
new generation and old people? so called old
Message abandonment NS: Um..
NNS: Un.
NS: How do you mean between.
NNS: Un... cause... (pause) ah... I thi-...
What's what's the new generation's idea, do
Meaning replacement (or semantic you think?

Meaning Replacement
Message Abandonment
(or Semantic Avoidance)
NS: Ummm ... why is it called NNS: What what kind of cost is this
Crater Lake. and.. this is the ah... and ah...
actually, they.. do the ah.. Same
NNS: Why ... called? eh thing they ah.. wrote in.. Write
NS: Why is it called Crater Lake. in the ah..ah.. application.. and..
NNS: Ah ... I'm not sure but ... the .. they do the, actually they do the,
they do the same thing.. abroad.
maybe in the first ... Um ...
NS: Uh huh.
crater means the .... Ah ... I
don't know how to explain ... NNS: And I check their ... on the.. Just
on the paper.

Achievement Strategies Lexical substitution
Lexical substitution My father.. is ah.. president of eh..
junior high school, and.. my mother is
Circumlocution a president of kindergarten.
Word coinage
Morphological creativity (“president” = principal )
Language switch
Literal translation
Cooperative strategies

Generalization Exemplification

Eh... I... went to:: uh.. Mikuni port to So, it is good way for the sport ah..
Oki island, ah!, we need two days. sports ah... people to ah... eat ah..
bread or rice or spaghetti... something
(“went” = sailed ) like that.

(= carbohydrates)

Circumlocution, Paraphrase,
Word coinage
or Description
NS: What kind of work.
NNS: Oh, oh.. I was working now eh... Develop And... at the mountain, we.. get off the
and..fine-line pattern, (laugh) uh... circuit board,
like circuit board.. very fine. taxi, and.. climb.. the mountain. It
NS: Uh huh.. takes.... in total we have we are.. we
NNS: Uh.. fine line, and... very very narrow.. line.. On
a board. stayed... two... sleep..... s::leep days
NS: So, it's a new.. new kind of IC or something
like... in the mountain.
NNS: No no no no... circuit board, full circuit board...
IC is settled on this.. circuit board.
(“sleep day” = night)
( = surface-mount technology)

Morphological Creativity Foreignizing

... ah... we have to uh... uh.. ... and when I.. when I did a.. part-
internationalization, but.. before.. time job at ... a department.
before that we have uh.. been
internationaliza-, internationalizated.
(“Department” = department store)

Literal Translation Restructuring

NNS: Ya, ah ... I live in.. the my NS: Why why did you NOT decide to
go to Hawaii like everyone else?
house, that is the ah ... bag NNS: Ah... I've ever been to Hawaii..
shop. So.. but so ah.. many Japanese
NS: ... NS: ... of course, the number of
NNS: BAG. Japanese who are going to
Canada for their honeymoon is
NS: Bag shop ... increasing too. So you may not
be alone.
NNS: ... But Hawaii is more... But
Canada is.. Bigger than Hawaii

Cooperative Strategies Other Strategies

... it's very hard for me to answer.. Repair

Change of Role

Repair Telegraphic
NNS: ... I think Japanese education... Um.. in summer.. in summer vacation.... we... we
The characteristics of Japanese go.. we go to.. Mount Shirouma... and... we
education system is is that.. ah.. are..... ummm.. our party is.... our party....
is that students can, ah... get the is...... 5 people... and.. two... among them, two
knowledge only and a..
knowledge only and a.. Japanese people is female, ah!, female.. and we go to
education system don't teach Mount.. Shirouma..... we go to eh....... we.. in...
student.. students how to think in night, we get on.. the train... at.. B.. B
very well. station, and...... Shi-... Shirouma, Shirouma station..
NS: Uh huh.
NNS: how to think.. ahh logically very

Fillers Change of Role

So, I think, I hope ne at least.. NS: ... Do you ah... consider yourself ah...
part of the.. what they call the new
nanteyuukana.. four go- gold breed of Japanese.. young people.
medals... NNS: Un.. yes, I think so, but.. I am the... generalization and old
people? so called old people.
(Ne = Japanese back-channel NS: How do you mean between.
Nanteuukana = Japanese gambit, NNS: Un.. cause... (pause) ah... I thi-...
What's what's the new generation's
'How do you say?' or 'you know.‘) idea, do you think?

What Strategies are Used at What Strategies are Used at

Different Levels of L2 Proficiency? Different Levels of L2 Proficiency?

Increased Repair Increased Paraphrase

proficiency brings proficiency brings Interlingual
more frequent use less frequent use Telegraphic
of these strategies: of these strategies:

What Strategies are Used at
Different Levels of L2 Proficiency?

At the intermediate
level of proficiency Reduction
there is more Fillers
frequent use of
these strategies:

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