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G. S.

MIT, Aurangabad
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Class: TY Div: A&B
Subject Teacher: Dr. Arti Mohanpurkar

Unit I: Database System Architecture

1. What is Database? Explain with an example.

2. Define Database Management System (DBMS). What are advantages of DBMS over
conventional File System?
3. Explain the Database system architecture in detail with suitable diagram.
4. Define the following with suitable example of each in context of DBMS :
a. Data Abstraction,
b. Data Independence,
c. Data Definition Language (DDL),
d. Data Manipulation Language (DML).
5. Explain each of the following Data models with suitable example:
a. Entity-relationship model,
b. Relational integrity constraints,
c. Data manipulation operations.
6. Explain Data Manipulation Language in detail with its following clauses with an example
7. Define and explain the following terms with suitable examples:
a. Data redundancy
b. Data inconsistency
c. Data Isolation
d. Data Integrity
e. Atomicity of Operations
f. Concurrency
g. Security
8. Describe at least two popular Applications of Database Systems.
9. What is database schema? Explain the types of schema with suitable diagram for each.
10. What are the integrity constraints that can be applied on the database using DDL? Explain.
11. Define the following keys with a suitable example for each
a. Super Key
b. Primary Key
c. Candidate Key
d. Alternate Key
e. Foreign Key
f. Composite Key
g. Secondary Key
12. Define the following terms:
a. Data Dictionary
b. Meta Data
13. What are the different users of the Database Management System?
14. Explain E-R Diagram with Composite, Multivalued, and Derived Attributes.
15. What are cardinality constraints? Explain its types using suitable E-R Diagram.
16. Explain participation of an Entity Set in a Relationship Set?
17. What are the design issues in ER Model?
18. What is a weak entity set? How can it be represented using ER diagram with its existential
dependent strong entity set? Sow with a proper example.
19. What is an ER Diagram? Enlist and explain the different notations used in ER Diagram.
20. Explain the following concepts with suitable diagram and example:
a. Specialisation,
b. Generalisation
c. Aggregation

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