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Background of the Study

Social media (SM) is the fastest growing web application in the 21st century. The diverse

applications of SM like Wikis, video streaming and applications, and social networks make it the

phenomenon of the century. Facebook counted users topped all social media applications with over 955

million users in 2013, followed by Twitter with 500 million users ( Such huge

user base is comparable to countries, which indicates the importance of such applications.The age

distribution of Facebook users is concentrated on the younger categories where 300 million users are 18-

24 years old, and 120 million users are between 13-17 years old ( The same source

indicated a nearly equal distribution of users between males and females. In Jordan, users of Facebook

accounted for 2.5 million users at the end of 2012, with similar Internet users’ 1size

( The last statistics indicate that Jordanians use Facebook through their

mobiles, and the Internet. Such high penetration (38%) is indicative of theimportance of Facebook and

the social media domain for young people.The use of information and communication technology (ICT) is

an important factor that opened doors for remotelearning and remote access of educational material.

Such phenomenon is called “e-learning”, where ICT is used as a facilitator of communication, assignment

management, and task collaboration. A study in Jordan concluded that e-learning systems arenot fully

utilized inJordan and many applications are not used by students and instructors (Abu-Shanab, Ababneh

& Momani, 2012; Abu-Shanab, Momani & Ababneh, 2012). Such results indicate that it is important to

reach students wherever they are, and especially on social media application. This study will explore the

influence of Facebook on students’ performance and how they spend their time. As seen previously,

young Jordanians are the major category that uses social networks, where they spend substantial time
on the net. Such issue is influencing their academic performance. Research connected school/university

performance with Facebook use. This study will try to empirically explore such relationship regardless of

its type of influence, bad or good.The history of the use of technology, especially the use of the mass

media in education began long ago (Cuban, 1986). Use books, pictures, radio and television are the main

tools oftechnology have managed to improve the quality of education to students around the world. The

use of the Internet, especially the World Wide Web (WWW) is only a recent development in the history

of the use of technology in environmental education. However, the impact of the use of this medium is

very large due to the rapid development of information and communicationstechnology (ICT) in all

sectors since lately.Exposure to new technologies provides many benefits for everyone. It also includes

the benefits that can be gained by students through thedevelopment of the internet as a mediumof

learning. Through the use of the Internet, students can familiarize themselves with the internet, it can be

beneficial for those who want to take the chance. Most of the students adopted digital media as a place

for those seeking information materials, as the main source of current issues as well as a platform for

sharing information with partners such as throughsocial networking sites. Therefore, the use of the

internet makes it easier for students to obtain the desired information easily and quickly. This facility will

makestudents more motivated to search for information more often. Therefore, the use of the internet

will be a factor that will affect the academic performance of students. However, if the use of the Internet

is not controlled properly, it will have a negative impact on students' academic performance. But, if the

student can better manage Internet usage, it will have a positive effect on the academicperformance of

students. The role of the internet that allows access to the e-book, search Information easily and assist

students in completing the task will be significant in increasing student academic achievement. This is

based on (Ward et al., 1996) academic performance or achievements are the results of the study to see

how far a student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals. This indicates the impact
of the Internet on the academic refers to how Internet resources and services helped students improve

learning, search information to complete their task and other3


This study seek to find out the statues of the student in selected schools namely: Tuyom National High

School for the school year 2019-2020 with regards to the problem entitled "Extent on the Use of Social

Networking in Relation to student Academic Performance in English"This study particularly answered the

following questions:

1. What is the socio-demographic profile of students social networking when grouped According to:

a. Age


2. What are the benefits of using social networking sites among the student in terms of:

a.Sending Messages

b.Encoding Messages

c.Decoding Messages

d.Giving Feedback

3. Is there a significant different on the level of Academic Performance of the respondents when group
According to the Profile variables and in terms of:

a. Active

b. Inactive


Ho: There is no significant relationship between Social Networking of students on their academic
performance in English.


The study focuses on explaining the used of Social Networking in Relation to student academic

performance in English of Tuyom National High School more over the results of the study will be benficial

to the following:
Respondents: The respondents will have awareness on the importance and use of technology and its

role on the improvement of their Academic Performance in English.

Teachers: The result of the study will help teachers in providing the students with the proper guidance in

the usage of technology.This may also increase their competency in teaching.

Parents: The result of the study will help the parents of the respondents to feel secured because they

are aware of what the use of technology in studies academic performance in English.

Guidance Counselor: The result of the study may provide an assessment of technology whether itis

effective or not in the performance of the students.

Future Researchers: The findings of the study will serve as a reference material and a guide for future

researchers who wish to conduct the same experimental study or any study related to the importance

and use of technology on the academic performance of the student.


This study aims to determine the Extent used of Social Networking in Relation to Student

Academic Performance in EnglishThe Respondent of the study were the selected Senior High Schoolers

student of Tuyom National High School for S.Y. 2019-2020 and composed of 30-50 students.


TECHNOLOGY the use of science in industry, engineering, etc., to invent useful things or tosolve


ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE The extent to which a student ,teacher or institution has achieved their short

or long-term educational goals.

LEARNING THEORY/THEORIES are the conceptual frameworks that describe how students

absorb,process, and retain knowledge during learning.

COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT is a field of study in neuroscience and psychology focusing on a child

development in terms of information processing, conceptual resources,perceptualskill?Language

learning ,and their aspect of hte development adult brain and cognitive psychology.

PSYCHOLOGY is the science of behavior and mind ,including and u concious phenomena as feeling and


E LEARNING a learning system based on formalized teaching but with the help of electronic resources.

SOCIAL NETWORKING- the use of dedicated websites and applications to interact with other users, or to

find people with similar interests to oneself.


The theoritical framework of this study is basedon the social information processing theory of

Joseph Walther, often reffered to as "Cues Filtered In" proposes that despite the lack of nonverbal

communication in herent in online interactions ,people formulate ways to give off and interpret

individuating information instead people seek out and interpret cues that served us subtitute of

nonverbal communication such as use of emoticons and time stump. We know from various studies

conduct with face to face (f2f) that people by their very nature are motivated and in interactions of

others to reduce interpersonal uncertainely form impressions and develop affinity (535) this is found in

online interaction as well SIP theory thus contract people as being capable in adopting and interpreting

alternate methods to form impression of other in the absence of cues present in (f2f) behaviour, people

use the internet and the clues it provides to interpret and form impression of others people are thus

capable of law-bandwidth media and using the limited cues it provides to construct perception.
Solely on the linguistic content of computer-mediated (CMC),parties who meet online can develop

relationship just as close as those form face to face through it takes longer. Because sender select the

receivers magnify, channels promote, and feedback enhances favorable impressions.CMC may create

hyper personal relationship (socio psychological traditions) .

Mopre over Granoveller 1973 outline that the potential useful connection maybe valuable sources of

new information and sources. additionally, the ability to stay intouch with these networks may offset

feelings of "friend sickness" the distress cause by the loss of old friends.

Finally, Social Network Site intgensity predicted increas level of maintained social capital, which assessed

the extent to which participants could rely on High School Acquintances to do small favors. For College

Student many of whom have move away for the first time the ability to stay in touch with these high

school acquintances may illustrate must clearly the "strength of weak ties" (Putnam 2000).


The conceptual framework of this study show the variable through a schematic diagram in Figure 1. The

Independent variable is the social network insights while the Dependent variables are the sending

messages, incoding messages, de-coding messages, and giving feedback.

Independent Dependent
The usse of social network site among
mass. communication student in UM.

Sending Messages

Encoding Messeages
Decoding Messages

Giving Feedback


Independent Dependent
a.) Age

B.) Gender


a.) Facebook Usage

b.) Internet Usage

c.) Online Media Usage for Education

d.) Online Media Usage for Non



The internet is a platform where millions of people engaged in the creation and exchange

of information. Indeed, this fact affects a large and deep to academic achievement and social

life. By this, a review of the literature was carried out to explore and investigate the effect of

the internet on academic achievement. It is very important for the researcher to see how the

authors see the use of the internet and its impact on students. In addition, it aimed at how

digital online can help students in their academic. The researcher also wants to see how well

the student learning process becomes effectively by using the Internet as a source of reference

information. Furthermore, this literature review is to look at the positive and negative effects of

Internet usage in the learning process. Therefore, this literature review will attempt to provide

a better understanding of the effect of the internet on their academic achievement and look for

any obstructions to academic achievement


(Sampath Kumar & Manjunath, 2013) in quantitative studies has found that teachers and

research scholars have been using the internet to support their research and teaching. By the

use of the internet, it's had a positive impact on their academic performance, namely by writing

research papers further help in doing better research and also provide a better learning experience.
Besides, according to (Sushma et al., 2014) the more time spent with the Internet,

the higher a student addicted to the internet. The study showed that the time spent on the

Facebook by students adversely affecting their academic achievement. The use of the internet

beyond the time will not be a hint of academic success.


The use of social media technologies widely used by students can have a positive impact on

students and a key factor for the students in achieving summative grade and left the course

early (Garcia et al., 2015). Besides, according to (Ahsan Ul Haq & Sohail Chand, 2012) the use of

Facebook by students adversely affecting their academic performance. These negative

effectsare more to male students. This is based on the behavior of male students are more

active and spend a lot of time on Facebook makes them unable to focus on their academics.

Moreover, (Rouis, Limayem, & Sangari, 2011) argued in their research that many students use

Facebook with an extroverted personality can lead to poor academic achievement. It indicates

that the personality of a person while using Facebook play a role whether the academic

performance can be achieved or not.11


Online media used in teaching are efforts to make improvements or to enhance the quality of

teaching and learning process. In addition, the online media has the advantage of being able to

combine a variety of different media such as text, images, animations, video and sound. Among

media online for education used is like watching news online and view videos related to

subjects, while for media online for non-education which is entertainment that is like a video

Online media use gives a positive and a negative impact on student’s academic Online media

used in teaching are efforts to make improvements or to enhance the quality of teaching and

learning process. In addition, the online media has the advantage of being able to combine a

variety of different media such as text, images, animations, video and sound. Among media

online for education used is like watching news online and view videos related to subjects, while

for media online for non-education which is entertainment that is like a video game online. If

seen, online media is interactivity where the user does not obtain or communicate in one way

only, but users can communicate bilaterally in obtaining information, and also carry out
activities. To find out more about online media that are used for educational and non-

educational, there are a several review of previous studies. Based on the study (Anand, 2007)

stated that the online media have a negative effect on students. This is based on studies that

have been done by the researcher about the online video game which it is a type of online media

non-education, this online media negatively affect academic achievement. Besides, it is also

based on the research by (Kubey et al., 2001) that the decline of college student's academic

achievement is due to the application of synchronous communication such as chat rooms,

which can lead students to stay up late at night and cause their academic achievement decline.

Therefore, it can be said online media use affects academic performance. The social media has

a negative effect on student’s academic performance (Asemah,, Okpanachi & Edegoh, 2013).

While, (Shakir Ullah et al., 2013) shows 12that the facts about the electronic media the authorized

agent of socialization and realize it can educate the public and it can help students in their

lessons better than any other.


Research emphasized the importance of social networks in influencing young people. A

study by Abu-Shanab and Frehat (2015) utilized 302 responses of young people in Jordan and

investigated the influence of social networks on social reform through a conceptual model with

five predictors of intention to use social networks and they are: satisfaction, isolation, trust,

social participation and intensity of SN use. Results indicated a significant prediction of

intensity and isolation only12Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are becoming

important tools for educational support. Computers and the Internet are becoming more and

more important in the learning and teaching processes. With the advent of mobile phones,

especially smart phones, it is becoming easier to reach students and even utilize the capabilities

of technology. A study utilized three groups of students, where the assignments and
interactions where conducted with three levels: 1) traditional methods, 2) fair use of phones,

and 3) extensive use of smart phones in working on mathematical assignments for school

students (Nasser, 2014). The sample included 58 secondary students in Qatar. Results

indicated a higher performance of the smart phone group compared to the other two

groups.Facebook resulted in a significant improvement in students’ performance in

universities. A study in a Vietnamese university concluded that students using Facebook as a

social media has improved substantially with respect to their grades (Tuan & Tu, 2013). The

same study also concluded that the improvements and value of social network sites was not

related to the academic performance but also to the adaptation to the social environment of

school. The same argument relating to social absorption by students is reached by Gafni and

Deri (2012), where they emphasized the role of social networks in socializing students and

opening channels for finding more academic resources, thus improving their academic

achievement. Such result was not supported for senior students, where social absorption is less

relevant at later years and student experience might benefit more in academic area.Social

network is a strong tool for social interaction and connection, where it can improve family ties

and friends in a rich social context. A study on 161 Tunisian students concluded tha13

performance was improved because of students’ satisfaction with their family and friends

relations (Rouis, 2012). The author emphasized the role of multitasking as a moderator of such

relationships, where multitasking and studentsinterest in university will help enhance

performance based on Facebook use. Many studies also focused on using SN applications,

where they categorized them as productivity tools. Alonso et al (2013) listed many in their literature,
where they focused on mobile applications and how they can accommodate the

functionalities of learning management systems. The use of Facebook was associated with co-

curricular activities, which might be considered a positive influence by social media (Junco,

2012a). Appendix A summarizes research that indicated positive impact of social media on student

The negative influences of SN on students’ performance are reported in research, where a study

by Haq and Chand (2012) utilized sample of 384 students and concluded that Facebook use has

an adverse influence on student academic performance. The study noticed that males and

females spent equal time on the Internet where females used Facebook more, but males had

more friends than females. The important difference was that Facebook use had an adverse

influence on males’ performance than females. The authors accounted such

adverseperformance because males spend more time on sports and games activities than

females, which caused a loss of time and a bad influenceon performance.It is imperative to

realize that time spent on social activities (using Facebook or other social media) will be on the

account of academic performance. This logic is important regardless 14of the positive side we

see in SNs. A study that utilized students in a US university concluded to a negative relationship

between time spent by students on online social networks and their academic performance

(Paul et al., 2012). The authors pointed to the importance of attention span devoted to multiple

sources of attractions. Such result indicates the importance of using Facebook and other social

media tools wisely and towards a productive time in class rooms and back home.The same

study motioned in the previous section, regarding the improvement of social absorption and

academic achievement (Gafni & Deri, 2012), concluded that using Facebook by students

consumes times and thus negatively influencing academic performance. Using mobile phones

for texting and social network access also was explored to see if it is related to the engagement

level in classrooms, where research indicated that engagement is closely related to teacher’s

style and control. Also, the use of social networks and mobile texting was not related to lower

performance results (Paul & Gelish, 2011). Such issue emphasizes the distraction that social
media cause, but not to the extent of risking academic performance.Some universities

embedded the use of computers, tablets and other technology channels in their educational

setup. A study that focused on the issue of multitasking in classrooms concluded to the fact

that students who use ICT and involve in multitasking (examples like: text messaging,

Facebook, internet searching, emailing, and instant messaging) would have lower GPA, which

means lower academic performance based on their behavior (Burak, 2012). The study also

related risk taking behavior to such use of ICT, and concluded that multitasking would result in

a higher risk 15taking behavior.Social network use is related to personality of students, where

some students are influenced more than others depending on their personality. A study of

Swedish university students utilized 239 undergraduate students filling a survey related to their

Facebook use (Rouis et al., 2011). Results indicated that the extensive use of Facebook by

students with extraverted personalities will lead to poor academic performance. The authors

concluded also that self-regulation and goal orientation (related to performance) characterized

the students who are more in control of this social activity, and this better academic

performanceThe time spent on using Facebook was significantly associated with negative

performance of students in a study that used 3866 US students. The other indicator that

showed significant association with performance is time spent preparing material for classes,

where students devoted some time for sharing resources and material using Facebook or

other social media website (Junco, 2012b). Appendix B summarizes the literature related to the

negative influence of Facebook on performance.



This chapter presents the research design,respondent of the study ,data gathering

instrument,validity and reliability of the instrument, data gathering procedure, and data analysis.


According to Ardales (2009),a research design refers to a scheme or plan of action for

meeting the objectives of the study.

This used a descriptive type of research to determine the assessment of selected

students'Social Networking. According to Guadencio Aquino,descriptive is something more and

beyond first data gathering. Aquino pointed out the descriptive research usually emplys the

technique which is an organized attempt to analysed ,interpret and report the social status of

the social institution in group of ideas.Its purpose is to get a classified, generalized and

interpreted data for the guidance of practices in immediate future.


The Respondent of this study will be the senior high students of Tuyom National High

School for the School Year 2019-2020


To accomplish this study ,the researchers adapted and modified the questionnaires from

the research of Emad Abu-Shanab and Heyam Al-Tarawneh entitled "The Influence of Social Networks on
High School Students’ Performance". These instruments were used to measure

the assessment of students


Since the questionnaires were adapted and modified by the researchers the validity of the

research instrument or the questionnaires was established by the juries composed of three

panels of evaluators, who are expert in this field or knowledgeable in research.Using the

evaluation instrument formulated Good and Scales, the panels provided ratings for validity of

instrument use to gathered data in the study ,the same was subjected to a dry run

method.Thedry respondents were randomly selected from the Senior High Student of Tuyom

National High School, Negros Occidental.The date were collected,tabulated and computed using

Cronbach's Alpha Reliability.Test and the result established the reliability of the instrument.


Prior to conduct of the study ,the researchers will ask first the approval to conduct the

study from Melanie M. Sarino, MAEM School Principal of Tuyom National High School. Cauayan,Negros

Upon the approval,the researchers will send a formal letter addressed to the respective

principals of Tuyom National High School to ask permission to conduct the study using the

senior high students as the respondents.

During the conduct of the study ,the researchers make sure that the instructions were fully
understood by the respondents and will distribute the questionnaires personally to obtain valid

and reliable result.After the respondents answered all the items in the questionnaires, retrieval

will follow and the researcer will tabulate the results. After the tabulation, they will forward it to

the statistician to be check and analyse.The answers of the respondents will be treated



To interpret the data that will be collected,the researchers will use the following statistics

tools: Frequency Count and Percentage Distribution, Mean,.

To answer the statement of the problem number one (1),the Frequency Count and

Percentage Distribution will be use. To answer the statement of the problem number two

(2),Mean will be use.


Dear Respondents,

The undersigned are currently working on the study entitled "Extent on the used of Social
Networking in Relation to Student Academic Performance in English" Please answer with all honestly
in accuracy. Rest that all information you provide will be use strictly for academic purpose and your
identity will keep confidential.



Strongly Agree - 5, Agree - 4, Nuetral - 3, Dis Agree - 2, Strongly Agree - 1

5 4 3 2 1
I find that I spent more time than I intended on the Facebook

I refuse to spend time on family activities to stay on the Facebook

I feel excited and thrilled when using the Facebook

I look for making more friends on Facebook

I spend long hours daily on Facebook

I neglect my assignments to spend more time on the Internet

I stay late at night when using the Internet and Facebook

My Academic performance declined because of using Facebook

Life without Facebook is boring and empty of joy

I feel relieved because of my new relations on Facebook

My use of Facebook is causing me to neglect my religious duties

My use of Facebook is causing me to abondon my study

I suffer from eye strain because of using the net

My use of Facebook and net causes isolation from my world

My Facebook use influenced negatively my Academic


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