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Background of the Study

Exposure to the sun is a major contributor to skin aging,

and too much can result in skin cancer. Skin cancer has been the

most commonly studied cancer site with respect to UV radiation.

The nature and timing of sun exposure appear to be important

determinants of both the degree of risk and the type of skin

cancer. Even though UV rays make up only a very small portion of

the sun’s rays, they are the main cause of the sun’s damaging

effects on the skin. UV rays damage the DNA of skin cells. Skin

cancers start when this damage affects the DNA of genes that

control skin cell growth. People who live in areas with year-

round, bright sunlight have a higher risk of skin cancer.

Spending a lot of time outdoors for work or recreation without

protective clothing and sunscreen increases your risk. Each

hour, one person dies from skin cancer. It has been on the rise

and it is being diagnosed in much younger people.

It is impossible to avoid sunlight completely, but there

are ways to help ensure you’re not getting too much sun. If you

are going to be outside, simply staying in the shade, especially

during midday hours, is one of the best ways to limit your UV

exposure from sunlight. To avoid from getting too much UV rays,

we just need to be more sun savvy and properly protect our

bodies in order to prevent the disease.

This idea leads to the conceptualization of GUARD (Guard

for UV and Radiation Device). The device and application can

help you be informed, guide and guard you from harmful UV and

radiation coming from the sun.

GUARD advises you on how long to be outside combined with

the sun’s current intensity. It also find out what sun

protection to use based on weather and UV index. GUARD also

monitors your real time UV exposure and helps you avoid sun

related skin damage.

Conceptual Framework of the Study

Basically, a system is made up of three (3) components

namely: Input, Process, and Output. This chart describes the

input, processing activities, and output for any given module.

Inputs are the information needed to solve the problem.

Processes are the steps needed based on the information from the

input to be able to attain the output. Outputs are the goal of

the problem solution. The figure describes the points where data

or information enters a system and the places where it will be

processed, as well as the actions taken and the points where data will be

the output.


 Lacks of  Development
knowledge about
 Design
getting too much
UV rays.  Testing of
 The development device to
of application address the
controlled problems
devices that
notify the user.
 Needs to inform
the user in
easiest way.

Human Guard Device


Figure 1.

Paradigm of GUARD (Guard for UV and Radiation Device)

The trends and issues are the realities that serve as the

input for the development, design, and testing of a device to

address the trends or issues at present. That leads to the

working output prototype called GUARD.

Any of the connected users to the device can check the UV

Index of the sun and be notifying what they going to do to

protect themselves from harmful sun rays. The use of this device

takes away the suspicion from getting skin damage.

Statement of the Problem

This study focused on developing a Device –GUARD (Guard for

UV and Radiation Device). The device and application can help

you be informed, guide and guard you from harmful UV and

radiation coming from the sun.

The objectives of this project are as follows:

1. The primary objective is to make this project possible and


2. To give people a precautions and tips to prevent the user

from burning their skin.

3. Lastly, the main objective is to make the device efficient,

safe, durable, reliable and most of all usable for every

person who always do outdoor activities.

Assumptions of the Study (Initial answer to the statement or

your expectations))

The study operates on the assumptions that there are

problems encountered by the respondents in terms of their

classroom power supervision and there are also way, methods and

strategies the respondents do in dealing with classroom power


Finally, it is assumed that i-Classroom (Power Supervision

System) has useful software capabilities and is an efficient

tool for classroom power management

Significance of the Study

It is believed that the findings of the study will be

beneficial to students especially the millennial, and also the

workers who work at the field also known as (blue collar

workers) and lastly the people with sensitive skin. The findings

that are revealed by the study may become sources of valuable

information to the following:

Students. This research will help this group because they are

more expose on using gadgets and also they are more concern

about their skin routine. This research will be beneficial to

them because they will know the range or intensity of the UV

rays and they will be notify if the UV rays is too risky for

their skin.

Blue Collar Workers. The given result will help the workers who

are more exposed to sunlight. This research will give them

knowledge about the range of UV rays they get when they are

exposing too much under the sun.

People with sensitive skin. Like the students and the blue

collar workers, people with sensitive skin will benefit from

this research. They will be informed about the UV rays they will

get when they get exposed under the sun.

Scope and Delimitations

This study focuses on the development of GUARD (Guard for

UV and Radiation Device) using a prototype device that is

directly controlled and supervised by the user.

The device and application can help you be informed, guide

and guard you from harmful UV and radiation coming from the sun.

GUARD advises you on how long to be outside combined with

the sun’s current intensity. It also find out what sun

protection to use based on weather and UV index. GUARD also

monitors your real time UV exposure and helps you avoid sun

related skin damage.

Operation guidelines will be included, as to how it

will operate, who will operates, specific location where the

system should be located and when it will be used.

Definition of Terms

Several terms have been defined operationally for better

understanding and clarity.

GUARD (Guard for UV and Radiation Device). this refers to an

application controlled device used to monitor and detect the uv


UV Rays. Ultraviolet light is a type of electromagnetic

radiation that makes black-light posters glow, and is

responsible for summer tans — and sunburns.

Skin Cancer. Skin cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal

skin cells. It occurs when unrepaired DNA damage to skin cells

(most often caused by ultraviolet radiation from sunshine or

tanning beds) triggers mutations, or genetic defects, that lead

the skin cells to multiply rapidly and form malignant tumors.

Smartphone. A smartphone is a mobile phone with highly advanced

features. A typical smartphone has a high-resolution touch

screen display, WiFi connectivity, Web browsing capabilities,

and the ability to accept sophisticated applications.

Application. A program or piece of software designed and written

to fulfill a particular purpose of the user.

Prototype. This is an original form that serves as a model, it refers

to the mini structure form of the GUARD (Guard for UV and Radiation


Respondents. These are the sources of primary data, they refer

as the target persons of this study who corresponds to the

questions imposed to clarify in the statement of the problem.

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