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Love the stars and you

have no problems

Poetry inspired by
heavenly bodies
Robert Ernst Rittel
In the beginning

They say, there was the word and nothing else,

in time endures becomes true wealth parallels.
When the word becomes the hyme of inspiration,
creating a subtle trust relation.
The infants first cry and thirst for life all passion,
all changes when the child realizes those guilt's of admission.
Remembering very clear those false dreams they give,
more and more the false all evolve.
The more famous the pretence,
the more suitable as reference.
To the point of tickle sweetness to steal your heart,
making it a professional art.
Not long after when the promise false apart,
still shifting responsibilities trying to be smart.
For the soul by mental concept just painless verse,
while every word become footprints in stardust discourse
All passion is nothing but a star to flash in distress,
not having the words in true tune sung with right intention bless.
Then the beginning still in existence of the greatest love,
by the dream maker in pure clarity from above.
Talking to heaven

Eternal incarnation of the unborn supreme self,

speaking all languages and observe in divine behalf.
The cosmic expression and ultimate creativity is maintained,
by luminous frequencies for the soul gained.
To grant the evolution of spiritual growth for all creatures,
in every life by discern of love captures.
Divine aspects of planetary energies in revelation,
for the children of the cosmos as education.
All creations of karmic /dharmic forces coming and going forth,
refining to the unconditional sphere maintained in that worth.
The rays of planetary light are able to move as far into the divine,
for the soul to become the saint and can from the physical body resign.
The conscious universe is working behind the great force,
providing the necessary circumstance by birth of course.
By natures law of which the stars and planets are the central conduits,
transmission devices which work through bodily fluids.
Images by dreams and clairvoyance to communicate,
keeping feelings and inherited moods up to date.
Those different divinities are facets of the comic clock,
giving the superficial mind the idea of a rotating gigantic rock.
Planetary deities reveal themselves by character of energy,
recognized by the years of synergy.
Seers in mature souls have direct visions of light auras as such,
able to give vital information to the individual and establish clarity very much.
As God displays the rainbow as message he send,
the image of light reflections as communication he mend.
Moon conscious

The Moon is the conscious manipulator of secret delight,

mirrors in mirrors of shimmering deity of a tender night.
You are the guardian of the lovers muse on side,
in those pale beams the chemistry in touch confide.
So pale, so smooth, so sensitive for weariness,
crossing the celestial ocean companionless.
Sending message like a lighthouse illuminated flower,
to the dreamers to bloom in midnight hour.
Causing a feminine caring texture in idyllic charm,
lucid beauty bewilders as much as it can harm.
Although freewill determined the egos path in the past,
necessary steps in emotional evolution to find love at last.
Symbiotic language

Will you convey my message of love to the bright moon

or is that feeling of straight and true to soon
The time of your smiling eye affection,
recreating the story of my souls desires in attention
Touches in synchronicity of rhymes, harmonies and eloquence,
the sacred will to unfold all concealed virtues as consequence.
O beautiful night play with your twinkled enchantment so dear,
knowing that you can see yourself through my eyes and you are not near.
Celestial ocean, extended all dark matter and palace floor,
home of all embraced spirits and intuitive white silver door.
multiverse of choices, your gentle kisses are my firmament,
awaken my poetic lullaby in that distant flower lake temperament.
The dreamer recognition where your sensuous body is surrounded,
where the ebb and tide of light triggers vivid fragrances by memory
Words and phrases from stillness appear, symbiotic language
by admiration,
many lives in many characters all in one dreaming salutation

Long time ago the astronomer already knew,

that the shadow of the earth is not a part of the ever changing moon.
Often very clear to see the slim light at noon,
impossible angles to throw a shadow from here across the moon.
As many planet exist of gases and sustain in own light,
so our local moon has its lumination of dark and bright.
The intuitive cosmic feminine creative matter,
the inheritance of karmic space and body of water.
Manas or feelings are in constant growth to find,
consciousness in pure gestalt and change of mind.
The sisterhood of a receptive field, experience upon reflection,
Lilith is the shadow side of conception,
creating the sense of protection.
The full light of the moon easy observed is the point of clear perception,
while the darkest nights of the month need more imagining conception.
The dependent, reflective conditioned conscious awareness,
showing the relation to others by social behavior respective..
As loving memories by many lives not forgotten by salty tears,
bringing forth the unconditioned living force by no fears..
The Moon and its sister Lilith as karmic indicator,
holding on to the past or become the clarity of the inventor..
Emotional disturbances, poor imagination and psychological turbulence,
the lunatic and sad heredity reveal by capacity to receive poor reference.
Pleasure in servitude are shown by heavens sensitive light,
while madness rises from the dark with hands to smite.

The morning star so joyful in spirit and full of air by constitution,

the manifestation of the feminine love beauty in revolution.
She shows affection and establishes harmony in aesthetic sense,
the signification in creative allure and its reference.
expressions in sensitive, refined and gentle taste,
the seeking for pleasure, comfort and luxury, life not to waste.
Chemical attraction for the suitable lover, so ostentatious,
the insatiable wealth of adoration.
Moving in style and elegance to crude accumulation,
wearing gems of values not just for joy but adulation.
Inclination to be vain and superficial, all to much show,
demanding to please the self indulgence from long ago.
The evening star as seductress draining away the fire,
the positive will in life by means of desire.
She is the dreamy, wispy and elusive in control,
as we seek her always by patrol.
to be desired is her greatest manifest,
and not being possessed.
The light of inspiration and its first spark of truth,
aspiration of the pure by devotion claiming eternal youth.
Impressionability by sensuality in motion,
sentiments that sacrifices the kingdom for a true love potion.
The astral lights of Venus provides psychic abilities by visualization,
the creative directions to inspire the poet to devotion.
The trantric experience is reflected by the arousal of the intimate maze,
and only can be subdued by charm and grace.
The power of fascination to motivate and move,
with hypnotizing love spell, deceive and her approve.
She is the sorceress of allure to entrap.
Atlantis used her by calendar to enhance the astral force,
but created as well the linage of dark powers.
Media still using the attraction of sex and violence,
ever growing ignorance growing since.
The freewill of choice is a sense to master the purity in desires,
the Morningstar as the teacher of the beast by tempting fires.

The fire in constitution and vital capacity for self-projection,

the expression and manipulation of motion lections.
Tendency in excitability even violence,
the malefic side of emotional alliance.
Sexuality, relation and dominant principle,
power, strength, courage to the point of invincible.
Measures the ability to project all forces,
independence will and confidence sources.
The awakening interests, passion, motivation and full accomplishment,
challenge about competition, argument and conflict temperament.
Personal will to power over the good of other,
to the point of militaristic matter.
Bringing injuries, accidents and criminal energy release,
the loss of blood, the heat in the body, boils and all blood disease.
The premature, violent death and litigation,
the selfish, without the perception of others preservation.
He is the machine and clarity of views,
discontent and seeking always the news.
The signification of brothers, friends and alliance,
needing a plan of common endeavor in brilliance.
Focus to its proper application,
needing to grant and gain in direction.
The fire of physical prowess and athletic performance,
as discrimination in speech and oratory relevance.
The inventor to all means by tools and electronics,
to tend the regard for power as an end in itself, dreaming bionics.
The spiritual fire provides self- discipline and asceticism,
practicing rituals yogic techniques and directing divine energies for kineticsm..
The daring path to conquer the established mediocre system,
demanding righteous manifestation by leadership and not be the victim.
Not taken the Assuras and demons of the abyss as motivation,
taking back the state of chaos to new revelation.
Some Mars character can only speak the truth indispensable,
the fire that burns, gives warmth, smokes and illuminates respectable.

The Joker, the witty midnight talker,

the celestial messenger where ever his walking.
Articulation for material recourses,
capacitating the deepest layers of the mind by expressional forces.
The concrete, the intellect informational mentality,
he governs names and the truth by written law capacity.
The names in universal aspect of things,
for education and mental calculation, the making of kings.
Compression by facility in suitable expression,
values the secrets of data submission.
The restless mind will play its nervous part,
and childhood reappears in emotional art.
Exchanging ideas and commodities,
breaking down mental barriers, revealing common human deeds.
Sentiment by objectivity and practicality,
willingly exploiting the condition process sincerely.
Determination of vocation,
convenience functions by network transactions.
Most mutable and changing character,
values of public opinion more than truth is the messenger.
Reality the logic trap-door for impression of the senses.
Or the lack of defined boundaries things like a thief,
when taking is just given in brief.
focusing to other senses of reality or orientation to fears,
the nervous body will provide the tears.
The buddhi and determination from real to the unreal,
establishes the enlightened one for real.
Discriminating the truth from illusion,
seeing pervasive consciousness as only conclusion.
Determines the expressions in life's melodies,
where the kernel of truth need to be shared in sincerities.
The matter of dark

Our universe is being unknown due dark matter most of it,

the same means for the microcosms in ourselves as forfeit.
We might find trying to see ourselves in the light of a candle,
knowing only what we have experienced in this life cradle.
The mystic who has cognizance vision of residue reactions,
is observing, the ‘confessions’ of your actions.
Psychic intuitions go beyond physical and mental perceptions hence,
the phantom of illusion is not its friend.
The fear factor in darkness hides and triggered by motion unseen,
by the idle mind so dare occupied and keen.
Dismissing the art of psychic perception,
Dark matter and strange is used as ‘fear factors’ prescription.
The spiritual and metaphysical self is temporary and eternal,
identifying the ‘spirit ghost’, as part of the cosmic external.

The in/out evolution force by deliverance,

It is the multidimensional soul with its psychic emotional intelligence.
Dark matter gives rise to the material ego,
taking on false desires as residence.
The darkness of fear, anger and destruction is under the egos jurisdiction.
The external dark matter is the container of light, enlighten internal dark matter.
The dark matter of the indefinable ego is the only lit candle in city of the mind.
The matter of darkness by the firmament revealed,
many lights make the universe bright,
giving you room to ponder more complete.

The beneficial, the generous and graces intellect,

the Guru, the spiritual teacher, guide and speaker of Sanskrit.
The signification of dharma, the laws of creative evolution,
the self-realization as ultimate conclusion.
The principle in law, religion and philosophy,
ethical conduct and pursuit of divine theosophy.
The establisher of the fruits of life, which come to you,
creating influence and relation to name a few.
The superior intelligence and not information,
but caring visions of eternal discernment in cooperation.
The juridisdiction to the eternal itself,
enduring and extending awareness to cosmic behalf.
The immanent spirit that upholds the balance of nature,
creativity by providing children and providing new culture.
The power of expression by intuitive institution,
the art in love to share and unfoldment of inner evolution.
The ultimate fulfillment by optimistic perception,
turning all to learning experience conception.
Luck, grace, favor, fortune and abundance,
prosperity and success in advance.
The unexpected rewards, the winning number, the inheritance,
fulfill all dire needs without seeking, proofs evidence.
Spiritual merit and celestial beneficence,
the saint patriot of Astrology efficient.
The planet of positive health and attuner with nature,
the prowess of every adventure.
Vigor, vitality and untouchable immune system,
the abuser becomes the victim.
The shadow side of the giant is to become overly optimistic,
taking what is not yours and you will be convicted.
Making yourself vulnerable to the deceptive schemes of others,
over-extending the resources by all matters.
When speculations will prove faulty,
only others implementations creating that cruelty.
Self denial to the ultimate ignorance in conventional values,
caught within the status quo, by the self-indulgence shall you.
The devotion and dedication in life towards others, is the giving grace,
then the spirit of life freely given is the only divine eternal source.

The great age of the planet Saturn and its magical reign.
Ancient myths acknowledges Saturn as the old wise king so fine.
Our ancestor, resided in the garden of abundance
and the land was worked with care and recycled guidance.
The celebration of the fortunate age of Chronos,
time keeper, alchemist and divine reincarnation is his great bonus.
The ring of completeness and symbolic renewal memorandum,
the humble beneficence by in the age of Saturn.
The mystic heritage the prosperous living on earth,
righteous and beneficent honor, celebrated with incense of mirth.
His reign was the fabled golden age, where it was forbidden to own land,
only to take only as much you need, worked by your hand.
The millennium considered as the age of gold,
where people had trusted each other, even bold.
People did well without the thought of ill,
no book of laws, no fears, only respect the intellect of freewill.
No sculpted face of judge and master of sorts.
No brass-lipped trumpets , nor clanging swords.
Living wisdom lives with the kernel of truth, and mystical experience,
or real reality to whoever is open to receive it since.
Saturn provides a healthy constitution of the self as whole.
The cosmos or age, what exist in the subtle layer of the eternal soul.
Listen carefully to create a seamless awareness in the divine bowl.
The cup of enlightenment, the holy grail of mystical artful.
Treasures of your eternal golden sphere existence,
the image of life's wholeness in your own organism by insistence

The illumination in cosmic sense by hues of glimmer and gleams,

reflecting and stimulating even in your dreams.
Vitalizing every living thing and absorbed,
in all matters and time frequencies by earthy creatures adored.
Excited electrons in particles energies in photon,
gives our world a glow so we can grow and keep the spirit on.
Colours are spreading through the sky,
so far so near, so crystal clear and high.
Drops of water in the rainbow spectrum dazzled by light,
magic, mystery and myth of gold, stories by faith almight.
Orange, indigo, violet stride through the atmosphere,
endless tiny crystal’s and molecules in the air.
Many frequencies short and long coming through,
so we can see the firmament as beautiful blue.
Celestial stars, planets and the moon reach our eyes so near,
passing through many layers like a microscope of atmosphere.
Bioluminescence by harmonies and consequence,
luminous bacteria as symbiosis have their reference.
Electromagnetic fields and only fractions to see,
the bringer of light and the eternal spectrum as absolute to be.
Breathing stardust

Cosmic micro particles in migrating fresh air

countless celestial bodies taking care
moments between conduct
sacred spirit trust
part’s from every star
stardust through the constellation
echoes of ancient preparation
being the thing that shines in the night
particles of light born to be bright
stardust in its wake as food
calcium in bones, iron in blood
reflections between us manifold
sea of souls so old
the shooting star in fall
learning how to soar
galaxies of emotion
little flames in hearts devotion
not made to be loved in part
created for the whole love as art
The firefly and the glow-worm

In forest at new moon and darkest frame,

two little lights admire each others sacred flame.
Partly love and partly fear, but gesture in art,
the glowing and swelling of each others heart.
Phantoms of species in delight,
gleaming at each others sight.
A dancing shape and image of tangerine sparkle,
to haunt, to startle and be remarkable.
The glow worm asked the firefly,
‘What is your name’?
‘My name is love’ is the instant reply.
‘but my name is love’, the glow-worm speaks,
‘I am the mutual flame’.
‘Its all yours’ the firefly then dimming in this frame
‘I am the love that dare not speak its name’.
The firefly bows in grace to the glowing farce
and hid its little body amid a crowd of stars.
The morning light and waking hour has its sight,
so bare is the freshness of a dream in unique light.
The birth of the day from sleep and forgetting,
mountains providing hues of begetting.
Trailing clouds and song of birds become,
fresh faith in the miracle of a sanctuary and our home.
Celestial display in perpetual benediction as praise,
beholds the light of the maker as joy in the delight of maize.
Stillness is nature’s priest,
stretching beams of purity from the east.
In this precious vision of splendid,
seems to be his way attended.
Behold the moment in this rising bliss,
mother earth provides eternal pleasure with a gentle kiss.
Fragments from the dream maker to the dreamers of human life,
dialogues and synchronicity of love in strife.
As if this whole living awareness vocation,
are endless loving imitation.

In the twilighted play of mysterious clouds of air,

the image of Aphrodite’s revealed its golden glare.
Transcending through the landscape of cloud, beautiful, serene and proud,
in that splendor of light, she looks like the empress of the night.
I look, but recognize no more familiarities to my view,
my pathway became an enchanted avenue.
The very ground beneath my feet,
glistening marble paves the silent street.
On either side, behind and before,
the ocean stretches like a golden floor.
A moving light of amethyst,
shimmer reflections through the dome of mist.
In this beauties enlighten sphere,
she spoke to me so fare.
“Nothing will perish utterly, but only perish to revive again”.
Of hearts, that long have ceased to beat,
remain the memories in hearts that are, or are to be.
Names that once filled the world with creative muse,
build in verses, paintings or sculpture still amuse.
Echoes of drama despair and search for the ultimate love,
sometimes seen by some mirage from above.
Dreams or illusion, call them what you will,
divine senses will find its fill.
That rapture of the heart has a golden string at hand,
holding on to it will lead us to the promised land.
My constellations

I invent my own constellation as personal conclude,

in my experiences of inner verse attitude.
Pinocchio to the rising east, tells me not to lie,
otherwise the nose is visible in the Sun's corona eye.
The little Prince with its charming scarf and tender face,
only to explore the planets in depth of grace.
The golden Goose not to chase or blindly kill,
for it handicapped the purpose dream to fulfill.
The fix points of the house of properties,
and the illusion of false securities.
The holy book as endless open resource,
to write ones own spiritual journey as intercourse.
The constellation of the poetic prophet and king of heart,
considered as the most important place in the chart.
Mother Theresa compassionate asterism so bright,
easy to discover in the night sky exploring wide.
The three Musketeers as bothers in arms,
reawaking the true purpose by witty charms.
Moby Dick speaks to the ego in protective gestalt,
that all ambition needing some wise consult.
The last of the Mohicans preserving its loving tripe,
never taking any bribe.
Starship Enterprise gives the potential of mental expansion in disguise,
constantly discovering new horizons as surprise.
Ganesha the elephant God for removing all obstacles,
taking responsibilities of the impossible.
So all my asterisms are full of magical stories to tell,
taking the stars always for me very personal.

The stars reveal the divine will,

finger pointing the reality in the spectrum of timing skill.
The vault of lights as open book of cosmic projection
leaving no space for limited perceptions.
The laws of light is the illuminated journey to remain sensitive,
recognizing the summation of the soul through antiquity.
The lighthouse visible from the boat in the ocean of life in motion,
holding the oar so steady at it hardest need as notion.
Knowing that the home is close and the spirit soars high,
understanding the fix points of light one can apply.
Those velvet cufflinks

With greatest effort and determination playing with ambition,

when those sweet thoughts of Í got that' makes a decision.
As the self-sustaining ego forgets, while bluffing,
the indulgent melody of dreaming adapts to some script cutting.
Attachments are the pleasure dom and temple,
for a moment of eternal salvation.
Chained to the deities of karmic duties,
wind from other lives companionship become cufflinks.
The key plays that echo of love refinement,
that the ego finds a happy retirement.
As long the holy pride not knowing the prize,
decisions are made with no compromise.
The velvet attachment of adoration in glowing permanents,
cannot know that the cufflinks are tied to old reference.
The marriage of eternal attraction plays a velvet blues,
the involution of senses tapping in its hues.
Blessings to the equality to natures law and grace,
that every life time one has a chance again to face.
The liberation by using the key of note in dreams like notions,
in a language what the soul understands by devotion.
if any so by love refined,
the heart is much closer to the mind.

The moon is the natural calendar and eye of motions,

in ever changing proportions.
In those hues of silver streams,
bringing forth the subtle desires, all it seems.
In some ancient mythology the moon itself is the male,
spending every day with other females for deity as bail.
This celestial reason has a refined consequence,
creating a heavenly light reference.
Daily light pillars for primal connection as archetype,
the fruits of incarnation in solid atmosphere becoming ripe.
Not only a matter of mundane time calculation,
the conscious universe dwarfing our creaturely mentality by light manipulation.
The light part of our nature is the miracle in crystal reflections,
making us the transmitted dream with divine protection.
The dispensing grace upon us unfolding by cosmic law,
which by misuse will certainly withdraw.
In the field of time the sky is the teacher of meaning,
revealing the mysteries of karmic realm through existence screening.
Those who are awaken from the ego dreaming,
and worship the lessons towards pure gleaming.
Reaching many worlds beyond and approaching the ultimate instrument,
understanding the necessity of caring light as loving sentiment.
Psychic immunity
The aims of human life refers to the needs for emotional fulfillment,
as such we can call it enjoyment and peace of mind distilment.
All what we do in life should be a source of providing joy,
not causing distress, pain to any creature, or even destroy.
The principle or natural cosmic law refers to our need to become aware,
the recognition as vocation by cultural individuality of who we are.
The journey of liberation relates to our spiritual growth by transcendence,
beyond societies identification and become one with the ultimate dependence.
Awakening the soul with its involution of senses,
other goals have no real meaning by spirit defenses.
Anything else are useful as a means to an end but not as an end in themselves,
being caught in ego attainment is only extending the bookshelves.
Psychic intelligence and immunity provides liberation from disease,
the mental state of purifying the mind to eternal ease.
The awareness to realize our vocation by life style,
not being caught by ignorance and appreciating the light to reconcile.
To claim spiritual integrity one must recognize the orientation of purpose,
listen and observe the circumference by image and whispers nerveless.
The quantum act of repetition brings fort the action of energy taken in the past,
in every lifetime to be refined by how to addressing them by vast.
The soul wants to mature to move to the ultimate goal of enlightenment,
going to the churning ocean of motion to find true happiness, not being frightened.
The logic mind to much facilitated for spiritual realization,
attracting false illusion that deceives the inner eye and its vitalization.
The purity of light by day or night have a luminous radiation,
are signification for spiritual realization.
As the umbilical cord is cut, separated from our mother,
the soul also cuts away from the essential eternal identification.
Still the love to the mother continuous for emotional stability,
serving the mental attribute and integrity as healthy ability.
When trusted energies even by imagination become static,
they become the source of a dynamic.
A whole new inner world will reveal itself through the psychic center,
chakras or body illuminations become conscious inventor.
The serpent brain and dissatisfaction resides in the lower brain,
where the ego only by fears and its proofs can itself contain.
The ghost of psychology

The concern of harmony to the outer layers of the mind,

need to know the core to function by awakening kind.
Spiritual aspirations of the collective level of consciousness,
are far beyond the personal mind and ego numbness.
The surface impression are negating and re orientate any challenge,
making the mind to an emotional sponge.
The dirty waters of personal identity in need to release the toxic cause,
the temporary veil and broader truth by human introspective laws.
The psychiatrist as indulgent whore and drug dealer with a license,
creating the false ego of maleficent.
Blinded by immediate results and satisfaction,
tempting only the limitations of desires by gratification.
Not giving the real source enough attention introspective,
perspective personalities in circumstances respective.
The individual soul as part of cosmic consciousness,
prowess by the involution of karmic justice.
The psyche of the soul has no conditioned entity of memory,
preserved pure consciousness is the living energy.
The conditioned mind is a ping pong table in poor light,
where the personal traumas like to play the reaction of self very bright.
Not realizing the compromise and handicap of others ideal on behalf.
Responsible in grace transcended,
the eternal presence does not need to be defended.
The mental disorder is a disruption in connection with the soul,
where psychology puts you in a scientific pigeonhole.
Reflecting the lack of true intuitive perception,
the system does not want you to have a real connection.
While drugs and lousy therapy have a long termed domino effect,
the perfect condition for the 'state ', to the mindless mass infect.
The media in silent mind keeps on to reapear
creating the perfect image of social appeal .
Mental categorizing is not a negation as such,
leaving true feelings in scientific boxes meaning not much.
The intellect can never give the perception of truth,
only the awareness in consciousness provides an essay of smooth.
Reflections of the mind

are for the poet the legislation

of words in rhyme and images of kind
those echoes of memories and thought
crawl in to my life like a flood
I feel they are like sparkles of night light shine on me
playing with my imagination the music from some angel maybe
wondering if those words are the echoing of other thinkers
in other time and sphere
and I am just another reflection of the beauty already there
Wishes singing the hymns in pensive dreams,
reasons for eternity from great thinker as seeds
for other times and reflection, it seems
Soothing love existence soul in secret pleasure
making all obscurities a simple treasure
The sound of the written rainbow shower
become the clarity of beauty in graceful power
Those lights of creative pondering are the fountains
adoration of the rising morning over the mountains
The freshness in clear force and joyance,
not taken the path for any annoyance
In this mortal dream all rational reasons must deem,
that quantum thoughts provides the sense of purpose
the rainbow message is the poetic service
Night womb

In the womb of night a silent birth takes place.

By the dance of light with the memories of Moon light.
In the fires of the void as matter of progress for sure,
beauty emerges by mysteries in joy to endure.
The meaning of the celestial play will bring potential as delight to sow.
The solitary reaper displays the simplicity to know,
Gifts of little twinkles building legacies of intuition to grow.
Deja vous
From the lights of heavens point of view,
salvation is the gift to your intimate awareness,
that the soul can have her Deja vous.
Pattern of recognized matters,
waiting for the miracle to happen.
The soul’s senses bliss from internal divine,
through the perceptions by tears refined.

In dreams that fly to those enchanted mythical sphere.

In that eternal eye,
the memories of many lives will take you there.
This garden of loves virtue sensed so free,
able to carry all those burden with ease to be.
To all the corners of the moon,
receiving deities in tune.
Loves virtue teach how to climb,
to that spherical chime.
In which is no more what is false and vain,
for it has no gain.
While eternity is the mother of all bliss,
it speaks that intellect through compassion and a kiss.
Joy will overtake that sincerely good,
the dreamers image in the spherical divine flood.
Beast of burden

The riders on the beast of burden in collective vain,

chasing through the dark forest of guilt for pain.
They control the senses interminably flowing,
it doesn’t matter where you going.
That music which proclaims the pulse of desire,
and all vigils musing the obscure for dire.
O soul so near, the clear and vault of grace in bloom,
as in your image we have the freewill not to doom.
Give motion to divine perfection more attention,
the honor of service is scented with joy dimension.
The dark forest is the tumult of the fretted mind,
giving you images of a frighten kind.
The harbor of the oceanic guilty fault, harsh and plain,
looks rather sad, when the incompetence of the ‘ego’ is in pain.
Titans and Devas

In the infinite ocean of light above the world,

the epp and tide of consciousness unfold.
Where ignorance and liberation in elemental forces struggle,
the inertia of life with it its tenaciously fears and desires. ...
The same awakening forces extend into the matrix of potencies,
for all redemption and bliss of eternities.
The shallow region are the domain of manipulative Titans severe,
mythology in its universal language must be there.
In the depth of lights and concentrated dignities of true vision,
aspiring transformation changes the chaos to enlighten decision.
The de-evolutionary force in ever conflict with the ascending evolution,
the warring and complementary strain of divine conclusion.
The day and night in different light,
and many hues of character twilight in its unique of might.
The undivine is the reflection of the divine,
deities carried to the light by frequencies through the spine.
It must create, destroy, further and restrain,
the good in dark, the bad in light, even so fainted.
The Devas move like whales in deep comic waters and refined sound,
while the crocodiles are in shallow water is found.

‘So far as space extends in the universe, it must be in

the heart as well’.

The purpose of Astrology is to look at the subtle sense of motions,

the individual emotional equilibrium and the motions of the
heavenly bodies.
Light is basis for time and the heavenly bodies are the most ancient
objects we can observe.
That makes them highly appropriate to record the state
of any moment in time, to facilitate the interpretational
nature of Astrology.

For any inquiries please write to

Copyright, Robert Rittel

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