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Almost every knowledge worker can relate to feelings of Information Overload

(IO), but in reality the phenomenon is not well understood. misinterpretation or
miscommunication are the big causes of many human problems. It is where a
person has a failure to understand in some things. Misinterpretation is also caused
by perception gaps because people have a different knowledge base and cognitive
understanding to articulate things. Even two people observe the same thing or
participate in the same conversation, they could perceive the situation and convey
the message differently. For example a student and a teacher. We have a different
level of intelligence some students dont have the capacity to learn many things.
Thats why IO( Information Overload) occur, We must keep in mind how the
communication actually works to make sure there’s no misunderstanding. (Make Real

Work Happen. Copyright © 2007-2019 ActiveCollab)
USES_AND_SOLUTIONS (2017. Vol, 21 No. 4 885- 909)


When kids don’t understand what they read, it affects their ability to succeed in
school and when they can’t answer questions or Don’t understand the logical
sequence of a story it means that they had the one of the common factors of
Information Overload. It causes working memory deficit which Its common with kids
with ADHD. A study shows that sometimes student seemed to be weak which brings
the facts that students are not habitual in reading English. Developing interest in
reading other material written in English language wan build their reading
comprehension. Poor command of vocabulary, habit of cramming, no interest to
learn creativity in reading but the sole goal is just to pass the examination which are
found responsible for poor English reading comprehension. Motivation to learn
reading can develop reading comprehension skill of students are the Different
factors of poor retention / reading comprehension.
ding_Comprehension_at_Secondary_Level Communication and Linguistics Studies. Vol. 1,
No. 1, 2015, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.11648/j.cls.20150101.11
origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y (2004, University of California, Santa Barbara,
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 3120352.) (2014, Dr, Linda Silbert)

Trust is a crucial element of the consideration dimension of effectice leader

behaviour. Trust related concerns about a person’s character. However there is
an opposite word for trust which causes a person to have a low self steem, It is
called a ‘’distrust’’ . Distrust tends to express a lack of trust stemming from
experience or certain knowledge. It falls under the factors of Information
Overload because most of the students have a low selfsteem. They don’t trust
theirselves enough in order to accomplish a certain thing. Distrust begins with
doubt. You start to experience a slight uncertainty about someone’s
trustworthiness that causes you to pause just a bit. Distrust causes fear, it is the
point where you are afraid to show vulnerability. You have experienced repeated
breaches of trust and have grown to distrust another person to the point you are
afraid for your emotional well-being. You have the Fear of failure or fear of
Rejection thats why you dont trust yourself enough.
B2qRj2PObIsw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjUl_ut-dDkAhVVa94KHSLgAssQ6AEwEXoECAgQAQ -
v=onepage&q=distrust%20causes%20information%20overload&f=false (2019. Taylor &
0ZgAGSh51Bc&redir_esc=y - v=onepage&q=distrust%20researches&f=false (2004, Russel
sage Foundation)

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