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A.Review of Related Literature:

Potato Battery

The alligator clips to the wire pieces, one clip to each end. We use Clip leads to
connect our electrodes to the Multimeter to measure voltage between two
electrodes or current passing through the multimeter. They also increased the
energy output by slicing the potato into four or five pieces, each sandwiched by a
copper and zinc plate, to make a series. It is associated to related literature that
the world of information is a procedural rather than a descriptive writing: We are
wondering if we can use any other liquid as electrolyte? Not quite as bright as
Alkalines, but you get what you pay for I guess. One of these is the use of potato
but not all fruits and vegetables are usable. Alopecia universal is, is a total loss of
hair on all parts of the body. This part presents an evaluation several writings that
would be helpful to the study based from other literature. Studies were included
for systematic review if the design was a randomized Banana and strawberry
batteries could also be used, said Rabinowitch, but their softer tissues would
weaken the structure of the battery and the sugars could attract insects. From
rural to urban markets, potatoes can be found. In the potato battery, there is a
transfer of electrons between the zinc coating the galvanized nail that will be
inserted into the potato and the copper wire that will be inserted another part of
the potato. That is, just to stress, when potato is boiled. Can Potato be used to
generate electricity? Though this is a neat trick for a science project, it is probably
not practical for powering your alarm clock. The rambutans rind is quickly
discarded and you get a quick recharge with each and every acid-rain. Rubinsky,
The long-keeping humble potatoes in particular are a good energy source since
they are produced in countries over a wide range of climates, from temperate
zones to the subtropics- more than any other crop worldwide, but corn, and thus
available year round almost anywhere.
Literature a Foreign Two metals — an anode, which is the negative electrode,
such as zinc, and a cathode, the positively charged electrode, such as copper.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgement. This gave us the idea of using a potato as
electrolyte. Conclusions Acknowledgement The researchers would like to
acknowledge with sincerest gratitude the following persons for the support they
gave to them in …show more content… This gave us the idea of using a potato as
electrolyte. You don’t really have to use a penny, just has to be copper. They
comprise the 4th most abundant agricultural products. WD Mionet day boycott of
Mionet online only allows access to backup toxins from any day with an internet
time. Earth Batteries Dirt makes pretty good batteries. The six different
approaches were: But if you link them in series you can get more. For this
experiment we removed the shell of a broken AA battery for our Zinc electrode. I
have the idea of hammering 2 tubes in the ground, a slightly larger alluminum
tube with a copper plumbing pipe inside, like this: In fact with proper studies it
may turn out that the migration of Zn ions into the potato may provide nutritional
benefits to the potato slice used in the battery. After all a fresh potato has a lot of
juice that may serve our purpose as electrolyte. Potato Battery Related Literature
Review POTATO BATTERY Abstract a. These useful arts are the products of the
Willington, Banana and strawberry batteries could also be used, but their softer
tissues would weaken the structure of the battery and the sugars could attract
B. Review of Related Study

Potato Battery

Alessandro Volta-The California Energy Commission mentions that the potato

battery at its most basic got one more helping hand when, in 1800, Alessandro
Volta, from whose name the term “volt” comes, invented the voltaic pile—which
is really just a fancy way of saying he invented the battery. To be clear, the potato
is not, in and of itself, an energy source. What the potato does is simply help
conduct electricity by acting as what's called a salt-bridge between the two
metals, allowing the electron current to move freely across the wire to create
electricity. Potato can be used to power a lamp. Usually a penny & a galvanized
nail are used for this 'battery. The zinc and the copper are the anode and cathode
terminals of your potato battery. Using ordinary hook-up electrical wire, you can
use the potato to create a voltaic cell, which will power a VERY small bulb. The
lemon/potato battery produces electricity by converting chemical energy to
electrical energy. The lemon juice is acidic and works as a electrolyte. The lemon
itself composes the transfer of electrons to and from the electrolyte. The same
process happens with a potato, the zinc dissolves inside the potato acid. A potato
battery will last until the potato goes bad. It usually lasts up to 2-5 days. Well,
using potatoes as batteries is much, much cheaper, and renewable! It also doesn't
affect the environment. Each raw potato produces about .5 volts of energy—
which isn't much. In recent studies, though, actual scientists (not science
teachers) have discovered that by simply boiling the potatoes, the tubers can
produce about 10 times as much energy. The lemon will generate the most
electricity, because it is the most acidic.
A. Actual Design
B. Pro Design
C. Testing Procedures

1. Remove the battery from the battery compartment of the clock.

2. Make a note of which way around the positive (+) and a negative (-) points of
the battery went.

3. Number the potatoes as one and two.

4. Insert one nail in each potato.

5. Insert one short piece of the copper wire into each potato as far away from the
nail as possible.

6. Use one alligator clip to connect the copper wire in potato number one to the
positive (+) terminal in the clock's battery compartment.

7. Use one alligator clip to connect the nail in potato number two to the negative
(-) terminal in the clock's battery compartment.

8. Use the third alligator clip to connect the nail in potato one to the copper wire
in potato two and set the clock!
D. Designed Product

It’s WORKING!!!!!!!!!
E. Testing and Analysis of Result
It worked but I realized that it was better to use lemon because lemon is more
acidic than potato, I found out that other fruit such as Rambutans, strawberries
and Bananas are great to use it has soft tissue as said in my “Review of Related

It’s really hard to find these information cause I hardly found some real evidence
that potato can even power anything like an Alarm Clock in my “Testing

After testing I realize that it didn’t last long for an alarm clock and the results are
great in my way to see.

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