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Great Books

Literature (Review) According to nature

Literature- expression of life through writings o Lyric- appeals to the emotions
having excellence form o Narrative- aims to tell a story
- Written works which represents the o Dramatic- intended for presentation
imaginative creative powers of the mind onstage with actors
to interpret life
- Both means and an end of education According to function
o Poetry- appeals to our sense of
Purpose of literature beauty
Pleasure- may only be gained if one knows o Philosophy- gives insight about
how to read it. Readers of literature require certain human nature
skills in reading and must be human enough. o History- gives information about the
Insight- ability of literary works to instruct past
its readers about the world we live in, about our
fellow human beings and about ourselves. Fiction
Originally mean anything made up, crafted,
Possible values of literature or shaped, but as we understand the world today, it
Primary: means a prose story based on the
 Aesthetic- beauty imagination of the author
 Moral/ethical- difference between 2 components of fiction
good and evil o Theme- what is expressed in the
 Religious- inspirational and spiritual story?
enlightenment o Form- how is the theme expressed in
 Philosophical- right way of life the story?
 Historical- information about the
Types of fictions
o Anecdote-short narrative giving
 Socio political- current events in the
particulars of some interesting
society and government
episode or events
 Scientific- truth and factual
o Parable- short narrative intended to
illuminate a spiritual truth
 Psychological- human behaviour
o Fable- short tale with animals as
 Cultural- customs and traditions characters; convey a practical lesson
 Entertainment- pleasure and or a moral truth
enjoyment o Folktale- stories from the remote
past transmitted to the present
According to subject through oral tradition
o Fiction- story produced by the i. Myths-universal
imagination ii. Legend- local
o Nonfiction- based on factual events o Fairy tale- stories for children about
imaginary beings usually of
According to language and form European folktale
o Verse- written in metrical and o Shortstory- concerned with single
rhythmic expressions using lines and crisis
stanzas o Novel-presents many facets of the
o Prose- written using sentences and character and events
o Novella- longer than short story and  AntiHero-protagonist who has the opposite
shorter than novel attributes
 Type- familiar from prototypes in previous
Elements of Fiction films
 Round- complex and multi-dimensional
Most basic (gradual change)
o Setting  Static- remains unchanges
o Point of view  Dynamic/developing- undergoes a
o Tone/mood permanent change
o Plot
 Conflict- struggle or clash
 Setting- time and the place background of a. External conflict- man vs.
the story man/society/nature
 Point of view- how the author or narrator b. Internal conflict- man vs. himself
allows us to see what he wants us to see  Irony- contrast between what seems an
a. First person point of view- “I” what is and could be
b. Third person point of view- “He’, a. Dramatic Irony-what the fictional
“she”, “It”, “They character says
i. Omniscient- knows all b. Situational Irony- contrast between
characters expectation and result
ii. Limited- single character c. Verbal Irony- contrast between what
 Tone/mood- emotional attitude is said and what is meant
 Plot- sequential arrangement
a. Exposition-crisis-climax- conclusion  Movement- change from one of things to
b. Chronological- in order another
c. Inverted order- go backward in time  Symbol- must carry a double meaning-
denotes something tangible even if it is
Most important intangible
o Character
o Conflict Techniques or Devices
o Irony o Flashback
o Movement o Foreshadowing
o Symbol
o Flashback-past event is inserted to
 Character- people that take part in the the present
action of the story o Foreshadowing- giving he reader an
a. Characterization- used to present intimation or hint of something
characters likely to happen later
b. Direct characterization- writer tell
how a character looks like…
c. Dramatic characterization-writer let
the reader draw their own

Kinds of Character
 Protagonist- lead figure
 Antagonist- work against the protagonist
(death/illness/ any challenge)

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