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Child Abuse

factor that causes child abuse is because of the

financial problems faced by the family. Financial
problems affecting a family can cause them to act
aggressively toward children. If children ask for money
or other necessities, it is likely that the child will
become their first victim of soccer. This is a sad
situation because children should not be treated that
way at the age of those who still need love and
protection. If financial problems are affecting a family,
don't leave it to the children and think of the best way
to solve the problem. Ask God for help to calm our

There are also parents who abuse their children due to

domestic crises such as marital strife and possibly
external harassment. For example, husbands will
become more fierce and neglect their family
responsibilities because they have barn lovers. As a
result, quarrels between spouses often occur and
children inevitably become victims of quarrels.
Also, the main factor in the problem of child abuse is
lack of religious education among parents. Religious
knowledge is very important in the household as it can
provide the best guidance in managing your family.
Every problem that has to be resolved must be resolved
based on the Quran and the Sunnah. Islam has adopted
a good attitude that should be exemplified by each of
its people such as a high degree of patience

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