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Following these experiments,student should be able to:

1. Observe and identify the stages of mitosis in root tip.

2. Observe,identify and draw the stages of mitosis from a given slide.


Mitotically dividing cells are larger than normal cells.


Cell divides in meristematic tissues,for examples in the root tips and stems
through the mitotic process.Initially the cell replicates its genetic materials and
segregates them into two different parts of the cell.The cell constricts and each part of
the cell receive the same chromosome number as the parent cell.

The onion root tip is one of the most widely used materials for the study of

Mitosis ,since it is available in quantity and preparations of the dividing cells are
easily made.There are several reasonably distinct stages in cell division,although the
process is continuous and there is some gradation among the various steps.These
steps,in sequence,are prophase,metaphase,anaphase and telophase.


Light microscope

Methylated spirit lamp

Slide and coverslip

Watch glass


Mounted needle

Acetic orcein

1 molar HC1

Apical of allium roots

Prepared slide of onion mitosis


1. The apical 1 cm was cut off from the tip of a growing lateral root of onion.

2. A root tip was placed in a watch glass containing acetic orcein stain and HC1 in
the approximately proportions of the ten parts of stain to one part of acid.

3. Warmed,but do not boil,for five minutes on the spirit lamp.The acid helped to
macerate the tissue so that the stain can be easily adsorbed.

4. 3 mm of the root tip was cut and the part furthest was discarded from the apex.

5. Two or three drops of acetic orcein was dropped to the root tip on the slide.

6. Without interfering too much with the arrangement of the cells,the root tip up
with a needle was brook so as to spread it out as thinly as possible.

7. The cover slip was putted on its,it covered with filter paper and squash gently.

8. The slide was warmed on the spirit lamp for about 10 seconds to intensify the
staining.The slide very warmed,but not too hot to touch.

9. The stages were examined in mitosis.

10. A label diagram for each stage was drew in the space provided in Table 6.1.

11. The changed that occurred in every stages were wrote in simple words in mitosis
besides the labelled diagram in Table 6.1.

A diagram for stages of mitosis Notes

Interphase -No part of mitosis.

-It involves synthesis of new

organelle(G),replication of DNA(S) and
synthesis of protein necessary for


-Chromatids replicated chromosomes

condense and become visible in a light

-Then nucleus disappear.

-Nucleus membrane disintegrate.

Metaphase -Sister chromatid line up at the spindle

-Each centromere attaches itself to the

spindle fibre.

- The centromeres divide indicating the

end of metaphase.
Anaphase -The separated chromatids,now called
chromosome are pulled apart towards the
opposite poles by the condition of spindle

- Completed when chromosomes arrive at

the poles.

Telophase - Chromosome reach the poles of the cell

and cannot be seen clearly.

- The spindle fibres disappear

- Nuclear membrane reforms around the

chromosomes and the nucleoulus
reappears to each nucleus.

- Telophase may continue with


1. In which condition part of plans can you find this process besides of the root tip?

- Besides the root tips,they are also found in shoot,stem in xylem and phloem.
2. What are the functions of mitosis in the cell cycle of organisms?

-Mitosis is a form of the cell division that results in two daughter cells that are
genetically identical to each other and t the original cell.Mitosis plays on important
part in the life cycle of most living things.though to varying extents.

3. Give one part of human body where you can find this process.

- The constant replenishment of skin cells.


Mitosis is just one part of the cell cycle which is have mitotic(M) phase,G 1,G2 and S
phase.Mitosis conventionally broken down into five stages: interphase, prophase,
metaphase ,anaphase and telophase.From this experiments,we actually have us 3 mm
of root tip of onion to see a process of mitosis clearly.Before started the
experiment,the root of onion must placed in acetic orcein and HC1,and warmed its but
do not boil for five minutes.The acids actually helps macerate the tissue so that the
stain can easily absorbed.After that,the 3 mm of root tip onion must dropped with
acetic orcein so that the slide can be prepared.

From this experiment,we actually can see under microscope the cell of the root of
onion and how the process of mitosis happened in this cell.Under the microscope we
actually can see all the five stage of mitosis.For the first stage is interphase which is
the nuclear has envelope enclose the nucleus.The two chromosomes have formed by
the duplication of a single chromosome,Chromosomes duplicated itself during S
phase,they actually cannot be seen individually because they have not yet
condensed.After the chromosomes duplicated,the chromatin was produced that the
chromatin fibers becomes more tightly coiled,condensing into discrete chromosomes
observable with a light microscope.The mitotic spindle begins to forms.It is composed
of the centrosome and the microtubules that extend from them.The centrosomes move
away from each other,propelled partly by the lengthening microtubules between them.

The thirds stage are metaphase,when the centrosomes are now at opposite poles
of the cells.The chromosomes have all arrived at the metaphase plate.For each of
chromosomes,the kinetochores of the sister chromatid are attached to kinechore
microtubules coming from opposite poles.In a anaphase begins when the cohesin
proteins are cleaved,This allows the two sister chromatids of each pair to part
suddenly.Each chromatid becomes a independent chromosome.The two new daughter
chromosomes begin moving toward opposite ends of the cell as their kinetochore
microtubules shorten.By the end of anaphase,the two ends of the cells have equivalent
and completed collection of chromosomes.The last stages for mitosis is
telophase,when two daughter nuclei form in the cell.Nuclear envelopes arise from the
fragment of the parents cell’s nuclear envelope and other portions of the
endomembrane system.The chromosomes become less condensed.Two genetically
identical nuclei is now complete.


Conclusion for this experiment,we now can observed and identified the stages of
mitosis in root tip.Not only that we also observed, identified and drew the stages of
mitosis from the given table.This experiment actually has been successful because the
image we observed from the microscope are so clearly and do not have any dirty in
our our slide.


 Neil A .Campbell,Lisa A.Urry,Michael L.Cain,Steven A.Wasserman,Peter

V.Minorsky,Jane B.Reece(2018),Biology A Global Approach Eleventh
Edision,Pearson Educational Limited.

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