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Highway Drainage

Highway Drainage is the means for collecting, transporting,

and disposing of surface water originating on or near the right
of way or flowing in streams crossing or bordering that right of
way (Highway Engineering by Oglesby and Hicks). It is designed
and constructed to collect, treat, and remove storm water from
the highway right of way.

Highway Drainage must be properly maintained to:

• Permit the maximum use of the roadway.
• Prevent damage to the highway structure.
• Protect natural resources.
• Protect abutting property from physical damage.
• Comply with applicable storm water management permits.

Advantages of Highway Drainage in cut

 It prevents erosion of the back slope by runoff from the
hill above.
 It intercepts water, not allowing it to enter side drain
which may cause greater discharge in side drains.

Disadvantage of Highway Drainage in fill

 Unprotected slopes wash badly.
 Irregularities in shoulder or pavement concentrate water
into small streams causing erosion e.g. at low points of
 One way of preventing washing of side slope is to retain
the water at the outer edge of shoulder.

A typical highway drainage system includes conveyances of all

types: gutters, drains, ditches, culverts, storm sewers, and
other miscellaneous drainage structures.

Gutters- a depression running parallel to a road designed to

collect rainwater flowing along the street and divert it into a
storm drain.

Drains- A known as gullies, are situated at the edge of the road

and take storm water from the highway into the sewer system.
Ditches- a narrow channel dug in the ground, typically used for
drainage alongside the road or the edge of the field.

Culverts- A structure that allows water to flow under the road

obstruction from one side to another.
Types of Culverts
1. Pipe, single or multiple circular
2. Elliptical, long axis vertical or horizontal
3. Pipe arch, single or multiple span
4. Box culvert, single or multiple span
5. Bridge Culvert, single or multiple span

Storm sewers- is a system designed to carry rainfall runoff and

other drainage. It is not designed to carry sewage or accept
hazardous waste.

Drainage of highway is important because water damage

Highways structure in many ways. The water which are dangerous
for Highway are:

Rain Water- cause erosion on surface or may seep downward and

damage pavements (surface drains)

Ground Water- may rise by capillary action and damage pavements

(sub-surface damage)

Water Body- may cross a road (river/stream) and may damage road
(cross drainage works)

Importance of Highway Drainage

 Prevent flooding, ponding and seepage, and keep the

carriageway, cycleway and footway as free of standing water
as possible.
 Ensure surface water falling on the highway enters the
drainage system or natural watercourse as speedily as
 Keep the underlying road structure as dry as possible.
 Prevent injury or damage caused by hazardous surface water.
 Prevent highway surface water flooding adjacent properties.
 Prevent blockages in associated highway drainage systems with
consequential flooding.
Your road is in real danger without proper roadway drainage systems. The goal of any road drainage system is
to reduce or completely eliminate the flow of water over roadways.

The actual location and design of a road can dramatically improve drainage, or lead to its demise. Water is
fundamental for life, but too much water with nowhere to go can cause serious damage to roadways. The
greater the velocity of water as it races across pavement, the faster it’ll deteriorate surfaces. It’s so important
for ditches, cuts or other waterways to handle moving water.

The first roads were built some 3,500 years ago in Europe. Even original roadways took the importance of
drainage into account. They focused on cross-fall, grade line and lateral ditches, all of which help move water
away from roadways. Yet, to this day, many roadways around the world remain unsafe and open to extensive
damage due to oversights in roadway drainage systems.

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