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Deny, deny, deny!

Piercing the
Corporate Veil
The previous article reported Comments are appreciated. had already established a “United
how one researcher was using a Christopher Stephen, of States” was inconsequential to
Freedom of Information Act baum those traitors in Congress.
(FOIA) request to “compel” gov-
ernment (and especially the IRS) My first comment is that this Corporations are legal fic-
to precisely identify itself. How article conveys important in- tions. That is , they do not exist
government will answer that re- sights into the constitutionalists’ except in the minds of men. By
quest remains to be seen. The growing appreciation for the itself, a corporation cannot think,
strong probability is that, one strategy of denial. act, or even communicate with
way or another, government will To save space, I’ve edited the natural men. Corporations have
not precisely identify itself or the article to remove text that strikes no weight or color and thus can-
IRS. me as unnecessary. not be seen, tasted or touched.
The next article essentially The original text is in brown. Because corporations are
describes another strategy to I’ve inserted my own comments imaginary, they must have some
force government to identify it- (in blue) wherever I thought they real person (typically a lawyer) to
self. However – rather than ask might clarify the authors’ opin- speak and act for them.
“Who th’ H___ are you guys?” ions.
and wait politely for an answer – That, is, since corporations
this strategy simply denies that don’t actually exist, they must be
various governmental entities “represented” by a flesh and
even exist. And based on that Re: Corporate Scam blood person who does exist.
denial, those government enti- Corporations were originally Such “representation” is man-
ties cannot proceed until they established for unlawful pur- dated by law in all American
prove they do exist. That proof poses – primarily to escape per- courts.
will necessarily include enough sonal punishment for crimes by Some people suspect that
identification information that placing the blame on a fictional today’s courts only recognize ar-
constitutionalists will be able to organization responsible to no tificial entities like corporations
precisly ID the the “masked ma- one. and trusts. This suspicion ties
rauders” we’ve come to accept as “Piercing the Corporate Veil” closely to the theory that all-up-
government. is a legal term which signifies the per-case names (like “ALFRED”)
This article opens with an process where a court removes identify artificial entities while
email I recently received: the protection provided to indi- capitalized names (“Alfred”) sig-
vidual members of a corporation nify natural, flesh and blood per-
Al for criminal activity, and makes sons.
Some folks down in the those members responsible for Whether the courts actually
southern States seem to be hav- their own actions. presume that all “parties” to a
ing extraordinary success by fil- The “United States” govern- lawsuit to be artificial entities
ing a simple affidavit. The par- ment jumped on the corporate remains questionable. However,
allel statue for Texas is found in bandwagon in the 1870’s by de- there is little doubt that most of
the Texas rules of Court, Civil claring itself a separate entity the government entities that “ap-
Procedure, Rule #52. Below is from Constitutional government. pear” to sue us in court are cor-
what was sent me. The fact that the Constitution porations.

32 AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 2 972-418-8993

For example, under Title 28 After years of research, a few we realized that it really works
of the United States Code, sec- people have found, what we be- We were looking for the compli-
tion 3002(15)(a) declares that the lieve to be that “out” from corpo- cated when the answer to our
term “United States” means “a rate jurisdiction: denying corpo- problems was right under our
Federal corporation”. Although rate existence. We’ve had great noses all the time.
this corporate identity may have success with this strategy, and You will find that some pros-
been created by Congress just af- the shocked looks and frenzies ecutors and judges just haven’t
ter the Civil War, this corporation of judges presented with this got the picture yet, and will ask
is not the same “United States” procedure show us that we are your source of information when
that was created by the Consti- on the right track. you go before them. Thus, you
tution. As with all other “sure” may need a little background to
The resulting confusion be- things, however, we can’t rest on keep form being embarrassed.
tween the “United States” Repub- our laurels and smugly assume Again, try not to read difficulty
lica and the “United States” cor- this strategy is foolproof. We into a perfectly simple procedure
poration has allowed the corpo- have to remember that it took which is outlined below.
rate “United States” to intrude the legal profession many years Not having access to laws of
into the Americans’ lives while to devise their gimmicks, and other states, I can only quote
masquerading as the constitu- they won’t simply faint away as from those which are available to
tional “United States” Republic. we proceed to break up their me in Louisiana . We’ve also tried
This deception has been oppres- playhouse. We know from expe- this system in Alabama and
sive since the corporate “United rience that they can play rough. Florida, and know it works there
States” is not directly bound by There is nothing complicated (we didn’t even research the law
the Constitution and thus not about the procedure of disclaim- books in those states before act-
obligated to respect the American ing corporation existence. The ing) and we assume it will work
people’s “unalienable Rights”. As difficulty lies in overcoming our nationally, since the “corporate
a result, the corporate “United own habitual beliefs based on a veil” extends over every nook and
States” is hugely empowered in lifetime of corporate propa- cranny of the nation. Because
court while the rights of Ameri- ganda. We who work with this the government’s corporate ju-
cans facing that corporation are procedure went through the risdiction is so extensive, we
hugely diminished. same agonizing process before can’t yet see where a general
withdrawal from corporate juris-
diction is possible. Thus, every
LEARN THE CONSTITUTION case must be decided on its own.
That is, every application of cor-
First published in 1865, Analysis of Civil Government provides an a porate jurisdiction must be indi-
clear, perceptive analysis of the Constitution. Ideal for constitutional vidually and successfully denied
scholars from High School to Law School. Patriot leaders agree: until the cumulative weight of
those denials forces government
“Fascinating . . . More insight in “Highly recommended.” to admit that corporate jurisdic-
a few pages than a month’s DR. GENE SCHRODER, author of tion no longer works.
reading of the Washington Post. Emergency War Powers. Please read the following sec-
ATTORNEY DAVID GROSSACK tions from the Louisiana Civil
“I regret my first introduction to the Codes, and Louisiana Revised
“. . . a text to rekindle the Constitution wasn’t from this work; if Statutes carefully. Dissect them
timeless laws and unique I’d started with it, I would be further word by word and the message
down the road than I am now. To will come out loud and clear.
heritage of this great and
once-Christian nation.” learn the true origins and meanings
of the documents which formed our Civil Codes of Louisiana
nation, there is no better work than Art. 445. The statutes and
Ret., Aid & Abet Police News-
Analysis of Civil Government.” regulations which corporations
letter enact for their police and disci-
Constitutional Attorney pline, are obligatory upon all their
156 pages $30.00 respective members who are
bound to obey them, provided
ANTISHYSTER • POB 540786 DALLAS TEXAS 75354-0786 such statutes contain nothing
The United States of America contrary to the law, to public lib-
MC, Visa & AmEx call 972-418-8993 erty, or to the interest of others.

AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 2 adask@ 972-418-8993 33

siana Revised Statutes, the cor-
Louisiana Revised Statutes porate status of an individual en- Affidavit of Denial of
Art. 429. Corporate exist- tering the court is automatically Corporation Existence
ence presumed unless affidavit presumed by the court unless Here’s an example of how the
of denial filed before trial. On they have notice to counter such affidavit denying corporate exist-
trial of any criminal case it shall presumption. An affidavit spe- ence has been applied:
not be necessary to prove the cifically denying a corporations
incorporation of any corporation existence seems to defeat this John Preston Hickman has
mentioned in the indictment, presumption. just been stopped by a Tarrant
unless the defendant, before en- City, Alabama police officer by
tering upon such trial, shall have Corporate government the name of William C. Henly, for
filed his affidavit specifically de- All of the socialistic pro- doing 45 in a 35 MPH zone. Af-
nying the existence of such cor- grams and the grab of power at ter the normal procedures of
poration. [Emph. add.] all echelons of government are checking driver’s license, insur-
corporate “enterprises”. One ance, etc., Henly gives Hickman
The previous two, simple cannot escape oppression by cor- a ticket, with an appearance date
paragraphs say it all. porate authority until he has re- of June 15, 2000, in city court.
According to Article 445 of moved himself from the John does it right by not ar-
the Louisiana Civil Code, if one corporation’s jurisdiction. If we guing with the officer, and ac-
is a member of a corporation he “pierce the corporate veil,” we cepting the and even signing the
is bound by corporate rules and can remove ourselves from that ticket as ordered. Then John
regulations. Implicitly, those corrupt jurisdiction and regain goes home and prepares himself
outside those corporations are the status of natural men with an affidavit, which reads some-
not subject to their jurisdiction. “unalienable Rights”. thing like this:
Thus, if you can prove you are We can view modern govern-
not part of a particular corpora- ment as a system of inter-linked I, John Preston Hickman, a liv-
tion, you will not be subject to corporations, where the Consti- ing, breathing man, declare in my
its rules. tution is merely a byword, Con- own handwriting that the follow-
Under Article 429 of the Loui- gress is the board of governors, ing facts are true to the best of
the president is the corporate my knowledge and belief.
CEO, and the “courts” – includ- I hereby deny that the follow-
1 - 800 ing the U.S. Supreme Court (but
not the Supreme Court of the
ing corporations exist: UNITED
United States) – are mere corpo- BAMA, THE COUNTY OF
ATT IRS rate arbitration boards. JEFFERSON, TARRANT CITY, ALA-
The government corpora- BAMA, THE TARRANT CITY PO-
Know Your tions of greatest concern are:
Rights! l all Bar Associations
l every state
l every county, parish of 3102 WILLOW DRIVE, TARRANT
McPherson every corporate state. CITY, ALABAMA, and ALL OTHER
Civil &
102PROM 5k l Every city, town, munici- CORPORATE MEMBERS WHO ARE
pality or other corporate subdi- OR WHO MAY BE ASSOCIATED
l Every member of corpo- NATURAL BODY.
rations – including you – until If any man or woman desires
Eliminate Tax those corporations’ existence is
effectively denied by affidavit.
to answer this affidavit, please
answer in the manner of this af-
Debts Through l Every department of na- fidavit, with notarized affidavit,
tional, state, county, city, etc. – using your Christian or family
Bankruptcy! including sheriff departments, name for signature, and mail to
police departments, judges, the below named notary, address
prosecutors and all other munici- provided, within five (5) days or
pal officers and employees, the default will be obtained.
www IRS, and state and city tax depart- /s/ John Preston Hickman

34 AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 2 972-418-8993

On the 25th day of June, “defendant’s” name is called in I also used the affidavit to
2000 A.D., a man who identified court, he stands and answers, stop my phone company from
himself as John Preston Hickman and the judge asks the prosecu- adding AT&T charges for their
appeared before me, a notary, tor to state the charges. Then the social engineering, and a couple
and attested to the truth of this prosecutor (speaking in low of other minor purposes; all were
affidavit with his signature. tones) replies that the evidence stopped cold.
/s/ Wilson R. Nimbly, Notary is lacking for prosecution, or The amount of wins in this
Public 1423 Fairnon Drive, something similar, and the judge area, with no losses, convinces
Tarrant City, Alabama 35217 dismisses the case. us that this procedure, set up in
The affidavit’s use seems lim- 1925 by the state legislature of
Four copies of this affidavit ited only by the imagination. For Louisiana, is a very valid process
should be (preferably) handwrit- example, the affidavit strategy and should be effective for any
ten; one copy forwarded to the has worked in a state tax case, and all reason, against any cor-
Tarrant City Police Department in where the state was required to poration, public or private, within
time to give them five days to return the money taken from the the United States. There is a case
respond. One copy should be bank accounts of a husband and pending against the Social Secu-
kept on you when you go to wife, with the tax “debt” being rity administration or involving
court. Thirty minutes before you cleared from the records. social security, and the results
enter the court, take the remain- I have personally used this will be reported when final.
ing two copies, file one in their strategy to place a $150,000 lien The affidavit of denial also
court, have the clerk stamp the against a lawyer in Birmingham, works against tax liens. The IRS
other and keep it with you in Alabama which has been there is a corporation, and the fact that
court in case the prosecutor and for several years. He brought it operates within this nation
judge have not received their suit in HIS court to have the lien makes it liable to the affidavit.
copies. removed, to no avail. I never
In our experience – once the answered his frivolous suit be- Government response
police and court have been noti- cause I had already identified One man was hesitant to use
fied by affidavit of the denial of myself as a living man, and not the affidavit of denial strategy be-
corporate existence – when the one of his fictions. cause “judges just walk all over
those who challenge their juris-
Well, with the affidavit we are
Income Opportunity! most certainly challenging their
jurisdiction, but not in general.
What we need to get straight is
Find Ads for the AntiShyster the fact that they DO have juris-
diction in their corporate capaci-
ties, but that doesn‘t mean they
Find one ad or twenty – can bring any non-corporate citi-
zens into that jurisdiction –
We’ll pay you ONE-THIRD which is exactly what they’ve
of whatever fees you generate for as long as done – through fraudulent pre-
the advertiser continues to advertise with us. All we’re doing with the affi-
davit is showing them that their
presumption that “all men are
You might be surprised how created corporate” and are thus
a part of their scheme is mis-
lucrative this opportunity can be. taken – and that we have the law
on our side that shows them to
be wrong.
Details at the “$ Opportunity $” link The bottom line of the affi-
at davit in denying the existence of
corporations is that it pierces the
corporate veil by an individual on
or 972-418-8993 or a case by case basis. It pierces
that veil for purpose to expose

AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 2 adask@ 972-418-8993 35

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According to the email I re-
ceived, the author of the Or call 1-888-691-0998
unedited version of this docu-
ment is “Ray” at most government corporations ment may be a little too embar-
“”. are “real”. That is, just as it reads rassed to admit it’s operating in
in Title 28 of the United States a corporate capacity, that doesn’t
Code, section 3002(15)(a), the mean that government abso-
Editor’s comment term “United States” can truly lutely can’t make that admission.
Consistent with the previous mean “a Federal corporation”. Yes, the corporate STATE OF
author’s assumption, the strat- I also know that virtually all TEXAS might not want to make
egy for denying a corporation’s local Bar associations in Texas that admission for a simple traf-
existence seems to be also sup- (and probably across the nation) fic ticket, but if that STATE were
ported in Texas. According to are established as 501(c)(3) chari- faced with a very serious tax or
the 1993 Dorsaneo & Soules’ table corporations under Title 26 criminal issue, in theory, it might
“Texas Codes and Rules,” Rule 52 (Internal Revenue Code). make the admission and submit
of the Texas Rules of Civil Proce- I am likewise confident that sufficient documentation to
dure reads: there are records and statutes prove the STATE OF TEXAS is a
that confirm that the STATE OF corporation.
Rule 52. TEXAS, STATE OF DELAWARE, This suggests that the affi-
Alleging a Corporation and the other 48 corporate davit of denial strategy is not re-
An allegation that a corpora- “states” are, in fact, incorporated. liable. It might work, but is not
tion is incorporated shall be I assume that similar evidence of guaranteed to so for reasons so
taken as true, unless denied by incorporation must be available far explained.
the affidavit of the adverse party, for virtually all of the other “cor- My second concern with this
his agent or attorney, whether porate” departments of city, state strategy is that my spiritual be-
such corporation is public or pri- and national governments. liefs render me reluctant to sign
vate corporation and however This tells me that the govern- my name to an affidavit of facts
created. ment corporations do, in fact, which I believe to be false. Hav-
Source: Art. 1999 exist. If so – and if the “affidavit ing seen 28 USC 3002(15)(a) de-
* See Texas Litigation Guide of denial of corporate existence” clare that “United States” can
by William V. Dorsaneo III, Ch. 12, strategy is working as reported mean a “Federal corporation,” I
“Pleading the Parties,” and Ch. – it appears to me that the strat- am not about to take an oath in
70, “Answer”. egy must be working for reasons which I deny that corporation’s
which were not made clear in the existence.
OK – it seems undeniable previous article. And if your spiritual values
that we can use affidavits to deny It appears to me that if the don’t prevent you from signing
the existence of any corporation, affidavit denying a government your name to false affidavits, you
including government corpora- corporation’s existence actually might want investigate your
tions. And judging from reports, works, it does so not because the state’s civil and criminal penal-
this denial strategy seems to be government corporation doesn’t ties for perjury.
enjoying some success. actually exist (it does), but be-
However, I have two con- cause government is reluctant to Wheels within wheels?
cerns: 1) the corporations exist, publicly admit or prove that it is So. Is the denial of corporate
and 2) the affidavits are there- operating in a corporate capac- existence strategy bogus?
fore false. ity. I don’t think so. I suspect the
First, it appears to me that But just because govern- strategy is fundamentally good,

36 AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 2 972-418-8993

but there are more layers to this a corporation identify itself as easier and more truthful to deny
onion which remain to be discov- such on it’s official paperwork? the existence of the ALFRED
ered. But even if the corporation ADASK corporation than the
I suspect the denial strategy does exist, is properly registered, STATE OF TEXAS corporation.
works – not because the corpora- and all of its agents are lawfully It’s possible that the real rea-
tions don’t exist – but because gov- empowered to act on the son the previous denial strategy
ernment doesn’t want to talk about corporation’s behalf – what’s has worked is not that it denied
them. In other words, although the that got to do with you? Where the existence of the government
denial affidavits may not be tech- is the contract that subjects you corporation but that it denied the
nically correct, they raise an issue to the corporation’s authority? defendant’s existence as a cor-
the government does not want to I’d bet that the last thing gov- poration. I guarantee that I am
debate in public. ernment will reveal is precisely not an artificial entity, and I have
Why – if government could which documents “tricked” us no problem swearing to that fact
prove the existence of the vari- into corporate jurisdiction. They on an affidavit or a stack of
ous corporations – would it must know that if they dare pub- Bibles.
choose not to do so? licly identify these “nexus” docu- It’s possible that some of our
Two reasons come to mind: ments, the news will spread over courts can only administer over
political liability and legal liability. the internet and within days, that corporations. If so, once I prove
The political liability is based document and all the authority by affidavit that I’m not a corpo-
on the assumption that even if it generates will be vaporized. ration, that court’s jurisdiction
government corporations have may disappear.
been lawfully created and are Deny your own existence? Whatever the reason, the af-
technically “constitutional,” they Perhaps the real power of the fidavits of denial of corporate
are nevertheless dependant on denial strategy may be less in de- existence seem to work. But no
a massive political deception. nying the existence of the gov- one should absolutely rely on
What will Joe Sixpack say if he ernment corporations than in these denials until more research
finds out he’s been paying his denying your own “corporate reveals why they work.
income taxes all these years to existence”. It may be much
some corporation rather than the
lawful government? No bureau-
crat wants to precipitate that dis-
cussion; no politician wants to Strandring 102 Tax Resource “CD”
face that issue in public.
However, I suspect the Legal Resources for the Internal Revenue Code Title 26
deeper reason for the affidavit’s A law library at your fingertips! Contains:
reported success may be that l The Constitution For The United States of America
government corporations are vio- Annotated: 2,710 pages. (This is the one Congress uses!)
lating other fundamental laws
governing corporations. For ex- l Selected Code of Federal Regulations, 1999 Edition
ample, corporations doing busi- 24,940 pages.
ness in Texas are required to l Treasury Orders: 57 pages.
register with the Texas Secretary
of State. Has the CITY OF DAL- l Treasury Directives: 36 pages.
LAS registered with the Secre- l U. S. Code: All 50 TITLES. Complete 1999 Edition.
tary? If not, it may have no legal
capacity to do business in Texas. 111,840 Total Pages in Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.05
The same is probably true for any
other government corporation –
perhaps including the IRS and ORDER NOW! SEND $75.00 To:
even the STATE OF TEXAS, itself. VIP, BOX. 463, OWENSVILLE, OHIO 45160
Other questions of corporate
procedure include who is the MC or Visa call Toll Free 1-877-879-2788
corporation’s registered agent?
Do police officers or other agents Having this information on your own computer is a
of the corporation have the legal
litigant’s dream come true! Now you can make your own
authority to sign documents on
behalf of the corporation? Must crisp, clear copies in your own home.

AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 2 adask@ 972-418-8993 37

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