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Jaycee Smith

EDU 299

Teri Wyckoff


Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Every college student must pass the Praxis 1 to be accepted into a bachelor’s program

from a four-year institution. In the state of Nevada, you have the options of UNLV, NSC, or

UNR. The Praxis 1 is made up of three topics of study; Math, Reading, and Writing. Each

subject has its score that you must pass by. The passing score in Math is 150, Reading is 156,

and Writing is 162. These are not easy tests to take. College students should take the time to

prepare for this exam.

My personal experience with studying for the exam is a little different than most. I started

to study to take the Praxis 1 before transferring to a different college. However, I dropped out of

community college with only two classes left to take. Before I dropped out, I had purchased a

practice book off of Amazon. I felt as ready as I ever could have been. Then I was unsure of my

future, so I didn’t take the exam. I am back in school after being away for more than five years. I

hardly remember simple math equations. To prepare this time around is going to take a lot more

work. I am reading different websites, taking practice exams, and going over different materials.

I have a long way to go before I get the results that I want.

I took a practice exam for the Praxis 1. I did not do well at all. I knew that my results

would below. I have studied for this exam in such a long time. I took the Math portion first. Math

is my worse subject, so when I got a 66%, I was quite surprised. This result means I need some

improvement. In all fairness, I agree. Next, was the Reading portion. I received a horrible score
of 27%. Falling into this percent range means I need significant improvement. I agree, in all

honesty, I rushed through this part of the exam. Reading produces some challenges for me

because I have slight dyslexia. I know that when I am taking the real exam to take my time, and

truly look at what the questions are asking. The final results are in Writing. I received a 50%.

Like the Reading portion, I fell into the “needs significant improvement” range. Seeing such low

scores never makes a person feel great. However, knowing where I am it gives me a great

starting point for the areas in which I need to study for future exam preparations.

Admitting one’s flaws is never easy. Asking for help is never easy. However, I know if I

want to succeed in becoming an educator, then asking for help is what I am going to have to do. I

plan on purchasing a physical study book. Working with paper and pen is a lot easier than

anything electronic. I plan on asking friends and family who succeed in these areas of study for

assistance. I also plan on taking my time to study. Being away from using the material daily

clearly shows. So, after my classes, I plan on studying with every resource I can to better prepare

for the real exam. I hope to pass this exam over the summer. I plan on enrolling in higher

education by Fall 2020.

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