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Used to
to express an event or future events or truth in the past when this has not been done. For more
easy-to-remember, you can remember used it as the word "first" in the language of Indonesia.
The same as it used to be, the word used to also have a pattern or a rule that can be used to
create a sentence. Rules or patterns of used to can be seen below:
Positive sentences : Subject + used to + infinitive
A negative sentence : Subject + didn't + use to + infinitive
Interrogative sentence : is + subject + using + to infinitive
Used to be always followed by ‘to infinitive’
Example sentence:
She used to love me but no longer. (Dia dulu mencintai saya, tapi sekarang tidak lagi)
I used to live in Bandung. (Saya dulu pernah tinggal di Bandung).
They use to wanna hear us. (Mereka dulunya mau mendengarkan kami)

 Used to also be used in negative sentences or introgatif. Consider the following

No, I never used to read comic book
Did you use to read comic book every day?
No, I didn't use to read comic book
At its core, used to have two main functions, namely:
a. To say something that is common in the past but no longer occurs in the present.
Example : Mr. Bowman used to bring water his wife tomb with water but since
he died 2 years ago, the tomb is now dry.

b. Use "used to" to declare something right in the past but now it is no longer.
Example: There used to be a little park with a treehouse near my house but now
there is not.

2. Be used to
to describe an activity that became a habit for someone. The word "be" here can be replaced
with is, am, are, was, and were depending on the subject and what tense we use.
To make it easier to remember, you can remember that be used to used to express something
that is familiar. Be used to usually using verb-ing. Be used to also have the same meaning be
accustomed to, namely the familiar/common. The word be used to be used for events that are
already past or present or past, present, and future or impending or future.
Patterns or rules that you can use in making the writing be used to:
Positive sentences : Subject + be + used to + object
A negative sentence : Subject + be not + used to + object
Interrogative : Be + subject + used to + object
The object can either be a noun or Gerund.
Examples # I am used to living in Jakarta.
# Kiki is not used to getting up lately.
# Is Kiki used to getting up early?
In General, the function “be used to” is to say that an event or event is a common event or
occurrence or normal, but not always.
Example: I have short-lived in this neighbourhood for over than 20 years so I am used to the
bumpy road here.

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