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Km. 23 Bunawan, Davao City

Students’ Names:
1) Asoque, Abeguel D.
2) Pascua, James Cris M.
3) Ruadiel, Kristine Anne C.
4) Trinidad, Sherina Ann N. Research Title: ( ) Quantitative Research (√) Qualitative Research



(10 pts.) (7 pts.) (4 pts.)
Content The content is clear and concise and The content provides persuasive The content is vague in conveying the
deals with important issue in the field information and is accurate. point of view, and does not create a
of study. Information is accurate. strong sense of purpose.
Organization Presents information in logical, Presents information in logical Audience has difficulty following the
interesting sequence which audience sequence which audience can follow. presentation because students jumps
can follow. around.
Subject knowledge Demonstrates full knowledge by Answers all questions but fails to Students are uncomfortable of
answering all questions with elaborate. information and are able to answer
explanation and elaboration. only rudimentary questions.
Eye contact Maintains eye contact with audience,
Occasionally uses eye contact, and Reads all report with no eye contact.
seldom returning to notes. reads most of the reports.
Elocution Uses clear voice and correct, precise
Voice is clear. Pronounces most word Mumbles. Incorrectly pronounces
pronunciation of terms as for audience
correctly. Most audience can hear the terms and speaks too quietly for a
to clearly receive the inputs.
presentation. presentation.
Language Used Often uses English as the medium of
Rarely uses English as the medium of Uses purely vernacular as the medium
instruction and rarely changes code.
instruction and frequently changes of instruction.


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