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J PROD INNOV MANAG 2008;25:313–330

r 2008 Product Development & Management Association

Major Innovation as a Dynamic Capability: A Systems Approach

Gina Colarelli O’Connor

Major innovation (MI), composed of both radical and really new innovation, is an
important mechanism for enabling the growth and renewal of an enterprise. Yet it is
poorly managed in most established firms, and success stories are rare. This con-
ceptual article draws on systems theory, recent advances in dynamic capabilities
theory, and the management of innovation literature to offer a framework for
building an MI dynamic capability. The framework is composed of seven elements
that together form a management system rather than a process-based approach to
nurturing radical innovation. These system elements are (1) an identifiable orga-
nization structure; (2) interface mechanisms with the mainstream organization,
some of which are tightly coupled and others of which are loose; (3) exploratory
processes; (4) requisite skills and talent development, given that entrepreneurial
talent is not present in most organizations; (5) governance and decision-making
mechanisms at the project, MI portfolio, and MI system levels; (6) appropriate
performance metrics; and (7) an appropriate culture and leadership context. It is
argued that dynamic capabilities for phenomena as complex as MI must be con-
sidered in a systems fashion rather than as operating routines and repeatable pro-
cesses as the literature currently suggests. A set of propositions is offered regarding
how each element should play out in this parallel management system. Finally, each
element’s role in the major innovation system is justified in terms of four criteria
required by systems theory: (1) The system is identifiable, and its elements are
interdependent; (2) the effect of the whole is greater than the sum of the parts; (3)
homeostasis is achieved through interaction and networking with the larger orga-
nization; and (4) there is a clear purpose in the larger system in which the MI
management system is embedded. Examples are given to demonstrate these criteria.
Systems theory offers a new way of thinking about dynamic capability development
and management.

Introduction 1993). One path to renewal is through organic, gen-

erative growth—that is, the development of new busi-

rganizational growth and renewal are fun- nesses based on technical competencies nurtured
damental to every firm’s long-term survival within the organization. When the promise of an op-
(Jelinek and Schoonhoven, 1993; Morone, portunity is large, when it relies on invention and in-
novation, and when the risk and uncertainty
Address correspondence to: Gina Colarelli O’Connor, Lally School associated with the opportunity are high (Hill and
of Management and Technology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 110 Rothaermel, 2003), the literature refers to these or-
8th Street, Troy, NY 12180-3590. Tel.: (518)276-6842. E-Mail: ganic growth initiatives as radical innovations (RIs)
 The author gratefully acknowledges helpful comments on earlier
(Leifer et al., 2000; Morone, 1993). Radical innova-
drafts of this article from Andrew Corbett, Richard DeMartino,
Joanne Hyland, Heidi Neck, Narongsak Thongpapanl, Dan Robeson,
tions may bring wholly new benefits to the market,
and three anonymous reviewers. and therefore to the firm. They may disrupt existing

industry dynamics (Christensen and Raynor, 2003) Sharma, 2000). The central tenet of dynamic capabil-
and require a reconfiguration of value chains. Firms ity theory, in contrast, is that firms can evolve processes
that engage in radical innovation enjoy supranormal that enable them to develop, change, and rejuvenate
returns (Sorescu, 2002; Sorescu, Chandy, and Prahbu themselves. While persistent, skilled, visionary cham-
2003; Zahra, 1996, 1999), making RI an attractive pions are critical to RI, organizations will never max-
objective for established companies that view innova- imize their resources and advantages if they do not
tion as a major source of competitive advantage. move from relying on champions to a dynamic capa-
Forces within established companies can impede bility that includes them as one element of a system.
RI success (Sull, 1999). Organizations grow by gain- The purpose of this article is to leverage systems
ing efficiencies of scale and scope in core competency theory and recent advances in dynamic capability the-
areas that ultimately become core rigidities (Leonard- ory to increase our understanding of how firms can
Barton, 1992) or core incompetencies (Dougherty, evolve a capability for enabling major innovations.
1995). Some scholars, in fact, proffer that large es- The specific focus is identifying the elements of a
tablished firms are incapable of meeting the demands management system for sustained major innovation
of current stakeholders while simultaneously planning that is not reliant simply on strong willed champions
for future disruptive technologies (Christensen, 1997). but rather that leverages these and other knowledge
Case studies and other empirical evidence points to assets to fuel organizational renewal and health. A
the fact that new ventures groups or other incubator- major innovation (MI) capability, it is proposed, re-
type models in large organizations do not last long quires the interaction of multiple elements of a man-
enough for their portfolios of innovations or the de- agement system that far exceed the complexity of
velopment of new innovation competencies to have an simple operating routines, which form the basis of
impact on the organization (Fast, 1979; Garvin, 2004; dynamic capability theory today. Seven specific ele-
O’Connor and Maslyn, 2002). Other scholars argue ments of a management system are proposed that
that organizations can develop appropriate manage- could comprise an MI dynamic capability if viewed as
ment systems for RI but simply have not (Ahuja and an integrated system: (1) an identifiable organization
Lampert, 2001; Christensen and Raynor, 2003; Hill structure; (2) interface mechanisms; (3) exploratory
and Rothaermel, 2003; Jelinek and Schoonhoven, processes; (4) requisite skills; (5) governance and de-
1993; Leifer et al., 2000; Morone, 1993). cision-making mechanisms; (6) appropriate perfor-
Much of the RI literature highlights the critical role mance metrics; and (7) an appropriate culture and
of the single-minded, impassioned champion (Chakra- leadership context. Each of these is elaborated
barthi, 1974; Greene, Brush, and Hart, 1999; Howell based on what both theory and observation suggest.
and Higgins, 1990; Kuratko, Montagno, and Hornsby, Their relationships are discussed in the context of
1990; Maidique, 1980; Pinchot, 1985; Shane, 1994; systems theory to identify these elements as necessary
and sufficient for building a sustainable innovation
Dr. Gina Colarelli O’Connor is associate professor of marketing in
the Lally School of Management and Technology at Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute (RPI) and academic director of the Radical
Defining Radical and Major Innovation
Innovation Research Program. She has served as director of the
Lally School’s Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Mas- RI has been defined previously as encompassing in-
ter of Science (MS) programs and as associate director of the Sev- novations that offer either new to the world perfor-
erino Center for Technology Entrepreneurship and currently serves
as director of the Executive MBA program at RPI. Dr. O’Connor’s
mance features or significant improvement (5–10
teaching and research interests lie at the intersection of corporate times) in known features or significant reductions
entrepreneurship and radical innovation, marketing, and commer- (e.g., 50%) in cost, such that new application do-
cialization of advanced technology. The majority of her research
mains would open up (Leifer et al., 2000; O’Connor,
efforts focus on how firms link advanced technology development to
market opportunities. She has published more than 30 articles in 1998; O’Connor and Rice, 2001). Technology, either
refereed journals and books and is coauthor of Radical Innovation, newly discovered or in unique combinations, typically
How Mature Companies Can Outsmart Upstarts (with Richard Leif- enables the innovation and is recognized increasingly
er et al., Harvard Business School Press, 2000) and is lead author of
Grabbing Lightning: Building a Capability for Breakthrough Innova-
as the basis of the competitive advantage (Garcia and
tion (Jossey-Bass, 2008). Calantone, 2002; Hill and Roethermel, 2003; Lynn,
Morone, and Paulson, 1996; Morone, 1993). Radical

innovations transform existing markets or industries Systems Theory

or create new ones. RI is accompanied by high levels
of uncertainty because, to achieve these performance A system is defined as ‘‘a complex of elements in mu-
leaps, firms must expand to incorporate or create tual interaction . . . Each individual part . . . depends
emergent customer markets or new technology com- not only on conditions within itself, but also to a
petencies. Each requires new knowledge or departure greater or lesser extent on the conditions within the
from existing skills or familiar practices and relation- whole, or within superordinate units of which it is a
ships (Christensen, 1997; Freeman and Soete, 1997; part’’ (von Bertalanffy, 1960, pp. 11–12). Systems
Hill and Rothaermael, 2003; Levinthal and March, thinking was pioneered by biologists in the early
1993). This triggers not only market and technical 20th century and enriched by other disciplines
uncertainties but also resource and organizational un- (Capra, 1996). It evolved as a countertheory to the
certainties (O’Connor, Rice, and Leifer, 2003). mechanistic view that had prevailed since the Renais-
Garcia and Calantone (2002) criticized scholars for sance, driven by the scientific revolution and discov-
muddying the definitional waters regarding innova- eries in physics (Isaac Newton), astronomy (Nicolaus
tion. They called for a three-level typology of inno- Copernicus and Galileo Galilei), and mathematics
vation on the basis of micro- (firm) and macro- (René DesCartes), which viewed the world as a per-
(industry) levels of impact as well as technical and fect machine that could be understood completely by
market discontinuities rather than the simplistic rad- analyzing its smallest components, each operating ac-
ical–incremental dichotomy that is so often used. cording to deducible rules. The central tenet of sys-
They noted that, while radical innovations are ex- tems theory, in contrast, is that the whole is greater
tremely rare, their second category, really new inno- than the sum of its parts and that the behavior of the
vations, is more common and exhibits macrolevel whole thus cannot be understood from the properties
discontinuity on either the market or technical dimen- of its parts. A system’s properties are destroyed by
sion and either market or technical or both types of dissecting it into its elements. Just as the analysis
discontinuity at the microlevel. What is clear is that of the part is the focus of the mechanistic view and
both really new and radical innovations share a char- Cartesian science, the analysis of the whole is the
acteristic that incremental innovation does not: high focus of systems theory.
levels of uncertainty on multiple dimensions. Both re- Systems are integrated. A system’s properties arise
quire the organization to move into unchartered ter- from the interfaces of the parts (Capra, 1996; Kast and
ritory, where reliance on experience, current Rosenzweig, 1972). A change in one element affects the
knowledge assets, and loyal customers is not an ad- others. Systems thinking, therefore, concentrates not
vantage. Thus, the management challenges are of like on basic building blocks but on basic principles of or-
kind. Within really new and radical, the difference is ganization. Systems can be closed or open. A closed
one of degree (i.e., uncertainties may be even more system exhibits clear boundaries and is subject to en-
extreme or exist on more dimensions for radical than tropy, moving toward disorganization or chaos until it
for really new), and so for purposes of this article they fails (Capra, 1996). The system exhibits autopoiesis
are treated together and labeled as major innovation. (Greek for ‘‘self-making’’), which means it seeks to re-
Between these two forms of major innovation and in- produce itself by constantly shifting its elements and
cremental, the difference is one of kind. The point is structures (Bausch, 2002) and orients itself to its envi-
that managing for innovation in which uncertainty ronment by single-loop learning. Homeostasis is the
levels are high requires approaches that differ from self-regulatory mechanism that allows organisms to re-
those used to manage incremental innovation. (My main in dynamic balance, with their variables fluctu-
thanks to an anonymous reviewer for directing me to ating between certain tolerance limits
consider this point.) But little theoretical work has Open systems theory describes systems with semi-
been published to suggest how companies can actually permeable boundaries that escape entropy by feeding
be ambidextrous: excelling at current operations and on a continual flux of energy and matter to stay alive
continuous improvement while positioning them- (von Bertalanffy, 1968, 1972). This necessitates inter-
selves for future growth. Systems theory can help es- faces with the larger system in which it is embedded
tablish the parameters necessary for a parallel and requires self-governance and learning through net-
management system devoted to major innovation in works, interfaces, and feedback loops. Open systems
the context of a larger organization. do not exhibit entropy but rather a movement toward

orderliness or a ‘‘flowing equilibrium’’ as they self-reg- ysis is but also about the mechanisms by which learn-
ulate in relationship to their environment (Capra, ing takes place to develop dynamic capabilities.
1996; Felix, 2003; von Bertalanffy, 1968). March and Simon (1958) described an organization-
Finally, systems are nested, one within another, and al routine as a fixed response to a defined stimulus,
are linked as networks such that no single system implying that, once embedded, no further learning is
serves as a foundational building block for the rest necessary. Zollo and Winter (2002) called codifiable
(Capra, 1996). Thus, systems are contextual, meaning processes, repeatability, and generalizability the
that the relationships among parts can only be un- building blocks for developing a dynamic capability.
derstood in the context of one system relative to oth- They defined the construct as ‘‘a learned and stable
ers with which it is networked. pattern of collective activity through which the orga-
The application of systems theory to innovation nization systematically generates and modifies its op-
research and scholarship has been minimal to date but erating routines in pursuit of improved effectiveness’’
appears to hold promise. Leveraging systems theory (p. 340). According to this definition, dynamic capa-
can help define the relationships between the identi- bilities are process-improvement techniques that con-
fied elements of an MI management system and the stitute the firm’s way of modifying operating routines.
relationship between the MI management system and The generation of capabilities requires enough expe-
the larger organizational system. First, however, dy- rience that tacit organizational knowledge become
namic capabilities theory is reviewed to set the stage stored in new patterns of activity, known in routines
for helping identify the appropriate system elements. (Teece et al., 1997). These routines help the firm in-
tegrate (Helfat and Raubitschek, 2000), reconfigure
(Hargadon and Sutton, 1997), or develop and release
Dynamic Capabilities Theory new resources (Henderson and Cockburn, 1994).
Given that MI requires knowledge creation and
Dynamic capabilities theory arises from a resource- application in novel contexts, it is not clear how cod-
based view (RBV) that sees the firm as owning stocks ifiable, repeatable processes can be useful mechanisms
of valuable technology or other firm-specific resources for building MI dynamic capabilities (Cheng and Van
(Teece, 1980). Firms are heterogeneous with respect to de Ven, 1996; Eisenhardt and Martin, 2000; McG-
resources, capabilities, and endowments. Further- rath, 2001). Theidea that routines might lead to dy-
more, these endowments are ‘‘sticky,’’ or difficult to namic capabilities contradicts claims that routines
modify (Amit and Schoemaker, 1993; Barney, 1991; breed inertia (Hannan and Freeman, 1984; King and
Mahoney and Pandian, 1992; Penrose, 1959; Werner- Tucci, 2002). Some scholars question whether large
felt, 1984). Because of this, an RBV claims that a established firms can ever achieve the flexibility in in-
firm’s competitive advantage comes from strategies tegrating knowledge that is required to create new
that exploit existing firm-based assets. capabilities (Grant, 1996). Other scholars note, how-
Over time scholars recognized that a stock of assets ever, that routines that preserve ongoing change pro-
is not enough to maintain leadership or competitive cesses can exist on a higher order (Argyris and Schon,
advantage during rapid or unpredictable change. Ca- 1978; Benner and Tushman, 2003; King and Tucci,
pabilities are the business processes needed to config- 2002; Nelson and Winter, 1982; Winter, 2000). Just as
ure assets in advantageous ways. The concept of experience with operating routines preserves and en-
dynamic capabilities emphasizes the role of strategic trenches those routines, experience with changing op-
management in adapting, integrating, and reconfigur- erating routines necessitates modification routines
ing those assets to match the requirements of the that can make similar changes in the future (Amb-
changing environment (Teece, Pisano, and Shuen, urgey, Kelly, and Barnett, 1993; King and Tucci,
1997). 2002). Firms can thus create routines that are variety
increasing rather than variety reducing.

Inconsistencies in the Theory and Application to Market velocity and uncertainty. Scholars argue
Major Innovation that the effectiveness of specific dynamic capabilities
depends on market dynamism (Dosi, Nelson, and
Dynamic capabilities theory continues to evolve. Winter, 2000; Eisenhardt and Martin, 2000). In fast-
Scholars disagree not only on what the unit of anal- paced markets firms cannot rely as much on existing

knowledge as they can in moderately dynamic mar- that typical agents are unwilling to enter. The digital
kets, wherein change may occur frequently but along light processor at Texas Instruments (TI), for exam-
predictable linear paths. Moderately dynamic markets ple, is based on a radically new digital micromirror
have relatively stable industry structures; market device, a computer chip with multitudes of tiny mir-
boundaries are clear, and the agents in the value chain rors that enables major advances in projection tech-
are known. Effective dynamic capabilities rely on ex- nology. Yet TI could not entice projector makers to
isting knowledge or learning before doing (Pisano, incorporate it because of the high manufacturing un-
1994). Managers can use structured, analytical ap- certainties they perceived and the market disruptions
proaches and tacit knowledge in their decision mak- in the cinema industry the new design would incur. TI
ing. The key to competitive advantage is efficient, invested, therefore, in integrating forward and built
well-codified, and well-understood processes coupled the power function, the electronics, the optics, and the
with rapid execution. Routines can be specified to housing of a projector device so that projectors could
create organizational memory about their execution be assembled and shipped to create market demand.
and to enhance predictability and diagnosis when an Once that occurred, TI reverted to its original core
error occurs. competency, that of chip manufacturer. But the initial
High-velocity markets, in contrast, differ not just in objective—to entice value chain agents to enter the
speed but also in character. But it is not the degree of market—had been achieved.
dynamism that drives differences in managing in these These cases illustrate high uncertainty but not nec-
two contexts, as Eisenhardt and Martin (2000) claim, essarily high velocity. In fact, MIs can take years to
but the degree of uncertainty about links between ac- develop and commercialize (Morone, 1993) simply
tion and outcome. Market velocity creates uncertain- because of existing technical, market, organizational,
ty, but so do other conditions. Whenever a firm is and resource uncertainties (Leifer et al., 2000; O’Con-
involved in new-knowledge creation (e.g., through the nor et al., in press). But the characteristics that Ei-
discovery and development of a novel technology) or senhardt and Martin (2000) detailed for effective
new-market creation (e.g., through the application of dynamic capabilities in high-velocity markets also ap-
technology to enable previously impossible benefits), ply in the broader context of high uncertainty.
both of which happen in MI, uncertainty is extremely
high (O’Connor et al., in press). Effective dynamic capabilities under conditions of
Under conditions of high uncertainty, market high uncertainty. Interestingly, these characteristics
boundaries may become blurred as a firm recognizes are not all specified in terms of processes but rather
that a technology competency it has developed has touch on a range of structural, cultural, skill-set, and
application possibilities in market spaces far afield strategic elements. It is useful to consider them as el-
from those in which it currently operates. Business ements of a management system for MI.
models come into question as new value chains must The first observation from the theory is that, under
be created to exploit the novel technology (Eisenhardt conditions of high uncertainty, as with high market
and Martin, 2000). All of this in turn stimulates or- velocity, the end state is more central in managers’
ganizational uncertainty as existing operating units minds than the means to getting there (Eisenhardt
may not be appropriately fitted to the opportunity and Martin, 2000). Achievement of the goal overrides
that the fledgling business represents. One example is the process, since processes vary by situation.
Netactive, a Nortel Networks spin-out venture com- Routines are simple, and investment in building
pany that developed a technology that would enable them is minimal (Eisenhardt and Sull, 2001). They
people to rent software on the Internet, long before focus on specifying boundary conditions or priorities;
the Internet was an accepted commercial venue and they are not rigid processes. People who can solve
before Internet-based payment agents or distribution problems become more important than any process. It
agents for software existed. The business model Net- is known that a focus on ends over means enhances
active finally adopted changed many times due to the creativity in work organizations (Amabile et al., 1996)
absence of appropriate value chain partners in an im- and that in knowledge creation and MI, creativity is at
mature industry (O’Connor and Maslyn, 2002). a premium.
To create new markets in highly uncertain environ- Second, in high-uncertainty environments, building
ments, the innovative firm often must forward or dynamic capabilities involves the creation of new,
backward integrate to fill parts of the value chain situation-specific knowledge (Eisenhardt and Martin,

2000). Existing knowledge is not only likely irrelevant; tions and call them into question, able to rely on in-
it can even also be harmful if it colors the interpreta- tuition, and able to reconceptualize problems
tion of a discovery. Therefore, frequent experiential (Jacques and Cason, 1994). This complex set of capa-
actions that lead to quick learning compensate for bilities holds implications for staffing that are far
limited understanding (Eisenhardt and Martin, 2000; reaching. To evolve the competency, a system of ap-
McGrath, 2001). Iteration is critical as new informa- prenticeship, information sharing, and coaching may
tion and changing conditions are uncovered. be necessary to build on cumulative experience and
Such frequent iteration and active engagement with wisdom (O’Connor and Guinan, 2003).
internal and external constituents require real-time Finally, the literature notes that dynamic capabili-
information, cross-functional networking, and inten- ties in high-uncertainty markets tend to dissipate.
sive communication to help link the nonlinear learn- Since they cannot be routinized or codified, they are
ing experiences to one another and to the ultimate easy to forget (Argote, 1999; Eisenhardt and Martin,
objective. Real-time information builds intuition 2000), so vigilance is required to sustain them (Prigo-
about the marketplace and the problem in general; gine and Stengers, 1984). Sustaining activity can come
cumulative experience counts over time (Eisenhardt, in the form of practice, experience, and clarity of pur-
1989). pose. It takes so long to build the experience and net-
Third, in high-uncertainty markets, dynamic capa- works required to be effective at MI that it is
bilities are characterized by ‘‘parallel consideration torturous to note that many corporate entrepreneur-
and often partial implementation of multiple options’’ ship or MI initiatives last a short time, only to be re-
(Eisenhardt and Martin, 2000, p. 1112). This is man- started later (Fast, 1976). Firms expecting to
ifested in many ways. One is the use of rough proto- reinvigorate these capabilities after years of dorman-
typing (Lynn et al., 1996; O’Connor, 1998; Pisano, cy run up against this ‘‘dissipative’’ character of MI
1994; Veryzer, 1998), which provides rapid learning dynamic capabilities (Guehler, 2001).
by engaging the market experientially rather than an- While numerous case studies report successful com-
alytically. Others include exploring with multiple co- mercialization of individual MI projects (Leifer et al.,
development partners, multiple potential application 2000; Morone, 1993), it is critical to understand how
spaces, or multiple external and internal sources of firms can build MI capabilities systematically rather
funding (Thongpapanl, 2005). than by exception. The unit of analysis in this article
Fourth, dynamic capability theory implies that, un- is not the MI project but the firm. How can large
der conditions of high uncertainty, unique skill sets established enterprises successfully manage a portfo-
are required (O’Connor and McDermott, 2004). lio of high-risk, high-uncertainty projects? What
Courage is the first, since empirical evidence shows are the elements of a management system that enable
that managers’ inability to cope with ambiguity and the initiation and development of a sustainable MI
risk slows their decision making (Dougherty, 1995; capability?
Eisenhardt, 1989), thus requiring strong influence
skills on the part of the project leader. A certain
kind of intellect is also required. MI is a form of
deutero-learning that requires questioning implicit as- MI Dynamic Capabilities: A Complete System
sumptions and inquiry methods, triggering a funda-
mental rethinking of the problem (Argyris and Schon, High-uncertainty environments do not lend them-
1978). MI learning includes searching for preferences selves to operating routines or codifiable processes.
and alternate actions in addition to linking current At the same time, firms whose competitive advantage
actions to past outcomes (Van de Ven and Polley, lies in the strategic use of technology and innovation
1992), requiring use of both divergent and convergent must have an MI capability. So rather than trying to
thinking. Deciding what to keep from the experience reduce an MI dynamic capability to a set of routines
set and what to discard is more crucial than deepening or processes, it is conceptualized here as a set of seven
capabilities based on small frequent variations elements that theoretically appear necessary and suffi-
through related experiences (Gersick, 1994; McGrath, cient to comprise an MI management system. This
2001). The implication is that individuals working in section elaborates on each element and builds a
this kind of environment must be capable of dealing framework for considering how firms can build a sus-
with complex information, able to articulate assump- tainable MI dynamic capability.

Element 1: A Clearly Identified Organizational display high levels of coherence, changing one element
Structure requires changing others (Kast and Rosenzweig, 1972;
Teece et al., 1997). An identified entity allows the el-
The first element is an identified team, group, depart- ements of the system to display internal consistency
ment, or other entity in the firm that is charged with without affecting the mainstream organization.
the responsibility for making MI happen. Systems Finally, a separate organization is needed to allow
theory requires that any system or subsystem be iden- competencies to develop without being stamped out
tifiable based on a boundary (be it open or closed) and by reified rules (Dougherty, 1995; Leonard-Barton,
a distinct function within the larger network of sys- 1992). Hill and Rothaermel (2003) argued and Rice,
tems in which it operates (Capra, 1996). Jelinek and Leifer, and O’Connor (2002) demonstrated that a
Schoonhoven (1993), in fact, found that many inno- loosely coupled organizational unit should be estab-
vative firms in fact do have institutionalized groups lished to commercialize radical technology so that it
responsible for breakthrough innovation. They ar- can evolve the business models and processes needed
gued that major innovations cannot be expected in an to accelerate rapid growth without the pressures of
organic environment, where flexibility, consensus conforming to mainstream operating models. Much
building, and fluidity are the primary managerial of the dominance of incompetencies, Dougherty
mechanisms for accomplishing objectives. Rather, (1995) argued, comes from organizational pressures
breakthrough innovation requires structure and clear against loosely defined processes that defy codifica-
reporting relationships to ensure the opportunity for tion, pressures against hands-on practice, and pres-
both discipline and creativity. sures against the linkage of technologies and markets.
The literature offers several reasons for establishing Each of these practices, however, is exactly what is
an identified group to develop and sustain MI. Orga- needed in high-uncertainty technical and market en-
nizational capability building is not easy, especially vironments (Lynn et al., 1996; O’Connor, 1998).
when the capability is foreign to the natural efficiency- Some argue that groups dedicated to MI must be
oriented processes of the company. Transformational physically and culturally separate (Benner and Tush-
experiences (King and Tucci, 2002) are the building man, 2003; Hill and Rothaermel, 2003; Kanter, 1985).
blocks of MI, requiring improvisational processes But while an organizational system whose elements are
that will dissipate if not watched over (Eisenhardt internally consistent overall is critical to developing an
and Martin, 2000). A clear set of roles and responsi- MI dynamic capability, there are positive aspects of
bilities is needed to sustain attention and resources to embedding the activity in the mainstream and attend-
transformational experience and MI. An identified ing vigorously to the interfaces (Heller, 1999). This is,
group can ensure this constant attention. in fact, a requirement of any open system (Felix, 2003).
Second, experience accumulation is described as Corporate ventures have access to the assets and re-
the basic building block of any new dynamic capabil- sources of the organization (Greene et al., 1999; Pen-
ity (Zollo and Winter, 2002). Before a phenomenon is rose, 1959; Wernerfelt, 1984), which theoretically gives
understood well enough to articulate and codify it, the them a competitive advantage over start-ups. For ex-
most likely mechanism for successful execution is for ample, NetActive, the software-rental venture de-
a group of people to experience it repeatedly together. scribed earlier, leveraged its parent company’s name,
A dedicated organization with accumulated common Nortel Networks, to gain access to software game pro-
experiences can compensate for the memory loss that ducers they would never have attracted as a stand-
is likely when routines are simple and there is little alone firm (O’Connor and Maslyn, 2002).
structure for managers to grasp (Argote, 1999; Eisen-
hardt and Martin, 2000). P1: An MI dynamic capability requires an identifiable
Third, an identified organization, staffed with peo- organizational group responsible for the firm’s major
ple who are responsible for building and shepherding innovation efforts.
the MI capability and are measured on its results, is
more apt to reflect on its progress and reconfigure its Element 2: Internal and External Interface
practices to improve. Large established companies Mechanisms
offer the room to learn and to experiment that start-
ups cannot afford (Floyd and Woodridge, 1999; Kogut While the need for a dedicated infrastructure exists,
and Zander, 1992). Since organizational elements often the extent to which it should be isolated from external

influences, either the mainstream organization or the largely a function of the level of prior related knowl-
external environment, is not clear in the literature. edge. Thus, variety enhancement is important
Incubators, or skunkworks, have been hotly debated because, counter to the prevailing literature, entrepre-
as the infrastructure of choice. Case studies show that neurs do not always choose between carefully con-
physical separation at the project level may work for a sidered alternate market opportunities for new tech-
time, but complete separation at the system level may nologies but rather choose the closest one (O’Connor,
not be wise given that the purpose of an MI system is 1998; Shane, 2000). Frequent interactions with poten-
to leverage and stretch current competencies while si- tial customers and external constituents can circum-
multaneously building new ones. Thus, the interface vent this problem (Dougherty, 1995). Firms are
to the mainstream organization becomes critically im- beginning to build systems to enrich their external
portant, and an identified group embedded within the networks for this express purpose. Corning, for ex-
organization may help manage those interfaces (Hell- ample, initiated an exploratory marketing function
er, 1999; Leifer et. al. 2000; Sharma, 2000). within its central research group. Its objective is to
Dynamic capability theory, while not explicit on visit potential customers not yet served by the com-
this issue, argues for the importance of the interplay pany to identify opportunities to apply Corning’s rich
between old and new. Dougherty (1995) described the technical competencies.
need for interaction between rich core competencies
and core incompetencies to help firms improve their Internal linkages. Dynamic capability theory is less
capacity to change. Danneels (2002) demonstrated the developed regarding internal linkages and, specifical-
reciprocal interplay of product innovation with firm ly, how the results of transformational experiences
competencies, showing that dynamic capabilities af- and the resulting new capabilities are assimilated into
fect innovation but that the journeys required by in- the organization. The literature typically addresses
novation initiatives also result in new dynamic this in terms of whether a venture or, in this case, an
capabilities. But aside from the rationalistic approach MI system should be loosely or tightly coupled to the
to developing operating routines through practice, ar- mainstream organization. Loosely coupled systems
ticulation, and codification (Teece et al., 1997; Zollo may (1) provide a psychological haven for creativity
and Winter, 2002), the literature does not yet address (Meyerson and Martin, 1987), (2) provide freedom
the mechanisms by which new competencies become from senior-management scrutiny so system members
embedded in the organization, particularly those driv- have more discretion to develop the opportunity with-
en by transformational experiences that force the or- out process impediments (Dougherty and Heller,
ganization to change along a different vector (King 1994), and (3) buffer the organization from innova-
and Tucci, 2002). One important aspect of this is in- tors’ failures (Weick, 1976). Benner and Tushman
terface mechanisms between the MI system and its (2003) argued that MI systems require tight coupling
internal and external constituents. among internal elements and loose coupling to the
mainstream. However, closer scrutiny shows that the
External linkages. With respect to linkages to ex- issue is not so simple; various aspects of the MI sys-
ternal resources, the literature is quite clear. MI can be tem may be differentially coupled to the mainstream
a knowledge creation opportunity for the firm. A for greatest effectiveness. Four aspects of the MI–
common feature across successful knowledge creation mainstream linkage are considered: (1) roles; (2) strat-
processes is explicit linkage between the focal firm and egy; (3) resources, networks, and administrative sys-
knowledge sources outside the firm through interac- tems; and (4) learning processes.
tions that include informal personal relationships, re- First, the literature suggests that tight coupling is
lationships driven by promotion criteria (i.e., to required to ensure a clear understanding of the MI
publish or attend conferences), and formal alliances system’s role in the organization (Capra, 1996; Roten-
(Eisenhardt and Martin, 2000; Wolpert, 2002). Shane berg and Saloner, 2000) and of how it differs from the
(2000) demonstrated that entrepreneurs discover op- rest of the company’s innovation system, specifically
portunities related to information they already pos- the NPD processes in operating units. For the MI
sess, implying that enriching their networks, and thus management system to maintain its purpose in the
information stocks, leads to richer opportunity rec- larger corporate system, its role must be clearly and
ognition. Cohen and Levinthal (1990) argued that the widely communicated so that no threats are perceived
ability to evaluate and utilize outside knowledge is among other innovation groups; the rest of the orga-

nization can leverage the MI system when opportu- how CE activities can identify and help articulate a
nities arise, and when the MI system requests resourc- firm’s next competency domain. Tight coupling on
es from the mainstream, it is seen as a legitimate strategic intent can be ensured by regular communi-
organizational member. In one firm, after an MI sys- cation among MI leadership and senior corporate
tem was quietly initiated by senior leadership, its leadership. In many cases, for example, governance
members chose not to announce their existence be- boards that oversee the portfolio of MI opportunities
fore they had demonstrated commercial success on are composed of the company’s senior leadership.
several projects. They had great difficulty, however,
gaining access to key resources in the firm. Without P2b: An MI dynamic capability requires that the MI
access or legitimacy, the MI projects they were over- system objectives be tightly and reciprocally coupled to
seeing could not flourish, management could not be the firm’s strategic intent.
patient enough, and the cycle of failure ultimately re-
quired that the entire system be reformed. The reform Systems theory suggests that systems have unique
was managed with great fanfare, including a new se- properties and that, therefore, not all characteristics
nior corporate leader for MI and the reassignment of of networked or embedded systems will be the same.
the initial group that had accumulated several years of Some linkages will be more loosely connected than
experience and learning. others. CE and MI theories suggest that, while the
coupling with respect to resources, networks, and busi-
P2a: An MI dynamic capability requires that the MI ness unit (BU) operating systems cannot be tight due
system’s role in the larger organization be communi- to the mainstream organization’s core rigidities
cated throughout the organization. (Dougherty, 1995; Leonard-Barton, 1992), some links
may enhance the likelihood that new business oppor-
Second, systems theory suggests that the MI system tunities transferred from the MI system will be ac-
must exhibit tight coupling with the firm’s strategic cepted. Eventually, an MI will need to be embedded in
intent to ensure that the MI management system re- an operational unit and work within a business unit’s
mains relevant to the larger organization. If the pur- systems. A project must at some point be added to the
pose of MI is organizational renewal, the link to the BU’s portfolio planning and resource expenditure
firm’s vision for its future must be intimate and re- plans, for example. Similarly, resources will be need-
ciprocal. In other words, the reason for building an ed during a project’s development that may already
MI dynamic capability is to help the firm renew itself, reside in an operating unit if the opportunity is tightly
with the directions for renewal executed through the aligned with that unit. At Air Products and Shell
MI system. Both theoretical and empirical evidence Chemicals, for example, the MI system directors
suggest that the link between corporate entrepreneur- maintain a talent database: an inventory of people
ship (CE) activities and strategy formation processes throughout the company they may need to draw on
can determine the effects of CE on firm performance from time to time. Hill and Rothaermel (2003) argued
(Baden-Fuller, 1995; Burgelman and Sayles, 1986; that incumbent firms are better prepared to respond
Covin and Miles, 2003; Lovas and Ghoshal, 2000; to an MI introduced into the firm’s industry when the
Meyer and Heppard, 2000; Thornhill and Amit, basic research function (discovery) is loosely coupled
2001). Furthermore, the influence works both ways with applied research functions directed by the BU.
(Burgelman and Sayles, 1986; Covin and Miles, 2003; Firms use idea-sharing fairs, technology conferences,
Danneels, 2002; Markides, 1999). Opportunities pur- and innovation fairs to loosely network members of
sued by the MI system may cause the firm to broaden the MI system and mainstream operations so that
or redirect its future course as it engages in and learns mainstream employees are aware of MI activities.
about the new opportunity. Covin and Miles (2003)
found that communication between corporate entre- P2c: An MI dynamic capability requires that the MI
preneurs and top managers increases the understand- system be loosely coupled with the mainstream organi-
ing of corporate strategy among the former and zation in terms of access to resources, networks, and
the understanding of market and technological op- BU systems.
portunities among the latter. They viewed venturing
activities as an opportunity to begin strategic conver- Finally, the literature is fairly well developed regard-
sations. Zahra, Nielsen, and Bogner (1999) described ing the need for different product development pro-

cesses for high-uncertainty (MI) projects compared or offer long-run competitive advantage. Benner and
with incremental new product projects. This calls for a Tushman (2003) argued that process-oriented man-
decoupling of processes, in that the processes and eval- agement stabilizes routines and increases efficiency in
uative criteria that work for incremental innovation the short run, triggering internal biases for certainty
are inappropriate for MI (Leifer et al., 2000; Morone and predictable results. A focus on process manage-
and O’Connor, 1992). One manifestation of the ment (i.e., codifiable routines) favors exploitative in-
decoupling of processes is the emergence of distinct novation over exploratory innovation.
vocabularies for MI-appropriate processes: explorato- In highly uncertain markets where MI is the objec-
ry marketing (vs. voice of the customer), emerging tive, variety enhancement is favored over closure for
business opportunities (vs. new product projects), much of the project’s development cycle (McGrath,
probe and learn (vs. market research), learning plans 2001). Knowledge and expertise come from experi-
(vs. project plans), new market creation (vs. product ence with a wide variety of cues and stimuli. Gener-
launch), and general manager (vs. team leader). ating multiple options and executing on each only to
the point of learning what is needed for the next step is
P2d: An MI dynamic capability requires that the MI a more typical process. New knowledge occurs
system’s project management processes be decoupled through simultaneous outreach into the market, eval-
from those of the mainstream system. uation, and technology experimentation (O’Connor,
1998), since market and technical development are
intertwined in high-uncertainty environments (Mor-
Element 3: Exploratory Processes one and O’Connor, 1992).
Clearly, the processes and tools needed to navigate
Effective dynamic capabilities in high-uncertainty en- high-uncertainty market, technical, resource, and or-
vironments require new, situation-specific knowledge ganizational spaces are different from those typically
(Eisenhardt and Martin, 2000), which accumulates as used in large established firms. Explication of latent
project members engage in experiential activities to assumptions, hypothesis generation, and testing re-
learn quickly, to evaluate, and to redirect (Lynn et al., garding the four uncertainty dimensions (O’Connor et
1996). In fact, for a while even that level of rationality al., in press) may be more appropriate approaches to
cannot be expected. Cheng and Van de Ven (1996) project management than the use of project manage-
found that during the initial phase of exploration, ment tools that focus on reducing deviations from a
project learning did not occur, in that actions and preordained and approved plan (McGrath and Mac-
outcomes were not connected in any patterned way. Millan, 1995).
Instead, teams were using another type of knowledge
acquisition: building a stock of knowledge about the P3: An MI dynamic capability requires that learning-
tasks to be learned. The definition of learning pre- oriented, exploratory processes be utilized for manag-
sumes that learners have a priori knowledge about (1) ing project progress.
alternative courses of action, (2) outcome preferences
or goals, and (3) the institutional rules, resources, and
settings in which the task is undertaken. In new situ- Element 4: Requisite Skills
ations this prerequisite knowledge must first be cre-
ated, through discovering possible actions, outcomes, An organizational routine, as defined in the dynamic
and the contexts in which they occur. If learners have capabilities literature, is a set of activities that are
experience with only one course of action and one routinized such that the need for choice is diminished:
outcome preference, there is little opportunity for A fixed response is provided for a defined stimulus
learning or creativity since the task is reduced to link- (March and Simon, 1958). Process is valued to such
ing the only known means with the only agreed-upon an extent that individuals are considered
end. interchangeable. But no such routine exists when
Other researchers note similar results. Brown and the dynamic capability is based on transformational
Eisenhardt (1997) noted that highly structured pro- experience, where the purpose is to move the organi-
cesses such as gating (prescribed for incremental in- zation into a renewal state and where new situation-
novation) may produce new products quickly but that specific learning is required with each MI project
those products often do not meet market conditions (Eisenhardt and Martin, 2000). Because risk, uncer-

tainty, and novelty are so high, knowledge cannot be ing how to conduct smart probes can be advanced
proceduralized. through the cumulative experience and wisdom affor-
MI thus requires broadly skilled employees who ded by a coaching relationship.
can be flexible as circumstances require (Kanter, 1985) One may see coaching as a substitute for accumu-
and as projects are pursued, redirected, dropped, or lating and articulating knowledge, the basic steps of
tilted up. Rather than cross-functional teams, MI building new operating routines (Nelson and Winter,
teams are composed of highly multifunctional indi- 1982). This is not the case. The pursuit of situation-
viduals (O’Connor and McDermott, 2004), who em- specific knowledge necessitated by high-uncertainty
body entrepreneurial characteristics. If not attended environments does not allow such routines since every
to, they will not remain in a large established organi- experience is unique (Eisenhardt and Martin, 2000).
zational environment for long (Leifer et al., 2000). At one large industrial firm, a team of three senior
The skills necessary for navigating highly uncertain corporate leaders in strategy and technology together
environments are not typically found in successful spent 60 hours each month coaching 10 MI project
managers in the large established firm, where career teams. When asked if this would become a more au-
success results from the efficient execution of known tomatic process, the vice president of strategy noted,
routines and where operations are smooth, predict- ‘‘Coaching teams cannot be handled by a process . . . .
able, and implemented at the lowest possible cost. Ei- It must be handled on a one-by-one basis.’’
senhardt (1989) found that an inability to cope with Given this reality, the selection of coaches is crit-
uncertainty is a major reason managers are inhibited ical. Given the mismatch of skills needed for upward
in high-velocity markets. Yet it is just these managers mobility in large established organizations and skills
who are promoted and become decision makers over needed in high-uncertainty environments, there is
MI initiatives, given that promotion occurs based on room for improvement in coaching and talent devel-
success in the mainstream culture driven by a focus on opment for MI. Identifying and nurturing talent are
operational excellence. key to an MI dynamic capability system, given its ob-
Furthermore, when the organization is by defini- jective to change the organization in fundamental
tion moving into unfamiliar terrain, careers may be ways. It would appear that an understanding and
threatened. While much of the literature has focused buildup of the requisite skills, which differ from those
on the threat to those in the host organization required in the daily operations of an established firm,
(Chandy and Tellis, 1998), there is equal threat to is a necessary element of a sustainable MI manage-
those who nurture the venture, since the transition ment system.
into the operating unit can be accompanied by jeal-
ousy and clumsy adaptation into the BU’s adminis- P4: An MI dynamic capability requires attention to the
trative systems (Chandy and Tellis, 1998; Sharma, identification and nurturing of appropriate skills and
2000). O’Connor and McDermott (2004) documented talent.
that over a six-year observation period key core team
members either quit or were fired in 10 of 12 MI pro-
jects they observed. Element 5: Appropriate Governance and Decision-
Because knowledge cannot be proceduralized in the Making Mechanisms and Criteria
MI environment mentoring, coaching or apprentice-
ship may be the only ways to develop new capabilities. Systems are self-regulating, as shown in several ways.
Mentoring refers to the systematic development of the First, a system exhibits autopoiesis; it seeks to repro-
skills and leadership abilities of less experienced mem- duce itself by constantly shifting its elements so that it
bers of an organization (Scandura, 1992, 1998). Coach- continues to exist. Some systems learn through single-
ing and mentoring can help manage career risk (Kram, loop feedback: A change enhances or inhibits the sys-
1985) as well as help share the accumulated wisdom tem’s longevity, but the objectives toward which the
and experience of managing in a high-uncertainty en- system is evolving are never questioned (Felix, 2003).
vironment (Lankau and Scandura, 2002). While many Double-loop learning is used to question the system’s
authors have described the importance of such probe- objectives. If they are out of alignment, changes are
and-learn, experience-based learning approaches for initiated to enhance the system’s effectiveness. When
high-uncertainty environments (Cheng and Van de it differs from preset standards, the system attempts to
Ven, 1996; Lynn et al., 1996; McGrath, 2001), learn- adapt as quickly as possible to the desired state.

Closed-loop systems thus always move toward equi- P5a: An MI dynamic capability requires a specific,
librium (ibid.). Open systems seek homeostasis, a unique mechanism for considering and governing the
shifting equilibrium that helps the system align with portfolio of MI ventures.
its environment.
Some systems theorists, however, question whether Element 5b: Governance over specific projects within
all systems have equilibrium as their objective. Von the portfolio. Two issues arise regarding project-level
Bertolanffy (1968) described the concept of flow equi- governance. The first is evaluation processes for pro-
librium, the idea that many complex systems are not ject-level go/kill decisions. The second is the compo-
equilibrium seeking but rather seek disequilibrium. sition of the governing body.
The MI dynamic capability can be viewed as such a Real-options theory can be used to guide invest-
disequilibrium-seeking entity within the larger com- ment decisions under uncertainty (Dixit and Pindyck,
pany system. Flow-equilibrium management systems 1994; McGrath and MacMillan, 2000). With this
are characterized by a constantly moving equilibrium. approach, researchers view investing in a technology
A constant flow of negative and positive feedback di- with a highly uncertain future as taking an option
rects the system through a changing, unpredictable that may or may not be exercised, depending on
environment. Systems theorists have shown that to how new information changes the option value of
produce creative, innovative, continually changeable that opportunity. The objective of each funding
behavior, systems must operate far from equilibrium milestone is to learn more, thereby reducing the
(Stacey, 1995). The governance model associated with uncertainty about the value of an opportunity. This
this changing system, then, is a necessary element of approach aligns with the exploratory processes of
an MI dynamic capability since it oversees the execu- an MI dynamic capability previously described
tion of breakthrough innovations and determines, (Eisenhardt and Tabrizi, 1995). Real-options meth-
through positive and negative feedback, whether the ods reject simplistic financial analysis based on net
MI system is delivering on its mandate. There are present value projections to evaluate investments in
three levels of governance to consider: (1) the portfo- nascent opportunities, focusing instead on keeping
lio of MI projects; (2) specific projects within the options open.
portfolio; and (3) the MI system itself. Caution is in order, however, when applying
venture capital and real-options approaches to
Element 5a: Governance over the portfolio. Firms internally managed MIs (Chesbrough, 2000). Behind
that do not build an entire management system for dynamic capabilities is the requirement to continually
major innovation but instead rely on champions and renew through reflection and reevaluation. In a
their senior-management sponsors for any single pro- large established firm, the memory of failed
ject’s success may be unaware of the set of MI projects experiments and expired options endures, and the
under development at any point in time. The literature organization may choose to leverage the learning
has recently focused on applying venture capital mod- from a seemingly expired option. Thus, unlike a
els to corporate entrepreneurship (Chesbrough, 2000; venture capitalist who samples many projects, the
Covin and Miles, 2003; Hamel, 1999), indicating MI system can build a capability to recombine
that considering the set of MI projects as a portfolio early experiences and to build them into larger op-
is an important practice that is beginning to emerge. portunities.
Portfolios, however, are typically diversified to hedge In terms of the composition of the governing
against risk. When the entire portfolio is composed of body, the challenge arises that situation-specific
high-risk projects, however, as in the case of MI, a new learning is required for each MI project by definition.
dimension of protection must be used to guide portfo- It is thus impossible for any single governance body
lio governance. Whether the portfolio is diversified to have the depth of understanding needed to guide
along technology platforms, new business platforms, each project. Therefore, individual projects may
time-to-market estimates, or other considerations, the need oversight from a unique governance board
MI portfolio manager is faced with the challenge of whose members have expertise specific to the technol-
considering an appropriate diversification strategy in ogy or market in question and who can inform
line with the new competency and business domains the portfolio governance board of project-level
the firm views as critical to its future health (O’Connor issues. The composition of these boards may need
et al., in press). to evolve as the requirements of the project change.

P5b.1: An MI dynamic capability requires an options Tushman, 2003; Gavetti and Levinthal, 2000; Louis
mentality to project evaluation, with an allowance for and Sutton, 1989). Both activity- and performance-
reconsideration of expired options. based measures may be needed since commercial suc-
cess can be infrequent. Examples of appropriate
P5b.2: An MI dynamic capability requires a mecha-
MI system metrics might include whether the MI
nism for governing or overseeing each project in the
system accumulated new market connections, new
portfolio composed of project-specific expertise.
technical capabilities, and new partnerships or moved
the firm into a new strategic domain. In one large
Element 5c: Governance over the MI system. Re-
firm, the MI system evaluates programs on how suc-
configuring people and processes over time is an im-
cessfully the market is informed of their initiatives,
portant higher-order dynamic capability (King and
whether by technical publications, conference presen-
Tucci, 2002) and is a key aspect of the flow-equilib-
tations, or direct interface with potential customer-
rium system that von Bertalanffy (1968) described. It
requires a model of reflection, reconfiguration, and
reinstitutionalization that can only occur if the expec-
tation of continued evolution exists and if MI system P6: An MI dynamic capability requires establishing
members have the capabilities to manage higher-order metrics that are appropriate for the high-risk, high-un-
change. This ability to be a high-flex organization re- certainty objectives of the MI management system.
quires organizational autonomy (Helfat and Rau-
bitschek, 2000; Teece et al., 1997), which is why a
separate organization structure is needed, as noted
Element 7: Cultural and Leadership Context
earlier. In one very large U.S.-based organization, the
MI dynamic capability development is managed by Systems are not autonomous; they are embedded in
the corporate strategy office, whose high-level staff larger systems (Capra, 1996). If the larger system is
members not only coach teams but also reconfigure malevolent, the system of focus cannot flourish. It
their processes. They benchmark externally and inter- follows that MI systems must be integrated into the
nally, evolve new tools, add new skills, and constantly mainstream by a senior team (Benner and Tushman,
diagnose the system. At another large U.S.-based 2003). The ideal organizational culture and leadership
firm, a recent merger placed enormous resource stress team values MI as a key component of their efforts,
on the MI system. Pressures to produce required that acts as caretakers of the firm’s future health, and un-
the MI staff’s entire attention be devoted to ‘‘getting derstands the risks inherent in MI (Rotenberg and
just one project out the door.’’ They soon realized that Soloner, 2000). This is shown through (1) investment
no one was attending to developing a rich portfolio of in strategic thinking and conversations about the fu-
opportunities or considering how to access appropri- ture health of the firm, (2) a vision of the firm’s com-
ate talent. petency objectives, in terms of technology platforms
or market domains, that senior leadership would al-
P5c: An MI dynamic capability requires a mechanism low to be influenced by new learning, and (3) the in-
for constant reflection and reconfiguration. vestment in technology and human capital to build
and exploit those capabilities. Most often the reality is
different from the ideal, and MI dynamic capabilities
Element 6: Appropriate Metrics as a system are stunted when this last element does not
To allow for differential processes and expectations align with the other six. In addition, as macroenvi-
across innovation and operating systems, differential ronmental issues change, so do senior-management
budgeting systems and performance metrics must also priorities. For this reason, it is compelling to consider
be established (Kanter et al., 1991; Rice et al., 2000; a system-level capability so that it is more deeply
Stringer, 2000). To the extent that the MI system rooted than the current generation of senior-manage-
brings strategic renewal through transformational ex- ment champions.
periences, senior management may provide slack be-
cause of the experimental nature of that role and may P7: An MI dynamic capability requires an organiza-
hold MI to different constraints and rewards than tional environment whose leadership and culture recog-
those to which operating units are held (Benner and nize the importance of the MI system.

Discussion The Whole Is Greater than the Sum of Its Parts

Four requirements must be met to prove that these This article argues that the entire list of elements is
seven elements comprise a system rather than a simple necessary and sufficient for providing an MI capabil-
list (von Bertalanffy, 1968). First, the system must be ity in an organization and that, absent any one of
identifiable and its elements interdependent, such that them, the system will not enable MI to occur except
a change in one affects the others. Second, the set of by chance or through the strength of a few exceptional
elements must combine to yield a whole that is greater individuals. If this is not true, the elements in the sys-
than the sum of its parts. Third, to be a living, open tem have not been correctly specified. The agenda for
system, it must have a mechanism for interacting with future research will be to test this hypothesis.
the larger environment that is self regulating and seeks
homeostasis. Finally, the MI system must play a
unique role in the larger system. It must be shown Interaction and Networking with the Larger
that the seven elements listed herein fulfill these re- Environment to Achieve Homeostasis
The internal and external interface mechanisms de-
scribed as critical to an MI management system (El-
System Is Identifiable and Elements Are ement 2) ensure that the MI subsystem operates as an
Interdependent open system and achieves homeostasis within and in
connection to its larger system, the firm. The discus-
It is proposed that, taken separately, these seven ele- sion of various degrees of coupling allows scholars to
ments do not affect an organization’s MI capability. consider the nature of feedback loops and interfaces
Without alignment among them, the system is subop- with the larger system. The tight coupling to strategic
timal. Consider, for example, the exploratory pro- intent is identified specifically to ensure that the MI
cesses (Element 3) of an MI team. If the governance management system maintains its strategic relevancy,
mechanisms (Element 5) and metrics (Element 6) are or its role within the larger system.
not oriented toward exploration, projects that exam-
ine a market that is too small by typical standards yet
offers valuable learning will be deemed failures. Nu- Purpose in the Larger System in which It Is
merous examples highlight the importance of explor- Embedded
ing and investing in creating markets that appear too
small or do not yet exist (Lynn, Morone, and Paulson, The argument presented herein is that the MI system’s
1996; Morone, 1993; O’Connor, 1998) and the need purpose is innovation aimed at providing new plat-
for governance boards to understand and apply this forms for growth by leveraging novel technologies in
principle. Consider the issue of skills (Element 4). unique ways (Hill and Rothaermel, 2003). In a sense,
Again, evidence abounds that some people work well MI is insurance for the firm’s future. It is not argued
in high-uncertainty circumstances and high-risk, en- here that the entire organization should focus on MI.
trepreneurial environments that others find stressful. Indeed, that would create too much risk. Most of the
If the stressed workers predominate, the MI system is organization must attend to mainstream operations
out of alignment. This affects the degree to which ex- that serve current customers. But there must also be a
ploration can happen, to which strategic insight into subsystem that attends to environmental turbulence
MI opportunities can be gained, and to which evalu- and readies the organization proactively (Foster and
ation methods can be applied. Kaplan, 2001). Nor is it argued that a system should
Systems theory also requires that a system have only be loosely linked to the organization, since its
boundaries that identify it and distinguish it from purpose would then be peripheral. Recently, several
other systems. An identified organizational structure companies became involved in developing and spin-
(Element 1) is one way to achieve this. A vocabulary ning out MI ventures that were deemed strategically
that distinguishes major innovation from other forms not relevant, including Nortel Networks, Lucent, and
(evolutionary or incremental) is equally important to Intel. Today, none of these follow the spin-out model.
delineate the necessity for separate management sys- The company’s leadership must ensure that the MI
tems and to ensure that the MI management system’s system’s purpose in the larger context is clear and that
unique role is recognized. the culture allows it to flourish (Element 7).

Conclusions and Implications is necessary to build an organizational infrastructure

that is internally aligned to support such activity and
The academic literature on MI has centered on its networked and coupled with the mainstream organi-
definition and description. Scholars have a long way zation so it can experience the effects of rejuvenation.
to go to increase our understanding of how firms can This article outlines the elements of such a system
systematically embed an MI capability in their orga- and shows how they interact to create a whole that is
nizations, especially since large firms have been un- greater than the sum of its parts. To test this model
successful at building and maintaining such systems. empirically, the research methodology itself will have
One reason for this failure may be our incomplete to change. The study of organizational routines or
understanding of the MI dynamic capability as a dynamic capabilities has tried to dissect the routine by
complex system of interdependent elements. breaking the processes into distinct, analytical steps
Dynamic capability theory is evolving to the point (Grant, 1996; Helfat, 1997; Helfat and Raubitschek,
at which it can help academics formulate models of 2000; Zollo and Winter, 2002). The assumption is that
the processes and infrastructures needed to build a routines can be best understood if each part is clarified
lasting system. But more thinking is needed since MI and its properties and characteristics described before
requires situation-specific knowledge that defies cod- they are considered as a system. This mechanistic
ifiable, automatic, stimulus–response processes. Ei- Cartesian approach presumes we can learn about the
senhardt and Martin’s (2000) contribution on high- whole through summing its parts.
velocity markets helps push our thinking, but in this Systems theory, however, recognizes that some
article it is asserted that it is not the high-velocity phenomena are so complex and interconnected that
characteristic of markets that drive unique dynamic their elements cannot be fully understood when sep-
capability requirements but rather high-uncertainty arated. It is the whole that must be examined and
domains. As we consider the challenges of major in- whose properties must be explicated. Only afterward
novation and its associated high uncertainty, seven can each element’s contribution be dissected and the
elements emerge that, it is proposed, must be in place interrelationships considered as contributions to the
for the dynamic capability to become effective. It is whole (Phillips, 1972). Thus, when studying particular
argued that all these elements must be brought into aspects of an MI dynamic capability (e.g., governance
internal consistency and into alignment with the re- boards), one must not isolate this aspect from the
quirements of operating in a highly uncertain envi- study of the other elements. For example, a gover-
ronment. Together, they make up a formidable nance board can be studied solely as a governance
system. board. Its composition, location in the organization’s
The implications for scholarship of seeing complex hierarchy, decision-making processes, tenure, and po-
dynamic capabilities through the lens of systems the- litical dynamics can all be compared with those same
ory are vast. First, scholars can move beyond repeat- characteristics of other governance boards. But its
able processes in identifying dynamic capabilities to contribution to the MI capabilities of a company can-
more complex activities. Initial writings focus on one not be understood without observing it in relation to
or a few processes as subjects of study for developing the other parts of the MI system described in this ar-
dynamic capabilities theory (e.g., acquisition pro- ticle. In fact, systems theorists argue that a true un-
cesses, market learning activities, new product devel- derstanding of the part (i.e., the governance board)
opment processes). Eisenhardt and Martin (2000) can only be gained by understanding the whole (i.e.
contributed to the field by characterizing dynamic ca- the MI capability) that encompasses the interrelation-
pabilities differently based on the volatility of the en- ships of all the elements and the relationship of the MI
vironment in which firms operate. But beyond this system to the larger environment (Capra, 1996). While
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cific learning. The idea is not to routinize an operation A systems approach to building an MI capability
but to create experiences that defy routinization. This offers clear implications for practice as well. Leaders
does not mean organizations cannot become increas- interested in MI success, it is proposed, cannot expect
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