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RJDAMA Christian Academy Inc.

San Jose, Gonzaga, Cagayan


NAME: ___________________________________________________________ Score: ________________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. The universe is at least how many years old?
a. 18.3 billion b. 13.8 billion c. 4.5 billion d. 4.6 billion
2. Just like the universe, the earth/solar system exist about billion years ago, how old is it now?
a. 13.8 billion b. 18.3 billion c. 5.4 – 6.4 billion d. 4.5 – 4.6 billion
3. As the current accepted theory of the origin and evolution of the universe, what theory postulates
that the universe expanded from tiny, dense and hot mass to its present size and cooler state?
a. Creationist Theory c. Steady State Theory
b. Big Bang Theory d. Oscillating Universe Theory
4. The universe is billion years of old. Assume that Clyde has 1 billion pesos cash on hand, how many
years will he spend it if he spend 1 peso per second?
a. 32 years b. 38 years c. 40 years d. 35 years
5. The solar system is located in a huge disc- and spiral-shaped aggregation of about at least 100
billion stars and other bodies. What do we call this galaxy?
a. Milky Way Galaxy c. Whirlpool Galaxy
b. Cigar Galaxy d. Sombrero Galaxy
6. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are the outer four planets in the solar system. These planets
are called the “gas giants”, why?
a. because they rotate faster than the inner planets
b. because of the dominance of gases and their larger size.
c. because they have thick atmosphere
d. because fluid interiors rich in hydrogen.
7. The solar system is divided into two: the inner planet and the outer planet. All the choices below are
part of the inner planet except:
a. Venus b. Saturn c. Mars d. Mercury
8. The sun is the center of the solar system where all the planets surrounding it. What do we call the
process when all the planets revolve around the sun?
a. revolution b. evolution c. rotation d. retograde
9. Earth has only one natural satellite – the moon. What is the name of the Earth’s moon?
a. Ceres b. Luna c. Phobos d. Deimos
10. Scientists estimate that the edge of the solar system is about 9 billion from the sun. Convert 9 billion
miles to kilometres.
a. 15 billion kilometres b. 16 billion kilometres c. 14 billion kilometres d. 9 billion kilometers
11. As of January 20, 2016, astronomers are hunting another planet in our solar system. What do we
call the true ninth planet?
a. Planet Nine b. Ninth Planet c. Nine Planet d. None of the above
12. Pluto, now considered as dwarf planet, dwells in what Belt?
a. Asteroid Belt b. Oort cloud c. Kuiper Belt d. None of the above
13. Nowadays, it has been reported that Pluto is no longer considered one of the nine planets. However,
it is now called a dwarf-planet. Why?
a. Because of its small size
b. Because it has not cleared the neighborhood around its orbit
c. Because it doesn’t meet the properties of a planet
d. All of the above
14. Venus, Earth, and Mars are among the terrestrial planets and have their own properties, similarities
and differences. Which one among the choices is the similarity of all the three planets?
a. size b. mass c. temperature d. spheroidal shape
15. Venus, Earth, and Mars are part of the inner terrestrial or "rocky" planets. What planet has a very
similar size and mass with the Earth and considered to be the Earth’s twin planet?
a. Mars b. Saturn c. Venus d. Mercury
16. Orbital period and velocity are related to the planet's distance from the sun. Among the three
planets of the rocky planets, what planet is the farthest from the Sun?
a. Mars b. Venus c. Earth d. Mercury
17. Among the three planets of the rocky planets, what planet is the nearest from the Sun?
a. Earth b. Mercury c. Mars d. Venus
18. What do we call a set of interconnected components are interacting to form a unified whole.
a. system b. subsystem c. ecosystem d. Earth system
19. The El Niño phenomenon starts with the unusual warming of the central Pacific Ocean accompanied
by the weakening of the trade winds. The warming of the central Pacific Ocean results to an
eastward shift of the low pressure area (away from the Indo Pacific). An El Niño is not limited only
to atmospheric conditions; it is the result of what kind of interaction?
a. hydrosphere-atmosphere interaction c. lithosphere-atmosphere interaction
b. biosphere-atmosphere interaction d. hydrosphere – lithosphere interaction
20. There are four subsystems of the Earth system. What subsystem is the thin gaseous layer that
envelopes the lithosphere.
a. lithosphere b. atmosphere c. hydrosphere d. geosphere
21. What subsystem of the Earth’s system includes the rocks of the crust and mantle, the metallic liquid
outer core, and the solid metallic inner core?
a. lithosphere b. atmosphere c. hydrosphere d. geosphere
22. If “bio” means life, what is do we call the set of all life forms on Earth that covers all ecosystem?
a. lithosphere b. atmosphere c. hydrosphere d. biosphere
23. About 70% of the Earth is covered with liquid water (hydrosphere) and much of it is in the form of
ocean water, what subsystem involves with liquid water?
a. lithosphere b. atmosphere c. hydrosphere d. biosphere
24. When it is hot, we sweat. When it is cold we shiver. Why do we shiver during a cold weather?
a. Evaporation of the sweat cools down in our body.
b. Heat is absorbed in our body.
c. The water releases in our body formed sweat.
d. The mechanical shaking of the body when we shiver releases heat.
25. Only 3% of Earth's water is fresh: one-third is present in streams, lakes, and groundwater and two-
third is in the form of _____.
a. juice b. soft drinks c. alcohol d. ice
26. The atmosphere is composed of different elements, 78% of it composed of what element?
a. Sodium b. Helium c. Hydrogen d. Nitrogen
27. The atmosphere is composed of five different layers namely: troposphere, stratosphere,
mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere. What do we call the boundary that separates the
troposphere and stratosphere?
a. tropopause b. mesopause c. thermopause d. sratopause
28. Who is the Russian - Ukranian scientist who hypothesized that life is a geological force that shapes
the Earth and popularized the term biosphere?
a. Vladimir Vernardy b. Vladi Vernard c. Vladimir Bernardsky d. Vladimir Vernadsky
29. One of the first scientists to push for a more integrated or holistic approach in the understanding of
the universe (and by extension the Earth) and who considered the universe as one interacting
entity was ___________.
a. Vladimir Vernadsky b.Moustafa Chahine c. Alaxander von Humboldt d. James Hutton
30. Most systems, like the Earth system, have matter and energy that flow freely through the system.
How energy and mass is exchanged among the subsystems of the Earth?
a. Open system b. Closed system c. open-closed system d. none of the above
31. By far, what is the largest object in our solar system, containing 99.8 percent of the solar system's
a. moon b. stars c. sun d. planet
32. NASA means ________________
a. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
b. National Astronomical and Space Administration
c. National Aeronautics and Satellite Administration
d. National Astronomical and Satellite Administration
33. Why does Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars called the terrestrial planet?
a. because they’re solid and rocky.
b. because they are the inner planets in the solar system
c. because they are the four planets nearest to the sun
d. none of the above
34. What do we call the theory which proposes that the earth’s crust and upper mantle to be
composed of several large, thin, and relatively rigid plates that move relative to one another?
a. Convection b. Plate tectonics c. moho d. seismic wave
35. The middle layer of the earth between the crust and the core; makes up about 83% of Earth’s
a. Crust b. Mantle c. Inner core d. Outer core

II. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Write WIN if the statement is true/correct and if it is false, encircle
the word/s that makes the statement incorrect and write the correct answer on the space
_______________ 36. Using an egg as a model, the shell represents the crust, the egg white represents
the mantle, and the egg yolk represents the core.
_______________ 37. Mantle is the outermost layer of the earth.
_______________ 38. Earth is like an onion, it has several layers.
_______________ 39. There are two different types of crust: the continental crust and oceanic crust
_______________ 40. Core is the innermost layer of the earth.
_______________ 41. The layer of weak, ductile rock in the mantle is called lithosphere.
_______________ 42. Moho is the boundary separating the crust and the mantle.
_______________ 43. Asthenosphere is the rigid outer layer of the layer which is made up of the brittle
crust and upper mantle
_______________ 44. The mantle makes up about 83% of Earth’s interior.
_______________ 45. The core is made up of siligate rocks.

III. Draw and Label.

46-50. Earth has different layers. Draw and label the layers of the earth. (5 pts.)



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