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Name: ______________________ Grade and Section: ______________ Score:______________

I.Direction: Identify the following instruments.

1. ______________ 2. _______________ 3. ______________

4. _____________ 5. _____________

II.Direction: Match column A with column B. Write your answer on the space before the number.
_______1. Dikker a. a lyrical rendition of different improvised text
_______2. Gabbang b. songs used for serenading loved ones
_______3. Chants c. native xylophone in an instrument bamboo keyboard on top
_______4. Kalangan d. made of tamiang, a long,thin-walled bamboo tube
_______5. Suling e. sacred songs highlighted by qoutations from Qur’an

I.Direction: Write the letter of your answer on the space before the number.
_______1. It is a Maranao mythical bird with a fish on its beak that is often used as decorative design.
A. Naga B. Pako C. Rabong D. Sarimanok
_______2. Which of the following is NOT an okir design?
A. Sarimanok B. Naga C. Pako Rabong D. Panulong
_______3. The decorative design of the Maranaos and Tausugs usually used in woodcarvings.
A. Panulong B. Torogan C. Sarimanok D. Okir
_______4. Extended beams of a torogan that is shaped like the prow of a boat.
A. Malong B. Kulintang C. Panulong D. T’nalak
_______5. The tubular multi-purpose garment worn by different groups of Mindanao.
A. Saya B. Malong C. Patadyong D. Tapis
_______6. A set of bossed gongs suspended on a wooden frame.
A. Kulintang B. Gangsa C. Vinta D. Naga
_______7. A secondary burial jar with a unique human heads that decorate its cover.
A. Maitum jar B. Manunggul jar C. Burnay jars D. blue & white Ming jars
_______8. The T’boli hand woven abaca cloth.
A. Malong B. T’nalak C. Abel D. Sarong
_______9. Among the different groups of Mindanao, which has the most intricate and colorful malong?
A. Badjaos B. Maranaos C. Samals D. Tirurays
_______10. They are the largest and most dominant group among the Muslims of Minadanao.
A. Maranao B. Bagobo C. Badjao D. Maguindanao
_______11. A design in abstract form of a mythical snake or serpent.
A. Naga B. Sarimanok C. Okir D. Sarong
_______12. A huge stately house where Muslim chief resides.
A. Torogan B. Sarimanok C. Okir D. Vinta Sail
_______13. An artwork made from scraps, junks, or any materials to create a composition in an open space.
A. Collage B. Mural C. Taka D. Assemblage
_______14. A work of art created by gluing different objects on a flat surface to present the intended subject.
A. Mural B. Assemblage C. Taka D. Collage
_______15. Stylized designs derived from plants, animals, human like pako, rabong & naga.
A. Anthropomorphic B. Geometric C. Collage D. Assemblage

II.Direction: Identify the answer to the following statements. Choose your answer inside the box. Write your
answer on the space before the number.
Weaving Cebu Maskara Festival
Kapis Patadyong
_________________1. The art of putting together strands of materials like buri and bamboo to make mats and
_________________2. A seashell with a pearl-like luster that is ideal material for lamps, decors, and souvenir
_________________3. It is dubbed as Milan of Asia because of its uniquely designed furniture industry.
_________________4. A traditional wrap-around cloth worn by Visayan women.
_________________5. A famous festival in Bacolod.

I. Direction: Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is incorrect. Write your answer on the space before
the number.
_______1. Folk Dance is a dance genre which is primarily performed for social functions.
_______2. Folk Dance is an inherited tradition which is passed from one generation to another.
_______3. Locomotor movements are movements that are performed in a stationary position.
_______4. Non locomotor movements are movements that allow you to move from one place to another.
_______5. People with little or no training to traditional music may not perform a folk dance.

II.Direction: Identify the names of the following fundamental arms and feet positions.

1._____________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _____________ 5. ______________

I.Direction: Arrange the jumbled words to identify the answer to each statement. Write your answer on the
space before the number.
___________________1. It is a mentally or emotionally upsetting condition that occurs in response to
unpleasant situations. –SSSERT
___________________2. It is anything that causes stress. –SSSERTRO
___________________3. A pleasant stress. –ESURESTS
___________________4. An unpleasant stress. –RESDISTS
___________________5. An unhealthy coping mechanism. –VOIADNCEA

II.Direction: Identify if the following situations are eustress or distress. Write E if it is eustress and D if it id
distress. Write your answer on the space before the number.
______1. Passing all the exams.
______2. Breaking up with boyfriend/girlfriend.
______3. Receiving gifts such as cellphone/tablet.
______4. Having conflict with friends.
______5. Graduating with honors.

III. Direction: Put a √ if the statement is a physical symptom of stress and × if it is not. Write your answer
on the space before the number.

______1. Loss of appetite.

______2. Long hours of sleep.
______3. High blood pressure.
______4. Upset stomach.
______5. Diarrhea/constipation.
______6. Insomnia.
______7. Shallow/Labored breathing.
______8. Headache.
______9. Bodyache/toothache.
______10. Frequent colds

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