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ARTICLE 6: Could Climate Change Really End the World?

Guide Questions:
What is climate change?

The world now faces one of the complex and important issue it has ever had to deal with which is the
climate change, continual rise in the average of temperature. Climate change today is one of the biggest
concerns of human beings on the planet and the effects of climate change are undeniable and it may cause
environmental, social, and economic threats to the planet. We already know and easily can highlight
several signs of climate change. The climate change can be affected by natural factors. On the other hand,
climate change can be affected by human activities which has brought a huge impact and change to our
planet. Currently, the threat of global climate change does not threaten some nations to the extent of
others. In addition, according to the article as our planet changes in temperature, “the climate economist
Gernot Wagner asked when I visited his then-office in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 2018. “Yes. Will
society as we know it? No. The rich will be fine. They’ll buy a second air conditioner and fly their private jet
to Aspen. The poor as usual will suffer extraordinarily more than the rich. But is it an existential risk for
them? No.” However in both ways they would still be able to feel the drastic change.

What can you do to help mitigate climate change?

Climate change mitigation is the act of decreasing the factors that contribute to climate change. One of
the most significant contributors to climate change is the rise in greenhouse gases. Limiting greenhouse
gas emissions is a common mitigation strategy. The world's leading climate scientists believe that
human activities are very likely the main cause of globa l warming since the mid-twentieth
century, mostly because of deforestation, waste disposal, fossil fuels and many more. As an
individual we must be responsible enough, racing awareness like this certain causes and using
our voice to wake up people and make them change because this is our plant and we are the
highest form of animal so we have the capability to make a change and save our planet before
it’s too late.

Climate change is one of the major challenges for the international community. However, there is no
intuitive approach to the problem. Rather, it can only be grasped through scientific knowledge. This is
why our Climate Course explains the scientific basis of climate change, the impacts on nature and
society, and identifies potential solutions so that fact-based knowledge is available for everyone and can
guide the transformation process towards a sustainable future. In addition, we have to practice cell
discipline and use our intelligence with using a clean-energy innovations.
Businesses are focusing on efficiency and buying clean energy because it's good for the environment,
but also because it makes good business sense. Better efficiency means less money spent on energy,
and the declining costs of clean energy (especially wind and solar) and the growing commitments by
companies, cities, and countries to developing it are resulting in rapid changes in how we generate and
consume energy. Everyone will benefit from the economic growth driven by efficiency and investment in
clean energy, and from the resulting cleaner environment.

We are excited about a future world powered by clean energy - and we are eager to continue
collaborating with others to develop more efficient and sustainable infrastructure technologies, and to
make clean energy available and affordable to all.

Reasoned decision-making under uncertainty is no different for climate change policy than for other
areas, although it may be more complex and require crossing traditional disciplinary boundaries more
often. In thinking through the appropriate treatment of future surprises, to the natural scientists falls
the crucial task of sorting through the apocalyptic scenarios and obtaining rough judgments as to the
likelihood of different geophysical outcomes so as to distinguish between the likely, plausible, possible,
and virtually impossible. To the social scientists falls the issue of assessing the probabilities, determining
the values of different outcomes, and devising sensible strategies in the face of such massive
uncertainties. To our leaders falls the burden of ultimately deciding how to balance future perils against
present costs. For all, this is a fruitful use of our collective talents, full of intellectual challenges and
practical payoffs.

Climate change is one of the major challenges for the international community. However, there is no
intuitive approach to the problem. Rather, it can only be grasped through scientific knowledge. This is
why our Climate Course explains the scientific basis of climate change, the impacts on nature and
society, and identifies potential solutions so that fact-based knowledge is available for everyone and can
guide the transformation process towards a sustainable future. In addition, we have to practice cell
discipline and use our intelligence with using a clean-energy innovations.

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