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Name (Optional): ____________________

Age: ______

Grade level: ⃝7 ⃝8 ⃝9 ⃝10

Direction: Put a check inside circle. NOTE: DON’T SHADE.

1. What are the elective subjects do you have?

⃝Environmental Science ⃝Consumer Chemistry

⃝Developmental Reading ⃝Pre-Calculus

⃝Research 1 or 2 ⃝Electronics

⃝BioTech ⃝Statistics

2. How many hours do you sleep in school days?

⃝3-5 Hours ⃝7-9 Hours

⃝5-7 Hours ⃝9-11 Hours

3. How many hours do you spend at home during weekends without doing any school
related stuff? (sleep excluded)

⃝2-3 Hours ⃝4-5 Hours

⃝3-4 Hours ⃝5-6 Hours

4. What do you think are the benefits of the electives? (at least one)

⃝Enhanced time management ⃝Social Skills

⃝Fast memorizing skills ⃝Unity or solidarity

⃝Increasing knowledge
5. What are the drawbacks you’ve experienced so far? (at least one)

⃝Lack of sleep ⃝Repetition of lessons

⃝High quantity of works and activities ⃝Going home tired

⃝Unable to enjoy high school life ⃝Not able to spend time with your family during

6. What part in the holistic health do the electives affect you the most?

⃝Mental Health/Factor ⃝Spiritual Health/Factor

⃝Emotional Health/Factor ⃝Physical Factor/Factor

⃝Social Health/Factor

7. At least how many assignments do you get each day?

⃝1-2 ⃝5-6

⃝3-4 ⃝None at all

8. How do you see the electives?

⃝A hindrance in the curriculum because it adds tons of works to the students

⃝A way to make the student better in intellect and other stuff related to mind

⃝Should be remove in the education system

⃝Makes the students better at public socializing (self-confidence and self-esteem)

9. How do you rate the teachers’ way of teaching during elective classes?

⃝Not that bad but not also good ⃝Very Good

⃝Almost Good ⃝Outstanding

10. What do you feel about being a Special Science Class student?

⃝Not satisfied ⃝Satisfied

⃝Least satisfied ⃝Very satisfied

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