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List of Different Human Diseases Caused by Bacteria viruses Protozoa and

Human disease> In this topics we are going to figure out some serious

disease caused by various types of Bacteria, viruses Protozoa and Fungus. In

India as well as in the world many people often search for different human

diseases and their scientific name of micro germs. That’s why we bring back

a new post that help you for your various competitive exams like SSC, CGL,

CHSL, MTS, IAS, UPSC prelims and railway board and medical sectors.

Diseases Caused by Protozoa

#1 Malaria
Symptoms: Fever with shivering

Parasites: Plasmodium

Carrier: Female Anopheles Mosquitoes

Affected Organs: Red Blood Corpuscle (RBC) and Liver.

#2 Kala-ajar
Symptoms: High fever

Parasite: Leismania-donovani

Carrier: Sand Flies

Affected Organs: Bone marrow

#3 Sleeping Sickness
Symptoms: Fever with severe sleep

Parasite: Trypanosoma

Carrier: Tse-Tse Flies

Affected Organs: Brain

#4 Diarrhoea
Symptoms: Mucous and Diarrhoea with blood

Parasite: Entamoeba histolytica

Spread Through: contaminated food or drinking-water, or from person-to-


Affected Organs: Intestine

Disease Caused by Bacteria:

#1 Tetanus
Symptoms: High fever, spasm in body, Closing of jaws etc.

Name of Bacteria: Clostridium Tetani

Affected Organs: Nervous system

#2 Cholera
Symptoms: Contentious stool and vomiting

Name of bacteria: Vibrio Cholerae

Way of Transmission: One can infected by drinking water or eating food

contaminated by the bacterium

Affected Organs: Intestine

#3 Typhoid
Symptoms: High fever, Headache

Name of bacteria: Salmonella typhosa

Way of Transmission: It is transmitted by consumption of contaminated

food or water.

Affected Organs: Intestine

#4 Tuberculosis (TB)
Symptoms: Repeated coughing.

Name of bacteria: Microbacterium tuberculosis

Way of Transmission: It is spread through the air or the flu. Someone having

TB who coughs, sneezes, talks, laughs, or sings then germs are released.

Affected Organs: Lungs

#5 Diphtheria
Symptoms: Difficulty in respiration and suffocation.

Name of bacteria: Corynebacterium diphtheriae

Way of Transmission: It spreads through respiratory droplets, like from

coughing or sneezing.

Affected Organs: Respiratory tube

#6 Plague
Symptoms: Very high fever, muscular eruption on the body.

Name of bacteria: Pasteuralla pesties

Way of Transmission: Bite of infected vector fleas like rat.

Affected Organs: Lungs, area between the two legs.

#7 Whooping cough
Symptoms: Continuous coughing

Name of bacteria: Hemophilis pertusis

Way of Transmission: coughing or sneezing of infected persons

Affected Organs: Respiratory system

#8 Pneumonia
Symptoms: High fever, swelling in lungs

Name of bacteria: Diplococcus pheumoniae

Way of Transmission: spread via air-borne droplets from a cough or sneeze

Affected Organs: Lungs

#9 Leprosy
Symptoms: Spot on body, nerves affected

Name of bacteria: Mycrobacterium leprae

Way of Transmission: close contact with someone with untreated leprosy

over many months

Affected Organs: Nervous system Skin

#10 Gonorrhea
Symptoms: Swelling in urinary path

Name of bacteria: Neisseria Gonorrhoeae

Affected Organs: Urinary path.

Disease Caused by Viruses:

Symptoms: Immune system of body became weak

Name of virus: HIV

Way of Transmission: through sexual behaviors and needle or syringe use.

blood, semen, pre-seminal fluid, rectal fluids, vaginal fluids, and breast milk

Affected Organs: Defensive system , White Blood Corpuscle WBC

#2 Dengue Fever
Symptoms: Pain in eyes, muscles, head and joints.

Name of virus: DENV

Way of Transmission: Bite of an infected mosquito

Affected Organs: Whole body particularly head, eyes and joints.

#3 Polio
Symptoms: Fever, body pain, backbone and intestine cells are destroyed.

Name of virus: Pilio virus

Way of Transmission: direct contact with someone infected with the virus

Affected Organs: Nerve, backbone

#4 Influenza (flu)
Symptoms: Suffocation, sneezing, restlessness.

Name of virus: Miso virus

Way of Transmission: direct contact, by inhalation of virus-laden aerosols.

Affected Organs: Whole body

#5 Chicken pox
Symptoms: High fever, redish eruption on body

Name of virus: Variola virus

Way of Transmission: by direct contact (touching the rash), droplet or air

born spread (coughing and sneezing) of vesicle fluid

Affected Organs: Whole body

#6 Small pox
Symptoms: Light fever, eruption of bile on body

Name of virus: Varcella virus

Way of Transmission: direct deposition of large, infective airborne droplets

of saliva onto the nasal, oral or pharyngeal mucosal membranes

Affected Organs: Whole body

#7 Rabies
Symptoms: The patient becomes mad with sever headache and high fever.

Name of virus: Rabies virus

Way of Transmission: through a bite from any infected animal or by intaking

saliva of infected animals

Affected Organs: Nervous system

#8 Measles
Symptoms: Radish eruptions on body, Reddish eyes, pain in eyes. Yellow

urine, Eyes and skin become yellow.

Name of virus: Morbeli virus

Way of Transmission: through coughing and sneezing

Affected Organs: Whole body.

Disease Caused by fungus :

#1 Asthma
Symptoms: Shortness of breath, Chest tightness or pain, increasing

difficulty breathing

Name of fungi : Aspergillus fumigatus

Affected Organs: Lungs

#2 Athlete’s Foot
Symptoms: cracking and peeling skin on your feet, most commonly

between your toes and on your soles.

Name of fungi: Tenia Pades.

Affected Organs: feet, toes soles.

#3 Scabies
Symptoms: tiny blisters or bumps on skin, Itching.

Name of fungi: Acarus scabies

Affected Organs: Skin

#4 Baldness
Symptoms: Hair of the head start to fall.

Name of fungi: Taenia capitis

Affected Organs: Hair of the head

#5 Ringworm
Symptoms: Round red spot on skin

Name of fungi: Trycophyton Lerucosum

Affected Organs: skin

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