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1. Where is the setting of the poem?

The battlefield

2. Which line in the poem tells us that the soldiers obeyed the order without question?

"theirs not to reason why"

3. Why do you think the line "Rode the six hundred" is repeated many times in the poems?

to emphasise that the 600 soldiers sacrificed their life on that day in the battlefield

4. Give one quality that you admire about the soldiers. Give a reason for your response.

Loyal as they follow orders.

5. What is the command given to the soldiers?

to charge forward and fight the enemies

6. Give an example of a metaphor used in the poem.

the valley of death

7. Which line in the poem tells the reader that the command was a mistakes?

someone had blundered

8. What do you think is the outcome of the battle? Support your response with evidence from the

Many soldiers die. The phrase into the jaw of death shows that many of them will die in the battle.

9. In stanza 1, who is speaking to the soldiers?

the leader/captain

10. In stanza 2, what does the line, "theirs but to do and die" tell us about?

the soldiers are loyal and courageous

11. What happened to the soldiers in stanza 3?

they were attacked by the enemies

12. What emotions does the poem evoke? What do you feel as you read it? Support your response
with evidence from the poem.

Sympathetic. full of sympathy as many soldiers die in the battlefield.

13. In stanza 2, which phrase in the poem means to go forward over a set distance?
"Forward the Light Brigade"

14. What were the soldiers told to do when they rode into the valley of death?

"Charge for the gun"

15. Why do you think the soldiers followed the order even is it would cause their death?

They are loyal

16. Despite being attacked from all sides, the soldiers continued on. What consequences would the
soldiers have to face if they decided to retreat? Provide reason for your answer.

Death.The soldiers should never go against the leader and always follow orders

17. Why do yo think the persona asked whether there was " a man dismayed"?

some of the soldiers are not courageous and have weak heart/ will/spirit

18. There are many jobs today that require people to be brave. Give another example of a job that
requires bravery. Provide reason for your answer.

Policeman. They need to fight for justice.

19. In stanza 2, which word in the poem means 'made a mistake'?

" blundered"

20. What is the theme of the poem?


21. What is the Light Brigade?

a division in the army

22. Give one example of personification used in the poem?

"the jaw of death"

23. What does the Valley of Death symbolises?

battlefield/a place where battle/ war takes palace/ a place where army fight enemies/ a place
where armies fight enemies and many of them die

24. Which word in Stanza 2 means "mistake"?


25. How many soldiers were involved in the war?

600 soldiers

26. Suggest two ways to protect your country?

1. Be patriotic

2. Cherish these natural wonders/cherish the natural resources/ cherish the history and romance as
a sacred heritage for your children and your children's children.

3. Be loyal to one's country

27. How do you feel about war? Provide a reason to support your response.

I dislike war. Many people die in the war.

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