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Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Being overweight may be harmful than you thought

A new study conducted that by researchers from the University of Bristol, United

Kingdom that there was some connection between the risk of death and the BMI

by examining the health records of the father, mother and child. A professor from

the University of Bristol, explained the benefits of this methodology. As a director

of (MRC IEU) MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit, he said “We are used to seeing

conflicting studies purporting to show that something is either good or bad for

our health. These generally come from naive observational studies, which can

produce seriously misleading findings “

BMI (Body Mass Index) is a way of defining a person’s weight or mass. However,

studies show that there are harmful effects to having a high BMI. Researchers

discovered that having a lower BMI has a lesser chance of having damaging

effects rather than a high BMI that would cause some harmful effects.
A few people believe that being overweight do have some positive outcomes,

however, disregarding these positive outcomes, there’s still a higher percentage

of the negative effects. This was said because, due to previous studies, people die

minimally above the range in which the doctor usually recommended which is

between 18.5 to 25 kilograms per square meter.

Being overweight does have negative sides to it. From heart diseases to diabetes,

including high blood pressure is very dangerous. Knowing that these are the

common causes of death among people across the world, with having one thing

in common; overweightness.
Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature and Studies

Can Obesity lead to Cancer?

Being overweight doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a high risk of being

prone to having cancer. It only dictates that the more weight a person gains, the

higher the risk and possibilities of getting prone to cancer. According to the

article, fat isn’t just fat, but they are active particles that could activate and divide

into more cells that can lead to cancer. However, children won’t get affected

since this is only applied to adults. However, research shows that the risk of

cancer has many possibilities and not only because of being overweight.

Somehow, there is a link between obesity and cancer that researchers found out

from doing decades of research. But if we look at a bigger picture, being

overweight is not the only cause of cancer.

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