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Under the sea

Have you ever swum in the sea? There’s so much to see below its surface.
You can find some quite unusual creatures. The seahorse has a head like a
horse’s, eyes like a lizard’s, skin like a dinosaur’s and a tail like a monkey’s! It also uses
camouflage to protect itself from enemies.
Under the sea you can find some very dangerous animals too. The hammerhead
shark has a T-shaped head and can grow to over four meters long. It is quite at home
in the warm waters around the world and may attack the creatures it comes across,
even humans. The jellyfish seems its opposite. Tiny in comparison, the jellyfish has an
umbrella-shaped, see-through body with long arms called tentacles. There are about
200 different kinds of jelly fish-varying in shape, size and color-and 70 of them have
sting cells in their tentacles. These can hurt and even kill you if you touch their
tentacles. The stingray is another creature that can kill with its sting. It has a flattened
body and eyes on the top of its head. The body ends in a long tail with a spike which
can inject venom into enemies. The stingray lurks at the sea bottom and is dangerous
to the unwary because it is difficult to see on the sandy floor.
However, not all sea creatures are venomous. Dolphins are not fish but, like
whales, are warm-blooded mammals. They communicate with each other using
different sounds. They are very intelligent and can learn many tricks in captivity. The
same cannot be said of sea turtles. They seem creatures of instinct. When it is time for
the female to lay her eggs, she swims to the shore, digs a hole, lays the eggs and
covers them with sand. When the baby turtles hatch, they find their way to the sea and
swim away. Many years later, as adults, the females return to the very same place to
lay their own eggs!
Under the sea, there fish swim so free, that’s the place you might want to be!
1. Which part of the seahorse looks like a monkey’s?
A. the head C. the skin
B. the eyes D. the tail
2. How does the seahorse protect itself from enemies?
A. Its camouflage makes it difficult to see in its surroundings.
B. Its curls up to make itself as small as possible.
C. it clings to a plant with its tail.
D. It swims away very fast.
3. Which of these is NOT considered as dangerous?
A. the sea turtle C. the jellyfish
B. the stingray D. the hammerhead
4. Which of these is a mammals?
A. the sea turtle C. the stingray
B. the dolphin D. the hammerhead
5. What is instinctive and unusual about female turtles?
A. They lay eggs.
B. They cover their eggs with sand.
C. They leave their eggs on the shore and swim away.

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