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Materiales de construcción 114 (2016) 625-637

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Materiales de construcción

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El uso potencial de quitosano como un aditivo biopolímero para propiedades mecánicas

mejoradas y resistencia al agua de construcción de tierra

Rafael Aguilar una , ⇑ , Javier Nakamatsu si , Eduardo Ramírez una , Mariela Elgegren si , Jorge Ayarza si , Kim Suyeon C ,
Miguel A. Pando re , Luis Ortega-San-Martin si
una Departamento de Ingeniería de la División de Ingeniería Civil, Ponti fi cia Universidad Católica del Perú PUCP, Av. Universitaria 1801, San Miguel, Lima 32, Perú
si Departamento de Ciencias de la División Química, Ponti fi cia Universidad Católica del Perú PUCP, Av. Universitaria 1801, San Miguel, Lima 32, Perú
C Departamento de Ingeniería de la Ponti fi cia Universidad Católica del Perú PUCP, Av. Universitaria 1801, San Miguel, Lima 32, Perú
re Departamento de Ingeniería Civil y Ambiental, Universidad de Carolina del Norte en Charlotte, 9201 City University Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223-0001, EE.UU.


El quitosano mejorado con éxito el comportamiento de la ingeniería de construcción con tierra. El recubrimiento con 0,5%
de solución de quitosano materiales de tierra protegida de la erosión de agua. material de tierra con 1% -3% mezcla de
quitosana tenía resistencia a la erosión de agua. Las muestras con 3% mezcla quitosano mostraron propiedades
mecánicas mejoradas.

información del artículo resumen

Historia del artículo: El estudio investiga la viabilidad de usar biopolímero quitosano como una mezcla, o como un recubrimiento externo, para construcciones de tierra
Recibido el 24 de enero de el año 2016
para mejorar su resistencia en dos componentes: la degradación inducida por el agua y las propiedades mecánicas clave. La resistencia al agua
Recibida en forma de 30 revisada en marzo el año 2016 Aceptado el 30 de
inducida por la degradación se evaluó en términos de las pruebas de ángulo de contacto y la erosión de goteo, mientras que la influencia en las
marzo de el año 2016
propiedades mecánicas se midió a través de ensayos de flexión a la compresión, de tracción y de tres puntos. Los resultados indican que el uso de
bajas concentraciones de quitosano puede mejorar significativamente el rendimiento en los dos componentes y por lo tanto fue encontrado para ser
un tratamiento prometedor para la construcción nueva o existente.
palabras clave:

Material de modi fi cación construcción

2016 Elsevier Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados.
de tierra Chitosan biopolímero Agua
degradación inducida Resistencia

1. Introducción consideraciones económicas, incluyen bajo impacto ecológico debido a las emisiones de gases de
efecto invernadero durante la construcción [2] así como instalaciones con buen comportamiento
La Tierra se ha utilizado como material de construcción desde la antigüedad para construir térmico y acústico [5] . Diferentes técnicas han sido reportados para la construcción de tierra
casas, arqueológicos y monumentos históricos el mundo. Se estima que aproximadamente el 30% de dependiendo principalmente de la región del mundo donde se utiliza. De acuerdo a [1] , Las técnicas
la población mundial vive en casas de tierra sin refuerzo ubicadas principalmente en los países en de construcción de tierra se pueden dividir en tres grupos principales: estructura, monolítica y
desarrollo, principalmente debido a consideraciones económicas ladrillo. paredes de tierra apisonada (monolítico) y mampostería adobe (ladrillo) son los métodos
más difundidos. Como un ejemplo, en el Perú, 34% de las casas se construyen con estas dos
[1] . En los últimos años el uso de la construcción de tierra ha visto un aumento en popularidad como técnicas [6] . Desafortunadamente edificios de tierra pueden tener algunas desventajas. Desde una
un enfoque arquitectónico sostenible respetuoso del medio ambiente. Su capacidad para ser perspectiva mecánica, por lo general son pesados, frágiles, y presente una baja resistencia a la
reciclado indefinidamente y beneficios estéticos han resultado en un aumento de popularidad de la tracción que los hace especialmente vulnerable a eventos sísmicos [7] . Por ejemplo, como se
arquitectura de tierra con muchos museos, embajadas y otros tipos de edificios hechos de tierra [2-4] . muestra en Figura 1 una, después del terremoto de Bam, Irán, 2003, edificios de tierra históricos
beneficios adicionales de construcción con tierra, más allá fueron severamente dañadas [8] . Otro aspecto negativo a tener en cuenta

⇑ Autor correspondiente.

Dirección de correo electrónico: (R. Aguilar).
0950-0618 / 2016 Elsevier Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados.
R. Aguilar et al. / Construcción y Materiales de construcción 114 (2016) 625-637

cuando se trata de este material es su naturaleza porosa e hidrófila hacer edificios vulnerables a la y compuestos minerales se han utilizado con éxito para la protección de los materiales de
erosión y la degradación severa tras la exposición del agua [9] . Como se muestra en Figura 1 b, el construcción de barro contra la erosión de lluvia.
aumento de la penetración de la humedad y la lluvia puede afectar gravemente a los elementos El foco de este trabajo es en el uso del quitosano biopolímero para mejorar las propiedades
estructurales expuestas reduciendo su fuerza y ​que afectan a la estabilidad estructural [10] . Por mecánicas y de durabilidad de agua de materiales de tierra. Una revisión de la literatura sobre la
último, también se ha informado de que edificios de tierra pueden ser susceptibles a la extensa modi fi cación de los biopolímeros de construcción utilizando barro reveló algunas aplicaciones
agrietamiento, debido al secado y la desecación, que no sólo afecta el comportamiento estructural preliminares utilizando unos tipos de biopolímeros, pero no de quitosano. Por ejemplo [18] alginato
del edificio de tierra sino que también proporciona un hábitat atractivo para los insectos y hongos que usado para modificar el comportamiento mecánico de fi bra bloques de adobe tratados y los
pueden representar un grave para la salud arriesgarse a los habitantes ya que pueden transmitir resultados mostraron que su adición puede mejorar la fuerza fl exión y la compresión del producto
enfermedades. Por ejemplo, millones de muertes humanas han sido reportados en América Central y final. Otro biopolímero reportado en la literatura para la mejora de la resistencia al agua de materiales
del Sur debido a la enfermedad de Chagas transmitida por insectos triatominos que se encuentra a de construcción de barro es el mucílago cactus, que según varios estudios [19-21]
menudo en el interior de las grietas en las paredes de adobe como se muestra en Figura 1 C [11] .

tiene efectos positivos en la protección y conservación del agua de construcciones de tierra.

La mejora de las propiedades mecánicas de construcciones de tierra ha sido objeto de estudio
por muchos grupos de investigación utilizando diversos enfoques. Varios estudios han centrado su La investigación presentada en este documento investigó el uso de quitosano para la
atención en la mejora de las propiedades mecánicas de construcciones de tierra utilizando aditivos modificación fi y la mejora de materiales de construcción de tierra, tales como tierra apisonada y
aplicados durante la fabricación del material. Por ejemplo, se informó de notables aumentos en la bloques de adobe. El quitosano es un biopolímero compone de 2-amino-2-desoxi- RE- glucosa y
resistencia a la compresión de bloques de adobe (más de 80%) cuando se añadieron dos tipos de 2acetamido-2-desoxi- RE- unidades de glucosa unido a través de si-( 1? 4) enlaces y que se deriva de la
agentes poliméricos (amina catiónicos y emulsionantes de asfalto fi ed) como soluciones durante el desacetilación alcalina de la quitina, uno de los más abundantes polisacáridos naturales. La
proceso de mezcla [12] . Este mismo estudio informó de una reducción de los niveles de absorción de estructura química de quitosano se muestra en la Figura 2 . Debido a su alto porcentaje de nitrógeno
agua de los bloques de adobe tratados de 80% (porcentaje en peso) a 10%. Otros autores (alrededor de 6,89%), el quitosano es de interés comercial en comparación con la celulosa
recomiendan el uso de emulsionante asfáltico fi cado para la estabilización de suelos en la sintéticamente sustituido (1,25%) [22] . Otra característica atractiva de quitosano es su bajo costo, ya
construcción de tierra con alto contenido de limo que por lo general se obtiene a partir de desechos de cangrejo y camarones desechados
transformados a las industrias de conservas o del caparazón de crustáceos obtenidos a partir de la
industria alimentaria [22] . Chitosan ha atraído la atención como un material aditivo y el potencial
debido a sus propiedades ventajosas probados tales como biodegradabilidad, actividad
[13] . Otro método popular para mejorar las propiedades mecánicas de construcciones de tierra ha antibacteriana, no toxicidad y de alta densidad de carga [23] . Debido a su naturaleza polimérica y
implicado la inclusión de fibras sintéticas o naturales. Quagliarini et al. [14] con éxito mostró cómo la química que se ha utilizado para modi superficie fi cación de materiales tales como textiles, películas
inclusión de fibras puede contribuir a controlar el comportamiento plástico de los bloques de tierra y y otros, la transferencia de sus funcionalidades y propiedades
para evitar el agrietamiento debido a la contracción en el proceso de secado. Aymerich et al. [15] también
informó el beneficio
(c) triatomino deuna
de estar en una mayor
pared capacidad
de tierra de elabsorción
y llevando decausa
parásito que energía cuando sedeañadieron
la enfermedad fibras de
Chagas ( ). 626
lana a materiales de tierra. El uso de fibras poliméricas para la fabricación de bloques de tierra
comprimida también evidencia positiva influencia en el incremento de la compresión y fl exión fuerza
hasta 22,5% y 22%, respectivamente [dieciséis] . El mismo estudio informó de que la adición de estas [24-26] .
fibras también permitió alcanzar niveles considerables de deformación en comparación con las Para este trabajo se utilizaron diferentes soluciones de biopolímero quitosano ya sea como
muestras no reforzadas. aditivo introducido durante el proceso de fabricación de nuevos especímenes de tierra o como un
recubrimiento externo aplicado a materiales de tierra existentes. El efecto del tratamiento biopolímero
quitosano en materiales de tierra se centraron en la evaluación de: i) la susceptibilidad a la
degradación inducida por agua, y ii) las propiedades mecánicas. La susceptibilidad al agua inducida
La revisión de la literatura también reveló varios estudios que han explorado soluciones para por la degradación se evaluó en términos de mediciones del ángulo de contacto de la gota sésil y
mejorar la durabilidad de los materiales de tierra a la degradación del agua. La mayoría de los pruebas de erosión de goteo. La influencia de los tratamientos de biopolímero quitosano sobre las
estudios reportan el uso de estabilizadores para mejorar la durabilidad de este tipo de materiales. propiedades mecánicas de los materiales de tierra se midió a través de un programa experimental
Según el resumen de [17] , Los diferentes tipos de aditivos tales como cal, puzolana, cemento, diseñado para evaluar la tracción, compresión y fl exión comportamiento de la tierra tratada y no
biopolímeros (por ejemplo, cactus, atún cactus mucílago, nopal y agave; aceites de linaza y cocina; tratada
fibras de algas marinas fi, etc.),

Figura 1. Los problemas típicos de casas de tierra: (a) estructura de tierra después del terremoto de Bam 2003 [8] ; (B) la pared de adobe erosionado por el agua ( nevada-fort-Churchill-state-park es.html ); y
R. Aguilar et al. / Construcción y Materiales de construcción 114 (2016) 625-637 627

Jiménez Delgado y Guerrero [30] después de revisar una amplia gama de bloques de adobe en todo el mundo sugieren que la

mayoría de los suelos de base utilizados para la fabricación de adobe cayeron dentro de la gama de las distribuciones de tamaño de

grano que se muestran como un área sombreada en gris en

Fig. 3 . Se puede observar que el suelo base utilizada en este estudio es ligeramente fuera del rango de curvas de
gradación reportado por Jiménez Delgado y Guerrero [30] Sin embargo esto no es una preocupación ya que este rango
no es un requisito, sino más bien el rango que corresponde a la base de datos de los proyectos de adobe se compilan
en ese estudio.
El plástico Atterberg y los límites de líquidos de la base de suelo se encontró que eran 17% y 33%,
respectivamente. Estos límites corresponden a una arcilla plástica bajo. Basado en la curva de gradación y Atterberg
limita el suelo base era, por tanto, classi fi ed arcilla plástica como bajo (CL) como por la Uni fi ed suelo Classi Sistema
fi cación [28] .
Figura 2. estructura química Chitosan.

2.2.2. pruebas de fluorescencia de rayos X sobre el suelo de base

muestras de material. Las siguientes secciones describen el estudio experimental y los resultados. Los rayos X de fluorescencia pruebas (XRF) del suelo de base se llevó a cabo utilizando un modelo de espectrómetro
de fluorescencia de rayos X portátil Bruker trazador III-SD que estaba equipado con un tubo de rodio bajo vacuummode a
40 kV y 10,3 mA para delimitar los elementos principales . pruebas XRF se realizaron sobre una pequeña muestra de suelo
que era primera molió manualmente con un mortero de ágata y después se granuló. Pellets se produjeron usando un 13
2. Materiales mm mueren bajo una carga uniaxial de 10 toneladas continuada durante 5 min para obtener muestras densas. El espectro
de fluorescencia de rayos X resultante se muestra en Fig. 4 (una). Los resultados XRF proporcionan evidencia de la
2.1. biopolímero quitosano presencia de Al, Si, P, S, K, Ca, Ti, V, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Pb. Los elementos más abundantes son Fe, Ca, Sr, Ti y
Si. se detectaron pequeñas cantidades de Ni, Mn, P y Cu por debajo de los niveles en los que la cantidad exacta puede
El biopolímero quitosano utilizado en este estudio fue adquirido de Sigma-Aldrich Corporation. Chitosan tiene cuantificarse y por lo tanto fueron etiquetados como presentes como elementos traza. Debido a los parámetros de los
baja solubilidad y es una sustancia de alta viscosidad. El peso molecular del quitosano, medida por medio de una equipos, la presencia de los siguientes elementos, típicamente presente en la mayoría de los suelos, no se puede
viscosimetría capilar, era 1.370 kDa. El quitosano utilizado en este estudio tenía un grado de desacetilación de 65%, descartar (elementos de luz): H, C, N, O, F, Na y Mg.
por lo tanto todavía ha restante 35% de los grupos amino que no son libres en su estructura provocando niveles bajos
de solubilidad y altos niveles de viscosidad cuando se disuelve en un 1% de solución de ácido acético [27] . Para este
estudio experimental, se utilizaron varias concentraciones de una solución de quitosán ácida acuosa para el
tratamiento de los materiales de tierra. Las diferentes concentraciones de las mezclas de quitosano se prepararon en
2.2.3. pruebas de difracción de polvo de rayos X sobre el suelo de base
todos los casos mediante la disolución de una masa predeterminada de quitosano en un 1% (volumen a volumen) de
La prueba de difracción de polvo de rayos X (XRPD) se realizó en la planta, el suelo base seca utilizando un
solución de ácido acético. Las concentraciones de quitosano utilizados en este estudio variaron de
dispositivo Bruker D8 XRD. se recogieron los datos de XRPD para los ángulos de fase (2 h) que oscila entre 5 y 80 ,
Con un 0,02 paso y un tiempo de integración de 4 s. La identificación de las diferentes fases cristalinas se realizó
utilizando el X'Pert puntuación más alta software 2.0 de Philips Analytical con la base de datos PDF-2. Sólo se
0,5% a 3% en masa a volumen, que corresponden a un rango de 5-30 mg de quitosano por litro de la solución de ácido
utilizaron los elementos detectados previamente usando XRF y todos los elementos de luz no detectado por el
acético al 1%. Las dos soluciones principales investigados se denominan soluciones A y B que correspondía a las
instrumento (H a Mg) para la identificación. El patrón de XRPD junto con la identificación de los picos principales se
concentraciones de quitosano de 0,5% y 3% de quitosano en la solución de ácido acético al 1%, respectivamente.
muestran en la Fig. 4 (si).

tabla 1 resume los principales minerales detectados con la prueba de XRPD y también compara los resultados
2.2. suelo base utilizada para la fabricación de materiales de tierra
(% en peso) con los valores reportados en la literatura similares materiales de adobe de otras regiones del mundo.
Mineral cuantificación se llevó a cabo por el método de Rietveld utilizando software GSAS [31] y la interfaz EXPGUI [32]
Los suelos utilizados para la construcción de tierra pueden tener una alta variabilidad en términos de gradación de
. El suelo de base parece ser un granitoide en el que las principales fases son de cuarzo, un albita / anortita mezcla
tamaños de partícula, la composición química, la mineralogía, y otros [30] . En gran medida, las características del suelo y
(feldespato) y muscovita (mica). También contiene una pequeña porción de una anfíboles y minerales de clorita
propiedades dependerán de las fuentes locales del suelo disponibles de la zona en la que se fabrican los materiales de
(Clinochloro y vermiculita, un clorito degradado). fases menores, tales como calcita y ortoclasa fueron también
tierra. Para el presente estudio se seleccionó el suelo de base para representar un típico suelo región costera peruana que
identificados fi. Debido a la compleja mezcla presente y las orientaciones preferidas se encuentran en algunos
se utiliza comúnmente para la fabricación de ladrillos de adobe para la construcción de casas de tierra en las zonas rurales
minerales, porcentajes de masa deben considerarse como aproximadas. Moscovita, por ejemplo, podría ser
cerca de Lima. Las siguientes subsecciones describen con más detalle el suelo base utilizada en este estudio.
sobreestimado debido a su fuerte (0 0 1) orientación preferida.

2.2.1. La gradación y de índice propiedades del suelo de base

El suelo base era un color marrón oscuro, bajo arcilla limosa de plástico con arena y algunas trazas de fi ne grava. La 3. Programa Experimental
curva de distribución de tamaño de grano del suelo base se obtiene por medio de análisis de tamizado junto con las pruebas
de hidrómetro lleva a cabo en general de acuerdo con D2487 ASTM [28] . La curva de gradación para el suelo base se
El programa experimental involucrado investigar la influencia que el uso de un biopolímero
muestra en Fig. 3 . Como se muestra en esta curva de gradación del suelo base tiene 1% en peso de los tamaños de grava,
20% de contenido de arena, 43% de los tamaños de limo y 36% de contenido de arcilla basa en rangos de tamaño de
quitosano tenía en materiales de tierra en los dos aspectos siguientes: i) la susceptibilidad a la
partículas del suelo recomendados en la Norma ASTM D422 [29] . Típicamente adobe construcción utiliza suelos de bases degradación inducida por agua, y ii) las propiedades mecánicas. Las soluciones de biopolímero
con diferentes proporciones de arena, limo y arcilla que pueden variar ampliamente en base a la experiencia local y las quitosano fueron aplicados en dos formas diferentes. Uno como una mezcla que se ha añadido
fuentes disponibles en el suelo. Por ejemplo
durante la fabricación de las muestras de material de tierra y el segundo modo de aplicación era
como un recubrimiento externo que se aplicó a la superficie exterior de una muestra de material de
tierra existente. Las siguientes subsecciones describen los procedimientos de prueba utilizados para
la evaluación de estos dos componentes. Resultados y discusiones se presentan en la Sección 4 .

3.1. Evaluación de la susceptibilidad al agua inducida por la degradación

Como se mencionó anteriormente, los materiales de construcción a base de barro son hidrófilas
y porosa, por lo tanto presente baja durabilidad cuando se expone al agua. Por ejemplo [37] informó
signi fi cativa la erosión de las paredes de adobe cuando se expone a la lluvia. problemas de
permeabilidad necesitan también ser abordado porque la penetración de agua y la humedad
atrapada en el interior pueden afectar negativamente al rendimiento estético, biológicos, y estructural
de edificios de tierra, por ejemplo, e fl orescence, moho, y daño por congelación / descongelación [38] .
La susceptibilidad al agua inducida por la degradación fue cuantificada fi en este estudio utilizando
dos indicadores,
Fig. 3. distribución de tamaño de grano de tierra base.
R. Aguilar et al. / Construction and Building Materials 114 (2016) 625–637

140 California


100 al Si K Ti V Minnesota


60 1 5 - keV -

40 California

AlSi K Ti V Minnesota
Ni Zn rb sr
20 PD

5 10 15
- keV -



Fig. 4. Química y mineralógica análisis de suelo de base: (a) espectro de fluorescencia de rayos X y (b) patrón de polvo de difracción de rayos X.

tabla 1
Composición mineral de algunos suelos utilizados para bloques de construcción de adobe en comparación con suelo de base analizados en este estudio.

principal mineral Mineral amount (wt %) Reference

[33] [34] [35] [36] a This study

Phyllosilicates Muscovite-illite (K 1 x Na x)( Al 1 x y Mg x Fe y)2( Si 3 Al) O 10( OH) 2 15(2) – 14 – 32(3)

Kaolinite (Al 2 Si 2 O 5( OH) 4) – 30 45 X –

Clinochlore/vermiculite ((Mg,Fe,Al) 6( Si, Al) 4 O 10( OH) 8)/( Mg,Fe+ 2, Fe+ 3)3[( Si,Al) 4 – – – – 4(2)/2(1)
O 10]( OH) 2 4H 2 O
Fe-rich magnesiohornblende (Ca 2( Mg,Fe+ 2)4 Al(Si 7 Al) O 22( OH) 2) – – – – 1.0(1)

Talc (CaSO 4 2H 2 O) 6(1) – – – –

Tectosilicates Quartz (SiO 2) 13(3) 65 23 X 32(2)

Feldspars Potassium (Microcline) 6(1) (2) c – – –
(Sanidine) 24(3) – – –
(Orthoclase) – – – – 5(1)
Plagioclase (Albite) – – – – 21(4)
(anorthite) – – – –

Non silicate minerals Brushite (CaHPO 4 2H 2 O) 11(1) – – – –

Indigirite (Mg 2 Al 2( CO 3)4( OH) 2 15H 2 O) 4(1) – – – –
Calcite (CaCO 3) 6.3(6) – 4 – 3(1)
Goethite (FeO(OH)) – 2 7 X –
Gibbsite (Al(OH) 3) – – – X –
Magnetite (Fe 3 O 4) – – – –

[ ] Numbers in brackets indicate references.
a Amounts were not quantified in the original paper (X denotes presence of mineral).

b Soil sample slightly magnetic so magnetite presumed to exist but not detected in the XRPD test.
c Data given as ‘‘potassium feldspar”, without specifying the exact mineral. 628

a saber, el ángulo de contacto de agua y el rendimiento de las muestras en las pruebas de la erosión de ángulo de contacto en este método de ensayo se define como el ángulo formado por el líquido de la
goteo. gota sésil y la superficie del material (ver Fig. 5 una). Los materiales con ángulos de contacto de
menos de 90 se considera que tienen una alta permeabilidad, mientras que los ángulos de contacto

3.1.1. Del ángulo de contacto y pruebas de goteo de erosión superiores a 90 corresponden a materiales con baja humectabilidad [39] . Para este estudio, el ángulo

La humectabilidad de materiales porosos a menudo se evaluó a través de ángulos de contacto de contacto se midió a partir de fotografías digitales tomadas con

mide utilizando el método de la gota sésil [39] . los

R. Aguilar et al. / Construction and Building Materials 114 (2016) 625–637 629

Fig. 5. Assessment of water induced degradation: (a) contact angle test; and (b) drip erosion test (the needle position is only referential for illustration purposes; the height in all tests was of 1 m).

Surface coating

(a) (b)

Fig. 6. Preparation of specimens for water induced degradation tests: (a) hand mixing process; and (b) cylindrical specimen with surface coating of chitosan biopolymer.

appropriate light contrast immediately after a 10 l L drop of distilled water was deposited on top of the solution). The higher amount of liquid in the earthen sample mixtures that used chitosan solution was
earth surface using a micro-syringe. found to be necessary to achieve a similar consistency and workability to the control samples that
only used water. This was attributed to the high levels of viscosity of the aqueous acidic chitosan
The second test used to assess the susceptibility to water induced degradation was the drip solutions. The earthen sample preparation involved thorough hand mixing of the base soil and water,
erosion test. These tests were carried out in general accordance with recommendations from the or the base soil and aqueous chitosan solution, using a metal trowel for a period of about five minutes
AENOR Spanish standard [40] and the Australian standard described in [41] . This test entails placing until a homogeneous mixture was achieved ( Fig. 6 a). The earthen mixture was then placed inside a
a sample on a surface inclined at an angle of 27 with respect to the horizontal. The specimen is then cylindrical mold and air cured for a period of about 7 days in a controlled environment at a 60%
subjected to water drops released from a point exactly 1 m above the center of the test specimen. relative humidity and a temperature of 20 C. The cylindrical earthen specimens used for the erosion
The drops are released at a rate of 50 mL per minute. A photo of the test is shown in Fig. 5 tests had a diameter of 55 mm and a height of 10 mm ( Fig. 6 b).

(b). In this test, the time elapsed was measured up to a maximum exposure time of 10 min or until the
test specimen reached a state of significant erosional damage, whichever occurred earlier.
The samples with chitosan biopolymer solutions involved primarily two concentrations: i) Solution
A prepared at a concentration 0.5% mass to volume ratio of chitosan to 1% acetic acid solution; and
3.1.2. Sample preparation and water induced degradation assessment test program ii) Solution B corresponding to a concentration of 3% mass to volume ratio of chitosan to 1% acetic
acid solution. However, after a first round of tests, two additional solutions with concentrations of 1%
The base soil, described earlier, was first sieved using the sieve No. 4 (opening = 4.75 mm) to (Solution C ⁄) and 2% (Solution D ⁄) were added to the test program to determine the minimum
remove any gravel size particles. The earthen material samples were then prepared manually by concentration of biopolymer to provide an effective protection to the specimens. The test matrix of the
mixing the base soil with either water or with chitosan biopolymer solutions. The samples prepared water induced degradation component of this study is shown in Table 2 .
with water used a base soil to water ratio of about 4:1 by weight (i.e., 20% of the total sample weight
was water). This ratio is based on local practice to ensure adequate workability. The earthen samples
prepared using chitosan solutions as the liquid during mixture preparation used a base soil to chitosan
solution ratio by weight of about 3:1 (i.e., about 25% of the total weight of the sample corresponded to
the chitosan The contact angle and erosion tests were carried out on earthen samples treated with chitosan in
two different ways. The first one consisted on applying the biopolymer as a surface coating that was
applied by briefly dipping one face of the untreated earthen
630 R. Aguilar et al. / Construction and Building Materials 114 (2016) 625–637

Table 2
Test matrix for the water induced degradation experimental component.

Test type Sample type Description N of specimens

Contact angle Control sample Mixture proportion 4:1 (earth/water) 1

Surface coating Solution concentration: Solution A, Solution B, Solution C ⁄, Solution D ⁄ 3 for each solution
Admixture Solution concentration: Solution A Mixture proportion 3:1 (earth/solution) 1
Admixture Solution concentration: Solution B, Solution C ⁄ and Solution D ⁄ Mixture proportion 3:1 3 for each solution

Drip erosion Control sample Mixture proportion 4:1 (earth/water) 1

Surface coating Solution concentration: Solution A, Solution B, Solution C ⁄, Solution D ⁄ 3 for each solution
Admixture Solution concentration: Solution A, Solution B, Solution C ⁄ and Solution D ⁄ Mixture proportion 3:1 3 for each solution

Notes: Mixture proportions correspond to dry base soil to liquid ratios by weight. Solution A: 0.5% mass to volume
ratio of chitosan to 1% acetic acid solution. Solution B: 3% mass to volume ratio of chitosan to 1% acetic acid
solution. Solution C ⁄: 1% mass to volume ratio of chitosan to 1% acetic acid solution. Solution D ⁄: 2% mass to volume
ratio of chitosan to 1% acetic acid solution.

specimen into the corresponding chitosan solution to completely wet its surface. The increase of Displacements for all mechanical tests were recorded using a calibrated Linear Variable Differential
sample weight after this procedure was minimum and estimated to be between 0.5% and 1%. The Transducer (LVDT).
other technique consisted in preparing the earthen material by mixing the dry base soil and the
corresponding chitosan solution. In both the contact angle and drip erosion tests, untreated control 3.2.2. Sample preparation and mechanical behavior assessment test program
samples were included to properly assess the influence of the chitosan biopolymer treatment.

Samples for mechanical testing were prepared using a procedure similar to the one used for
fabricating the specimens for the erosion tests. The dry base soil was first sieved through a sieve No.
4 (opening of 4.75 mm) to remove any fine gravel sizes. All samples were manually mixed with a
metal trowel for about five minutes, using either water or chitosan solution, until a homogeneous
mixture was obtained and then placed in one of the different formworks shown in Fig. 8 . Samples
3.2. Evaluation of influence on mechanical behavior prepared with water represented the control reference for the samples prepared with chitosan as the
admixture. The dry base soil to liquid proportions were the same as described before, i.e., about 4:1
3.2.1. Mechanical behavior testing by weight for the control samples prepared with water and about 3:1 by weight for the samples
The influence of the chitosan additives on the mechanical properties of earthen specimens was prepared using the chitosan solution as the liquid during mixture preparation. For compression and
evaluated through compression, split, and three point bending tests. Schematic drawings of these split tests, cylindrical specimens of 34 mm diameter and 71 mm of height were fabricated ( Fig. 8 a).
three mechanical tests are shown in Fig. 7 . All mechanical tests were carried out as displacement The three-point bending tests involved prismatic beam samples with a cross section of 42 mm by 44
controlled with a constant displacement rate of 1.27 mm per minute. For the uniaxial compression mm
tests, a fine sand layer was placed on both ends of the cylindrical specimens to help reduce friction
end effects and to minimize stress concentrations as per suggestions made by [42] .

Load Ring



Earth specimen

Additional piece for three

point bending

load frame
Simple supports

(a) (c)

Fig. 7. Setup details for the mechanical characterization tests: (a) compression test; (b) split test; and (c) three point bending test.
R. Aguilar et al. / Construction and Building Materials 114 (2016) 625–637 631

Fig. 8. Preparation of earthen specimens: (a) cylindrical specimens and formwork; (b) placing mixture in the formwork; and (c) prismatic specimens.

Table 3
Test matrix for the mechanical behavior assessment.

Sample type Description Performed tests N of specimens

Control sample Mixture proportion 4:1 (earth/water) Compression 8

Split 6
Bending 8

Admixture Solution concentration: Solution B Mixture proportion 3:1 (earth/solution) Compression 10

Split 6
Bending 4

Notes: Mixture proportion measured by weight. Solution B: 3% chitosan

dissolved in 1% acetic acid.
Only Solution B added as admixture was evaluated based on contact angle and drip erosion tests results presented in Section 4 .

and a length of 125 mm ( Fig. 8 b and 8 c). For mechanical testing all specimens were air cured for a
period of about 14 days in environmental conditions. Given that mechanical properties of earthen
materials are heavily influenced by sample moisture content [10]

the actual curing duration for each sample was such that a residual gravimetric moisture content of
approximately 4% was obtained. The actual moisture content of all specimens was measured
immediately after testing by drying tested samples in an oven for 24 h at 110 C and as shown later
the sample moisture contents were very uniform and close to the target value of 4%. Additionally the
density of all test specimens was documented by carefully recording the mass and dimensions of
each sample at the time of testing.

The mechanical evaluation test program involved comparison of test results obtained from
untreated (control) samples with corresponding results obtained from specimens prepared using the Fig. 9. Contact angle tests results in coated specimens.

base soil mixed with Solution B of the chitosan biopolymer which corresponded to a concentration of
3% mass to volume ratio of chitosan to 1% acetic acid solution. The test matrix of the mechanical
testing program is shown in Table 3 . particles and the more polar functional groups of the thin polymer layer, this leaves the less polar
groups on the surface. In other words, the lower contact angles measured when a higher
concentration is used, is due to the thicker film on the surface of the specimen, which leaves the
superficial polymer chains less attached and with more freedom to move and attract water with their
4. Results and discussion polar groups. Additionally a thinner polymer film (Solution A) will produce a rougher surface which
yield increased contact angles in similar fashion to the lotus effect. However, both of these
4.1. Assessment of water induced degradation hypotheses should be corroborated with further studies. Nevertheless, these results demonstrate that
the surface treatment using even very low chitosan concentration can have a positive impact on
4.1.1. Contact angle measurement results increasing the contact angle to values close to 90 . These results are in agreement with other
Contact angle measurement results on surface treated samples, employing Chitosan Solutions A references that show that chitosan films and the modifiedmaterials (e.g., fabrics) with chitosan
and B, are shown in Fig. 9 . Specimens coated with Solution A yielded contact angles of 94 ± 9 which generally shows high contact angles and thus are highly hydrophobic depending on the degree of
corresponds to a hydrophobic or water repellent condition. For Solution B, the contact angle results deacetylation and crystallinity of chitosan [43–46] . Tests on untreated control earthen samples
were 85 ± 5 . Both solutions resulted in surface treatments which are moderately water repellent showed that measurement of the contact angle was not possible given the highly hydrophilic
based on contact angle values near 90 . However it is important to point out that tests using the higher condition. In other words, for most control samples the water drop was immediately absorbed by the
concentration solution (i.e., Solution B) resulted in slightly lower contact angles. This reduction of the sample impeding measurement of the contact angle. This is as expected
contact angle could be attributed to the differences of film thickness for both solutions. The coating
film thickness was greater for the higher concentration solution. Since the surface coating involves a
strong attachment between the soil
632 R. Aguilar et al. / Construction and Building Materials 114 (2016) 625–637

4.1.2. Drip erosion test results

The results of the drip erosion tests on untreated control earthen samples were as expected
given the well documented poor water resistance of untreated earthen materials. Fig. 11 shows
photos of an untreated sample after 1, 3 and 5 min of exposure to water dripping. The photos show
substantial erosion even after only one minute of water dripping. After five minutes of exposure the
specimen was almost completely disintegrated.

The first set of drip erosion tests was carried out on earthen material samples treated with
chitosan biopolymer applied externally as a coating. Fig. 12 shows photos of drip test results for
coated specimens with Solutions A and B. Both of these surface treatment levels passed the 10 min
time limit of this test suggesting a good resistance to water induced erosion. These results suggest
that even a very small concentrations of chitosan coating of
Fig. 10. Contact angle tests results for earthen materials prepared with chitosan biopolymer as an admixture.

0.5% (Solution A) would be enough to protect the earthen samples by making its surface more
as untreated earthen materials are porous and with a high water absorption rate [12] . hydrophobic and more resistant to water induced erosion. The effectiveness of chitosan for providing
water protection can be explained because this biopolymer forms a hydrophobic barrier keeping soil
The above results corresponded to tests on earthen specimens with surface coating of chitosan. particles bound and preventing them from breaking apart which is due to the strong dipoledipole
The second set of contact angle tests involved testing earthen material samples where the hydrogen bonding and ionic intra and inter molecular interactions of the polymer chains.
preparation involved mixing the base soil directly with the chitosan biopolymer. Fig. 10 summarizes
the results obtained for this type of sample treatment. As shown in this figure, no contact angles were
measurable for the untreated control samples and for the samples prepared with Solution A (0.5%
solution) of the chitosan biopolymer. This was due to the fast infiltration rate of the water sessile drop. The second set of drip erosion tests was carried out on earthen samples prepared using the
Contact angle measurements were only possible for earthen samples prepared with Solution B of the chitosan solution as an admixture. The drip erosion test results for specimens prepared with chitosan
chitosan biopolymer (3% solution) which has the higher chitosan concentration. biopolymer in the earthen mixture are shown in Fig. 13 . The earthen samples prepared with the
lowest concentration level of chitosan (Solution A at 0.5%) showed significant erosion after 5 min of
water dripping. It should be noted, however, that the erosion was different from what was observed in
the control sample, as in this case the erosion observed to be localized and affected only the
immediate area around the contact point where the water drops impacted the sample (see left photo
Fig. 10 also includes contact angle results for samples prepared with two intermediate concentrations in Fig. 13 ). In contrast, the drip erosion tests results for the specimen prepared with the highest
of chitosan of 1% and 2% which are labeled in this figure as Solutions C ⁄ and D ⁄, respectively. Of the concentration level of chitosan (Solution B at 3%) resisted the full test duration of 10 min thus
four chitosan concentration levels evaluated, only the samples prepared with the highest denoting a good water erosion resistance. An additional test with an intermediate solution of 1% of
concentration, i.e., prepared with Solution B at 3% chitosan, permitted measurement of contact chitosan (Solution C ⁄) was carried out and the results showed that the 1% concentration level was also
angles. The contact angles recorded for samples prepared with Solution B ranged within 65 ± 10 which able to resist the full 10 min of water dripping. Therefore for earthen materials prepared by mixing the
show some water resistance but still correspond to a hydrophilic condition. These contact angle base soil and chitosan biopolymer solutions of at least 1% concentration (Solution C ⁄ and Solution B)
measurements suggest that earthenmaterial prepared with a soil similar to the base soil used in this is required to reach the 10 min exposure time requirement of the drip erosion test. However, based on
study would require mixture with a chitosan solution concentration of at least 3% in order to start the contact angle measurements on earthen samples prepared with chitosan biopolymer as an
recording contact angle values approaching 90 which is the minimum required for a hydrophobic admixture, a 3% concentration (Solution B) was required in order to measure contact angles. Based
behavior. Based on these contact angle results the test matrix for the mechanical tests, presented in on the combined observations from the
Subsection 3.2.2 , involved only earthen material specimens prepared with Solution B of the chitosan
biopolymer (3% solution).

1 minute 3 minutes 5 minutes

Fig. 11. Drip erosion test results for an untreated earthen specimen at different times of water drop exposure.
R. Aguilar et al. / Construction and Building Materials 114 (2016) 625–637 633

Solution A - 0.5% Solution B - 3% (results

(results after 10 minutes) after 10 minutes)

Fig. 12. Drip erosion test results of earthen specimens coated with chitosan solutions.

Solution A - 0.5% Solution C* - 1% Solution B - 3%

(results after 5 minutes) (results after 10 minutes) (results after 10 minutes)

Fig. 13. Drip erosion test results for earthen materials prepared with chitosan biopolymer as an admixture.

contact angle measurements and the drip erosion tests it was decided that only earthen materials the untreated control condition, was 65% and 80% for the split, and three-point bending tests,
prepared with Solution B of the chitosan biopolymer as an admixture was adequate to yield respectively. The stress-strain curves (for uniaxial compression tests) presented in Fig. 14 also show
reasonable improvements in water resistance. Therefore the mechanical test program only involved increased values of the initial slope of these curves for the treated samples compared to the untreated
tests on treated samples with Solution B. samples. This would suggest that the chitosan treatment results in some stiffening effects of the
treated earthen material. However, the most important improvement of the mechanical properties is in
term of the strength (or peak values) of the different tests considered. This is consistent with [47] who
reported that higher values of stiffness are correlated to higher strength in adobe bricks.
4.2. Assessment of influence on mechanical behavior

The results of all three types of mechanical tests, for treated and untreated earthen specimens,
are presented in Fig. 14 . This figure also shows photos of the typical failure modes observed in each
of the tests. As mentioned earlier, mechanical properties were measured only for the admixture type The increment of strength, and to a lesser extent on stiffness, is difficult to explain. The addition
treatment (no coating treatment) and for samples treated with Solution B (3% concentration) which of the chitosan biopolymer admixture would result in a strong attachment between the polymer chains
was found to be the concentration level that provided both hydrophobicity and resistance to water and the clay particles of the base soil, thus leading to an increment of the compressive strength. The
erosion in the water induced tests presented in the previous section. addition of the polymer may also change the net air void space in the sample in a similar fashion as
observed in bitumen treated soils [1] . The improved strength may also be related to the modification
of the drying or curing process of the soil caused by the addition of the biopolymer. Earthen materials
are sun or air-dried during curing, and not baked as in the case of conventional bricks, thus during
Fig. 14 shows that treated earthen samples had substantial strength gains for all three curing they are susceptible to shrinkage and contraction which will often cause hairline internal and
mechanical test types compared to the untreated control samples. Uniaxial compression test results external micro-fissures [3,14] . Thus the second explanation for the observed improved mechanical
showed strength gains of the treated samples of up to 170% with respect to control samples. On properties of the chitosan-treated earthen material samples is the improved volume stability which
average the uniaxial compression strength increase was 85%. Similarly, the split and resulted in reduced shrinkage and
three-pointbending tests, showed a maximum strength increase of the treated versus untreated
conditions of 250% and 175%, respectively. The average levels of strength increase, of the treated
with respect to
634 R. Aguilar et al. / Construction and Building Materials 114 (2016) 625–637

Non-treated samples Treated samples Faillure modes

5 5

4 4

3 3

Stress (MPa)
Stress (MPa)

2 2

1 1

0 0

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 Strain 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 Strain

(mm/mm) (mm/mm)

1.2 1.2

1.0 1.0


Stress (MPa)

Stress (Mpa)
0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Displacement (mm) Displacement (mm)

2.5 2.5

2.0 2.0
Three point bending

Flexural stress (MPa)

Flexural stress (MPa)

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 0 Displacement
Displacement (mm) (mm)

Fig. 14. Summary of the results of the mechanical tests in treated and non-treated specimens.

Fig. 15. Strength results from mechanical tests.

contraction during the air-dried curing process. This improved volume stability resulted in treated careful measurement of dimensions. The periodic sample examinations during the curing process
specimens with less microfissures and thus higher mechanical properties. In the present study, all revealed higher levels of contraction for the untreated control samples compared to the treated
samples were subjected to periodic examination during curing which involved tracking the residual specimens. The results of this analysis showed that the untreated specimens presented an average
moisture content and volumetric reduction of 10.5%
R. Aguilar et al. / Construction and Building Materials 114 (2016) 625–637 635

from fabrication to testing time while the chitosan-treated specimens had only an average volume content was close to 4%. This resulted in sample curing periods ranging from 7 and 14 days, with an
reduction of 8.7%. This observed decreased volume contraction for the treated samples likely resulted average curing period of 8 days for the control samples and 10 days for the treated samples. This
in a reduction of micro-cracking in the cured samples, as reported by [14] , and thus offers an strategy was implemented because it is well known that sample moisture content can have an
additional explanation for the higher values of strength and stiffness measured in the treated samples. important influence on the mechanical properties of earthen materials. For example, Bui et al. [10] reported
However these two factors need to be further investigated using techniques such as detailed large reductions of compressive strength, ranging between 5 and 20%, for samples that had a water
SEMmicroscopy, and careful sample volume change measurements during curing under controlled content increment as small as 2%. The measured moisture contents for all the specimens just before
conditions. testing are presented in Fig. 16 a. As shown, registered values for water content range from 4% to 6%
with an overall average of 4.6% for the control samples and 5.0% for the samples prepared with
Solution B as an admixture. Looking at each mechanical test type, the difference between average
moisture content computed for untreated control samples and treated samples was found to be +1,
Fig. 15 presents the statistical comparison of the mechanical tests results. The bar charts show +1.5, and 1.3 percentage points for the compression, split and the three-point bending tests,
the average strength obtained for each test type and for both types of specimens (control versus respectively. Although there were small differences in sample moisture contents between the control
treated). All test types show the increase in strength discussed above, but also show the coefficient of and treated samples, these were less than 1.5 percentage points and for the compression and split
variation measured for each set of tests. For example the results of uniaxial compression tests yielded tests the treated samples had higher moisture contents than the corresponding controls. Therefore
coefficients of variations of 12.4% and 16% for the untreated and treated samples, respectively. the moisture effects, if anything, would result in lower mechanical properties for the treated samples
These values of the coefficient of variation are considered reasonable given the inherent variability compared to the control given their higher moisture contents. From the moisture content monitoring it
associated with earthen materials. For example in references is a clear that the observed positive effect of the chitosan solution as admixture (Solution B) on
increasing the mechanical properties of earthen specimens is not associated to moisture content
variations, i.e. possible drier conditions of the treated specimens. This is based on the moisture
content measurements which showed that in general treated specimens were at similar, or slightly
[47,48] , which involved samples retrieved from historical constructions, reported coefficients of higher moisture content compared to the control samples.
variations ranging from 10.8 to 47%. Additionally [49] , reported coefficients of variations from

2.6 to 27.5% for fabricated adobe bricks. The results from the split tests yield coefficients of variations
with a range between 23.1% and 24.2% which are within the range of 10–73% reported by

[47,48] . Finally, the coefficients of variation obtained from the three point bending tests for the
admixture and control specimens were 1.7–19%, respectively. In [47] coefficients of variation between
24% and 51% were reported for three point bending tests which is slightly above the 19% obtained
from control samples. This is somewhat expected as this study involved samples fabricated under
more controlled conditions compared to [47] which involved field samples of diverse ages and
conditions. The low coefficient of variation from the treated (admixture) samples evidence less
variability in flexural strength which might be also due to the controlled fabrication process. However, The sample homogeneity was also assessed based on sample dry density following suggestions
it should be pointed out that only four samples were tested and that further investigation is needed to by Adorni et al. [33] . The dry density ( d d) was calculated in terms of the bulk density ( d) and the
confirm this finding. moisture content ( x) as shown in Eq. (1) .

d d ¼ d= ð xþ1Þ ð1Þ

Dry density values for untreated (control) and treated samples for the three different test
As mentioned in the previous section the sample moisture content was carefully monitored during
procedures are summarized in Fig. 16 b. This figure shows dry density values were reasonably similar
curing in an attempt to minimize the influence of this variable in the mechanical test results. This was
in all the tests thus confirming samples were prepared in a uniform fashion that achieved consistent
achieved by allowing some flexibility of the sample curing duration such that samples were only tested
dry density values. The differences in the average dry density values measured for the three test
when their moisture

Fig. 16. Physical conditions of specimens after testing: (a) moisture content; and (b) dry density.
636 R. Aguilar et al. / Construction and Building Materials 114 (2016) 625–637

were 10%, 5%, and 15% for the compression, split and three point bending tests, respectively. These within which this work was developed. Aitor Larrañaga (SGIker, UPV/EHU, Spain) is acknowledged
values are considered small and within typical variability for handmade earthen construction for his help with XRPD data analysis and critical comments on the adobe composition. The authors
materials. These results further confirms that Solution B as an admixture in the preparation of earthen would finally like to thank the fellowship funding for postgraduate studies for the third author by
samples has very good potential as evidenced by a real positive effect in increasing the mechanical CONCYTEC, PERU.
properties of the mixtures.


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