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Stress, Anticipatory Stress, and Psychologic Measures

Related to Sleep Bruxism

Calvin J. Pierce. DMD. PhD

This study examined (1) the relationships between electromyo-
Assistant Professor and Acting
graphic-measured nocturnal bruxism, self-reported stress, and sev-
eral personality variables, and (2) the relationship between belief in
Department of Behavioral Sciences
a stress-brtixism relationship and self-reported stress. One hundred
Kathleen Chrisman. PbD adult bruxers completed a battery of personality questionnaires,
Assistant Professor indicated whether tbey believed in a stress-bruxism relationship,
Department of Behavioral Sciences presented for a dental examination, and had dental impressions
M. Elizabeth Bennett. PhD taken. Subsequently, electromyographic measurements of bruxing
Assistant Professor frequency and duration were recorded for fifteen consecutive
Department of Behavioral Sciences nights. Prior to each night's measurements, subjects indicated their
levels of stress for the immediately preceding 24 hours. No overall
John M. Close, MA relationship was established between electromyographic 7neasures
Assistant Professor and the personality variables nor between electromyographic mea-
Department of Public Health sures and self-reported stress. Correlations between electromyo-
Bio statistics Section graphic measures and self-reported stress were statistically signifi-
University of Pittsburgh cant for eight individual subjects. Further, subjects with high levels
School of Dental Medicine of stress reported more anxiety, irritability, and depression, and
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania less denial. Subjects who believed in a stress-bruxism relationship
reported greater stress.
Correspondence to:
Dr Calvin J. Pierce
Department of Behavioral Sciences
University of Pittsburgh
School of Dental Medicine
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261

leep bruxism, which is defined as nonfunctional tooth contact
during sleep, continues to have an unknown etiology.''^
Investigators have suggested that local dental, systemic, and/or
psychologic factors may play a role m the expression of the disor-
der, but the relative importance of these variables remains unclear.
While the importance of occlusai and anatomic factors in explain-
ing the etiology and maintenance of the temporomandibular disor-
ders, in general, and bruxism, in particular, has been cballenged,^'
there is diverse evidence that suggests that bruxing behavior during
sleep IS a centrally mediated problem.''""
To what degree psychologic variables impact tbe central expres-
sion of sleep bruxing, and just how they may do that, has yet to be
determined. Some research has provided evidence that psychologic
variables such as anxiety, hostility, and intrapunitive reactions to
frustrating situations are significantly correlated with bruxing
behavior,""" Conversely, other research suggests that bruxers are
normal individuals without higher levels of anxiety, hostility, or
frustration.''"" Emotional stress is one common factor that has
often been linked to increased bruxing behavior.'*"''
Funch and Gale''' studied one patient's self-reported stress levels
over 69 days and found a significant relationship between high antici-
patory stress (ie, for the day following sleep bruxing measurement)
and tbe subject's bruxing activity measured by electromyograph
(EMG). Their results indicated that high anticipatory stress was the

Journal of Orofacial Pain 51

Pierce et al

best predictor of bruxing activitj' and that high stress 1. Trait anxiety (Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale"
preceding bruxing measures was not predictive of and Profile of Mood State'']
EMG-mcasured bruxing activity." Another study of 2. Depression (Pilowsky Depression Scale" and
58 .sleep bruxers provided evidence of a negative Profile of Mood State")
relationship between FMG-mcasured sleep brtixing 3. Denial and irritability (Illness Behavior
and subjectively perceived same-day stress estimates."^ Questionnaire")
It remains unclear as to how and to what degree 4. Health locus of control (Multidimensional
psychologic variables such as stress impact upon Health Locus of Control Scales")
the central expression of bruxing behavior. At a
most basic level, two items are unclear. Is stress a During the initial interview, each subject also indi-
factor perceived by all or only some sieep bruxers? cated whether he/she believed bruxing behavior
How does perceived stress relate to sleep bruxing was or was not stress related. AI! interviewing was
behavior? The aim of this study was to examine completed by the same clinician.
the relationship between sleep bruxism, self- During the second visit, each sub|ect was trained
reported stress, and a number of personality vari- in the use of a portable EMC monitor, which mea-
ables. A specific goal of the study was to examine sures bruxism-related EMC activity above a 20 pV
the correlation between perceived daily stress level threshold in the home environment.'' A detailed
and EMG-measured sleep hruxism. description of the procedure for these subjects'
EMC recordings is described elsewhere." The
EMG provided bedside rape recordings of the
number of bruxing episodes per hour slept (fre-
Materials and Methods quency) and of bruxing activity in terms of sec-
onds per hour slept (duration). Subjects were
instructed to obtain 15 consecutive nights of EMG
Subjects recordings for baseline evaluation. Regular
appointments were scheduled to monitor the use
Participants were 100 residents of the greater of the portable EMG. There are a number of issues
Buffalo, New York, metropolitan area who were that are related to the advantages and disadvan-
subjects in a bruxism treatment outcome study.'" tages of surface EMC that could affect outcome.
Subjects were selected from 350 hruxers who were These issues are addressed by rhe study design''
either referred by their dentists or were respon- but are not discussed here because they have been
dents to a newspaper announcement. Selection cri- adequately reviewed previously."" The reliability
teria included: and validity of the portable EMG used for this
1. A self-reported history of bruxism study has been previously documented.'*"
2. Current bruxing activity verified either by Immediately before commencing each night's
someone else hearing them brux or by the EMC sleep evaluation, the subjects recorded their
presence of wear facets consistent with the levels of stress for the prior 24-hour period. Stress
bruxism disorder was measured on a Likert scale of 1 to 5 accord-
3. Measurable EMG activity indicating bruxism ing to the method used by Eunch and Gale,^' with
during sleep 1 indicating no stress present and 5 representing
the highest level of stress possihie. Subjects
Only one subject was omitted from the study
returned their baseline tape recordings and stress
because the minimum baseline criterion of 1.0
ratings after the 15th night of recording. They
mean bruxing episode per hour was not met.
were then randomly assigned to receive various
Subjects' ages ranged from 18 to 72 years with a
treatments, the results of which were published
mean age of 38. Sixty-five women and 35 men
completed the study.

Procedure Data Analysis

At the initial visit, each subject read and signed an Power analyses indicated that with a sample size of
informed consent form, completed a medical history 100 and a significance level of 0.05, power of 0.80
and psychologic measures, had a dental/head-and- or greater is obtained for correlation coefficients
neck examination, and had dental impressions larger than .25 in absolute value. Correlations of
taken. Standard psychometric instruments were this magnitude represent small to medium effect
administered to measure: sizes, or larger, as defined by Cohen.'"

52 Voiume 9, Number 1. 1995

Pierce et al

Eta coefficients were calculated for correlation of

nominal variables with continuous variables and Table 1 Statistically Significant Correlations
Between Self-reported Stress Ratings for 24 Hours
Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficients Immediately Preceding EMG Measurements of
were obtained for correlations between quantitative Bruxism (Pearson's r) and Frequency and
variables. Eta correlations weie calculated for the Duration of Bruxing
average of all subjects' stress ratings (Likert I to 5
scale) for each individual night versus (1) prior- Subject Frequency Duration
night bruxing frequency and duration averages number of briixing of bruxing
(anticipatory stress variahle), (2) same-night bruxmg 1 .94*t .95-t
frequency and duration averages, and (3) following- 14 NS ,67"
16 -.64" -.63"
mght hruxing frequency and duration averages. 22 -.81" -.82"
To more closely replicate Funch and Gale's find- 27 .65" .59"
ings,-' Pearson's product-moment correlation coef- 38 ,63" ,61"
ficients were calculated for each subject's 24-hour 39 -.54" NS
stress ratings (Likert 1 to 5 scale) and that sub- 61 .84*t .a2*t
66 80*t 84't
ject's EMG values. The subjects' stress ratings 68 -.63" -.76*t
were correlated with their (1) immediately subse- 76 ,67" ,70"
quent (same nighr) bruxism EMG frequency and 39 ,63" ,67"
duration values, and (2) prior night bruxism EMG 92 NS .58"
frequency and duration values (anticipatory stress *Pi .01
relationship). Sidak calculations were made to pro- -P Í .05
tP< 05 after Sidak corneclion
vide a more stringent significance level as a correc- NS = NotstBiisticaiiysignificant.
tion for computing multiple correlations.
Pearson's correlation coefficients were also cal-
culated to compare rhe individual's belief that
bruxing activity is or is not stress related (determi- anticipatory stress variable. However, when the
nation made during initial history) to (1) mean data obtained for individual suhjects were exam-
self-reported stress (Likert 1 to 5 scale), (2) mean ined, there were a number of inreresting results.
EMG-measured frequency of bruxing activity, and Seven subjects reported a positive relationship
¡3) mean EMG-measured duration of bruxing (ranging from r = .63 to r = ,94) between self-
activity. In addition, Pearson's correlation coeffi- reported stress for the 24 hours immediately preced-
cients were computed between psychometric scale ing the EMG measurements of bruxism (stress vari-
measures (Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale, Profile able) and frequency of bruxing (Table 1). Four
of Mood State, Pilowsky Depression Scale, Illness subjects, on the other hand, reponed a negative rela-
Behavior Questionnaire, Multidimensional Health tionship (ranging from r = -,54 to r = -,81) between
Locus of Gontrol Scales) and overall subject means the same variables. As noted in the table, conserva-
of (1) stress ratings, (2) frequency of bruxing, and tive Sidak corrections indicated that three of the
(3) duration of bruxing. seven positive correlations and none of the four neg-
ative correlations were statistically significant.
Nine subjects reported a positive relationship
Results (ranging from r = .58 to r = .9,5) between self-
reported stress for the 24 hours immediately pre-
The sample mean for the baseline EMG measures ceding the EMG measurements of bruxism ¡stress
of bruxing episodes per hour was 16.7. The indi- variable) and duration of bruxing (Table 1), Three
vidual subject means for bruxing episodes per hour subjects reported a negative relationship (ranging
ranged from 1.4 to 67.6 at baseline. from r = -,63 to r = -.82) between the same vari-
Across the entire subject population, no correla- ables. Conservative Sidak corrections indicated
tion was found between baseline EMG measures that only three of the positive and one of the nega-
of bruxing activity and personality variables (ie, tive correlations were statistically significant.
scores obtained from the five psychometric instru- The relationship between self-reported stress for
ments). Likewise, there was no statistically signifi- 24 hours following the beginning of nightly EMG
cant total subject sample correlation between self- measurements (anticipatory stress variable) and
reported stress and EMG measures of bruxing rhe EMG measurements was also examined. The
activity. This was true for both the same-night and data reveal that four individuals reported a posi-
following-night EMG variables as well as for the tive correlation (ranging from r = .62 to r = .90)

Journal of Orofacial Pain 53

Pierce et al

Table 2 Statistical I y Significant Correlations several personality variables and self-reported

Between Self-reported Stress Ratings for 24 Hours stress (Table 3). Tbat is, subjects witb higher levels
Following the Beginning of EMG Measurements of self-reported stress were more likely to report
of Bruxism (Pearson's i-) and Frequency and higher levels of anxiety (r = .32), irritability {r ~
Duration of Bruxing ,22), and depression (r = .26); tbose reporting less
stress were more likely to report bigber levels of
Frequency Duration
denial (r =-.28).
of bruxing of hruxing
Finally, the data reveal tbat as tbe subjects'
2 ,90*t
34 NS .79-t belief in a stress-bruxism relationsbip (determined
40 71" .63" during initial history) increased, tbeir subsequent
56 NS -61" self-reports of stress increased as well {r = .21).
58 62" NS
71 NS
76 NS
87 66" ,65" Discussion
92 NS .74-t
Bruxism bas been described by many tbeorists as a
" P c 05 response to anxiety or stress.'•-^''•''•"' Some experi-
t P Í .05 after Sidsk correclion mental evidence, however, suggests that bruxing
hJS = Not statistically significant.
behavior may precede anticipated Stressors—at
least among some individuals.-''" This study
attempted to more generally evaluate the statistical
Table 3 Statistically Significant Correlations significance of the relationship between sleep brtix-
Between Self-reported Stress Ratings and Measures ing behavior and self-perceived stress by substan-
of Anxiety, Irritability, Depression, and Denial tially increasing the number of subjects beyond
Funcb and Cale's single subject,'' Although our
Characteristic (instrument] Self-reported stress sample was 100 times larger tban tbat of Funch
Anxiety ITaytor Manifest Anxiety Soale) 32* and Gale, there was no evidence to support an
Irritability (lllreis Behavior Questionnaire) 22" overall group relationsbip between stress and
Depression IPilowsky Depression Scale) 26-
Denial (Illness Behavior Questionnaire) - 28-
EMC-measured bruxing activity. Tbis held true
despite tbe temporal relationsbip between stress
• P i .01 and tbe EMG measures.
••P< ,05
Subsequently, the relationship between each
individual subject's stress and EMG-measured
sleep bruxing activity was evaluated. Only a few
between self-reported stress for 24 hours follow- subjects had an mcreased bruxism response related
ing the beginning of EMG measurements and fre- to high same-day stress. Also, only four of 97 sub-
quency of bruxing (Table 2). Only one individ- jects exhibited a discernible relationsbip between
ual, however, maintained a statistically EMC-measured bruxing and next-day stress
significant relationship between tbese variables (anticipatory stress variable). Thus, tbese data sup-
after tbe Sidak correction (r = ,90). Further anal- port only a very weak link between perceived
yses of the data obtained for individual subjects stress and bruxing activity.
revealed a statistically significant relationsbip This outcome appears to be consistent with the
between self-reported stress for the 24 hours fol- finding of Clark et al'^ that high bruxing activity is
lowing the beginning of EMG measurements and likely to be related to a lack of awareness regard-
tbe duration of bruxing. Seven subjects reported ing stressful life events. In tbis context, it is inter-
a positive relationsbip (ranging from r = .61 to r esting that tbose bruxers who reported less stress
= ,90); one subject reported a negative relatioti- were also somewhat more likely to report bigber
sbip {r = -.61). Only four of these anticipatory levels of denial. Independent data on bruxers also
stress/duration correlations proved statistically support tbe view tbat bruxers deny symptoms at a
significant when conservative Sidak calculations significantly higher rate than the general popula-
were applied. tion.'" In tbe current study, bowever, the bigh
Although there was no overall indication of a denial/low stress relationship was rather weak;
relationship between sleep bruxism EMC measures only 5% of tbe variance was accounted for by the
and a variety of personality variables, tbe data did denial variable. Since subject belief in a stress-
reveal statistically significant reiationsbips between bruxism relationsbip was also only very weakly

54 Volume 9, Number 1, 1995

Pierce et al

related to subseqtjent self-report of daily stress and the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of
because only a few individuals had a demonstrable psychophysiologic disorders such as bruxism,
stress-bruxism relationship, it appears unlikely more research addressing the relative importance
that self-perceived daily stress is a major factor in of psychologic variables in the expression of these
sleep-bruxing behavior. This is not to say that disorders is needed. To date, the data suggest that
bruxing activity is not related to stress, but it the relationship between psychologic variables and
might indicate that (1) bruxets are not very aware the expression of bruxism is more complex than a
of the stressful nature of daily events, and/or simple cattse-and-effect relationship motivated by
(2) they minimize tbe personal impact of life perceived life stress-
Although the present sttidy did not demonstrate
a statistically significant group correlation between Ackn owl edg ment
EMG-measured bruxing activity and psychologic
variables, our data suggest that some individuals This rcscarirh was supported in part hy USPHS research grants
veridically associated increasing stress with DF.-05344 and DE-04358 from the National institute cf Dental
increasing bruxing behavior. It is also apparent Research, National Institute of Health, Berhesda, Maryland,
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Resumen Zusammenfassung

Estrés, estrés anticipsdor, y medidas psicológicas rela- Stress, Stressbereitschaft, und psychologiscbe
cionadas al bruxismo durante el sueño Messungen verbunden mit nächtlichem Bruxismus,

Este estudió examinó: (V las relaciones entre el bruxismo noc- Diese Studie prüfte (!) die Be7iehungen zwischen elektromyo-
turno medido por medio de electromiografia, el estrés auto- graphisch gemessenem nacbtlichem Bruxismus und einigen
reportado, y diversas variables de la personalidad, y (2) la Persönlich keitsvariabien und f2.f die Beziebung zwisciien dem
relación enlre la creencia de una relación bruxism o-est res y el Glauben an einen Zusammenbang zwischen Stress und
estrés auto-reporta do Cien adultos que bru>;aban, completaron Bruxismus und dem subjektiven Stress. 100 erwachsene Brjxer
una serie cuestionarios de personalidad, e indicaron si ellos füllten eine Reibe von Persöniichkeitsfragebogen aus, gaben an,
creian en la relación entre ei bruKismo y el estrés. Estas per- ob sie an einen Zusammenbang zwischen Stress und Bruxismus
sonas también recibieron un examen dentai y se Íes tomó glaubten und wurden iahnär^tlicb untersucht. In der Folge wur-
impresiones dentales. Subsecuentemente, se registraron rnedi- den elektromyographische Messungen der Brjxismusfrequenz
das e i ectro mío gráficas de la frecuencia y duración del bruxismo, und -dauer wäbrend 15 aufeinanderfolgenden Nacbten
por quince noches consecutivas. Cada noche antes de realizar vorgenommen. Vor jeder Nacbt gaben die Personen den Grad
las medidas electrorniográficas, las personas indicaron los nive- ihres Stresses in den vorangebenden 24 Stunden an. Es wurde
les de estrés correspondientes a las 24 horas anteriores. No se kein gesamthafter Zusammenhang zwischen den eiektromyo-
estableció una relación general entre las medidas eieotro- graphischen Werten und den persöniicben Vanabien und auch
miográficas y las variables de personalidad, ni tampoco entre nicht zwischen den olektromyographischen Werten und dem
las medidas electromiográficas y el estreés auto-reporlado subjektiven Stress gefunden. Eine Korreiation zwisciien den
fureon significativas, en el caso de ocho individuos. Ademas, las elektromyographischen Werten und dem subjektiven Stress war
personas con niveles de estrés aitos presentaron mas signifikant bei acht Personen. Weiter berichteten Personen mit
ansiedad, irritabiiidad y depresión, y menor recbazo. Las per- viel Stress über mehr Angstiicbkeit. Irritierbarkeit,
sonas que creian en la relación entre el bruxismo y el estrés se Depressionen, und weniger Verneinung. Personen, welche an
quejaron de mayor estrés. einen Zusammenhang zwischen Stress und Bruxismus glaubten
berichteten uhBrnrnsaomn RtreB.«

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