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(“failure”) of a triangular wedge of soil behind the retaining Expressions for the total thrust that must be resisted

be resisted by the rigid

wall, developing what we now know as a “lim it equilibrium" wall in the active case are usually given in terms of relevant
technique. Both “active” and “passive” conditions were consid­ earth pressure coefficients. Often, these are in a generalised form
ered using this approach. Later, Rankine (1857) derived a solu­ expressing the lateral pressure on the wall as:
tion to a related problem, namely that o f a complete soil mass in
a state of failure. Formulations o f the Coulomb and Rankine p „ = K Ay i - K Mc (7.1)
theories may be found in most basic texts on Soil Mechanics, so
for the active condition, and
it is unnecessary to repeat them here.
The early analyses performed by Coulomb and Rankine and P pn = —K PCc (7.2)
others were formulated in terms of total stress. However, fol­
lowing the work of Terzaghi in the early 1920s on the concept of for the passive case, in which p a n and pPN are the normal pres­
effective stress as the controlling influence on strength and com­ sures acting on the wall at depth z, y is the unit weight of the soil
pression of soils, the Coulomb and Rankine formulations have and c is the cohesion assigned to the soil mass. For many design
been extended in terms of effective stress in order to include the problems a value of zero is assigned to c.
influence of pore water pressures. Tabulated values of the coefficients KA may be found in nu­
merous text books and design codes and manuals, e.g., Lee et al.
(1983), Clayton et al. (1993), Caquot and Kerisel (1948, 1953),
7.2 Classical and plasticity solutions fo r earth pressures
Kerisel and Absi (1990), so there is no need to reproduce com­
As indicated by Clayton et al. (1993), work continued during the prehensive listings here. However, it is instructive to present a
20th century on refining and extending the available analytical comparison of selected earth pressure coefficients obtained using
solutions for earth pressures, following reassessment o f their un­ the Coulomb analysis (C) assuming a planar failure surface, rig­
derlying assumptions and in response to observations that indi­ orous plasticity analysis (P), and the lower bound theorem of the
cated pressure distributions which did not increase linearly with theory of plasticity (L). Such a comparison has been provided by
depth, as implied by Coulomb. In particular, Prandtl (1921), Chen (1975) and reproduced in Lee et al. (1983). It is also re­
Hencky (1923) and Sokolovsky (1960) obtained a range of ac­ produced here in Table 7.1. The symbol 5 is used in this table to
tive and passive pressure solutions for a c, 0, y soil. Solutions for indicate the angle of friction relevant to the interface between the
limiting earth pressures were also developed using the bound back of the wall and the retained soil.
theorems of plasticity. It should be noted, however, that upper The values in Table 7.1 reveal several important features. The
and lower bound solutions bracket the correct solution only for a Coulomb lim it analysis and the lower bound plasticity values
material with an associated plastic flow rule. are, for most practical purposes, equal in the active case. Thus
the planar failure surface assumed in the Coulomb analysis pro­
7.2.1 Kinematics vides reasonable predictions of the wall loads, despite the fact
Coulomb’s original solution implied a particular mode of wall that the actual failure surface may not be planar. This situation
movement, namely rotation about the base of the wall. Terzaghi should be contrasted with the passive case, where it is quite evi­
(1936), reasoning on the basis of analysis and observations of dent that a planar surface is inadequate; indeed it is completely
retaining structures, concluded that other modes of wall move­ incompatible with observation.
ment could lead to different pressure distributions. In particular For the passive case, the most complete set of rigorous solu­
if the wall exists before soil is placed behind it, or if the wall tions for the thrust on a rigid wall appear to be those produced by
could be placed with minimal disturbance to the soil, then before Lee and Herrington (1972a, 1972b). They expressed the hori­
any wall movement occurs, the pressures on the wall would be zontal and vertical components of the overall wall thrust in the
the earth pressures at rest. In an attempt to extend the theory of following form,
earth pressures, Terzaghi considered not only rotation of the wall
about its toe, but also translation away from the retained soil, as PHP = H [c N cHF + qN,HF + YHN,hf ) (7.3)
well as the at-rest condition.
Application of the Rankine solution to retaining walls has Pvp = H (c N cVF + qNqVP + y H N ^ ) (7.4)
also been criticised by Terzaghi (1936), among others, who indi­
cated that such a stress state could never exist behind a rigid in which q is the vertical surcharge applied to the surface of the
wall, principally because of the kinematic constraint against lat­ retained soil and H is the wall height. Components of the thrust
eral expansion required in the soil beneath the wall in order to factors NcP and NyP are give in Table 7.2. These values were ob­
develop the Rankine active condition throughout the entire soil tained by Lee and Herrington (1972a) using the lower bound
mass. The Rankine solution is also inapplicable if significant theorem of plasticity, for a material with an associated plastic
shear stresses are developed along the interface between the re­ flow rule. It is worth noting that they are also exact solutions for
tained soils and the back of the retaining wall. Other limitations the case where the wall translates and rotates about the base. The
of the Rankine solution have been clearly summarised by Clay­ angle ¡3, indicating the slope of the surface of the retained soil is
ton et al. (1993) and Lee et al. (1983). In particular they note positive when the backfill surface slopes up from the retaining
that if the retained soil has an inclined ground surface, the wall. The angle a indicates the slope of the back of the wall, i.e.,
Rankine passive condition must not be used since the resultant the included angle between the back face and the horizontal
force on the vertical plane w ill be inclined in the wrong direction leading away from the retained soil.
relative to the normal to the back o f the wall. Despite these criti­
cisms, a reinforced cantilevered retaining wall provides at least 7.2.3 Progressive failure
one situation where the Rankine active earth pressure solution is Both the Coulomb and Rankine analyses, as well as those based
relevant, e.g., see page 84 of Clayton et al. (1993). on the theory of plasticity, imply a solid, which behaves as a
rigid, perfectly plastic material, so that it is assumed the peak
7.2.2 Earth pressures on rigid retaining walls strength is mobilised throughout the failing soil mass at the same
The above limitations notwithstanding, research, mainly in the instant. Further, it is implied that failure of this type occurs after
latter part of the 20th century, has confirmed that active earth only infinitesimal movement. It is well known that some real
pressures computed using Coulomb’s lim it equilibrium method soils are compressible and most exhibit some strain hardening,
are, for all practical purposes, quite acceptable and are applicable followed by plastic failure which could also be associated with a
to the design o f rigid retaining structures. In this case, it is there­ reduction in strength (strain softening or progressive failure) as
fore unnecessary for geotechnical engineers to reject the Cou­ the wall movement and the strains in the soil increase. Since real
lomb approach in favour of the more rigorous plasticity theory. soils are compressible and can strain soften, there are many


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