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Allusion is a figure of speech, in which an object or circumstance from unrelated context is referenced
covertly or indirectly. It is left to the audience to make the direct connection; where the connection is
directly and explicitly stated by the author, it is instead usually termed a reference.


Diction, in its original, primary meaning, is a writer's or speaker's distinctive vocabulary choices and style
of expression in a poem or story.


In literature, an epigraph is a phrase, quotation, or poem that is set at the beginning of a document or
component. The epigraph may serve as a preface, as a summary, as a counter-example, or to link the
work to a wider literary canon, either to invite comparison or to enlist a conventional context.


A euphemism is a generally innocuous word or expression used in place of one that may be found
offensive or suggest something unpleasant. Some euphemisms are intended to amuse, while others use
bland, inoffensive terms for concepts that the user wishes to downplay.


Foreshadowing is a literary device in which a writer gives an advance hint of what is to come later in the
story. Foreshadowing often appears at the beginning of a story, or a chapter, and it helps the reader
develop expectations about the upcoming events. A writer may implement foreshadowing in many
different ways.


Imagery, in a literary text, is an author's use of vivid and descriptive language to add depth to their work. It
appeals to human senses to deepen the reader's understanding of the work. Powerful forms of imagery
engage all of the senses.


A metaphor is a figure of speech that, for rhetorical effect, directly refers to one thing by mentioning
another. It may provide clarity or identify hidden similarities between two ideas. Antithesis, hyperbole,
metonymy and simile are all types of metaphor.


A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two things. Similes are a form of metaphor that
explicitly use connecting words, though these specific words are not always necessary.


the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the

representation of an abstract quality in human form.
He was executed by the Spanish colonial government for the crime of rebellion after the Philippine
Revolution, inspired in part by his writings, broke out. Though he was not actively involved in its
planning or conduct, he ultimately approved of its goals which eventually led to Philippine

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