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TEST 1 4 2
POZIOM PODSTAWOWY 4.1. gambling is forbidden 2.1. I’m sorry, but arts and crafts are
1 4.2. ‘ve had this nagging feeling completely not my cup of coffee.
1.1. commute 4.3. such a run-down farmhouse tea
1.2. wrinkles 4.4. never met a more moody 2.2. It’s time that we put down some
1.3. affordable 4.5. concentration span increases/ rules here. laid
1.4. mean expands 2.3. Dad told me out when I came
1.5. retake home late again. off
1.6. garden 2.4. My boss is retiring and I’m
5.1. retirement supposed to take after from him.
1.7. unselfish
5.2. delighted over
2 5.3. accommodation 2.5. She’s been over the moonlight for
2.1. upset 5.4. privacy the last three weeks. moon
2.2. inhabitants 5.5. construction 2.6. I accepted the invitation against
2.3. embarrassed my best judgement. better
2.4. spacious TEST 2
2.7. They’ve been going out for ten
years, so isn’t it time to tie the
2.6. maintain 1 treat? knot
2.7. drawers 1.1. beautician
2.8. fashionable 3
1.2. inheritance
3.1. has been out of work
3 1.3. situations vacant
3.2. of your friends taken up
3.1. A 1.4. adolescence
3.3. out of the corner of his
3.2. B 1.5. skimmed milk
3.4. spoonful of sugar
3.3. C 1.6. dairy (products)
3.5. doesn’t look her age
3.4. A 1.7. tasteless
3.5. A 1.8. anniversary 4
2 4.1. motivational
4 4.2. overeating
4.1. B 2.1. F
4.3. microwavable
4.2. A 2.2. E
4.4. nutritionist
4.3. A 2.3. G
4.5. reasonably
4.4. B 2.4. D
4.5. A 2.5. A 5
2.6. B 5.1. C
5 2.7. C 5.2. D
5.1. C 5.3. A
5.2. B 3
5.4. B
5.3. C 3.1. B
5.5. D
5.4. C 3.2. C
5.4. B 3.3. C TEST 3
3.5. A
1 4
1.1. unforgettable
1.1. forge 4.1. B 1.2. accommodation
1.2. play truant 4.2. C 1.3. subtitles
1.3. cuffs 4.3. A 1.4. venue
1.4. clean-shaven 4.4. A 1.5. insurance
1.5. mortgage 4.5. B 1.6. statement
1.6. utensils 5 1.7. queues
1.7. compulsory 5.1. B
1.8. stunned 2
5.2. C 1.1. savings
2 5.3. B 1.2. breaking
2.1. common 5.4. A 1.3. performance
2.2. distinguishing 5.5. A 1.4. advance
2.3. minds POZIOM ROZSZERZONY 1.5. deadlines
2.4. need 1 1.6. accomplished
2.5. served 1.1. ✓ 1.7. lift
2.6. penalty 1.2. ✗ 1.8. purchase
2.7. residence 1.3. ✗ 3
3 1.4. ✗ 3.1. B
3.1. C 1.5. ✓ 3.2. C
3.2. A 1.6. ✓ 3.3. B
3.3. B 1.7. ✗ 3.4. A
3.4. C 1.8. ✓ 3.5. C
3.5. A


4 2 4
4.1. C 2.1. D 4.1. decision will not have influence
4.2. B 2.2. E on
4.3. C 2.3. G 4.2. gave me the once-over
4.4. C 2.4. C 4.3. much water but we made do
4.5. A 2.5. H 4.4. have been feeling/ have felt
2.6. B (slightly) off-colour
2.7. A 4.5. to face the consequences
5.1. C 2.8. F involved in
5.2. C
5.3. B 3 5
5.4. A 3.1. C 5.1. went onto a waiting list
5.5. B 3.2. A 5.2. has been taking care of her
3.3. C 5.3. need to dispose of
3.4. C 5.4. developed a cure for cancer
1 3.5. B 5.5. succeeded in building up a lead
1.1. faulty
1.2. remnant 4
1.3. sequel 4.1. B
1.4. faded 4.2. A
1.5. fraudulent 4.3. C
1.6. circulation 4.4. B
1.7. shortlist 4.5. A
1.8. fallacy
2 5.1. C
2.1. scorching 5.2. B
2.2. capacity 5.3. C
2.3. staple food 5.4. B
2.4. mesmerised 5.5. A
2.5. captions
2.6. travel sickness
2.7. came down with a bug 1
1.1. cutting-edge
3 1.2. personal best
3.1. is no point in dropping 1.3. give it a go
3.2. given a pay 1.4. gruelling
3.3. and parcel of 1.5. witch-doctor
3.4. have taken a long-haul 1.6. took an overdose
3.5. an early night 1.7. under the weather
1.8. at the onset
4.1. impression 2
4.2. unreachable 2.1. I often come out in an itchy rash
4.3. pursuits after exposition to sunlight.
4.4. best 2.2. Our coach always repeats that we
4.5. treatment should fight till the final whistle,
whatever the score.
2.3. Brushing regularly keeps your
5.1. have had enough of/ am fed up gums healthy.
with 2.4. There are no visible signs on your
5.2. must be bored to death skin, and the only symptom is an
5.3. would check comparison sites acute tension.
5.4. bought a pocket-sized 2.5. He punched him so hard that his
5.5. had a narrow escape knuckles were all bruised.
TEST 4 2.6. It might be incurable, but for
goodness sake, it’s not a fatal
2.7. I’ve experienced the pride of
1.1. helmet
being on a podium three times
1.2. painkillers
1.3. incurable
1.4. distant 3
1.5. lead 3.1. C
1.6. endorse 3.2. D
1.7. diabetes 3.3. A
3.4. C
3.5. D


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